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'use strict';
const assert = require('../../assert');
describe('Team Validator', () => {
it("should allow Shedinja to take exactly one level-up move from Ninjask in gen 3-4", () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'shedinja', ability: 'wonderguard', moves: ['silverwind', 'swordsdance'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen4ou');
team = [
{ species: 'shedinja', ability: 'wonderguard', moves: ['silverwind', 'batonpass'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen3ou');
team = [
{ species: 'shedinja', ability: 'wonderguard', moves: ['silverwind', 'swordsdance', 'batonpass'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'charmander', ability: 'blaze', moves: ['flareblitz', 'dragondance'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen4ou');
it('should correctly enforce levels on Pokémon with unusual encounters in RBY', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'dragonair', level: 15, moves: ['dragonrage'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'electrode', level: 15, moves: ['thunderbolt'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen1ou');
it('should correctly enforce per-game evolution restrictions', () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'raichualola', ability: 'surgesurfer', moves: ['doublekick'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen8anythinggoes');
team = [
{ species: 'raichualola', ability: 'surgesurfer', moves: ['sing', 'fakeout'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen8anythinggoes@@@minsourcegen=8');
team = [
{ species: 'exeggutoralola', ability: 'frisk', moves: ['psybeam'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen8anythinggoes');
// This works in Gen 9+ because of Mirror Herb
team = [
{ species: 'raichualola', ability: 'surgesurfer', moves: ['fakeout'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen9anythinggoes@@@minsourcegen=9');
it('should prevent Pokemon that don\'t evolve via level-up and evolve from a Pokemon that does evolve via level-up from being underleveled.', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'nidoking', level: 1, ability: 'sheerforce', moves: ['earthpower'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'mamoswine', level: 1, ability: 'oblivious', moves: ['earthquake'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7anythinggoes');
it('should require Pokémon transferred from Gens 1 and 2 to be above Level 2', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'pidgey', level: 1, ability: 'bigpecks', moves: ['curse'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7ou');
team[0].level = 2;
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7ou');
team[0].level = 3;
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen7ou');
it('should enforce Gen 1 minimum levels', () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'onix', level: 12, moves: ['headbutt'] },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen1ou');
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen2ou');
team = [
{ species: 'slowbro', level: 15, moves: ['earthquake'] },
{ species: 'voltorb', level: 14, moves: ['thunderbolt'] },
{ species: 'scyther', level: 15, moves: ['quickattack'] },
{ species: 'pinsir', level: 15, moves: ['visegrip'] },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen1ou');
it('should correctly enforce Shell Smash as a sketched move for Necturna prior to Gen 9', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'necturna', ability: 'forewarn', moves: ['shellsmash', 'vcreate'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen8cap');
it("should prevent Pokemon from having a Gen 3 tutor move and a Gen 4 ability together without evolving", () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'hitmonchan', ability: 'ironfist', moves: ['dynamicpunch'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen4ou');
// Clefairy can learn Softboiled and evolve into Magic Guard Clefable
team = [
{ species: 'clefable', ability: 'magicguard', moves: ['softboiled'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen4ou');
// Based on research by Anubis:
describe(`Hackmons formes`, () => {
it(`should reject battle-only formes in Gen 9, even in Hackmons`, () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'palafinhero', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'zamazentacrowned', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen9purehackmons');
it(`should also reject battle-only dexited formes in Gen 9 Hackmons`, () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'zygardecomplete', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'darmanitangalarzen', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'eternatuseternamax', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen9purehackmons');
it(`should not allow Xerneas with a hacked Ability in Gen 9 Hackmons`, () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'xerneasneutral', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen9purehackmons');
it(`should allow various other hacked formes in Gen 9 Hackmons`, () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'giratinaorigin', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'calyrexshadow', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'greninjaash', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'gengarmega', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'groudonprimal', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'necrozmaultra', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen9purehackmons');
it(`should not allow old gen-exclusive formes in Gen 9 Hackmons`, () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'pikachucosplay', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen9purehackmons');
team = [
{ species: 'pichuspikyeared', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen9purehackmons');
team = [
{ species: 'pokestarsmeargle', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen9purehackmons');
it(`should not allow CAP Pokemon in Gen 9 Hackmons`, () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'hemogoblin', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen9purehackmons');
it(`should allow battle-only formes in Hackmons before Gen 9`, () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'zamazentacrowned', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'zygardecomplete', ability: 'steadfast', moves: ['watergun'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen8customgame@@@-Nonexistent');
it('should allow various (underleveled) from Pokemon GO', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'mewtwo', level: 20, ability: 'pressure', moves: ['agility'], evs: { hp: 1 }, ivs: { hp: 1, atk: 1, def: 1, spa: 1, spd: 1 } },
{ species: 'donphan', level: 1, ability: 'sturdy', moves: ['endeavor'] },
{ species: 'mew', shiny: true, level: 15, ability: 'synchronize', moves: ['pound'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'uxie', level: 1, ability: 'levitate', moves: ['acrobatics'] },
{ species: 'zacian', ability: 'intrepidsword', moves: ['agility'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'volcarona', level: 2, ability: 'flamebody', moves: ['acrobatics'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen9ubers');
it('should disallow Pokemon from Pokemon GO knowing incompatible moves', () => {
const team = [
{ species: 'mew', shiny: true, level: 15, ability: 'synchronize', moves: ['aircutter'], evs: { hp: 1 }, ivs: { hp: 21, atk: 31, def: 21, spa: 21, spd: 31, spe: 0 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen8ou');
it('should check for legal combinations of prevo/evo-exclusive moves', () => {
let team = [
{ species: 'slowking', ability: 'oblivious', moves: ['counter', 'slackoff'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.false.legalTeam(team, 'gen7ou');
team = [
{ species: 'incineroar', ability: 'blaze', moves: ['knockoff', 'partingshot'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
{ species: 'shelloseast', ability: 'stickyhold', moves: ['infestation', 'stringshot'], evs: { hp: 1 } },
assert.legalTeam(team, 'gen8ou');