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* Code for uploading and managing replays.
* Ported to TypeScript by Annika and Mia.
import { SQL, PGDatabase } from '../lib/database';
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
export const replaysDB = Config.replaysdb ? new PGDatabase(Config.replaysdb) : null!;
export const replays = replaysDB?.getTable<
>('replays', 'id');
export const replayPlayers = replaysDB?.getTable<{
playerid: string,
formatid: string,
id: string,
rating: number | null,
uploadtime: number,
private: ReplayRow['private'],
password: string | null,
format: string,
/** comma-delimited player names */
players: string,
// must be a type and not an interface to qualify as an SQLRow
export type ReplayRow = {
id: string,
format: string,
/** player names delimited by `,`; starting with `!` denotes that player wants the replay private */
players: string,
log: string,
inputlog: string | null,
uploadtime: number,
views: number,
formatid: string,
rating: number | null,
* 0 = public
* 1 = private (with or without password)
* 3 = deleted
* 10 = autosaved
private: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 10,
password: string | null,
type Replay = Omit<ReplayRow, 'formatid' | 'players' | 'password' | 'views'> & {
players: string[],
views?: number,
password?: string | null,
export const Replays = new class {
db = replaysDB as unknown;
replaysTable = replays as unknown;
replayPlayersTable = replayPlayers as unknown;
readonly passwordCharacters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
toReplay(this: void, row: ReplayRow) {
const replay: Replay = {
players: row.players.split(',').map(player => player.startsWith('!') ? player.slice(1) : player),
if (!replay.password && replay.private === 1) replay.private = 2;
return replay;
toReplays(this: void, rows: ReplayRow[]) {
return => Replays.toReplay(row));
toReplayRow(this: void, replay: Replay) {
const formatid = toID(replay.format);
const replayData: ReplayRow = {
password: null,
views: 0,
players: replay.players.join(','),
if (replayData.private === 1 && !replayData.password) {
replayData.password = Replays.generatePassword();
} else {
if (replayData.private === 2) {
replayData.private = 1;
replayData.password = null;
return replayData;
async add(replay: Replay) {
// obviously upsert exists but this is the easiest way when multiple things need to be changed
const replayData = this.toReplayRow(replay);
try {
await replays.insert(replayData);
for (const playerName of replay.players) {
await replayPlayers.insert({
playerid: toID(playerName),
formatid: replayData.formatid,
rating: replayData.rating,
uploadtime: replayData.uploadtime,
private: replayData.private,
password: replayData.password,
format: replayData.format,
players: replayData.players,
} catch (e: any) {
if (e?.routine !== 'NewUniquenessConstraintViolationError') throw e;
await replays.update(, {
log: replayData.log,
inputlog: replayData.inputlog,
rating: replayData.rating,
private: replayData.private,
password: replayData.password,
await replayPlayers.updateAll({
rating: replayData.rating,
private: replayData.private,
password: replayData.password,
})`WHERE id = ${}`;
return + (replayData.password ? `-${replayData.password}pw` : '');
async get(id: string): Promise<Replay | null> {
const replayData = await replays.get(id);
if (!replayData) return null;
await replays.update(, { views: SQL`views + 1` });
return this.toReplay(replayData);
async edit(replay: Replay) {
const replayData = this.toReplayRow(replay);
await replays.update(, { private: replayData.private, password: replayData.password });
generatePassword(length = 31) {
let password = '';
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
password += this.passwordCharacters[crypto.randomInt(0, this.passwordCharacters.length - 1)];
return password;
search(args: {
page?: number, isPrivate?: boolean, byRating?: boolean,
format?: string, username?: string, username2?: string,
}): Promise<Replay[]> {
const page = || 0;
if (page > 100) return Promise.resolve([]);
let limit1 = 50 * (page - 1);
if (limit1 < 0) limit1 = 0;
const isPrivate = args.isPrivate ? 1 : 0;
const format = args.format ? toID(args.format) : null;
if (args.username) {
const order = args.byRating ? SQL`ORDER BY rating DESC` : SQL`ORDER BY uploadtime DESC`;
const userid = toID(args.username);
if (args.username2) {
const userid2 = toID(args.username2);
if (format) {
return replays.query()`SELECT
p1.uploadtime AS uploadtime, AS id, p1.format AS format, p1.players AS players,
p1.rating AS rating, p1.password AS password, p1.private AS private
FROM replayplayers p1 INNER JOIN replayplayers p2 ON =
WHERE p1.playerid = ${userid} AND p1.formatid = ${format} AND p1.private = ${isPrivate}
AND p2.playerid = ${userid2}
${order} LIMIT ${limit1}, 51;`.then(this.toReplays);
} else {
return replays.query()`SELECT
p1.uploadtime AS uploadtime, AS id, p1.format AS format, p1.players AS players,
p1.rating AS rating, p1.password AS password, p1.private AS private
FROM replayplayers p1 INNER JOIN replayplayers p2 ON =
WHERE p1.playerid = ${userid} AND p1.private = ${isPrivate}
AND p2.playerid = ${userid2}
${order} LIMIT ${limit1}, 51;`.then(this.toReplays);
} else {
if (format) {
return replays.query()`SELECT uploadtime, id, format, players, rating, password FROM replayplayers
WHERE playerid = ${userid} AND formatid = ${format} AND private = ${isPrivate}
${order} LIMIT ${limit1}, 51;`.then(this.toReplays);
} else {
return replays.query()`SELECT uploadtime, id, format, players, rating, password FROM replayplayers
WHERE playerid = ${userid} private = ${isPrivate}
${order} LIMIT ${limit1}, 51;`.then(this.toReplays);
if (args.byRating) {
return replays.query()`SELECT uploadtime, id, format, players, rating, password
FROM replays
WHERE private = ${isPrivate} AND formatid = ${format} ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT ${limit1}, 51`
} else {
return replays.query()`SELECT uploadtime, id, format, players, rating, password
FROM replays
WHERE private = ${isPrivate} AND formatid = ${format} ORDER BY uploadtime DESC LIMIT ${limit1}, 51`
fullSearch(term: string, page = 0): Promise<Replay[]> {
if (page > 0) return Promise.resolve([]);
const patterns = term.split(',').map(subterm => {
const escaped = subterm.replace(/%/g, '\\%').replace(/_/g, '\\_');
return `%${escaped}%`;
if (patterns.length !== 1 && patterns.length !== 2) return Promise.resolve([]);
const secondPattern = patterns.length >= 2 ? SQL`AND log LIKE ${patterns[1]} ` : undefined;
return replays.query()`SELECT /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(10000) */
uploadtime, id, format, players, rating FROM ps_replays
WHERE private = 0 AND log LIKE ${patterns[0]} ${secondPattern}
ORDER BY uploadtime DESC LIMIT 10;`.then(this.toReplays);
recent() {
return replays.selectAll(
SQL`uploadtime, id, format, players, rating`
)`WHERE private = 0 ORDER BY uploadtime DESC LIMIT 50`.then(this.toReplays);
export default Replays;