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import { FS, Utils } from '../../lib';
export const ROOMFAQ_FILE = 'config/chat-plugins/faqs.json';
const MAX_ROOMFAQ_LENGTH = 8192;
export const roomFaqs: { [k: string]: { [k: string]: RoomFAQ } } = (() => {
const data = JSON.parse(FS(ROOMFAQ_FILE).readIfExistsSync() || "{}");
let save = false;
for (const k in data) {
for (const name in data[k]) {
if (typeof data[k][name] === 'string') {
data[k][name] = convertFaq(data[k][name]);
save = true;
if (save) saveRoomFaqs(data);
return data;
interface RoomFAQ {
source: string;
alias?: boolean;
html?: boolean;
function saveRoomFaqs(table?: { [k: string]: { [k: string]: RoomFAQ } }) {
FS(ROOMFAQ_FILE).writeUpdate(() => JSON.stringify(table || roomFaqs));
function convertFaq(faq: string): RoomFAQ {
if (faq.startsWith('>')) {
return {
alias: true,
source: faq.slice(1),
return {
source: faq,
export function visualizeFaq(faq: RoomFAQ) {
if (faq.html) {
return faq.source;
return Chat.formatText(faq.source, true);
export function getAlias(roomid: RoomID, key: string) {
if (!roomFaqs[roomid]) return false;
const value = roomFaqs[roomid][key];
if (value?.alias) return value.source;
return false;
export const commands: Chat.ChatCommands = {
addhtmlfaq: 'addfaq',
addfaq(target, room, user, connection) {
room = this.requireRoom();
const useHTML = this.cmd.includes('html');
this.checkCan('ban', null, room);
if (useHTML && !user.can('addhtml', null, room, this.fullCmd)) {
return this.errorReply(`You are not allowed to use raw HTML in roomfaqs.`);
if (!room.persist) return this.errorReply("This command is unavailable in temporary rooms.");
if (!target) return this.parse('/help roomfaq');
target = target.trim();
const input = this.filter(target);
if (target !== input) return this.errorReply("You are not allowed to use fitered words in roomfaq entries.");
let [topic,] = input.split(',');
topic = toID(topic);
if (!(topic && rest.length)) return this.parse('/help roomfaq');
let text = rest.join(',').trim();
if (topic.length > 25) return this.errorReply("FAQ topics should not exceed 25 characters.");
const lengthWithoutFormatting = Chat.stripFormatting(text).length;
if (lengthWithoutFormatting > MAX_ROOMFAQ_LENGTH) {
return this.errorReply(`FAQ entries must not exceed ${MAX_ROOMFAQ_LENGTH} characters.`);
} else if (lengthWithoutFormatting < 1) {
return this.errorReply(`FAQ entries must include at least one character.`);
if (!useHTML) {
text = text.replace(/^>/, '>');
} else {
text = text.replace(/\n/ig, '<br />');
text = this.checkHTML(text);
if (!roomFaqs[room.roomid]) roomFaqs[room.roomid] = {};
const exists = topic in roomFaqs[room.roomid];
roomFaqs[room.roomid][topic] = {
source: text,
html: useHTML,
this.privateModAction(`${} ${exists ? 'edited' : 'added'} an FAQ for '${topic}'`);
this.modlog('RFAQ', null, `${exists ? 'edited' : 'added'} '${topic}'`);
removefaq(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('ban', null, room);
const topic = toID(target);
if (!topic) return this.parse('/help roomfaq');
if (!roomFaqs[room.roomid]?.[topic]) return this.errorReply("Invalid topic.");
if (
room.settings.repeats?.length &&
room.settings.repeats.filter(x => x.faq && === topic).length
) {
this.parse(`/msgroom ${room.roomid},/removerepeat ${topic}`);
delete roomFaqs[room.roomid][topic];
val => getAlias(room.roomid, val) === topic
val => delete roomFaqs[room.roomid][val]
if (!Object.keys(roomFaqs[room.roomid]).length) delete roomFaqs[room.roomid];
this.privateModAction(`${} removed the FAQ for '${topic}'`);
this.modlog('ROOMFAQ', null, `removed ${topic}`);
addalias(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('ban', null, room);
if (!room.persist) return this.errorReply("This command is unavailable in temporary rooms.");
const [alias, topic] = target.split(',').map(val => toID(val));
if (!(alias && topic)) return this.parse('/help roomfaq');
if (alias.length > 25) return this.errorReply("FAQ topics should not exceed 25 characters.");
if (alias === topic) return this.errorReply("You cannot make the alias have the same name as the topic.");
if (roomFaqs[room.roomid][alias] && !roomFaqs[room.roomid][alias].alias) {
return this.errorReply("You cannot overwrite an existing topic with an alias; please delete the topic first.");
if (!(roomFaqs[room.roomid] && topic in roomFaqs[room.roomid])) {
return this.errorReply(`The topic ${topic} was not found in this room's faq list.`);
if (getAlias(room.roomid, topic)) {
return this.errorReply(`You cannot make an alias of an alias. Use /addalias ${alias}, ${getAlias(room.roomid, topic)} instead.`);
roomFaqs[room.roomid][alias] = {
alias: true,
source: topic,
this.privateModAction(`${} added an alias for '${topic}': ${alias}`);
this.modlog('ROOMFAQ', null, `alias for '${topic}' - ${alias}`);
viewfaq: 'roomfaq',
rfaq: 'roomfaq',
roomfaq(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
room = this.requireRoom();
if (!roomFaqs[room.roomid]) return this.errorReply("This room has no FAQ topics.");
let topic: string = toID(target);
if (topic === 'constructor') return false;
if (!topic) {
return this.parse(`/join view-roomfaqs-${room.roomid}`);
if (!roomFaqs[room.roomid][topic]) return this.errorReply("Invalid topic.");
topic = getAlias(room.roomid, topic) || topic;
if (!this.runBroadcast()) return;
const rfaq = roomFaqs[room.roomid][topic];
if (!this.broadcasting && user.can('ban', null, room, 'addfaq')) {
const code = Utils.escapeHTML(rfaq.source).replace(/\n/g, '<br />');
const command = rfaq.html ? 'addhtmlfaq' : 'addfaq';
this.sendReplyBox(`<details><summary>Source</summary><code style="white-space: pre-wrap; display: table; tab-size: 3">/${command} ${topic}, ${code}</code></details>`);
roomfaqhelp: [
`/roomfaq - Shows the list of all available FAQ topics`,
`/roomfaq <topic> - Shows the FAQ for <topic>.`,
`/addfaq <topic>, <text> - Adds an entry for <topic> in this room or updates it. Requires: @ # ~`,
`/addhtmlfaq <topic>, <text> - Adds or updates an entry for <topic> with HTML support. Requires: # ~`,
`/addalias <alias>, <topic> - Adds <alias> as an alias for <topic>, displaying it when users use /roomfaq <alias>. Requires: @ # ~`,
`/removefaq <topic> - Removes the entry for <topic> in this room. If used on an alias, removes the alias. Requires: @ # ~`,
export const pages: Chat.PageTable = {
roomfaqs(args, user) {
const room = this.requireRoom();
this.title = `[Room FAQs]`;
// allow it for users if they can access the room
if (!room.checkModjoin(user)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`<h2>Access denied.</h2>`);
let buf = `<div class="pad"><button style="float:right;" class="button" name="send" value="/join view-roomfaqs-${room.roomid}"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> Refresh</button>`;
if (!roomFaqs[room.roomid]) {
return `${buf}<h2>This room has no FAQs.</h2></div>`;
buf += `<h2>FAQs for ${room.title}:</h2>`;
const keys = Object.keys(roomFaqs[room.roomid]);
const sortedKeys = Utils.sortBy(keys.filter(val => !getAlias(room.roomid, val)));
for (const key of sortedKeys) {
const topic = roomFaqs[room.roomid][key];
buf += `<div class="infobox">`;
buf += `<h3>${key}</h3>`;
buf += `<hr />`;
buf += visualizeFaq(topic);
const aliases = keys.filter(val => getAlias(room.roomid, val) === key);
if (aliases.length) {
buf += `<hr /><strong>Aliases:</strong> ${aliases.join(', ')}`;
if (user.can('ban', null, room, 'addfaq')) {
const src = Utils.escapeHTML(topic.source).replace(/\n/g, `<br />`);
const command = topic.html ? 'addhtmlfaq' : 'addfaq';
buf += `<hr /><details><summary>Raw text</summary>`;
buf += `<code style="white-space: pre-wrap; display: table; tab-size: 3;">/${command} ${key}, ${src}</code></details>`;
buf += `<hr /><button class="button" name="send" value="/msgroom ${room.roomid},/removefaq ${key}">Delete FAQ</button>`;
buf += `</div>`;
buf += `</div>`;
return buf;
export const handlers: Chat.Handlers = {
onRenameRoom(oldID, newID) {
if (roomFaqs[oldID]) {
if (!roomFaqs[newID]) roomFaqs[newID] = {};
Object.assign(roomFaqs[newID], roomFaqs[oldID]);
delete roomFaqs[oldID];
process.nextTick(() => {
Chat.multiLinePattern.register('/add(htmlfaq|faq) ');