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* Chat plugin for repeating messages in chat
* Based on bot functionality from Kid A and Expecto Botronum
* @author Annika, Zarel
import { roomFaqs, getAlias, visualizeFaq } from './room-faqs';
import type { MessageHandler } from '../rooms';
export interface RepeatedPhrase {
/** Identifier for deleting */
id: ID;
phrase: string;
/** interval in milliseconds */
interval: number;
faq?: boolean;
isByMessages?: boolean;
isHTML?: boolean;
export const Repeats = new class {
// keying to Room rather than RoomID will help us correctly handle room renames
/** room:identifier:phrase:timeout map */
repeats = new Map<BasicRoom, Map<ID, Map<string, NodeJS.Timeout | MessageHandler>>>();
constructor() {
for (const room of Rooms.rooms.values()) {
if (!room.settings?.repeats?.length) continue;
for (const repeat of room.settings.repeats) {
this.runRepeat(room, repeat);
removeRepeatHandler(room: BasicRoom, handler?: NodeJS.Timeout | MessageHandler) {
if (typeof handler === 'function') {
} else if (typeof handler === 'object') {
hasRepeat(room: BasicRoom, id: ID) {
return !!this.repeats.get(room)?.get(id);
addRepeat(room: BasicRoom, repeat: RepeatedPhrase) {
this.runRepeat(room, repeat);
if (!room.settings.repeats) room.settings.repeats = [];
removeRepeat(room: BasicRoom, id: ID) {
if (!room.settings.repeats) return;
const phrase = room.settings.repeats.find(x => === id)?.phrase;
room.settings.repeats = room.settings.repeats.filter(repeat => !== id);
if (!room.settings.repeats.length) delete room.settings.repeats;
const roomRepeats = this.repeats.get(room);
if (!roomRepeats) return;
const oldInterval = roomRepeats.get(id)?.get(phrase!);
this.removeRepeatHandler(room, oldInterval);
clearRepeats(room: BasicRoom) {
const roomRepeats = this.repeats.get(room);
if (!roomRepeats) return;
for (const ids of roomRepeats.values()) {
for (const interval of ids.values()) {
this.removeRepeatHandler(room, interval);
runRepeat(room: BasicRoom, repeat: RepeatedPhrase) {
let roomRepeats = this.repeats.get(room);
if (!roomRepeats) {
roomRepeats = new Map();
this.repeats.set(room, roomRepeats);
const { id, phrase, interval } = repeat;
if (roomRepeats.has(id)) {
throw new Error(`Repeat already exists`);
const repeater = (targetRoom: BasicRoom) => {
if (targetRoom !== Rooms.get(targetRoom.roomid)) {
// room was deleted
const repeatedPhrase = repeat.faq ?
visualizeFaq(roomFaqs[targetRoom.roomid][]) : Chat.formatText(phrase, true);
const formattedText = repeat.isHTML ? phrase : repeatedPhrase;
targetRoom.add(`|uhtml|repeat-${}|<div class="infobox">${formattedText}</div>`);
if (repeat.isByMessages) {
room.nthMessageHandlers.set(repeater, interval);
roomRepeats.set(id, new Map().set(phrase, repeater));
} else {
roomRepeats.set(id, new Map().set(phrase, setInterval(repeater, interval, room)));
destroy() {
for (const [room, roomRepeats] of this.repeats) {
for (const ids of roomRepeats.values()) {
for (const interval of ids.values()) {
this.removeRepeatHandler(room, interval);
export function destroy() {
export const pages: Chat.PageTable = {
repeats(args, user) {
const room = this.requireRoom();
this.title = `[Repeats]`;
this.checkCan("mute", null, room);
let html = `<div class="ladder pad">`;
html += `<button class="button" name="send" value="/join view-repeats-${room.roomid}" style="float: right"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> ${`Refresh`}</button>`;
if (!room.settings.repeats?.length) {
return `${html}<h1>${`There are no repeated phrases in ${room.title}.`}</h1></div>`;
html += `<h2>${`Repeated phrases in ${room.title}`}</h2>`;
html += `<table><tr><th>${`Identifier`}</th><th>${`Phrase`}</th><th>${`Raw text`}</th><th>${`Interval`}</th><th>${`Action`}</th>`;
for (const repeat of room.settings.repeats) {
const minutes = repeat.interval / (repeat.isByMessages ? 1 : 60 * 1000);
const repeatText = repeat.faq ? roomFaqs[room.roomid][].source : repeat.phrase;
const phrase = repeat.faq ? visualizeFaq(roomFaqs[room.roomid][]) :
repeat.isHTML ? repeat.phrase : Chat.formatText(repeatText, true);
html += `<tr><td>${}</td><td>${phrase}</td><td>${Chat.getReadmoreCodeBlock(repeatText)}</td><td>${repeat.isByMessages ?`every ${minutes} chat message(s)` :`every ${minutes} minute(s)`}</td>`;
html += `<td><button class="button" name="send" value="/msgroom ${room.roomid},/removerepeat ${}">${`Remove`}</button></td>`;
html += `</table>`;
if (user.can("editroom", null, room)) {
html += `<br /><button class="button" name="send" value="/msgroom ${room.roomid},/removeallrepeats">${`Remove all repeats`}</button>`;
html += `</div>`;
return html;
export const commands: Chat.ChatCommands = {
repeatbymessages: 'repeat',
repeathtmlbymessages: 'repeat',
repeathtml: 'repeat',
repeat(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
const isHTML = cmd.includes('html');
const isByMessages = cmd.includes('bymessages');
room = this.requireRoom();
if (room.settings.isPersonal) return this.errorReply(`Personal rooms do not support repeated messages.`);
this.checkCan(isHTML ? 'addhtml' : 'mute', null, room);
const [intervalString, name, ...messageArray] = target.split(',');
const id = toID(name);
if (!id) throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Repeat names must include at least one alphanumeric character.`);
const phrase = messageArray.join(',').trim();
const interval = parseInt(intervalString);
if (isNaN(interval) || !/[0-9]{1,}/.test(intervalString) || interval < 1 || interval > 24 * 60) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You must specify an interval as a number of minutes or chat messages between 1 and 1440.`);
if (Repeats.hasRepeat(room, id)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The phrase labeled with "${id}" is already being repeated in this room.`);
if (isHTML) this.checkHTML(phrase);
Repeats.addRepeat(room, {
// convert to milliseconds for time-based repeats
interval: interval * (isByMessages ? 1 : 60 * 1000),
this.modlog('REPEATPHRASE', null, `every ${interval} ${isByMessages ? `chat messages` : `minute`}${Chat.plural(interval)}: "${phrase.replace(/\n/g, ' ')}"`);
isByMessages ?`${} set the phrase labeled with "${id}" to be repeated every ${interval} chat message(s).` :`${} set the phrase labeled with "${id}" to be repeated every ${interval} minute(s).`
repeathelp() {
`<code>/repeat [minutes], [id], [phrase]</code>: repeats a given phrase every [minutes] minutes. Requires: % @ # ~<br />` +
`<code>/repeathtml [minutes], [id], [phrase]</code>: repeats a given phrase containing HTML every [minutes] minutes. Requires: # ~<br />` +
`<code>/repeatfaq [minutes], [FAQ name/alias]</code>: repeats a given Room FAQ every [minutes] minutes. Requires: % @ # ~<br />` +
`<code>/removerepeat [id]</code>: removes a repeated phrase. Requires: % @ # ~<br />` +
`<code>/viewrepeats [optional room]</code>: Displays all repeated phrases in a room. Requires: % @ # ~<br />` +
`You can append <code>bymessages</code> to a <code>/repeat</code> command to repeat a phrase based on how many messages have been sent in chat. For example, <code>/repeatfaqbymessages ...</code><br />` +
`Phrases for <code>/repeat</code> can include normal chat formatting, but not commands.`
repeatfaqbymessages: 'repeatfaq',
repeatfaq(target, room, user, connection, cmd) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('mute', null, room);
if (room.settings.isPersonal) return this.errorReply(`Personal rooms do not support repeated messages.`);
const isByMessages = cmd.includes('bymessages');
let [intervalString, topic] = target.split(',');
const interval = parseInt(intervalString);
if (isNaN(interval) || !/[0-9]{1,}/.test(intervalString) || interval < 1 || interval > 24 * 60) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`You must specify an interval as a number of minutes or chat messages between 1 and 1440.`);
if (!roomFaqs[room.roomid]) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`This room has no FAQs.`);
topic = toID(getAlias(room.roomid, topic) || topic);
const faq = roomFaqs[room.roomid][topic];
if (!faq) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`Invalid topic.`);
if (Repeats.hasRepeat(room, topic as ID)) {
throw new Chat.ErrorMessage(`The text for the Room FAQ "${topic}" is already being repeated.`);
Repeats.addRepeat(room, {
id: topic as ID,
phrase: faq.source,
interval: interval * (isByMessages ? 1 : 60 * 1000),
faq: true,
this.modlog('REPEATPHRASE', null, `every ${interval} ${isByMessages ? 'chat message' : 'minute'}${Chat.plural(interval)}: the Room FAQ for "${topic}"`);
isByMessages ?`${} set the Room FAQ "${topic}" to be repeated every ${interval} chat message(s).` :`${} set the Room FAQ "${topic}" to be repeated every ${interval} minute(s).`
deleterepeat: 'removerepeat',
removerepeat(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
const id = toID(target);
if (!id) {
return this.parse(`/help repeat`);
this.checkCan('mute', null, room);
if (!room.settings.repeats?.length) {
return this.errorReply(`There are no repeated phrases in this room.`);
if (!Repeats.hasRepeat(room, id)) {
return this.errorReply(`The phrase labeled with "${id}" is not being repeated in this room.`);
Repeats.removeRepeat(room, id);
this.modlog('REMOVE REPEATPHRASE', null, `"${id}"`);
this.privateModAction(`${} removed the repeated phrase labeled with "${id}".`);
removeallrepeats(target, room, user) {
room = this.requireRoom();
this.checkCan('declare', null, room);
if (!room.settings.repeats?.length) {
return this.errorReply(`There are no repeated phrases in this room.`);
for (const { id } of room.settings.repeats) {
Repeats.removeRepeat(room, id);
this.modlog('REMOVE REPEATPHRASE', null, 'all repeated phrases');
this.privateModAction(`${} removed all repeated phrases.`);
repeats: 'viewrepeats',
viewrepeats(target, room, user) {
const roomid = toID(target) || room?.roomid;
if (!roomid) return this.errorReply(`You must specify a room when using this command in PMs.`);
this.parse(`/j view-repeats-${roomid}`);
process.nextTick(() => {
Chat.multiLinePattern.register('/repeat(html|faq)?(bymessages)? ');