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'use strict';
* The server port - the port to run Pokemon Showdown under
* @type {number}
exports.port = 8000;
* The server address - the address at which Pokemon Showdown should be hosting
* This should be kept set to unless you know what you're doing.
* @type {string}
exports.bindaddress = '';
* workers - the number of networking child processes to spawn
* This should be no greater than the number of threads available on your
* server's CPU. If you're not sure how many you have, you can check from a
* terminal by running:
* $ node -e "console.log(require('os').cpus().length)"
* Using more workers than there are available threads will cause performance
* issues. Keeping a couple threads available for use for OS-related work and
* other PS processes will likely give you the best performance, if your
* server's CPU is capable of multithreading. If you don't know what any of
* this means or you are unfamiliar with PS' networking code, leave this set
* to 1.
exports.workers = 1;
* wsdeflate - compresses WebSocket messages
* Toggles use of the Sec-WebSocket-Extension permessage-deflate extension.
* This compresses messages sent and received over a WebSocket connection
* using the zlib compression algorithm. As a caveat, message compression
* may make messages take longer to procress.
* @type {AnyObject?}
exports.wsdeflate = null;
// example:
exports.wsdeflate = {
level: 5,
memLevel: 8,
strategy: 0,
noContextTakeover: true,
requestNoContextTakeover: true,
maxWindowBits: 15,
requestMaxWindowBits: 15,
}; */
* ssl - support WSS, allowing you to access through HTTPS
* The client requires port 443, so if you use a different port here,
* it will need to be forwarded to 443 through iptables rules or
* something.
* @type {{port: number, options: {key: string, cert: string}} | null}
exports.ssl = null;
// example:
exports.ssl = {
port: 443,
options: {
key: './config/ssl/privkey.pem',
cert: './config/ssl/fullchain.pem',
Main's SSL deploy script from Let's Encrypt looks like:
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ ~user/Pokemon-Showdown/config/ssl/
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ ~user/Pokemon-Showdown/config/ssl/
chown user:user ~user/Pokemon-Showdown/config/ssl/privkey.pem
chown user:user ~user/Pokemon-Showdown/config/ssl/fullchain.pem
* proxyip - proxy IPs with trusted X-Forwarded-For headers
* This can be either false (meaning not to trust any proxies) or an array
* of strings. Each string should be either an IP address or a subnet given
* in CIDR notation. You should usually leave this as `false` unless you
* know what you are doing
* @type {false | string[]}.
exports.proxyip = false;
* Various debug options
* ofe[something]
* ============================================================================
* Write heapdumps if that processs run out of memory.
* If you wish to enable this, you will need to install node-oom-heapdump:
* $ npm install --no-save node-oom-heapdump
* We don't install it by default because it's super flaky and frequently
* crashes the installation process.
* You might also want to signal processes to put them in debug mode, for
* access to on-demand heapdumps.
* kill -s SIGUSR1 [pid]
* debug[something]processes
* ============================================================================
* Attach a `debug` property to `ProcessWrapper`, allowing you to see the last
* message it received before it hit an infinite loop.
* For example:
* >> ProcessManager.processManagers[4].processes[0].debug
* << "{"tar":"spe=60,all,!lc,!nfe","cmd":"dexsearch","canAll":true,"message":"/ds spe=60,all,!lc,!nfe"}"
exports.ofemain = false;
exports.ofesockets = false;
exports.debugsimprocesses = true;
exports.debugvalidatorprocesses = true;
exports.debugdexsearchprocesses = true;
* Pokemon of the Day - put a pokemon's name here to make it Pokemon of the Day
* The PotD will always be in the #2 slot (not #1 so it won't be a lead)
* in every Random Battle team.
* @type {ID}
exports.potd = '';
* crash guard - write errors to log file instead of crashing
* This is normally not recommended - if Node wants to crash, the
* server needs to be restarted
* However, most people want the server to stay online even if there is a
* crash, so this option is provided
exports.crashguard = true;
* login server data - don't forget the http:// and the trailing slash
* This is the URL of the user database and ladder mentioned earlier.
* Don't change this setting - there aren't any other login servers right now
exports.loginserver = '';
exports.loginserverkeyalgo = "RSA-SHA1";
exports.loginserverpublickeyid = 4;
exports.loginserverpublickey = `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
* routes - where Pokemon Showdown is hosted.
* Don't change this setting - there aren't any other options right now
exports.routes = {
root: '',
client: '',
dex: '',
replays: '',
* crashguardemail - if the server has been running for more than an hour
* and crashes, send an email using these settings, rather than locking down
* the server. Uncomment this definition if you want to use this feature;
* otherwise, all crashes will lock down the server. If you wish to enable
* this setting, you will need to install nodemailer, as it is not installed
* by default:
* $ npm install nodemailer
* @type {AnyObject?}
exports.crashguardemail = null;
/* exports.crashguardemail = {
options: {
host: '',
port: 465,
secure: true,
auth: {
user: '[email protected]',
pass: 'password'
from: '[email protected]',
to: '[email protected]',
subject: 'Pokemon Showdown has crashed!'
}; */
* basic name filter - removes characters used for impersonation
* The basic name filter removes Unicode characters that can be used for impersonation,
* like the upside-down exclamation mark (looks like an i), the Greek omicron (looks
* like an o), etc. Disable only if you need one of the alphabets it disables, such as
* Greek or Cyrillic.
exports.disablebasicnamefilter = false;
* allowrequestingties - enables the use of `/offerdraw` and `/acceptdraw`
exports.allowrequestingties = true;
* report joins and leaves - shows messages like "<USERNAME> joined"
* Join and leave messages are small and consolidated, so there will never
* be more than one line of messages.
* If this setting is set to `true`, it will override the client-side
* /hidejoins configuration for users.
* This feature can lag larger servers - turn this off if your server is
* getting more than 80 or so users.
exports.reportjoins = true;
* report joins and leaves periodically - sends silent join and leave messages in batches
* This setting will only be effective if `reportjoins` is set to false, and users will
* only be able to see the messages if they have the /showjoins client-side setting enabled.
* Set this to a positive amount of milliseconds if you want to enable this feature.
exports.reportjoinsperiod = 0;
* report battles - shows messages like "OU battle started" in the lobby
* This feature can lag larger servers - turn this off if your server is
* getting more than 160 or so users.
* @type {boolean | string[] | string}
exports.reportbattles = true;
* report joins and leaves in battle - shows messages like "<USERNAME> joined" in battle
* Set this to false on large tournament servers where battles get a lot of joins and leaves.
* Note that the feature of turning this off is deprecated.
exports.reportbattlejoins = true;
* notify staff when users have a certain amount of room punishments.
* Setting this to a number greater than zero will notify staff for everyone with
* the required amount of room punishments.
* Set this to 0 to turn the monitor off.
exports.monitorminpunishments = 3;
* Turns off all time-based throttles - rename, challenges, laddering, etc.
exports.nothrottle = false;
* Removes all ip-based alt checking.
exports.noipchecks = false;
* controls the behavior of the /battlesearch command
* valid values are:
* - true: disables battlesearch entirely
* - false: enables the node.js /battlesearch
* (uses either node fs or ripgrep for searching)
* - 'psbattletools': defaults to the psbattletools /battlesearch (normally available as /alternatebattlesearch)
* (uses psbattletools, which must be installed, for searching)
* @type {boolean | 'psbattletools'}
exports.nobattlesearch = false;
* allow punishmentmonitor to lock users with multiple roombans.
* When set to `true`, this feature will automatically lock any users with three or more
* active roombans, and notify the staff room.
* Note that this requires punishmentmonitor to be enabled, and therefore requires the `monitorminpunishments`
* option to be set to a number greater than zero. If `monitorminpunishments` is set to a value greater than 3,
* the autolock will only apply to people who pass this threshold.
exports.punishmentautolock = false;
* restrict sending links to autoconfirmed users only.
* If this is set to `true`, only autoconfirmed users can send links to either chatrooms or other users, except for staff members.
* This option can be used if your server has trouble with spammers mass PMing links to users, or trolls sending malicious links.
exports.restrictLinks = false;
* whitelist - prevent users below a certain group from doing things
* For the modchat settings, false will allow any user to participate, while a string
* with a group symbol will restrict it to that group and above. The string
* 'autoconfirmed' is also supported for chatmodchat and battlemodchat, to restrict
* chat to autoconfirmed users.
* This is usually intended to be used as a whitelist feature - set these to '+' and
* voice every user you want whitelisted on the server.
* chat modchat - default minimum group for speaking in chatrooms; changeable with /modchat
* @type {false | string}
exports.chatmodchat = false;
* battle modchat - default minimum group for speaking in battles; changeable with /modchat
* @type {false | AuthLevel}
exports.battlemodchat = false;
* PM modchat - minimum group for sending private messages or challenges to other users
* @type {false | AuthLevel}
exports.pmmodchat = false;
* ladder modchat - minimum group for laddering
* @type {false | GroupSymbol}
exports.laddermodchat = false;
* forced timer - force the timer on for all battles
* Players will be unable to turn it off.
* This setting can also be turned on with the command /forcetimer.
* @type {boolean}
exports.forcetimer = false;
* force register ELO - unregistered users cannot search for ladder battles
* in formats where their ELO is at or above this value.
* @type {false | number}
exports.forceregisterelo = false;
* backdoor - allows Pokemon Showdown system operators to provide technical
* support for your server
* This backdoor gives system operators (such as Zarel) console admin
* access to your server, which allow them to provide tech support. This
* can be useful in a variety of situations: if an attacker attacks your
* server and you are not online, if you need help setting up your server,
* etc. If you do not trust Pokemon Showdown with admin access, you should
* disable this feature.
exports.backdoor = true;
* List of IPs and user IDs with dev console (>> and >>>) access.
* The console is incredibly powerful because it allows the execution of
* arbitrary commands on the local computer (as the user running the
* server). If an account with the console permission were compromised,
* it could possibly be used to take over the server computer. As such,
* you should only specify a small range of trusted IPs and users here,
* or none at all. By default, only localhost can use the dev console.
* In addition to connecting from a valid IP, a user must *also* have
* the `console` permission in order to use the dev console.
* Setting this to an empty array ([]) will disable the dev console.
exports.consoleips = [''];
* Whether to watch the config file for changes. If this is enabled,
* then the config.js file will be reloaded when it is changed.
* This can be used to change some settings using a text editor on
* the server.
exports.watchconfig = true;
* logchat - whether to log chat rooms.
exports.logchat = false;
* logchallenges - whether to log challenge battles. Useful for tournament servers.
exports.logchallenges = false;
* loguserstats - how often (in milliseconds) to write user stats to the
* lobby log. This has no effect if `logchat` is disabled.
exports.loguserstats = 1000 * 60 * 10; // 10 minutes
* validatorprocesses - the number of processes to use for validating teams
* simulatorprocesses - the number of processes to use for handling battles
* You should leave both of these at 1 unless your server has a very large
* amount of traffic (i.e. hundreds of concurrent battles).
exports.validatorprocesses = 1;
exports.simulatorprocesses = 1;
* inactiveuserthreshold - how long a user must be inactive before being pruned
* from the `users` array. The default is 1 hour.
exports.inactiveuserthreshold = 1000 * 60 * 60;
* autolockdown - whether or not to automatically kill the server when it is
* in lockdown mode and the final battle finishes. This is potentially useful
* to prevent forgetting to restart after a lockdown where battles are finished.
* @type {boolean}
exports.autolockdown = true;
* noguestsecurity - purely for development servers: allows logging in without
* a signed token: simply send `/trn [USERNAME]`. This allows using PS without
* a login server.
* Logging in this way will make you considered an unregistered user and grant
* no authority. You cannot log into a trusted (g+/r%) user account this way.
exports.noguestsecurity = false;
* tourroom - specify a room to receive tournament announcements (defaults to
* the room 'tournaments').
* tourannouncements - announcements are only allowed in these rooms
* tourdefaultplayercap - a set cap of how many players can be in a tournament
* ratedtours - toggles tournaments being ladder rated (true) or not (false)
exports.tourroom = '';
/** @type {string[]} */
exports.tourannouncements = [/* roomids */];
exports.tourdefaultplayercap = 0;
exports.ratedtours = false;
* appealurl - specify a URL containing information on how users can appeal
* disciplinary actions on your section. You can also leave this blank, in
* which case users won't be given any information on how to appeal.
exports.appealurl = '';
* repl - whether repl sockets are enabled or not
* replsocketprefix - the prefix for the repl sockets to be listening on
* replsocketmode - the file mode bits to use for the repl sockets
exports.repl = true;
exports.replsocketprefix = './logs/repl/';
exports.replsocketmode = 0o600;
* disablehotpatchall - disables `/hotpatch all`. Generally speaking, there's a
* pretty big need for /hotpatch all - convenience. The only advantage any hotpatch
* forms other than all is lower RAM use (which is only a problem for Main because
* Main is huge), and to do pinpoint hotpatching (like /nohotpatch).
exports.disablehotpatchall = false;
* forcedpublicprefixes - user ID prefixes which will be forced to battle publicly.
* Battles involving user IDs which begin with one of the prefixes configured here
* will be unaffected by various battle privacy commands such as /modjoin, /hideroom
* or /ionext.
* @type {string[] | undefined}
exports.forcedpublicprefixes = [];
* startuphook - function to call when the server is fully initialized and ready
* to serve requests.
exports.startuphook = function () {};
* lastfmkey - the API key to let users use the commands from The Studio's
* chat plugin.
exports.lastfmkey = '';
* chatlogreader - the search method used for searching chatlogs.
* @type {'ripgrep' | 'fs'}
exports.chatlogreader = 'fs';
* permissions and groups:
* Each entry in `grouplist` is a seperate group. Some of the members are "special"
* while the rest is just a normal permission.
* The order of the groups determines their ranking.
* The special members are as follows:
* - symbol: Specifies the symbol of the group (as shown in front of the username)
* - id: Specifies an id for the group.
* - name: Specifies the human-readable name for the group.
* - root: If this is true, the group can do anything.
* - inherit: The group uses the group specified's permissions if it cannot
* find the permission in the current group. Never make the graph
* produced using this member have any cycles, or the server won't run.
* - jurisdiction: The default jurisdiction for targeted permissions where one isn't
* explictly specified. "Targeted permissions" are permissions
* that might affect another user, such as `ban' or `promote'.
* 's' is a special group where it means the user itself only
* and 'u' is another special group where it means all groups
* lower in rank than the current group.
* - roomonly: forces the group to be a per-room moderation rank only.
* - globalonly: forces the group to be a global rank only.
* All the possible permissions are as follows:
* - console: Developer console (>>).
* - lockdown: /lockdown and /endlockdown commands.
* - hotpatch: /hotpatch, /crashfixed and /savelearnsets commands.
* - ignorelimits: Ignore limits such as chat message length.
* - promote: Promoting and demoting. Will only work if the target user's current
* group and target group are both in jurisdiction.
* - room<rank>: /roompromote to <rank> (eg. roomvoice)
* - makeroom: Create/delete chatrooms, and set modjoin/roomdesc/privacy
* - editroom: Editing properties of rooms
* - editprivacy: Set modjoin/privacy only for battles
* - globalban: Banning and unbanning from the entire server.
* - ban: Banning and unbanning in rooms.
* - mute: Muting and unmuting.
* - lock: locking (ipmute) and unlocking.
* - receivemutedpms: Receive PMs from muted users.
* - forcerename: /fr command.
* - ip: IP checking.
* - alts: Alt checking.
* - modlog: view the moderator logs.
* - show: Show command output to other users.
* - showmedia: Show images and videos to other users.
* - declare: /declare command.
* - announce: /announce command.
* - modchat: Set modchat.
* - potd: Set PotD.
* - forcewin: /forcewin command.
* - battlemessage: /a command.
* - tournaments: creating tournaments (/tour new, settype etc.)
* - gamemoderation: /tour dq, autodq, end etc.
* - gamemanagement: enable/disable games, minigames, and tournaments.
* - minigame: make minigames (hangman, polls, etc.).
* - game: make games.
exports.grouplist = [
symbol: '~',
id: "admin",
name: "Administrator",
inherit: '@',
jurisdiction: 'u',
globalonly: true,
console: true,
bypassall: true,
lockdown: true,
promote: '~u',
roomowner: true,
roombot: true,
roommod: true,
roomdriver: true,
forcewin: true,
declare: true,
addhtml: true,
rangeban: true,
makeroom: true,
editroom: true,
editprivacy: true,
potd: true,
disableladder: true,
gdeclare: true,
gamemanagement: true,
exportinputlog: true,
tournaments: true,
symbol: '#',
id: "owner",
name: "Room Owner",
inherit: '@',
jurisdiction: 'u',
roomonly: true,
roombot: true,
roommod: true,
roomdriver: true,
roomprizewinner: true,
editroom: true,
declare: true,
addhtml: true,
gamemanagement: true,
tournaments: true,
symbol: '\u2605',
id: "host",
name: "Host",
inherit: '@',
jurisdiction: 'u',
roomonly: true,
declare: true,
modchat: 'a',
gamemanagement: true,
forcewin: true,
tournaments: true,
joinbattle: true,
symbol: '@',
id: "mod",
name: "Moderator",
inherit: '%',
jurisdiction: 'u',
globalban: true,
ban: true,
modchat: 'a',
roomvoice: true,
roomwhitelist: true,
forcerename: true,
ip: true,
alts: '@u',
game: true,
symbol: '%',
id: "driver",
name: "Driver",
inherit: '+',
jurisdiction: 'u',
globalGroupInPersonalRoom: '@',
announce: true,
warn: '\u2605u',
kick: true,
mute: '\u2605u',
lock: true,
forcerename: true,
timer: true,
modlog: true,
alts: '%u',
bypassblocks: 'u%@~',
receiveauthmessages: true,
gamemoderation: true,
jeopardy: true,
joinbattle: true,
minigame: true,
modchat: true,
hiderank: true,
// Bots are ranked below Driver/Mod so that Global Bots can be kept out
// of modjoin % rooms (namely, Staff).
// (They were previously above Driver/Mod so they can have game management
// permissions drivers don't, but these permissions can be manually given.)
symbol: '*',
id: "bot",
name: "Bot",
inherit: '%',
jurisdiction: 'u',
addhtml: true,
tournaments: true,
declare: true,
bypassafktimer: true,
gamemanagement: true,
ip: false,
globalban: false,
lock: false,
forcerename: false,
alts: false,
symbol: '\u2606',
id: "player",
name: "Player",
inherit: '+',
battleonly: true,
roomvoice: true,
modchat: true,
editprivacy: true,
gamemanagement: true,
joinbattle: true,
nooverride: true,
symbol: '+',
id: "voice",
name: "Voice",
inherit: ' ',
altsself: true,
makegroupchat: true,
joinbattle: true,
show: true,
showmedia: true,
exportinputlog: true,
importinputlog: true,
symbol: '^',
id: "prizewinner",
name: "Prize Winner",
roomonly: true,
symbol: 'whitelist',
id: "whitelist",
name: "Whitelist",
inherit: ' ',
roomonly: true,
altsself: true,
show: true,
showmedia: true,
exportinputlog: true,
importinputlog: true,
symbol: ' ',
ipself: true,
name: 'Locked',
id: 'locked',
symbol: '\u203d',
punishgroup: 'LOCK',
name: 'Muted',
id: 'muted',
symbol: '!',
punishgroup: 'MUTE',