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export const DefaultText: { [id: IDEntry]: DefaultText } = {
default: {
startBattle: "Battle started between [TRAINER] and [TRAINER]!",
winBattle: "**[TRAINER]** won the battle!",
tieBattle: "Tie between [TRAINER] and [TRAINER]!",
pokemon: "[NICKNAME]",
opposingPokemon: "the opposing [NICKNAME]",
team: "your team",
opposingTeam: "the opposing team",
party: "your ally Pok\u00E9mon",
opposingParty: "the opposing Pok\u00E9mon",
turn: "== Turn [NUMBER] ==",
switchIn: "[TRAINER] sent out [FULLNAME]!",
switchInOwn: "Go! [FULLNAME]!",
switchOut: "[TRAINER] withdrew [NICKNAME]!",
switchOutOwn: "[NICKNAME], come back!",
drag: "[FULLNAME] was dragged out!",
faint: "[POKEMON] fainted!",
swap: "[POKEMON] and [TARGET] switched places!",
swapCenter: "[POKEMON] moved to the center!",
// Multi Battles only
canDynamax: " [TRAINER] can dynamax now!",
canDynamaxOwn: " Dynamax Energy gathered around [TRAINER]!",
zEffect: " [POKEMON] unleashes its full-force Z-Move!",
move: "[POKEMON] used **[MOVE]**!",
abilityActivation: "[[POKEMON]'s [ABILITY]]",
mega: " [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] is reacting to the Key Stone!",
megaNoItem: " [POKEMON] is reacting to [TRAINER]'s Key Stone!",
megaGen6: " [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] is reacting to [TRAINER]'s Mega Bracelet!",
transformMega: "[POKEMON] has Mega Evolved into Mega [SPECIES]!",
primal: "[POKEMON]'s Primal Reversion! It reverted to its primal state!",
zPower: " [POKEMON] surrounded itself with its Z-Power!",
zBroken: " [POKEMON] couldn't fully protect itself and got hurt!",
terastallize: " [POKEMON] has Terastallized into the [TYPE]-type!", // filler
// in case the different default messages didn't make it obvious, the difference
// is that the `cant` message REPLACES "Pokemon used Move!", while the `fail`
// message happens AFTER "Pokemon used Move!"
cant: "[POKEMON] can't use [MOVE]!",
cantNoMove: "[POKEMON] can't move!",
fail: " But it failed!",
// n.b. this is the default message for in-battle forme changes
// for the move Transform and ability Imposter, see the entry for the move Transform
transform: "[POKEMON] transformed!",
typeChange: " [POKEMON]'s type changed to [TYPE]!",
typeChangeFromEffect: " [POKEMON]'s [EFFECT] made it the [TYPE] type!",
typeAdd: " [TYPE] type was added to [POKEMON]!",
start: " ([EFFECT] started on [POKEMON]!)",
end: " [POKEMON] was freed from [EFFECT]!",
activate: " ([EFFECT] activated!)",
startTeamEffect: " ([EFFECT] started on [TEAM]!)",
endTeamEffect: " ([EFFECT] ended on [TEAM]!)",
startFieldEffect: " ([EFFECT] started!)",
endFieldEffect: " ([EFFECT] ended!)",
changeAbility: " [POKEMON] acquired [ABILITY]!",
addItem: " [POKEMON] obtained one [ITEM].", // Trick, Switcheroo
takeItem: " [POKEMON] stole [SOURCE]'s [ITEM]!", // Thief, Covet, Magician, Pickpocket
eatItem: " ([POKEMON] ate its [ITEM]!)",
useGem: " The [ITEM] strengthened [POKEMON]'s power!",
eatItemWeaken: " The [ITEM] weakened damage to [POKEMON]!",
removeItem: " [POKEMON] lost its [ITEM]!",
activateItem: " ([POKEMON] used its [ITEM]!)",
activateWeaken: " The [ITEM] weakened the damage to [POKEMON]!",
damage: " ([POKEMON] was hurt!)",
damagePercentage: " ([POKEMON] lost [PERCENTAGE] of its health!)",
damageFromPokemon: " [POKEMON] was hurt by [SOURCE]'s [ITEM]!", // Jaboca/Rowap Berry
damageFromItem: " [POKEMON] was hurt by its [ITEM]!", // Sticky Barb
damageFromPartialTrapping: " [POKEMON] is hurt by [MOVE]!",
heal: " [POKEMON] had its HP restored.",
healFromZEffect: " [POKEMON] restored its HP using its Z-Power!",
healFromEffect: " [POKEMON] restored HP using its [EFFECT]!",
boost: " [POKEMON]'s [STAT] rose!",
boost2: " [POKEMON]'s [STAT] rose sharply!",
boost3: " [POKEMON]'s [STAT] rose drastically!",
boost0: " [POKEMON]'s [STAT] won't go any higher!",
boostFromItem: " The [ITEM] raised [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!",
boost2FromItem: " The [ITEM] sharply raised [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!",
boost3FromItem: " The [ITEM] drastically raised [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!",
boostFromZEffect: " [POKEMON] boosted its [STAT] using its Z-Power!",
boost2FromZEffect: " [POKEMON] boosted its [STAT] sharply using its Z-Power!",
boost3FromZEffect: " [POKEMON] boosted its [STAT] drastically using its Z-Power!",
boostMultipleFromZEffect: " [POKEMON] boosted its stats using its Z-Power!",
unboost: " [POKEMON]'s [STAT] fell!",
unboost2: " [POKEMON]'s [STAT] fell harshly!",
unboost3: " [POKEMON]'s [STAT] fell severely!",
unboost0: " [POKEMON]'s [STAT] won't go any lower!",
unboostFromItem: " The [ITEM] lowered [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!",
unboost2FromItem: " The [ITEM] harshly lowered [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!",
unboost3FromItem: " The [ITEM] drastically lowered [POKEMON]'s [STAT]!",
swapBoost: " [POKEMON] switched stat changes with its target!",
swapOffensiveBoost: " [POKEMON] switched all changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk with its target!",
swapDefensiveBoost: " [POKEMON] switched all changes to its Defense and Sp. Def with its target!",
copyBoost: " [POKEMON] copied [TARGET]'s stat changes!",
clearBoost: " [POKEMON]'s stat changes were removed!",
clearBoostFromZEffect: " [POKEMON] returned its decreased stats to normal using its Z-Power!",
invertBoost: " [POKEMON]'s stat changes were inverted!",
clearAllBoost: " All stat changes were eliminated!",
superEffective: " It's super effective!",
superEffectiveSpread: " It's super effective on [POKEMON]!",
resisted: " It's not very effective...",
resistedSpread: " It's not very effective on [POKEMON].",
crit: " A critical hit!",
critSpread: " A critical hit on [POKEMON]!",
immune: " It doesn't affect [POKEMON]...",
immuneNoPokemon: " It had no effect!", // old gens
immuneOHKO: " [POKEMON] is unaffected!",
miss: " [POKEMON] avoided the attack!",
missNoPokemon: " [SOURCE]'s attack missed!", // old gens
center: " Automatic center!",
noTarget: " But there was no target...", // gen 5 and earlier
ohko: " It's a one-hit KO!",
combine: " The two moves have become one! It's a combined move!",
hitCount: " The Pok\u00E9mon was hit [NUMBER] times!",
hitCountSingular: " The Pok\u00E9mon was hit 1 time!",
// stats
hp: {
statName: "HP",
statShortName: "HP",
atk: {
statName: "Attack",
statShortName: "Atk",
def: {
statName: "Defense",
statShortName: "Def",
spa: {
statName: "Sp. Atk",
statShortName: "SpA",
spd: {
statName: "Sp. Def",
statShortName: "SpD",
spe: {
statName: "Speed",
statShortName: "Spe",
accuracy: {
statName: "accuracy",
evasion: {
statName: "evasiveness",
spc: {
statName: "Special",
statShortName: "Spc",
stats: {
statName: "stats",
// statuses
brn: {
start: " [POKEMON] was burned!",
startFromItem: " [POKEMON] was burned by the [ITEM]!",
alreadyStarted: " [POKEMON] is already burned!",
end: " [POKEMON]'s burn was healed!",
endFromItem: " [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] healed its burn!",
damage: " [POKEMON] was hurt by its burn!",
frz: {
start: " [POKEMON] was frozen solid!",
alreadyStarted: " [POKEMON] is already frozen solid!",
end: " [POKEMON] thawed out!",
endFromItem: " [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] defrosted it!",
endFromMove: " [POKEMON]'s [MOVE] melted the ice!",
cant: "[POKEMON] is frozen solid!",
par: {
start: " [POKEMON] is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!",
alreadyStarted: " [POKEMON] is already paralyzed!",
end: " [POKEMON] was cured of paralysis!",
endFromItem: " [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] cured its paralysis!",
cant: "[POKEMON] is paralyzed! It can't move!",
psn: {
start: " [POKEMON] was poisoned!",
alreadyStarted: " [POKEMON] is already poisoned!",
end: " [POKEMON] was cured of its poisoning!",
endFromItem: " [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] cured its poison!",
damage: " [POKEMON] was hurt by poison!",
tox: {
start: " [POKEMON] was badly poisoned!",
startFromItem: " [POKEMON] was badly poisoned by the [ITEM]!",
end: "#psn",
endFromItem: "#psn",
alreadyStarted: "#psn",
damage: "#psn",
slp: {
start: " [POKEMON] fell asleep!",
startFromRest: " [POKEMON] slept and became healthy!",
alreadyStarted: " [POKEMON] is already asleep!",
end: " [POKEMON] woke up!",
endFromItem: " [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] woke it up!",
cant: "[POKEMON] is fast asleep.",
// misc effects
confusion: {
start: " [POKEMON] became confused!",
startFromFatigue: " [POKEMON] became confused due to fatigue!",
end: " [POKEMON] snapped out of its confusion!",
endFromItem: " [POKEMON]'s [ITEM] snapped it out of its confusion!",
alreadyStarted: " [POKEMON] is already confused!",
activate: " [POKEMON] is confused!",
damage: "It hurt itself in its confusion!",
drain: {
heal: " [SOURCE] had its energy drained!",
flinch: {
cant: "[POKEMON] flinched and couldn't move!",
heal: {
fail: " [POKEMON]'s HP is full!",
healreplacement: {
activate: " [POKEMON] will restore its replacement's HP using its Z-Power!",
nopp: {
cant: "[POKEMON] used [MOVE]!\n But there was no PP left for the move!",
recharge: {
cant: "[POKEMON] must recharge!",
recoil: {
damage: " [POKEMON] was damaged by the recoil!",
unboost: {
fail: " [POKEMON]'s stats were not lowered!",
failSingular: " [POKEMON]'s [STAT] was not lowered!",
struggle: {
activate: " [POKEMON] has no moves left!",
trapped: {
start: " [POKEMON] can no longer escape!",
dynamax: {
start: " ([POKEMON]'s Dynamax!)",
end: " ([POKEMON] returned to normal!)",
block: " The move was blocked by the power of Dynamax!",
fail: " [POKEMON] shook its head. It seems like it can't use this move...",
// weather
sandstorm: {
weatherName: "Sandstorm",
start: " A sandstorm kicked up!",
end: " The sandstorm subsided.",
upkeep: " (The sandstorm is raging.)",
damage: " [POKEMON] is buffeted by the sandstorm!",
sunnyday: {
weatherName: "Sun",
start: " The sunlight turned harsh!",
end: " The harsh sunlight faded.",
upkeep: " (The sunlight is strong.)",
raindance: {
weatherName: "Rain",
start: " It started to rain!",
end: " The rain stopped.",
upkeep: " (Rain continues to fall.)",
hail: {
weatherName: "Hail",
start: " It started to hail!",
end: " The hail stopped.",
upkeep: " (The hail is crashing down.)",
damage: " [POKEMON] is buffeted by the hail!",
snowscape: {
weatherName: "Snow",
start: " It started to snow!",
end: " The snow stopped.",
upkeep: " (The snow is falling down.)",
desolateland: {
weatherName: "Intense Sun",
start: " The sunlight turned extremely harsh!",
end: " The extremely harsh sunlight faded.",
block: " The extremely harsh sunlight was not lessened at all!",
blockMove: " The Water-type attack evaporated in the harsh sunlight!",
primordialsea: {
weatherName: "Heavy Rain",
start: " A heavy rain began to fall!",
end: " The heavy rain has lifted!",
block: " There is no relief from this heavy rain!",
blockMove: " The Fire-type attack fizzled out in the heavy rain!",
deltastream: {
weatherName: "Strong Winds",
start: " Mysterious strong winds are protecting Flying-type Pok\u00E9mon!",
end: " The mysterious strong winds have dissipated!",
activate: " The mysterious strong winds weakened the attack!",
block: " The mysterious strong winds blow on regardless!",
// terrain
electricterrain: {
start: " An electric current ran across the battlefield!",
end: " The electricity disappeared from the battlefield.",
block: " [POKEMON] is protected by the Electric Terrain!",
grassyterrain: {
start: " Grass grew to cover the battlefield!",
end: " The grass disappeared from the battlefield.",
heal: " [POKEMON]'s HP was restored.",
mistyterrain: {
start: " Mist swirled around the battlefield!",
end: " The mist disappeared from the battlefield.",
block: " [POKEMON] surrounds itself with a protective mist!",
psychicterrain: {
start: " The battlefield got weird!",
end: " The weirdness disappeared from the battlefield!",
block: " [POKEMON] is protected by the Psychic Terrain!",
// field effects
gravity: {
start: " Gravity intensified!",
end: " Gravity returned to normal!",
cant: "[POKEMON] can't use [MOVE] because of gravity!",
activate: "[POKEMON] fell from the sky due to the gravity!",
magicroom: {
start: " It created a bizarre area in which Pok\u00E9mon's held items lose their effects!",
end: " Magic Room wore off, and held items' effects returned to normal!",
mudsport: {
start: " Electricity's power was weakened!",
end: " The effects of Mud Sport have faded.",
trickroom: {
start: " [POKEMON] twisted the dimensions!",
end: " The twisted dimensions returned to normal!",
watersport: {
start: " Fire's power was weakened!",
end: " The effects of Water Sport have faded.",
wonderroom: {
start: " It created a bizarre area in which Defense and Sp. Def stats are swapped!",
end: " Wonder Room wore off, and Defense and Sp. Def stats returned to normal!",
// misc
crash: {
damage: " [POKEMON] kept going and crashed!",