import gradio as gr from PIL import Image import io import zipfile import random import tempfile import os def random_black_or_white(): return (0, 0, 0, 255) if random.random() < 0.5 else (255, 255, 255, 255) def random_non_black_white(): while True: r = random.randint(0, 255) g = random.randint(0, 255) b = random.randint(0, 255) # 不要纯黑纯白 if not (r == g == b == 0 or r == g == b == 255): return (r, g, b, 255) def limit_2048(img: Image.Image): w, h = img.size if w > 2048 or h > 2048: scale = min(2048 / w, 2048 / h) nw = int(w * scale) nh = int(h * scale) img = img.resize((nw, nh), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) return img def resize_to_64_multiple(img: Image.Image): w, h = img.size w64 = max(64, round(w / 64) * 64) h64 = max(64, round(h / 64) * 64) scale = min(w64 / w, h64 / h) nw = int(w * scale) nh = int(h * scale) bg_color = random_black_or_white() background ="RGBA", (w64, h64), bg_color) scaled = img.resize((nw, nh), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) ox = (w64 - nw) // 2 oy = (h64 - nh) // 2 background.paste(scaled, (ox, oy), scaled) return background def make_collage_2x2(images_4): w, h = images_4[0].size collage ="RGBA", (2*w, 2*h), (0,0,0,255)) collage.paste(images_4[0], (0,0), images_4[0]) collage.paste(images_4[1], (w,0), images_4[1]) collage.paste(images_4[2], (0,h), images_4[2]) collage.paste(images_4[3], (w,h), images_4[3]) return limit_2048(collage) def make_collage_leftover(images_leftover): n = len(images_leftover) if n < 1 or n > 3: return None resized_list = [resize_to_64_multiple(img) for img in images_leftover] max_w = max(im.size[0] for im in resized_list) max_h = max(im.size[1] for im in resized_list) uniformed = [] for rimg in resized_list: w, h = rimg.size if (w,h) == (max_w, max_h): uniformed.append(rimg) else: bg_color = rimg.getpixel((0,0)) bg ="RGBA", (max_w, max_h), bg_color) offx = (max_w - w)//2 offy = (max_h - h)//2 bg.paste(rimg, (offx, offy), rimg) uniformed.append(bg) if n == 1: possible_layouts = [(1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2)] elif n == 2: possible_layouts = [(1,2), (2,1), (2,2)] else: # n == 3 possible_layouts = [(2,2)] rows, cols = random.choice(possible_layouts) big_w = cols * max_w big_h = rows * max_h collage ="RGBA", (big_w, big_h), (0,0,0,255)) cells = [(r, c) for r in range(rows) for c in range(cols)] random.shuffle(cells) for i, img_ in enumerate(uniformed): r, c = cells[i] ox = c * max_w oy = r * max_h collage.paste(img_, (ox, oy), img_) leftover_cells = cells[n:] for (r, c) in leftover_cells: color_ = random_non_black_white() rect ="RGBA", (max_w, max_h), color_) collage.paste(rect, (c*max_w, r*max_h), rect) return limit_2048(collage) def process_images(uploaded_files): pil_images = [] for f in uploaded_files: if f is not None: img ="RGBA") pil_images.append(img) results = [] total = len(pil_images) groups_4 = total // 4 leftover = total % 4 idx = 0 for _ in range(groups_4): group_4 = pil_images[idx:idx+4] idx += 4 resized_4 = [resize_to_64_multiple(im) for im in group_4] max_w = max(im.size[0] for im in resized_4) max_h = max(im.size[1] for im in resized_4) final_4 = [] for rimg in resized_4: w, h = rimg.size if (w,h) == (max_w, max_h): final_4.append(rimg) else: bg_color = rimg.getpixel((0,0)) bg ="RGBA", (max_w, max_h), bg_color) offx = (max_w - w)//2 offy = (max_h - h)//2 bg.paste(rimg, (offx, offy), rimg) final_4.append(bg) collage_2x2 = make_collage_2x2(final_4) results.append(collage_2x2) if leftover > 0: leftover_imgs = pil_images[idx:] collage_left = make_collage_leftover(leftover_imgs) if collage_left is not None: results.append(collage_left) return results def make_zip(uploaded_files): """ 真正构建ZIP,并返回临时文件路径(不是BytesIO), 以防 Gradio 把 BytesIO 当成字符串解析而报错。 """ collages = process_images(uploaded_files) if not collages: return None # 让前端做判断 # 在内存里打包 zip_buffer = io.BytesIO() with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_buffer, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: for i, img in enumerate(collages, start=1): img_bytes = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG") zf.writestr(f"collage_{i}.png", # 将 BytesIO 写入临时文件,再返回临时文件路径 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".zip", delete=False) as tmp: tmp.write(zip_buffer.getvalue()) tmp_path = return tmp_path def on_zip_click(files): """ 返回 (zip_file_path, message) 给两个 output: 1. gr.File 要求返回一个str路径或None 2. gr.Textbox 用来输出提示信息 """ path = make_zip(files) if path is None: return (None, "无可下载内容 - 可能没上传图片或无法拼接") else: return (path, "打包完成!点击上方链接下载ZIP") with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("## 2×2 拼接小工具(兼容不足4张、随机填充、保留透明)") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): file_input = gr.Files(label="上传多张图片(可多选)", file_types=["image"]) preview_btn = gr.Button("生成预览") zip_btn = gr.Button("打包下载 ZIP") with gr.Column(): gallery_out = gr.Gallery(label="拼接结果预览", columns=2) # 注意:必须 visible=True,这样点击后可以直接更新 zip_file_out = gr.File(label="下载拼接结果 ZIP", visible=True, interactive=False) msg_out = gr.Textbox(label="提示信息", interactive=False) fn=process_images, inputs=[file_input], outputs=[gallery_out] ) fn=on_zip_click, inputs=[file_input], outputs=[zip_file_out, msg_out] ) demo.launch()