 * Runs a string of Python code from JavaScript.
 * The last part of the string may be an expression, in which case, its value
 * is returned.
 * @param {string} code Python code to evaluate
 * @param {PyProxy=} globals An optional Python dictionary to use as the globals.
 *        Defaults to :any:`pyodide.globals`. Uses the Python API
 *        :any:`pyodide.eval_code` to evaluate the code.
 * @returns {Py2JsResult} The result of the Python code translated to JavaScript. See the
 *          documentation for :any:`pyodide.eval_code` for more info.
export function runPython(code: string, globals?: PyProxy | undefined): Py2JsResult;
 * @callback LogFn
 * @param {string} msg
 * @returns {void}
 * @private
 * Inspect a Python code chunk and use :js:func:`pyodide.loadPackage` to install
 * any known packages that the code chunk imports. Uses the Python API
 * :func:`pyodide.find\_imports` to inspect the code.
 * For example, given the following code as input
 * .. code-block:: python
 *    import numpy as np x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
 * :js:func:`loadPackagesFromImports` will call
 * ``pyodide.loadPackage(['numpy'])``.
 * @param {string} code The code to inspect.
 * @param {LogFn=} messageCallback The ``messageCallback`` argument of
 * :any:`pyodide.loadPackage` (optional).
 * @param {LogFn=} errorCallback The ``errorCallback`` argument of
 * :any:`pyodide.loadPackage` (optional).
 * @async
export function loadPackagesFromImports(code: string, messageCallback?: LogFn | undefined, errorCallback?: LogFn | undefined): Promise<void>;
 * Runs Python code using `PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT
 * <https://docs.python.org/3/library/ast.html?highlight=pycf_allow_top_level_await#ast.PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT>`_.
 * .. admonition:: Python imports
 *    :class: warning
 *    Since pyodide 0.18.0, you must call :js:func:`loadPackagesFromImports` to
 *    import any python packages referenced via `import` statements in your code.
 *    This function will no longer do it for you.
 * For example:
 * .. code-block:: pyodide
 *    let result = await pyodide.runPythonAsync(`
 *        from js import fetch
 *        response = await fetch("./packages.json")
 *        packages = await response.json()
 *        # If final statement is an expression, its value is returned to JavaScript
 *        len(packages.packages.object_keys())
 *    `);
 *    console.log(result); // 79
 * @param {string} code Python code to evaluate
 * @param {PyProxy=} globals An optional Python dictionary to use as the globals.
 *        Defaults to :any:`pyodide.globals`. Uses the Python API
 *        :any:`pyodide.eval_code_async` to evaluate the code.
 * @returns {Py2JsResult} The result of the Python code translated to JavaScript.
 * @async
export function runPythonAsync(code: string, globals?: PyProxy | undefined): Py2JsResult;
 * Registers the JavaScript object ``module`` as a JavaScript module named
 * ``name``. This module can then be imported from Python using the standard
 * Python import system. If another module by the same name has already been
 * imported, this won't have much effect unless you also delete the imported
 * module from ``sys.modules``. This calls the ``pyodide_py`` API
 * :func:`pyodide.register_js_module`.
 * @param {string} name Name of the JavaScript module to add
 * @param {object} module JavaScript object backing the module
export function registerJsModule(name: string, module: object): void;
 * Tell Pyodide about Comlink.
 * Necessary to enable importing Comlink proxies into Python.
export function registerComlink(Comlink: any): void;
 * Unregisters a JavaScript module with given name that has been previously
 * registered with :js:func:`pyodide.registerJsModule` or
 * :func:`pyodide.register_js_module`. If a JavaScript module with that name
 * does not already exist, will throw an error. Note that if the module has
 * already been imported, this won't have much effect unless you also delete
 * the imported module from ``sys.modules``. This calls the ``pyodide_py`` API
 * :func:`pyodide.unregister_js_module`.
 * @param {string} name Name of the JavaScript module to remove
export function unregisterJsModule(name: string): void;
 * Convert the JavaScript object to a Python object as best as possible.
 * This is similar to :any:`JsProxy.to_py` but for use from JavaScript. If the
 * object is immutable or a :any:`PyProxy`, it will be returned unchanged. If
 * the object cannot be converted into Python, it will be returned unchanged.
 * See :ref:`type-translations-jsproxy-to-py` for more information.
 * @param {*} obj
 * @param {object} options
 * @param {number=} options.depth Optional argument to limit the depth of the
 * conversion.
 * @returns {PyProxy} The object converted to Python.
export function toPy(obj: any, { depth }?: {
    depth?: number | undefined;
}): PyProxy;
 * Imports a module and returns it.
 * .. admonition:: Warning
 *    :class: warning
 *    This function has a completely different behavior than the old removed pyimport function!
 *    ``pyimport`` is roughly equivalent to:
 *    .. code-block:: js
 *      pyodide.runPython(`import ${pkgname}; ${pkgname}`);
 *    except that the global namespace will not change.
 *    Example:
 *    .. code-block:: js
 *      let sysmodule = pyodide.pyimport("sys");
 *      let recursionLimit = sys.getrecursionlimit();
 * @param {string} mod_name The name of the module to import
 * @returns A PyProxy for the imported module
export function pyimport(mod_name: string): any;
 * Unpack an archive into a target directory.
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer The archive as an ArrayBuffer (it's also fine to pass a TypedArray).
 * @param {string} format The format of the archive. Should be one of the formats recognized by `shutil.unpack_archive`.
 * By default the options are 'bztar', 'gztar', 'tar', 'zip', and 'wheel'. Several synonyms are accepted for each format, e.g.,
 * for 'gztar' any of '.gztar', '.tar.gz', '.tgz', 'tar.gz' or 'tgz' are considered to be synonyms.
 * @param {string=} extract_dir The directory to unpack the archive into. Defaults to the working directory.
export function unpackArchive(buffer: ArrayBuffer, format: string, extract_dir?: string | undefined): void;
 * Sets the interrupt buffer to be `interrupt_buffer`. This is only useful when
 * Pyodide is used in a webworker. The buffer should be a `SharedArrayBuffer`
 * shared with the main browser thread (or another worker). To request an
 * interrupt, a `2` should be written into `interrupt_buffer` (2 is the posix
 * constant for SIGINT).
 * @param {TypedArray} interrupt_buffer
export function setInterruptBuffer(interrupt_buffer: TypedArray): void;
 * Throws a KeyboardInterrupt error if a KeyboardInterrupt has been requested
 * via the interrupt buffer.
 * This can be used to enable keyboard interrupts during execution of JavaScript
 * code, just as `PyErr_CheckSignals` is used to enable keyboard interrupts
 * during execution of C code.
export function checkInterrupt(): void;
export function makePublicAPI(): {
    globals: import("./pyproxy.gen.js").PyProxy;
    FS: any;
    pyodide_py: import("./pyproxy.gen.js").PyProxy;
    version: string;
    loadPackage: typeof loadPackage;
    loadPackagesFromImports: typeof loadPackagesFromImports;
    loadedPackages: any;
    isPyProxy: typeof isPyProxy;
    runPython: typeof runPython;
    runPythonAsync: typeof runPythonAsync;
    registerJsModule: typeof registerJsModule;
    unregisterJsModule: typeof unregisterJsModule;
    setInterruptBuffer: typeof setInterruptBuffer;
    checkInterrupt: typeof checkInterrupt;
    toPy: typeof toPy;
    pyimport: typeof pyimport;
    unpackArchive: typeof unpackArchive;
    registerComlink: typeof registerComlink;
    PythonError: typeof PythonError;
    PyBuffer: typeof PyBuffer;
 * A JavaScript error caused by a Python exception.
 * In order to reduce the risk of large memory leaks, the ``PythonError``
 * contains no reference to the Python exception that caused it. You can find
 * the actual Python exception that caused this error as `sys.last_value
 * <https://docs.python.org/3/library/sys.html#sys.last_value>`_.
 * See :ref:`type-translations-errors` for more information.
 * .. admonition:: Avoid Stack Frames
 *    :class: warning
 *    If you make a :any:`PyProxy` of ``sys.last_value``, you should be
 *    especially careful to :any:`destroy() <PyProxy.destroy>` it when you are
 *    done. You may leak a large amount of memory including the local
 *    variables of all the stack frames in the traceback if you don't. The
 *    easiest way is to only handle the exception in Python.
 * @class
export class PythonError {
     * The Python traceback.
     * @type {string}
    message: string;
 * The Pyodide version.
 * It can be either the exact release version (e.g. ``0.1.0``), or
 * the latest release version followed by the number of commits since, and
 * the git hash of the current commit (e.g. ``0.1.0-1-bd84646``).
 * @type {string}
export let version: string;
export type LogFn = (msg: string) => void;
export type Py2JsResult = import('./pyproxy.gen').Py2JsResult;
export type PyProxy = import('./pyproxy.gen').PyProxy;
export type TypedArray = import('./pyproxy.gen').TypedArray;
export type Emscripten = any;
export type FS = any;
import { loadPackage } from "./load-pyodide.js";
import { isPyProxy } from "./pyproxy.gen.js";
import { PyBuffer } from "./pyproxy.gen.js";
import { loadedPackages } from "./load-pyodide.js";
export { loadPackage, loadedPackages, isPyProxy };