import os | |
import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
# SIZE =256 | |
# BATCH_SIZE = 32 | |
# STRIDES = 256 | |
def split_img(img, size_x, size_y, strides): | |
max_y, max_x = img.shape[:2] | |
border_y = 0 | |
if max_y % size_y != 0: | |
border_y = size_y - (max_y % size_y) | |
img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img,border_y,0,0,0,cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) | |
# img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, border_y, 0, 0, 0, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[255,255,255]) | |
border_x = 0 | |
if max_x % size_x != 0: | |
border_x = size_x - (max_x % size_x) | |
# img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 0, 0, border_x, 0, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[255,255,255]) | |
img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img,0,0,border_x,0,cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) | |
# h,w | |
max_y, max_x = img.shape[:2] | |
parts = [] | |
curr_y = 0 | |
x = 0 | |
y = 0 | |
# TODO: rewrite with generators. | |
while (curr_y + size_y) <= max_y: | |
curr_x = 0 | |
while (curr_x + size_x) <= max_x: | |
parts.append(img[curr_y:curr_y + size_y, curr_x:curr_x + size_x]) | |
curr_x += strides | |
y += 1 | |
curr_y += strides | |
# parts is a list | |
# (windows_number_x*windows_number_y,SIZE,SIZE,3) | |
# print(max_y,max_x) | |
# print(y,x) | |
# print(np.array(parts).shape) | |
return parts, border_x, border_y, max_x, max_y | |
def combine_imgs(border_x,border_y,imgs, max_y, max_x,size_x, size_y, strides): | |
# weighted_img | |
index = int(size_x / strides) | |
weight_img = np.ones(shape=(max_y,max_x)) | |
weight_img[0:strides] = index | |
weight_img[-strides:] = index | |
weight_img[:,0:strides]=index | |
weight_img[:,-strides:]=index | |
# 边上 | |
i = 0 | |
for j in range(1,index+1): | |
# 左上 | |
weight_img[0:strides,i:i+strides] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*j | |
weight_img[i:i+strides,0:strides] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*j | |
# 右上 | |
weight_img[i:i+strides,-strides:] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*j | |
if i == 0: | |
weight_img[0:strides,-strides:] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*j | |
else: | |
weight_img[0:strides,-strides-i:-i] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*j | |
# 左下 | |
weight_img[-strides:,i:i+strides] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*j | |
if i == 0: | |
weight_img[-strides:,0:strides] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*j | |
else: | |
weight_img[-strides-i:-i:,0:strides] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*j | |
# 右下 | |
if i == 0: | |
weight_img[-strides:,-strides:] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*j | |
else: | |
weight_img[-strides-i:-i,-strides:] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*j | |
weight_img[-strides:,-strides-i:-i] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*j | |
i += strides | |
for i in range(strides,max_y-strides,strides): | |
for j in range(strides,max_x-strides,strides): | |
weight_img[i:i+strides,j:j+strides] = np.ones(shape=(strides,strides))*weight_img[i][0]*weight_img[0][j] | |
if len(imgs[0].shape)==2: | |
new_img = np.zeros(shape=(max_y,max_x)) | |
weight_img = (1 / weight_img) | |
else: | |
new_img = np.zeros(shape=(max_y,max_x,imgs[0].shape[-1])) | |
weight_img = (1 / weight_img).reshape((max_y,max_x,1)) | |
weight_img = np.tile(weight_img,(1,1,imgs[0].shape[-1])) | |
curr_y = 0 | |
x = 0 | |
y = 0 | |
i = 0 | |
# TODO: rewrite with generators. | |
while (curr_y + size_y) <= max_y: | |
curr_x = 0 | |
while (curr_x + size_x) <= max_x: | |
new_img[curr_y:curr_y + size_y, curr_x:curr_x + size_x] += weight_img[curr_y:curr_y + size_y, curr_x:curr_x + size_x]*imgs[i] | |
i += 1 | |
curr_x += strides | |
y += 1 | |
curr_y += strides | |
new_img = new_img[border_y:, border_x:] | |
# print(border_y,border_x) | |
return new_img | |
def stride_integral(img,stride=32): | |
h,w = img.shape[:2] | |
if (h%stride)!=0: | |
padding_h = stride - (h%stride) | |
img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img,padding_h,0,0,0,borderType=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) | |
else: | |
padding_h = 0 | |
if (w%stride)!=0: | |
padding_w = stride - (w%stride) | |
img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img,0,0,padding_w,0,borderType=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) | |
else: | |
padding_w = 0 | |
return img,padding_h,padding_w | |
def mkdir_s(path: str): | |
"""Create directory in specified path, if not exists.""" | |
if not os.path.exists(path): | |
os.makedirs(path) | |
if __name__ =='__main__': | |
parts, border_x, border_y, max_x, max_y = split_img(im,512,512,strides=512) | |
result = combine_imgs(border_x,border_y,parts, max_y, max_x,512, 512, 512) | |