Update ✨Entity Linking Application✨.py
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✨Entity Linking Application✨.py
@@ -298,6 +298,11 @@ def main_cli():
298 |
if input_sentence_user and input_mention_user:
299 |
# check if the mention is in the sentence
300 |
if input_mention_user in input_sentence_user:
301 |
with st.spinner("Applying Data Normalization module... (1/5)"):
302 |
# Data Normalization
303 |
start_time = time.time()
298 |
if input_sentence_user and input_mention_user:
299 |
# check if the mention is in the sentence
300 |
if input_mention_user in input_sentence_user:
301 |
st.text_input("Enter a sentence:", value=input_sentence_user, disabled=True)
302 |
st.text_input("Enter a textural reference (mention) that is inside the sentence:", value=input_mention_user, disabled=True)
303 |
st.selectbox("Search each word individually? (Useful for difficult mentions)", options=['Yes', 'No'], index=['Yes', 'No'].index(single), disabled=True)
304 |
st.selectbox("Make combinations of each word? (Useful for difficult mentions)", options=['Yes', 'No'], index=['Yes', 'No'].index(combi), disabled=True)
305 |
st.selectbox("Run acronym disambiguation? (Enable it if the mention include an acronym or if it is nested)", options=['Yes', 'No'], index=['Yes', 'No'].index(disambi), disabled=True)
306 |
with st.spinner("Applying Data Normalization module... (1/5)"):
307 |
# Data Normalization
308 |
start_time = time.time()