import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd

# Dictionary containing materials, classes, and their properties
materials_data = {
    "Metals": {
        "Iron": {"Density (g/cm³)": 7.87, "Melting Point (°C)": 1538, "Conductivity (S/m)": 1.0e7},
        "Aluminum": {"Density (g/cm³)": 2.7, "Melting Point (°C)": 660.3, "Conductivity (S/m)": 3.77e7},
        "Copper": {"Density (g/cm³)": 8.96, "Melting Point (°C)": 1085, "Conductivity (S/m)": 5.96e7},
    "Non-metals": {
        "Carbon": {"Density (g/cm³)": 2.26, "Melting Point (°C)": 3550, "Conductivity (S/m)": 0.0},
        "Sulfur": {"Density (g/cm³)": 2.07, "Melting Point (°C)": 115.2, "Conductivity (S/m)": 0.0},
    "Metalloids": {
        "Silicon": {"Density (g/cm³)": 2.33, "Melting Point (°C)": 1414, "Conductivity (S/m)": 1.56e-3},
        "Boron": {"Density (g/cm³)": 2.34, "Melting Point (°C)": 2076, "Conductivity (S/m)": 0.0},
    "Ceramics": {
        "Porcelain": {"Density (g/cm³)": 2.4, "Melting Point (°C)": 1200, "Conductivity (S/m)": 0.0},
        "Zirconia": {"Density (g/cm³)": 5.68, "Melting Point (°C)": 2715, "Conductivity (S/m)": 0.0},
    "Polymers": {
        "Polyethylene": {"Density (g/cm³)": 0.94, "Melting Point (°C)": 115, "Conductivity (S/m)": 0.0},
        "PVC": {"Density (g/cm³)": 1.38, "Melting Point (°C)": 212, "Conductivity (S/m)": 0.0},
    "Alloys": {
        "Brass": {"Density (g/cm³)": 8.6, "Melting Point (°C)": 930, "Conductivity (S/m)": 1.5e7},
        "Steel": {"Density (g/cm³)": 7.85, "Melting Point (°C)": 1370, "Conductivity (S/m)": 6.1e6},

# Streamlit app UI
st.title("Material Selection Tool")
st.sidebar.header("Select Material Class and Properties")

# User input for selecting material class
material_class = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Material Class", options=materials_data.keys())

if material_class:
    # User input for selecting specific material
    material = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Material", options=materials_data[material_class].keys())

    # Display properties of the selected material
    if material:
        st.subheader(f"Properties of {material}")
        properties = materials_data[material_class][material]
        df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(properties, orient="index", columns=["Value"])
        df["Units"] = ["g/cm³", "°C", "S/m"]  # Example units

        # Allow users to download data as CSV
        csv = df.to_csv().encode("utf-8")
            label="Download Properties as CSV",