GC5 / app.py
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Update app.py
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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import joblib
st.header('FTDS Model Deployment')
Created by FTDS Curriculum Team
Use the sidebar to select input features.
st.sidebar.header('User Input Features')
def user_input():
limit_balance = st.sidebar.selectbox('limit_balance', [ 80000., 200000., 20000., 260000., 150000., 300000., 130000.,
500000., 230000., 460000., 780000., 170000., 320000., 290000.,
240000., 340000., 360000., 380000., 180000., 100000., 90000.,
50000., 160000., 70000., 280000., 220000., 30000., 120000.,
10000., 470000., 310000., 140000., 60000., 110000., 430000.,
210000., 490000., 330000., 250000., 400000., 370000., 440000.,
700000., 530000., 390000., 410000., 270000., 560000., 40000.,
680000., 480000., 190000., 350000., 420000., 510000., 800000.,
450000., 750000., 620000.])
pay_1 = st.sidebar.slider('pay_1', min_value=-12, max_value=12)
pay_2 = st.sidebar.slider('pay_2', min_value=-12, max_value=12)
pay_3 = st.sidebar.slider('pay_3', min_value=-12, max_value=12)
pay_4 = st.sidebar.slider('pay_4', min_value=-12, max_value=12)
pay_5 = st.sidebar.slider('pay_5', min_value=-12, max_value=12)
pay_6 = st.sidebar.slider('pay_6', min_value=-12, max_value=12)
data = {
'limit_balance': limit_balance,
'pay_0': pay_1,
'pay_2': pay_2,
'pay_3': pay_3,
'pay_4': pay_4,
'pay_5': pay_5,
'pay_6': pay_6
features = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0])
return features
input = user_input()
st.subheader('User Input')
load_model = joblib.load("my_model.pkl")
if st.button("Predict"):
prediction = load_model.predict(input)
if prediction == 1:
prediction = 'Defaulted Payment'
prediction = 'Not Defaulted'
st.subheader('Based on user input, the placement model predicted: ')