# Part 2 - Creation of the Medical Dataset [back](../README.md) In this part we are going to build the Datasets that will be used create the **Medical Model** Once we have created our enviorment in the part 1. We will create our Dataset to create our model. ``` jupyter lab ``` ![image-20230820225439403](../1-Environment/assets/images/posts/README/image-20230820225439403.png) Let us go the the second folder called 2-data. There we load the **2-Data.ipynb** notebook ![image-20230824182144129](assets/images/posts/README/image-20230824182144129.png) This notebook will create the dataframes in csv format for each document that are int he folder Medical-Dialogue-System ``` C:. ├───data │ ├───csv │ ├───dialogue_0 │ ├───dialogue_1 │ ├───dialogue_2 │ ├───dialogue_3 │ ├───dialogue_4 │ ├───Medical-Dialogue-System └───tools ``` and saved in the ./data./csv/ Then those csv will be cleaned and merged into single file called `dialogues.csv` ![image-20230824232800691](assets/images/posts/README/image-20230824232800691.png) This csv has 256916 dialogues between a Patient and Doctor. In the following part we are going to build the model. [3-Modeling](../3-Modeling/README.md)