Runtime error
Runtime error
The standard procedure for a Doctor is: | |
1) Generation of the general clinic history. ( With Anamnesis.) | |
2) Classification of the health problem. | |
Depening of the classification of the medicine area. | |
We can go deeply with an additional custom clinic history. | |
3)Given the whole description of each patient we should include | |
the description of the patient, what is asking for. | |
4)Depending of the situation of the patient with all information individual collected | |
it is possible give medical diagnosis for a general case. | |
5)If is needed we can go futher for the special case and | |
repeat the step 4) | |
[Patient Information] | |
- Full Name: [Patient's Full Name] | |
- Date of Birth: [Patient's Date of Birth] | |
- Gender: [Patient's Gender] | |
- Address: [Patient's Address] | |
- Phone Number: [Patient's Contact Number] | |
[Chief Complaint] | |
- [Description of the patient's main reason for seeking medical attention] | |
[Present Illness] | |
- [Detailed description of the current illness or symptoms, including their onset, duration, severity, and any relevant factors] | |
[Medical History] | |
- Past Medical Conditions: | |
- [List any significant medical conditions the patient has had, including dates of diagnosis] | |
- Surgeries/Procedures: | |
- [List any surgeries or medical procedures the patient has undergone, including dates] | |
- Medications: | |
- [List current medications, dosages, and frequency] | |
- Allergies: | |
- [List any allergies the patient has, including medication, food, or environmental allergies] | |
- Immunizations: | |
- [Include information on relevant vaccinations and their dates] | |
[Family Medical History] | |
- [List any significant medical conditions that run in the patient's family, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.] | |
[Social History] | |
- Occupation: [Patient's occupation] | |
- Tobacco Use: [Specify if the patient smokes or uses tobacco products] | |
- Alcohol Use: [Specify if the patient consumes alcohol and if so, how often and in what quantities] | |
- Drug Use: [Specify if the patient uses recreational drugs or has a history of drug use] | |
- Diet: [Provide information about the patient's dietary habits, including any special diets] | |
- Exercise: [Describe the patient's level of physical activity] | |
[Review of Systems] | |
- [List and briefly describe the patient's symptoms or concerns related to various body systems, including cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, etc.] | |
[Social and Environmental History] | |
- [Include information about the patient's living situation, relationships, and any environmental factors that may be relevant to their health] | |
[Psychosocial History] | |
- [Note any significant mental health history or psychosocial stressors] | |
[Sexual History] | |
- [Include relevant sexual history information if applicable] | |
[Substance Use History] | |
- [Detail any history of alcohol or substance abuse, if applicable] | |
[Physical Examination Findings] | |
- [Summarize any relevant physical examination findings, including vital signs, general appearance, and specific organ system assessments] | |
[Assessment and Plan] | |
- [Provide a brief assessment of the patient's current medical condition and a plan for further evaluation and treatment] | |
[Provider's Name and Credentials] | |
- [Name of the healthcare provider] | |
- [Credentials, such as MD, DO, NP, PA] | |
[Date] | |
- [Date of the clinical history] | |
[Signature] | |
- [Signature of the healthcare provider] | | | |
Ejemplo de formato para historia clínica | |
Aquí te mostramos un formato para historia clínica (básico) que te servirá para recoger datos más importantes de los pacientes y que ayudarán para analizar su recorrido médico. | |
Ficha de Identificación. | |
Nombre: ____________________________ | |
Apellidos: _____________________________ | |
Registro núm. _______________________________________________________ | |
Sexo__________ Edad_____________ Cuarto________ Sala_______ | |
Ocupación / Profesión: | |
________________________________________________________ | |
Motivo de la consulta: | |
_________________________________________________ | |
Antecedentes Personales Patológicos. (Debe decir los antecedentes de importancia clínica. Tratamiento que recibe para cada situación comórbida y su duración). | |
Cardiovasculares____Pulmonares____Digestivos______Diabetes___ | |
Renales______Quirúrgicos_____Alérgicos_____Transfusiones_____ | |
Medicamentos: ____________________________________________ | |
Especifique: _________________________________________________________________ | |
Antecedentes Personales No Patológicos (Indicar todo lo relacionado a tabaquismo, uso de alcohol, así como diferentes adicciones y su duración. Antecedentes sexuales del paciente) | |
Alcohol: ________________________________________________ | |
Tabaquismo: ____________________________________________ | |
Drogas: ________________________________________________ | |
Inmunizaciones: _________________________________________ | |
Otros: __________________________________________________ | |
Antecedentes Familiares: | |
Padre: Vivo Si____ No____ | |
Enfermedades que padece: _______________________________________ | |
________________________________________________________________ | |
________________________________________________________________ | |
Madre: Viva Si____ No____ | |
Enfermedades que padece: ________________________________________ | |
________________________________________________________________ | |
Hermanos: ¿Cuántos? ______ Vivos _____ | |
Enfermedades que padecen: ______________________________________ | |
________________________________________________________________ | |
Otros: | |
Antecedentes Gineco-obstétricos: | |
Menarquía _________ Ritmo ____________ F.U.M.______________ | |
G____ P_____ A______ C_______ I.V.S.A ______________ | |
Uso de Métodos Anticonceptivos: Si ______ No _______ | |
¿Cuáles? ________________________________________ | |
_________________________________________________ | |
Enfermedad actual del paciente | |
_________________________________________________ | |
Exploración física. | |
Signos Vitales. T.A._____ (brazo derecho) T.A. (brazo izquierdo)__________F.C._______ | |
Frec. Resp.________Temp.______Peso_____Talla_____IMC______ | |
Cabeza y Cuello __________________________________________ | |
________________________________________________________ | |
________________________________________________________ | |
Tórax __________________________________________________ | |
Abdomen | |
________________________________ | |
Extremidades | |
_______________________________________ | |
Neurológico y estado mental | |
____________________________________________________________ | |
Laboratorio | |
Estudios de Imagen | |
Otros: | |
Lista de Problemas. (Tratar de orientar el proceso diagnóstico en base a agrupar los síntomas que nuestro paciente presenta, tratando de encontrar una explicación en la mayor parte de los casos por una sola entidad. Por ejemplo: Paciente el cual acude por hematemesis al interrogatorio nos comenta sobre datos de síndrome dispéptico, pérdida de peso, todo esto probablemente se pudiera englobar en un solo problema) | |
Activo / Inactivo | |
1.-______________________ | |
2.-______________________ | |
3.-______________________ | |
4.-______________________ | |
5.-______________________ | |
6.-______________________ | |
7.-______________________ | |
La jerarquía de los problemas va de acuerdo a su importancia y al motivo de consulta, en relación a activos son los problemas que en este momento presenta el paciente, por el contrario, los problemas inactivos son aquellos que en términos generales solo son antecedentes o aquellos activos que ya se resolvieron. | |
Exámenes complementarios: __________________________________ | |
Diagnóstico: _________________________________________________ | |
____________________________________________________________ | |
Plan Terapéutico: ________________________________________ | |
Nombre, apellido y cédula del médico tratante: ________________________________________ | |