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The standard procedure for a Doctor is:
1) Generation of the general clinic history. ( With Anamnesis.)
2) Classification of the health problem.
Depening of the classification of the medicine area.
We can go deeply with an additional custom clinic history.
3)Given the whole description of each patient we should include
the description of the patient, what is asking for.
4)Depending of the situation of the patient with all information individual collected
it is possible give medical diagnosis for a general case.
5)If is needed we can go futher for the special case and
repeat the step 4)
[Patient Information]
- Full Name: [Patient's Full Name]
- Date of Birth: [Patient's Date of Birth]
- Gender: [Patient's Gender]
- Address: [Patient's Address]
- Phone Number: [Patient's Contact Number]
[Chief Complaint]
- [Description of the patient's main reason for seeking medical attention]
[Present Illness]
- [Detailed description of the current illness or symptoms, including their onset, duration, severity, and any relevant factors]
[Medical History]
- Past Medical Conditions:
- [List any significant medical conditions the patient has had, including dates of diagnosis]
- Surgeries/Procedures:
- [List any surgeries or medical procedures the patient has undergone, including dates]
- Medications:
- [List current medications, dosages, and frequency]
- Allergies:
- [List any allergies the patient has, including medication, food, or environmental allergies]
- Immunizations:
- [Include information on relevant vaccinations and their dates]
[Family Medical History]
- [List any significant medical conditions that run in the patient's family, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.]
[Social History]
- Occupation: [Patient's occupation]
- Tobacco Use: [Specify if the patient smokes or uses tobacco products]
- Alcohol Use: [Specify if the patient consumes alcohol and if so, how often and in what quantities]
- Drug Use: [Specify if the patient uses recreational drugs or has a history of drug use]
- Diet: [Provide information about the patient's dietary habits, including any special diets]
- Exercise: [Describe the patient's level of physical activity]
[Review of Systems]
- [List and briefly describe the patient's symptoms or concerns related to various body systems, including cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, etc.]
[Social and Environmental History]
- [Include information about the patient's living situation, relationships, and any environmental factors that may be relevant to their health]
[Psychosocial History]
- [Note any significant mental health history or psychosocial stressors]
[Sexual History]
- [Include relevant sexual history information if applicable]
[Substance Use History]
- [Detail any history of alcohol or substance abuse, if applicable]
[Physical Examination Findings]
- [Summarize any relevant physical examination findings, including vital signs, general appearance, and specific organ system assessments]
[Assessment and Plan]
- [Provide a brief assessment of the patient's current medical condition and a plan for further evaluation and treatment]
[Provider's Name and Credentials]
- [Name of the healthcare provider]
- [Credentials, such as MD, DO, NP, PA]
- [Date of the clinical history]
- [Signature of the healthcare provider]
Ejemplo de formato para historia clínica
Aquí te mostramos un formato para historia clínica (básico) que te servirá para recoger datos más importantes de los pacientes y que ayudarán para analizar su recorrido médico.
Ficha de Identificación.
Nombre: ____________________________
Apellidos: _____________________________
Registro núm. _______________________________________________________
Sexo__________ Edad_____________ Cuarto________ Sala_______
Ocupación / Profesión:
Motivo de la consulta:
Antecedentes Personales Patológicos. (Debe decir los antecedentes de importancia clínica. Tratamiento que recibe para cada situación comórbida y su duración).
Medicamentos: ____________________________________________
Especifique: _________________________________________________________________
Antecedentes Personales No Patológicos (Indicar todo lo relacionado a tabaquismo, uso de alcohol, así como diferentes adicciones y su duración. Antecedentes sexuales del paciente)
Alcohol: ________________________________________________
Tabaquismo: ____________________________________________
Drogas: ________________________________________________
Inmunizaciones: _________________________________________
Otros: __________________________________________________
Antecedentes Familiares:
Padre: Vivo Si____ No____
Enfermedades que padece: _______________________________________
Madre: Viva Si____ No____
Enfermedades que padece: ________________________________________
Hermanos: ¿Cuántos? ______ Vivos _____
Enfermedades que padecen: ______________________________________
Antecedentes Gineco-obstétricos:
Menarquía _________ Ritmo ____________ F.U.M.______________
G____ P_____ A______ C_______ I.V.S.A ______________
Uso de Métodos Anticonceptivos: Si ______ No _______
¿Cuáles? ________________________________________
Enfermedad actual del paciente
Exploración física.
Signos Vitales. T.A._____ (brazo derecho) T.A. (brazo izquierdo)__________F.C._______
Frec. Resp.________Temp.______Peso_____Talla_____IMC______
Cabeza y Cuello __________________________________________
Tórax __________________________________________________
Neurológico y estado mental
Estudios de Imagen
Lista de Problemas. (Tratar de orientar el proceso diagnóstico en base a agrupar los síntomas que nuestro paciente presenta, tratando de encontrar una explicación en la mayor parte de los casos por una sola entidad. Por ejemplo: Paciente el cual acude por hematemesis al interrogatorio nos comenta sobre datos de síndrome dispéptico, pérdida de peso, todo esto probablemente se pudiera englobar en un solo problema)
Activo / Inactivo
La jerarquía de los problemas va de acuerdo a su importancia y al motivo de consulta, en relación a activos son los problemas que en este momento presenta el paciente, por el contrario, los problemas inactivos son aquellos que en términos generales solo son antecedentes o aquellos activos que ya se resolvieron.
Exámenes complementarios: __________________________________
Diagnóstico: _________________________________________________
Plan Terapéutico: ________________________________________
Nombre, apellido y cédula del médico tratante: ________________________________________