"""Talk to spaces VM via subprocess.check_output.""" # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position from typing import Optional, Tuple import sys from pathlib import Path if "." not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, ".") # import httpx import subprocess as sp from shlex import split import pandas as pd import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns # from textwrap import dedent from inspect import cleandoc import gradio as gr import logzero from logzero import logger from gradiobee.seg_text import seg_text matplotlib.use("Agg") # non-interactive for plt.savefig sns.set() sns.set_style("darkgrid") logzero.loglevel() # default to 10 # def greet(command): def process(command) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]: """Probe vm.""" # single line: command # logger.info("input:\n\t %s", command) # print("print input:\n\t %s" % command) # print("print input*:\n\t %s" % "*".join(command.splitlines())) logger.info("input: %s", command) try: command = str(command).strip() except Exception as e: _ = str(e) return _, None if not command: return "gimme something to start with...", None is_command = True is_command = command.strip().splitlines().__len__() < 2 and len(command.strip()) < 500 if is_command: try: # out = sp.check_output(split(command), encoding="utf8", stderr=STDOUT) proc = sp.Popen( split(command), encoding="utf8", stdout=-1, stderr=-1 ) # sp.PIPE: -1 out, err = proc.communicate() # success = True return f"[{out}], [{err}]", None except Exception as e: out, err = "", str(e) # success = False # return f"[{out}]", f"[{err}]" return f"[{out}], [{err}]", None # quick test altair altair-save tooltip # from PIL import Image # import altair as alt # from altair_saver import save # alt.renderers.enable('altair_saver', fmts=['vega-lite', 'png']) df_ = pd.DataFrame(data={'x': [1, 2], 'y': [3, 4], "cos": [0.1, 0.5]}) # chart_df = alt.Chart(df_).mark_circle(size=60).encode( # x='x', # y='y', # color='cos', # tooltip=['x', 'y', 'cos', ] # ) # .interactive() # save(chart_df, "chart_df.html") # chart_df_html = Path("chart_df.html").read_text("utf") # save(chart_df, "chart_df.png") # chart_df_png = Path("chart_df.png").read_bytes() # chart_df_png = Image.open("chart_df.png") # chart_df_png = "chart_df.png" # scatter_plot.save('simple_scatter_plot_with_altairchart.html') # chart_df.save("chart_df.html") # does not work, constains js # chart_df_html = Path("chart_df.html").read_text("utf") # chart_df.save("chart_df.png") # # chart_df_png = "chart_df.png" # not is_command or not flag: text, do seg_text _ = "\n\n".join(seg_text(command.strip())) logger.debug(_) # logger.debug(chart_df_html) # print(_) # print(chart_df_html) # _ = seg_text(command.strip()) _ = cleandoc( f"""seg_text output (segmented sents): {_} """ ).strip() # return _, chart_df_html plt.figure() sns.scatterplot(data=df_, x='x', y='y') Path("img").mkdir(exist_ok=True) plt.savefig("img/df.png") plt.close() df_png = "img/df.png" # return _, chart_df_png return _, df_png iface = gr.Interface( # fn=greet, # inputs="text", fn=process, # inputs="text", inputs=gr.inputs.Textbox( lines=5, placeholder="Type or paste input here then click 'Submit'", default="python -V # show version", label="command or multiline text", ), # outputs="text", # outputs=["text",], # outputs=["text", "html"], outputs=[ "text", gr.outputs.Image("auto"), ], examples=[ "python -m site", """python -c "import gradio; print(gradio.__version__")""", "python -V ", "cat /proc/version", "free # show free memory", "uname -m", "df -h .", "cat /proc/cpuinfo", """python -c "from psutil import virtual_memory; print(virtual_memory())" """, ], title="probe the system", description="Talk to the system via subprocess.check_output ", # layout="vertical", ) # iface.launch(share=True, debug=True) # import platform # logger.info("platform.node(): %s", platform.node()) # if 'amzn2' in platform.uname().__str__(): "huggingdace spaces" iface.launch(share=False, debug=True) # iface.launch()