"""Talk to spaces VM via subprocess.check_output.""" # import httpx import subprocess as sp from shlex import split import gradio as gr def greet(command): """Probe vm.""" try: out = sp.check_output(split(command), encoding="utf8") except Exception as e: out = str(e) # return "Hello " + name + "!!" if not (out and out.strip()): out = "No output, that's all we know." return out iface = gr.Interface( fn=greet, inputs="text", outputs="text", examples=[ "cat /proc/version", "free # show free memory", "uname -m", "df -h .", "cat /proc/cpuinfo", """python -c "from psutil import virtual_memory; print(virtual_memory())" """, ], title="probe the system", description="talk to the system via subprocess.check_output ", ) # iface.launch(share=True, debug=True) iface.launch(debug=True)