Update example
Browse files
@@ -43,24 +43,24 @@ We thanks <a href="" target="_blank">TMR
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# Show closest text in the training
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"This person kicks with his right leg then jabs several times.",
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"A person stands for few seconds and picks up his arms and shakes them.",
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"A person stands, crosses left leg in front of the right, lowering themselves until they are sitting, both hands on the floor before standing and uncrossing legs.",
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"A person is running on a treadmill.",
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"A person walks with a limp, their left leg gets injured.",
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"A person repeatedly blocks their face with their right arm.",
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"The person holds his left foot with his left hand, puts his right foot up and left hand up too.",
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"A person walks in a clokwise circle and stops where he began.",
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"A man bends down and picks something up with his right hand.",
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"The man walked forward, spun right on one foot and walked back to his original position.",
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"A man is walking forward then steps over an object then continues walking forward.",
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"This person takes 4 steps forward staring with his right foot.",
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"The person did a kick spin to the left.",
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"A figure streches it hands and arms above its head.",
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"The person takes 4 steps backwards.",
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"A person jumps up and then lands.",
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"The person was pushed but did not fall.",
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"The person does a salsa dance."
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# Show closest text in the training