from etils import epath import streamlit as st from components.tree import render_tree from core.constants import DF_HEIGHT from core.constants import OAUTH_CLIENT_ID from core.files import code_to_index from core.files import file_from_form from core.files import file_from_upload from core.files import file_from_url from core.files import FILE_OBJECT from core.files import FILE_SET from core.files import FILE_TYPES from core.files import RESOURCE_TYPES from core.path import get_resource_path from core.record_sets import infer_record_sets from core.state import CurrentProject from core.state import FileObject from core.state import FileSet from core.state import Metadata from core.state import SelectedResource from events.resources import handle_resource_change from events.resources import ResourceEvent from utils import needed_field Resource = FileObject | FileSet _DISTANT_URL_KEY = "import_from_url" _LOCAL_FILE_KEY = "import_from_local_file" _MANUAL_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY = "create_manually_type" _INFO = """Resources can be `FileObjects` (single files) or `FileSets` (sets of files with the same MIME type). On this page, you can upload `FileObjects`, point to external resources on the web or manually create new resources.""" def render_files(): """Renders the views of the files: warnings and panels to display information.""" _render_warnings() col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 1, 1], gap="small") with col1: st.markdown("##### Upload more resources") _render_upload_panel() with col2: st.markdown("##### Uploaded resources") files = st.session_state[Metadata].distribution resource = _render_resources_panel(files) st.session_state[SelectedResource] = resource with col3: _render_right_panel() def _render_warnings(): """Renders warnings concerning local files.""" metadata: Metadata = st.session_state[Metadata] warning = "" for resource in metadata.distribution: content_url = resource.content_url if content_url and not content_url.startswith("http"): path = get_resource_path(content_url) if not path.exists(): if OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: warning += ( f'⚠️ Resource "{}" points to a local file, but' " doesn't exist on the disk. Fix this by changing the content" " URL.\n\n" ) else: warning += ( f'⚠️ Resource "{}" points to a local file, but' " doesn't exist on the disk. Fix this by either downloading" f" it to {path} or changing the content URL.\n\n" ) if warning: st.warning(warning.strip()) def _render_resources_panel(files: list[Resource]) -> Resource | None: """Renders the left panel: the list of all resources.""" filename_to_file: dict[str, list[Resource]] = {} nodes = [] for file in files: name = filename_to_file[name] = file type = "FileObject" if isinstance(file, FileObject) else "FileSet" if file.contained_in: if isinstance(file.contained_in, list): parents = file.contained_in else: parents = [file.contained_in] else: parents = [] nodes.append({"name": name, "type": type, "parents": parents}) name = None if nodes: name = render_tree(nodes, key="-".join([node["name"] for node in nodes])) else: st.write("No resource yet.") if not name: return None file = filename_to_file[name] return file def _render_upload_panel(): """Renders the form to upload from local or upload from URL.""" with st.form(key="upload_form", clear_on_submit=True): file_type_name = st.selectbox("Encoding format", options=FILE_TYPES.keys()) tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs([ "Import from a local file", "Import from a URL", "Add manually" ]) with tab1: st.file_uploader("Select a file", key=_LOCAL_FILE_KEY) with tab2: st.text_input("URL:", key=_DISTANT_URL_KEY) with tab3: st.selectbox("Type", options=RESOURCE_TYPES, key=_MANUAL_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY) def handle_on_click(): url = st.session_state[_DISTANT_URL_KEY] uploaded_file = st.session_state[_LOCAL_FILE_KEY] file_type = FILE_TYPES[file_type_name] metadata: Metadata = st.session_state[Metadata] names = metadata.names() project: CurrentProject = st.session_state[CurrentProject] folder = project.path if url: file = file_from_url(file_type, url, names, folder) elif uploaded_file: file = file_from_upload(file_type, uploaded_file, names, folder) else: resource_type = st.session_state[_MANUAL_RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY] file = file_from_form(resource_type, names, folder) st.session_state[Metadata].add_distribution(file) record_sets = infer_record_sets(file, names) for record_set in record_sets: st.session_state[Metadata].add_record_set(record_set) st.session_state[SelectedResource] = st.form_submit_button("Upload", on_click=handle_on_click) def _render_right_panel(): """Renders the right panel: either a form to create a resource or details of the selected resource.""" if st.session_state.get(SelectedResource): _render_resource_details(st.session_state[SelectedResource]) else:, icon="💡") def _render_resource_details(selected_file: Resource): """Renders the details of the selected resource.""" file: FileObject | FileSet for i, file in enumerate(st.session_state[Metadata].distribution): if == is_file_object = isinstance(file, FileObject) index = ( RESOURCE_TYPES.index(FILE_OBJECT) if is_file_object else RESOURCE_TYPES.index(FILE_SET) ) key = f"{i}-file-name" st.selectbox( "Type", index=index, options=RESOURCE_TYPES, key=key, on_change=handle_resource_change, args=(ResourceEvent.TYPE, file, key), ) _render_resource(i, file, is_file_object) def delete_line(): st.session_state[Metadata].remove_distribution(i) def close(): st.session_state[SelectedResource] = None col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 1]) col1.button("Close", key=f"{i}_close", on_click=close, type="primary") col2.button( "⚠️ Remove", key=f"{i}_remove", on_click=delete_line, type="secondary" ) def _render_resource(prefix: int, file: FileObject | FileSet, is_file_object: bool): parent_options = [ for f in st.session_state[Metadata].distribution] key = f"{prefix}_parents" st.multiselect( "Parents", default=file.contained_in, options=parent_options, key=key, on_change=handle_resource_change, args=(ResourceEvent.CONTAINED_IN, file, key), ) key = f"{prefix}_name" st.text_input( needed_field("Name"),, key=key, on_change=handle_resource_change, args=(ResourceEvent.NAME, file, key), ) key = f"{prefix}_description" st.text_area( "Description", value=file.description, placeholder="Provide a clear description of the file.", key=key, on_change=handle_resource_change, args=(ResourceEvent.DESCRIPTION, file, key), ) if is_file_object: key = f"{prefix}_content_url" st.text_input( needed_field("Content URL"), value=file.content_url, key=key, on_change=handle_resource_change, args=(ResourceEvent.CONTENT_URL, file, key), ) key = f"{prefix}_sha256" st.text_input( needed_field("SHA256"), value=file.sha256, key=key, on_change=handle_resource_change, args=(ResourceEvent.SHA256, file, key), ) key = f"{prefix}_content_size" st.text_input( "Content size", value=file.content_size, key=key, on_change=handle_resource_change, args=(ResourceEvent.CONTENT_SIZE, file, key), ) else: key = f"{prefix}_includes" st.text_input( needed_field("Glob pattern of files to include"), value=file.includes, key=key, on_change=handle_resource_change, args=(ResourceEvent.INCLUDES, file, key), ) key = f"{prefix}_encoding" st.selectbox( needed_field("Encoding format"), index=code_to_index(file.encoding_format), options=FILE_TYPES.keys(), key=key, on_change=handle_resource_change, args=(ResourceEvent.ENCODING_FORMAT, file, key), ) if is_file_object: st.markdown("First rows of data:") is_url = file.content_url and file.content_url.startswith("http") if file.df is not None: st.dataframe(file.df, height=DF_HEIGHT) elif is_url: st.button("Trigger download") else: st.markdown("No rendering possible.")