import dataclasses | |
import hashlib | |
import io | |
import tempfile | |
from etils import epath | |
import magic | |
import pandas as pd | |
import requests | |
from .names import find_unique_name | |
from .path import get_resource_path | |
from .state import FileObject | |
from .state import FileSet | |
FILE_OBJECT = "FileObject" | |
FILE_SET = "FileSet" | |
class FileType: | |
name: str | |
encoding_format: str | |
extensions: list[str] | |
class FileTypes: | |
CSV = FileType(name="CSV", encoding_format="text/csv", extensions=["csv"]) | |
EXCEL = FileType( | |
name="Excel", | |
encoding_format="application/", | |
extensions=["xls", "xlsx", "xlsm"], | |
) | |
GZIP = FileType(name="GZIP", encoding_format="application/gzip", extensions=["gz"]) | |
JPEG = FileType(name="JPEG", encoding_format="image/jpeg", extensions=["json"]) | |
JSON = FileType( | |
name="JSON", encoding_format="application/json", extensions=["json"] | |
) | |
JSONL = FileType( | |
name="JSON-Lines", | |
encoding_format="application/jsonl+json", | |
extensions=["jsonl"], | |
) | |
PARQUET = FileType( | |
name="Parquet", | |
encoding_format="application/vnd.apache.parquet", | |
extensions=["parquet"], | |
) | |
TAR = FileType( | |
name="Archive (TAR)", | |
encoding_format="application/x-tar", | |
extensions=["tar"], | |
) | |
TSV = FileType( | |
name="TSV", encoding_format="text/tab-separated-values", extensions=["tsv"] | |
) | |
TXT = FileType( | |
name="Text", | |
encoding_format="text/plain", | |
extensions=["txt"], | |
) | |
ZIP = FileType( | |
name="ZIP", | |
encoding_format="application/zip", | |
extensions=["zip"], | |
) | |
def _full_name(file_type: FileType): | |
return f"{} ({file_type.encoding_format})" | |
FILE_TYPES: dict[str, FileType] = { | |
_full_name(file_type): file_type | |
for file_type in [ | |
FileTypes.CSV, | |
FileTypes.EXCEL, | |
FileTypes.GZIP, | |
FileTypes.JPEG, | |
FileTypes.JSON, | |
FileTypes.JSONL, | |
FileTypes.PARQUET, | |
FileTypes.TAR, | |
FileTypes.TSV, | |
FileTypes.TXT, | |
FileTypes.ZIP, | |
] | |
} | |
ENCODING_FORMATS: dict[str, FileType] = { | |
file_type.encoding_format: file_type for file_type in FILE_TYPES.values() | |
} | |
def name_to_code(file_type_name: str) -> str | None: | |
"""Maps names to the encoding format: Text => plain/text.""" | |
for name, file_type in FILE_TYPES.items(): | |
if file_type_name == name: | |
return file_type.encoding_format | |
return None | |
def code_to_index(encoding_format: str) -> int | None: | |
"""Maps the encoding format to its index in the list of keys: plain/text => 12.""" | |
for i, file_type in enumerate(FILE_TYPES.values()): | |
if file_type.encoding_format == encoding_format: | |
return i | |
return None | |
def _sha256(content: bytes): | |
"""Computes the sha256 digest of the byte string.""" | |
return hashlib.sha256(content).hexdigest() | |
def hash_file_path(url: str) -> epath.Path: | |
"""Reproducibly produces the file path.""" | |
tempdir = epath.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) | |
hash = _sha256(url.encode()) | |
return tempdir / f"croissant-editor-{hash}" | |
def download_file(url: str, file_path: epath.Path): | |
"""Downloads the file locally to `file_path`.""" | |
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as request: | |
request.raise_for_status() | |
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: | |
tmpdir = epath.Path(tmpdir) / "file" | |
with"wb") as file: | |
for chunk in request.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): | |
file.write(chunk) | |
tmpdir.copy(file_path) | |
def get_dataframe(file_type: FileType, file: io.BytesIO | epath.Path) -> pd.DataFrame: | |
"""Gets the df associated to the file.""" | |
if file_type == FileTypes.CSV: | |
df = pd.read_csv(file) | |
elif file_type == FileTypes.EXCEL: | |
df = pd.read_excel(file) | |
elif file_type == FileTypes.JSON: | |
df = pd.read_json(file) | |
elif file_type == FileTypes.JSONL: | |
df = pd.read_json(file, lines=True) | |
elif file_type == FileTypes.PARQUET: | |
df = pd.read_parquet(file) | |
elif file_type == FileTypes.TSV: | |
df = pd.read_csv(file, sep="\t") | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError( | |
f"File type {file_type} is not supported. Please, open an issue on GitHub:" | |
"" | |
) | |
return df.infer_objects() | |
def _guess_mime_type(path: epath.Path) -> str: | |
"""Guess most specific MIME type.""" | |
mime = magic.from_file(path, mime=True) | |
extension = path.suffix | |
if mime == "text/plain": | |
# In some cases, a CSV/TSV may be classified as text | |
# For example, if the file is not terminated by a newline | |
if extension == ".csv": | |
mime = "text/csv" | |
elif extension == ".tsv": | |
mime = "text/tab-separated-values" | |
return mime | |
def guess_file_type(path: epath.Path) -> FileType | None: | |
mime = _guess_mime_type(path) | |
return ENCODING_FORMATS.get(mime) | |
def file_from_url(url: str, names: set[str], folder: epath.Path) -> FileObject: | |
"""Downloads locally and extracts the file information.""" | |
file_path = hash_file_path(url) | |
if not file_path.exists(): | |
download_file(url, file_path) | |
with"rb") as file: | |
sha256 = _sha256( | |
file_type = guess_file_type(file_path) | |
df = get_dataframe(file_type, file_path) | |
name = find_unique_name(names, url.split("/")[-1]) | |
return FileObject( | |
id=name, | |
name=name, | |
description="", | |
content_url=url, | |
encoding_format=file_type.encoding_format, | |
sha256=sha256, | |
df=df, | |
folder=folder, | |
) | |
def file_from_upload( | |
file: io.BytesIO, names: set[str], folder: epath.Path | |
) -> FileObject: | |
"""Uploads locally and extracts the file information.""" | |
value = file.getvalue() | |
content_url = f"data/{}" | |
sha256 = _sha256(value) | |
file_path = get_resource_path(content_url) | |
with"wb") as f: | |
f.write(value) | |
file_type = guess_file_type(file_path) | |
df = get_dataframe(file_type, file) | |
name = find_unique_name(names, | |
return FileObject( | |
id=name, | |
name=name, | |
description="", | |
content_url=content_url, | |
encoding_format=file_type.encoding_format, | |
sha256=sha256, | |
df=df, | |
folder=folder, | |
) | |
def file_from_form( | |
type: str, names: set[str], folder: epath.Path | |
) -> FileObject | FileSet: | |
"""Creates a file based on manually added fields.""" | |
if type == FILE_OBJECT: | |
name = find_unique_name(names, "file_object") | |
return FileObject(id=name, name=name, folder=folder) | |
elif type == FILE_SET: | |
name = find_unique_name(names, "file_set") | |
return FileSet(id=name, name=name) | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("type has to be one of FILE_OBJECT, FILE_SET") | |
def is_url(file: FileObject) -> bool: | |
return file.content_url and file.content_url.startswith("http") | |
def trigger_download(file: FileObject): | |
if is_url(file): | |
file_path = hash_file_path(file.content_url) | |
if not file_path.exists(): | |
download_file(file.content_url, file_path) | |
else: | |
file_path = get_resource_path(file.content_url) | |
file_type = guess_file_type(file_path) | |
df = get_dataframe(file_type, file_path) | |
file.df = df | |