#include "parallel.h"
#include <list>
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>

// From https://github.com/mmp/pbrt-v3/blob/master/src/core/parallel.cpp

static std::vector<std::thread> threads;
static bool shutdownThreads = false;
struct ParallelForLoop;
static ParallelForLoop *workList = nullptr;
static std::mutex workListMutex;

struct ParallelForLoop {
    ParallelForLoop(std::function<void(int64_t)> func1D, int64_t maxIndex, int chunkSize)
        : func1D(std::move(func1D)), maxIndex(maxIndex), chunkSize(chunkSize) {
    ParallelForLoop(const std::function<void(Vector2i)> &f, const Vector2i count)
        : func2D(f), maxIndex(count[0] * count[1]), chunkSize(1) {
        nX = count[0];

    std::function<void(int64_t)> func1D;
    std::function<void(Vector2i)> func2D;
    const int64_t maxIndex;
    const int chunkSize;
    int64_t nextIndex = 0;
    int activeWorkers = 0;
    ParallelForLoop *next = nullptr;
    int nX = -1;

    bool Finished() const {
        return nextIndex >= maxIndex && activeWorkers == 0;

void Barrier::Wait() {
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
    assert(count > 0);
    if (--count == 0) {
        // This is the last thread to reach the barrier; wake up all of the
        // other ones before exiting.
    } else {
        // Otherwise there are still threads that haven't reached it. Give
        // up the lock and wait to be notified.
        cv.wait(lock, [this] { return count == 0; });

static std::condition_variable workListCondition;

static void worker_thread_func(const int tIndex, std::shared_ptr<Barrier> barrier) {
    ThreadIndex = tIndex;

    // The main thread sets up a barrier so that it can be sure that all
    // workers have called ProfilerWorkerThreadInit() before it continues
    // (and actually starts the profiling system).

    // Release our reference to the Barrier so that it's freed once all of
    // the threads have cleared it.

    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(workListMutex);
    while (!shutdownThreads) {
        if (!workList) {
            // Sleep until there are more tasks to run
        } else {
            // Get work from _workList_ and run loop iterations
            ParallelForLoop &loop = *workList;

            // Run a chunk of loop iterations for _loop_

            // Find the set of loop iterations to run next
            int64_t indexStart = loop.nextIndex;
            int64_t indexEnd = std::min(indexStart + loop.chunkSize, loop.maxIndex);

            // Update _loop_ to reflect iterations this thread will run
            loop.nextIndex = indexEnd;
            if (loop.nextIndex == loop.maxIndex)
                workList = loop.next;

            // Run loop indices in _[indexStart, indexEnd)_
            for (int64_t index = indexStart; index < indexEnd; ++index) {
                if (loop.func1D) {
                // Handle other types of loops
                else {
                    assert(loop.func2D != nullptr);
                    loop.func2D(Vector2i{int(index % loop.nX),
                                         int(index / loop.nX)});

            // Update _loop_ to reflect completion of iterations
            if (loop.Finished()) {

void parallel_for_host(const std::function<void(int64_t)> &func,
                       int64_t count,
                       int chunkSize) {
    // Run iterations immediately if not using threads or if _count_ is small
    if (threads.empty() || count < chunkSize) {
        for (int64_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {

    // Create and enqueue _ParallelForLoop_ for this loop
    ParallelForLoop loop(func, count, chunkSize);
    loop.next = workList;
    workList = &loop;

    // Notify worker threads of work to be done
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(workListMutex);

    // Help out with parallel loop iterations in the current thread
    while (!loop.Finished()) {
        // Run a chunk of loop iterations for _loop_

        // Find the set of loop iterations to run next
        int64_t indexStart = loop.nextIndex;
        int64_t indexEnd = std::min(indexStart + loop.chunkSize, loop.maxIndex);

        // Update _loop_ to reflect iterations this thread will run
        loop.nextIndex = indexEnd;
        if (loop.nextIndex == loop.maxIndex) {
            workList = loop.next;

        // Run loop indices in _[indexStart, indexEnd)_
        for (int64_t index = indexStart; index < indexEnd; ++index) {
            if (loop.func1D) {
            // Handle other types of loops
            else {
                assert(loop.func2D != nullptr);
                loop.func2D(Vector2i{int(index % loop.nX),
                                     int(index / loop.nX)});

        // Update _loop_ to reflect completion of iterations

thread_local int ThreadIndex;

void parallel_for_host(
        std::function<void(Vector2i)> func, const Vector2i count) {
    // Launch worker threads if needed
    if (threads.empty() || count.x * count.y <= 1) {
        for (int y = 0; y < count.y; ++y) {
            for (int x = 0; x < count.x; ++x) {
                func(Vector2i{x, y});

    ParallelForLoop loop(std::move(func), count);
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(workListMutex);
        loop.next = workList;
        workList = &loop;

    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(workListMutex);

    // Help out with parallel loop iterations in the current thread
    while (!loop.Finished()) {
        // Run a chunk of loop iterations for _loop_

        // Find the set of loop iterations to run next
        int64_t indexStart = loop.nextIndex;
        int64_t indexEnd = std::min(indexStart + loop.chunkSize, loop.maxIndex);

        // Update _loop_ to reflect iterations this thread will run
        loop.nextIndex = indexEnd;
        if (loop.nextIndex == loop.maxIndex) {
            workList = loop.next;

        // Run loop indices in _[indexStart, indexEnd)_
        for (int64_t index = indexStart; index < indexEnd; ++index) {
            if (loop.func1D) {
            // Handle other types of loops
            else {
                assert(loop.func2D != nullptr);
                loop.func2D(Vector2i{int(index % loop.nX),
                                     int(index / loop.nX)});

        // Update _loop_ to reflect completion of iterations

int num_system_cores() {
    // return 1;
    int ret = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
    if (ret == 0) {
        return 16;
    return ret;

void parallel_init() {
    assert(threads.size() == 0);
    int nThreads = num_system_cores();
    ThreadIndex = 0;

    // Create a barrier so that we can be sure all worker threads get past
    // their call to ProfilerWorkerThreadInit() before we return from this
    // function.  In turn, we can be sure that the profiling system isn't
    // started until after all worker threads have done that.
    std::shared_ptr<Barrier> barrier = std::make_shared<Barrier>(nThreads);

    // Launch one fewer worker thread than the total number we want doing
    // work, since the main thread helps out, too.
    for (int i = 0; i < nThreads - 1; ++i) {
        threads.push_back(std::thread(worker_thread_func, i + 1, barrier));


void parallel_cleanup() {
    if (threads.empty()) {

        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(workListMutex);
        shutdownThreads = true;

    for (std::thread &thread : threads) {
    threads.erase(threads.begin(), threads.end());
    shutdownThreads = false;