#include "diffvg.h" #include "aabb.h" #include "shape.h" #include "sample_boundary.h" #include "atomic.h" #include "cdf.h" #include "compute_distance.h" #include "cuda_utils.h" #include "edge_query.h" #include "filter.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "parallel.h" #include "pcg.h" #include "ptr.h" #include "scene.h" #include "vector.h" #include "winding_number.h" #include "within_distance.h" #include <cassert> #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <pybind11/stl.h> #include <thrust/execution_policy.h> #include <thrust/sort.h> namespace py = pybind11; struct Command { int shape_group_id; int shape_id; int point_id; // Only used by path }; DEVICE bool is_inside(const SceneData &scene_data, int shape_group_id, const Vector2f &pt, EdgeQuery *edge_query) { const ShapeGroup &shape_group = scene_data.shape_groups[shape_group_id]; // pt is in canvas space, transform it to shape's local space auto local_pt = xform_pt(shape_group.canvas_to_shape, pt); const auto &bvh_nodes = scene_data.shape_groups_bvh_nodes[shape_group_id]; const AABB &bbox = bvh_nodes[2 * shape_group.num_shapes - 2].box; if (!inside(bbox, local_pt)) { return false; } auto winding_number = 0; // Traverse the shape group BVH constexpr auto max_bvh_stack_size = 64; int bvh_stack[max_bvh_stack_size]; auto stack_size = 0; bvh_stack[stack_size++] = 2 * shape_group.num_shapes - 2; while (stack_size > 0) { const BVHNode &node = bvh_nodes[bvh_stack[--stack_size]]; if (node.child1 < 0) { // leaf auto shape_id = node.child0; auto w = compute_winding_number( scene_data.shapes[shape_id], scene_data.path_bvhs[shape_id], local_pt); winding_number += w; if (edge_query != nullptr) { if (edge_query->shape_group_id == shape_group_id && edge_query->shape_id == shape_id) { if ((shape_group.use_even_odd_rule && abs(w) % 2 == 1) || (!shape_group.use_even_odd_rule && w != 0)) { edge_query->hit = true; } } } } else { assert(node.child0 >= 0 && node.child1 >= 0); const AABB &b0 = bvh_nodes[node.child0].box; if (inside(b0, local_pt)) { bvh_stack[stack_size++] = node.child0; } const AABB &b1 = bvh_nodes[node.child1].box; if (inside(b1, local_pt)) { bvh_stack[stack_size++] = node.child1; } assert(stack_size <= max_bvh_stack_size); } } if (shape_group.use_even_odd_rule) { return abs(winding_number) % 2 == 1; } else { return winding_number != 0; } } DEVICE void accumulate_boundary_gradient(const Shape &shape, float contrib, float t, const Vector2f &normal, const BoundaryData &boundary_data, Shape &d_shape, const Matrix3x3f &shape_to_canvas, const Vector2f &local_boundary_pt, Matrix3x3f &d_shape_to_canvas) { assert(isfinite(contrib)); assert(isfinite(normal)); // According to Reynold transport theorem, // the Jacobian of the boundary integral is dot(velocity, normal), // where the velocity depends on the variable being differentiated with. if (boundary_data.is_stroke) { auto has_path_thickness = false; if (shape.type == ShapeType::Path) { const Path &path = *(const Path *)shape.ptr; has_path_thickness = path.thickness != nullptr; } // differentiate stroke width: velocity is the same as normal if (has_path_thickness) { Path *d_p = (Path*)d_shape.ptr; auto base_point_id = boundary_data.path.base_point_id; auto point_id = boundary_data.path.point_id; auto t = boundary_data.path.t; const Path &path = *(const Path *)shape.ptr; if (path.num_control_points[base_point_id] == 0) { // Straight line auto i0 = point_id; auto i1 = (point_id + 1) % path.num_points; // r = r0 + t * (r1 - r0) atomic_add(&d_p->thickness[i0], (1 - t) * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->thickness[i1], ( t) * contrib); } else if (path.num_control_points[base_point_id] == 1) { // Quadratic Bezier curve auto i0 = point_id; auto i1 = point_id + 1; auto i2 = (point_id + 2) % path.num_points; // r = (1-t)^2r0 + 2(1-t)t r1 + t^2 r2 atomic_add(&d_p->thickness[i0], square(1 - t) * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->thickness[i1], (2*(1-t)*t) * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->thickness[i2], (t*t) * contrib); } else if (path.num_control_points[base_point_id] == 2) { auto i0 = point_id; auto i1 = point_id + 1; auto i2 = point_id + 2; auto i3 = (point_id + 3) % path.num_points; // r = (1-t)^3r0 + 3*(1-t)^2tr1 + 3*(1-t)t^2r2 + t^3r3 atomic_add(&d_p->thickness[i0], cubic(1 - t) * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->thickness[i1], 3 * square(1 - t) * t * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->thickness[i2], 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->thickness[i3], t * t * t * contrib); } else { assert(false); } } else { atomic_add(&d_shape.stroke_width, contrib); } } switch (shape.type) { case ShapeType::Circle: { Circle *d_p = (Circle*)d_shape.ptr; // velocity for the center is (1, 0) for x and (0, 1) for y atomic_add(&d_p->center[0], normal * contrib); // velocity for the radius is the same as the normal atomic_add(&d_p->radius, contrib); break; } case ShapeType::Ellipse: { Ellipse *d_p = (Ellipse*)d_shape.ptr; // velocity for the center is (1, 0) for x and (0, 1) for y atomic_add(&d_p->center[0], normal * contrib); // velocity for the radius: // x = center.x + r.x * cos(2pi * t) // y = center.y + r.y * sin(2pi * t) // for r.x: (cos(2pi * t), 0) // for r.y: (0, sin(2pi * t)) atomic_add(&d_p->radius.x, cos(2 * float(M_PI) * t) * normal.x * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->radius.y, sin(2 * float(M_PI) * t) * normal.y * contrib); break; } case ShapeType::Path: { Path *d_p = (Path*)d_shape.ptr; auto base_point_id = boundary_data.path.base_point_id; auto point_id = boundary_data.path.point_id; auto t = boundary_data.path.t; const Path &path = *(const Path *)shape.ptr; if (path.num_control_points[base_point_id] == 0) { // Straight line auto i0 = point_id; auto i1 = (point_id + 1) % path.num_points; // pt = p0 + t * (p1 - p0) // velocity for p0.x: (1 - t, 0) // p0.y: ( 0, 1 - t) // p1.x: ( t, 0) // p1.y: ( 0, t) atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i0 + 0], (1 - t) * normal.x * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i0 + 1], (1 - t) * normal.y * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i1 + 0], ( t) * normal.x * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i1 + 1], ( t) * normal.y * contrib); } else if (path.num_control_points[base_point_id] == 1) { // Quadratic Bezier curve auto i0 = point_id; auto i1 = point_id + 1; auto i2 = (point_id + 2) % path.num_points; // pt = (1-t)^2p0 + 2(1-t)t p1 + t^2 p2 // velocity for p0.x: ((1-t)^2, 0) // p0.y: ( 0, (1-t)^2) // p1.x: (2(1-t)t, 0) // p1.y: ( 0, 2(1-t)t) // p1.x: ( t^2, 0) // p1.y: ( 0, t^2) atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i0 + 0], square(1 - t) * normal.x * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i0 + 1], square(1 - t) * normal.y * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i1 + 0], (2*(1-t)*t) * normal.x * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i1 + 1], (2*(1-t)*t) * normal.y * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i2 + 0], (t*t) * normal.x * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i2 + 1], (t*t) * normal.y * contrib); } else if (path.num_control_points[base_point_id] == 2) { auto i0 = point_id; auto i1 = point_id + 1; auto i2 = point_id + 2; auto i3 = (point_id + 3) % path.num_points; // pt = (1-t)^3p0 + 3*(1-t)^2tp1 + 3*(1-t)t^2p2 + t^3p3 // velocity for p0.x: ( (1-t)^3, 0) // p0.y: ( 0, (1-t)^3) // p1.x: (3*(1-t)^2t, 0) // p1.y: ( 0, 3*(1-t)^2t) // p2.x: (3*(1-t)t^2, 0) // p2.y: ( 0, 3*(1-t)t^2) // p2.x: ( t^3, 0) // p2.y: ( 0, t^3) atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i0 + 0], cubic(1 - t) * normal.x * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i0 + 1], cubic(1 - t) * normal.y * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i1 + 0], 3 * square(1 - t) * t * normal.x * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i1 + 1], 3 * square(1 - t) * t * normal.y * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i2 + 0], 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * normal.x * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i2 + 1], 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * normal.y * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i3 + 0], t * t * t * normal.x * contrib); atomic_add(&d_p->points[2 * i3 + 1], t * t * t * normal.y * contrib); } else { assert(false); } break; } case ShapeType::Rect: { Rect *d_p = (Rect*)d_shape.ptr; // The velocity depends on the position of the boundary if (normal == Vector2f{-1, 0}) { // left // velocity for p_min is (1, 0) for x and (0, 0) for y atomic_add(&d_p->p_min.x, -contrib); } else if (normal == Vector2f{1, 0}) { // right // velocity for p_max is (1, 0) for x and (0, 0) for y atomic_add(&d_p->p_max.x, contrib); } else if (normal == Vector2f{0, -1}) { // top // velocity for p_min is (0, 0) for x and (0, 1) for y atomic_add(&d_p->p_min.y, -contrib); } else if (normal == Vector2f{0, 1}) { // bottom // velocity for p_max is (0, 0) for x and (0, 1) for y atomic_add(&d_p->p_max.y, contrib); } else { // incorrect normal assignment? assert(false); } break; } default: { assert(false); break; } } // for shape_to_canvas we have the following relationship: // boundary_pt = xform_pt(shape_to_canvas, local_pt) // the velocity is the derivative of boundary_pt with respect to shape_to_canvas // we can use reverse-mode AD to compute the dot product of the velocity and the Jacobian // by passing the normal in d_xform_pt auto d_shape_to_canvas_ = Matrix3x3f(); auto d_local_boundary_pt = Vector2f{0, 0}; d_xform_pt(shape_to_canvas, local_boundary_pt, normal * contrib, d_shape_to_canvas_, d_local_boundary_pt); atomic_add(&d_shape_to_canvas(0, 0), d_shape_to_canvas_); } DEVICE Vector4f sample_color(const ColorType &color_type, void *color, const Vector2f &pt) { switch (color_type) { case ColorType::Constant: { auto c = (const Constant*)color; assert(isfinite(c->color)); return c->color; } case ColorType::LinearGradient: { auto c = (const LinearGradient*)color; // Project pt to (c->begin, c->end) auto beg = c->begin; auto end = c->end; auto t = dot(pt - beg, end - beg) / max(dot(end - beg, end - beg), 1e-3f); // Find the correponding stop: if (t < c->stop_offsets[0]) { return Vector4f{c->stop_colors[0], c->stop_colors[1], c->stop_colors[2], c->stop_colors[3]}; } for (int i = 0; i < c->num_stops - 1; i++) { auto offset_curr = c->stop_offsets[i]; auto offset_next = c->stop_offsets[i + 1]; assert(offset_next > offset_curr); if (t >= offset_curr && t < offset_next) { auto color_curr = Vector4f{ c->stop_colors[4 * i + 0], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 1], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 2], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 3]}; auto color_next = Vector4f{ c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 0], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 1], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 2], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 3]}; auto tt = (t - offset_curr) / (offset_next - offset_curr); assert(isfinite(tt)); assert(isfinite(color_curr)); assert(isfinite(color_next)); return color_curr * (1 - tt) + color_next * tt; } } return Vector4f{c->stop_colors[4 * (c->num_stops - 1) + 0], c->stop_colors[4 * (c->num_stops - 1) + 1], c->stop_colors[4 * (c->num_stops - 1) + 2], c->stop_colors[4 * (c->num_stops - 1) + 3]}; } case ColorType::RadialGradient: { auto c = (const RadialGradient*)color; // Distance from pt to center auto offset = pt - c->center; auto normalized_offset = offset / c->radius; auto t = length(normalized_offset); // Find the correponding stop: if (t < c->stop_offsets[0]) { return Vector4f{c->stop_colors[0], c->stop_colors[1], c->stop_colors[2], c->stop_colors[3]}; } for (int i = 0; i < c->num_stops - 1; i++) { auto offset_curr = c->stop_offsets[i]; auto offset_next = c->stop_offsets[i + 1]; assert(offset_next > offset_curr); if (t >= offset_curr && t < offset_next) { auto color_curr = Vector4f{ c->stop_colors[4 * i + 0], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 1], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 2], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 3]}; auto color_next = Vector4f{ c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 0], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 1], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 2], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 3]}; auto tt = (t - offset_curr) / (offset_next - offset_curr); assert(isfinite(tt)); assert(isfinite(color_curr)); assert(isfinite(color_next)); return color_curr * (1 - tt) + color_next * tt; } } return Vector4f{c->stop_colors[4 * (c->num_stops - 1) + 0], c->stop_colors[4 * (c->num_stops - 1) + 1], c->stop_colors[4 * (c->num_stops - 1) + 2], c->stop_colors[4 * (c->num_stops - 1) + 3]}; } default: { assert(false); } } return Vector4f{}; } DEVICE void d_sample_color(const ColorType &color_type, void *color_ptr, const Vector2f &pt, const Vector4f &d_color, void *d_color_ptr, float *d_translation) { switch (color_type) { case ColorType::Constant: { auto d_c = (Constant*)d_color_ptr; atomic_add(&d_c->color[0], d_color); return; } case ColorType::LinearGradient: { auto c = (const LinearGradient*)color_ptr; auto d_c = (LinearGradient*)d_color_ptr; // Project pt to (c->begin, c->end) auto beg = c->begin; auto end = c->end; auto t = dot(pt - beg, end - beg) / max(dot(end - beg, end - beg), 1e-3f); // Find the correponding stop: if (t < c->stop_offsets[0]) { atomic_add(&d_c->stop_colors[0], d_color); return; } for (int i = 0; i < c->num_stops - 1; i++) { auto offset_curr = c->stop_offsets[i]; auto offset_next = c->stop_offsets[i + 1]; assert(offset_next > offset_curr); if (t >= offset_curr && t < offset_next) { auto color_curr = Vector4f{ c->stop_colors[4 * i + 0], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 1], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 2], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 3]}; auto color_next = Vector4f{ c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 0], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 1], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 2], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 3]}; auto tt = (t - offset_curr) / (offset_next - offset_curr); // return color_curr * (1 - tt) + color_next * tt; auto d_color_curr = d_color * (1 - tt); auto d_color_next = d_color * tt; auto d_tt = sum(d_color * (color_next - color_curr)); auto d_offset_next = -d_tt * tt / (offset_next - offset_curr); auto d_offset_curr = d_tt * ((tt - 1.f) / (offset_next - offset_curr)); auto d_t = d_tt / (offset_next - offset_curr); assert(isfinite(d_tt)); atomic_add(&d_c->stop_colors[4 * i], d_color_curr); atomic_add(&d_c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1)], d_color_next); atomic_add(&d_c->stop_offsets[i], d_offset_curr); atomic_add(&d_c->stop_offsets[i + 1], d_offset_next); // auto t = dot(pt - beg, end - beg) / max(dot(end - beg, end - beg), 1e-6f); // l = max(dot(end - beg, end - beg), 1e-3f) // t = dot(pt - beg, end - beg) / l; auto l = max(dot(end - beg, end - beg), 1e-3f); auto d_beg = d_t * (-(pt - beg)-(end - beg)) / l; auto d_end = d_t * (pt - beg) / l; auto d_l = -d_t * t / l; if (dot(end - beg, end - beg) > 1e-3f) { d_beg += 2 * d_l * (beg - end); d_end += 2 * d_l * (end - beg); } atomic_add(&d_c->begin[0], d_beg); atomic_add(&d_c->end[0], d_end); if (d_translation != nullptr) { atomic_add(d_translation, (d_beg + d_end)); } return; } } atomic_add(&d_c->stop_colors[4 * (c->num_stops - 1)], d_color); return; } case ColorType::RadialGradient: { auto c = (const RadialGradient*)color_ptr; auto d_c = (RadialGradient*)d_color_ptr; // Distance from pt to center auto offset = pt - c->center; auto normalized_offset = offset / c->radius; auto t = length(normalized_offset); // Find the correponding stop: if (t < c->stop_offsets[0]) { atomic_add(&d_c->stop_colors[0], d_color); return; } for (int i = 0; i < c->num_stops - 1; i++) { auto offset_curr = c->stop_offsets[i]; auto offset_next = c->stop_offsets[i + 1]; assert(offset_next > offset_curr); if (t >= offset_curr && t < offset_next) { auto color_curr = Vector4f{ c->stop_colors[4 * i + 0], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 1], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 2], c->stop_colors[4 * i + 3]}; auto color_next = Vector4f{ c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 0], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 1], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 2], c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1) + 3]}; auto tt = (t - offset_curr) / (offset_next - offset_curr); assert(isfinite(tt)); // return color_curr * (1 - tt) + color_next * tt; auto d_color_curr = d_color * (1 - tt); auto d_color_next = d_color * tt; auto d_tt = sum(d_color * (color_next - color_curr)); auto d_offset_next = -d_tt * tt / (offset_next - offset_curr); auto d_offset_curr = d_tt * ((tt - 1.f) / (offset_next - offset_curr)); auto d_t = d_tt / (offset_next - offset_curr); assert(isfinite(d_t)); atomic_add(&d_c->stop_colors[4 * i], d_color_curr); atomic_add(&d_c->stop_colors[4 * (i + 1)], d_color_next); atomic_add(&d_c->stop_offsets[i], d_offset_curr); atomic_add(&d_c->stop_offsets[i + 1], d_offset_next); // offset = pt - c->center // normalized_offset = offset / c->radius // t = length(normalized_offset) auto d_normalized_offset = d_length(normalized_offset, d_t); auto d_offset = d_normalized_offset / c->radius; auto d_radius = -d_normalized_offset * offset / (c->radius * c->radius); auto d_center = -d_offset; atomic_add(&d_c->center[0], d_center); atomic_add(&d_c->radius[0], d_radius); if (d_translation != nullptr) { atomic_add(d_translation, d_center); } } } atomic_add(&d_c->stop_colors[4 * (c->num_stops - 1)], d_color); return; } default: { assert(false); } } } struct Fragment { Vector3f color; float alpha; int group_id; bool is_stroke; }; struct PrefilterFragment { Vector3f color; float alpha; int group_id; bool is_stroke; int shape_id; float distance; Vector2f closest_pt; ClosestPointPathInfo path_info; bool within_distance; }; DEVICE Vector4f sample_color(const SceneData &scene, const Vector4f *background_color, const Vector2f &screen_pt, const Vector4f *d_color = nullptr, EdgeQuery *edge_query = nullptr, Vector4f *d_background_color = nullptr, float *d_translation = nullptr) { if (edge_query != nullptr) { edge_query->hit = false; } // screen_pt is in screen space ([0, 1), [0, 1)), // need to transform to canvas space auto pt = screen_pt; pt.x *= scene.canvas_width; pt.y *= scene.canvas_height; constexpr auto max_hit_shapes = 256; constexpr auto max_bvh_stack_size = 64; Fragment fragments[max_hit_shapes]; int bvh_stack[max_bvh_stack_size]; auto stack_size = 0; auto num_fragments = 0; bvh_stack[stack_size++] = 2 * scene.num_shape_groups - 2; while (stack_size > 0) { const BVHNode &node = scene.bvh_nodes[bvh_stack[--stack_size]]; if (node.child1 < 0) { // leaf auto group_id = node.child0; const ShapeGroup &shape_group = scene.shape_groups[group_id]; if (shape_group.stroke_color != nullptr) { if (within_distance(scene, group_id, pt, edge_query)) { auto color_alpha = sample_color(shape_group.stroke_color_type, shape_group.stroke_color, pt); Fragment f; f.color = Vector3f{color_alpha[0], color_alpha[1], color_alpha[2]}; f.alpha = color_alpha[3]; f.group_id = group_id; f.is_stroke = true; assert(num_fragments < max_hit_shapes); fragments[num_fragments++] = f; } } if (shape_group.fill_color != nullptr) { if (is_inside(scene, group_id, pt, edge_query)) { auto color_alpha = sample_color(shape_group.fill_color_type, shape_group.fill_color, pt); Fragment f; f.color = Vector3f{color_alpha[0], color_alpha[1], color_alpha[2]}; f.alpha = color_alpha[3]; f.group_id = group_id; f.is_stroke = false; assert(num_fragments < max_hit_shapes); fragments[num_fragments++] = f; } } } else { assert(node.child0 >= 0 && node.child1 >= 0); const AABB &b0 = scene.bvh_nodes[node.child0].box; if (inside(b0, pt, scene.bvh_nodes[node.child0].max_radius)) { bvh_stack[stack_size++] = node.child0; } const AABB &b1 = scene.bvh_nodes[node.child1].box; if (inside(b1, pt, scene.bvh_nodes[node.child1].max_radius)) { bvh_stack[stack_size++] = node.child1; } assert(stack_size <= max_bvh_stack_size); } } if (num_fragments <= 0) { if (background_color != nullptr) { if (d_background_color != nullptr) { *d_background_color = *d_color; } return *background_color; } return Vector4f{0, 0, 0, 0}; } // Sort the fragments from back to front (i.e. increasing order of group id) // https://github.com/frigaut/yorick-imutil/blob/master/insort.c#L37 for (int i = 1; i < num_fragments; i++) { auto j = i; auto temp = fragments[j]; while (j > 0 && fragments[j - 1].group_id > temp.group_id) { fragments[j] = fragments[j - 1]; j--; } fragments[j] = temp; } // Blend the color Vector3f accum_color[max_hit_shapes]; float accum_alpha[max_hit_shapes]; // auto hit_opaque = false; auto first_alpha = 0.f; auto first_color = Vector3f{0, 0, 0}; if (background_color != nullptr) { first_alpha = background_color->w; first_color = Vector3f{background_color->x, background_color->y, background_color->z}; } for (int i = 0; i < num_fragments; i++) { const Fragment &fragment = fragments[i]; auto new_color = fragment.color; auto new_alpha = fragment.alpha; auto prev_alpha = i > 0 ? accum_alpha[i - 1] : first_alpha; auto prev_color = i > 0 ? accum_color[i - 1] : first_color; if (edge_query != nullptr) { // Do we hit the target shape? if (new_alpha >= 1.f && edge_query->hit) { // A fully opaque shape in front of the target occludes it edge_query->hit = false; } if (edge_query->shape_group_id == fragment.group_id) { edge_query->hit = true; } } // prev_color is alpha premultiplied, don't need to multiply with // prev_alpha accum_color[i] = prev_color * (1 - new_alpha) + new_alpha * new_color; accum_alpha[i] = prev_alpha * (1 - new_alpha) + new_alpha; } auto final_color = accum_color[num_fragments - 1]; auto final_alpha = accum_alpha[num_fragments - 1]; if (final_alpha > 1e-6f) { final_color /= final_alpha; } assert(isfinite(final_color)); assert(isfinite(final_alpha)); if (d_color != nullptr) { // Backward pass auto d_final_color = Vector3f{(*d_color)[0], (*d_color)[1], (*d_color)[2]}; auto d_final_alpha = (*d_color)[3]; auto d_curr_color = d_final_color; auto d_curr_alpha = d_final_alpha; if (final_alpha > 1e-6f) { // final_color = curr_color / final_alpha d_curr_color = d_final_color / final_alpha; d_curr_alpha -= sum(d_final_color * final_color) / final_alpha; } assert(isfinite(*d_color)); assert(isfinite(d_curr_color)); assert(isfinite(d_curr_alpha)); for (int i = num_fragments - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // color[n] = prev_color * (1 - new_alpha) + new_alpha * new_color; // alpha[n] = prev_alpha * (1 - new_alpha) + new_alpha; auto prev_alpha = i > 0 ? accum_alpha[i - 1] : first_alpha; auto prev_color = i > 0 ? accum_color[i - 1] : first_color; auto d_prev_alpha = d_curr_alpha * (1.f - fragments[i].alpha); auto d_alpha_i = d_curr_alpha * (1.f - prev_alpha); d_alpha_i += sum(d_curr_color * (fragments[i].color - prev_color)); auto d_prev_color = d_curr_color * (1 - fragments[i].alpha); auto d_color_i = d_curr_color * fragments[i].alpha; auto group_id = fragments[i].group_id; if (fragments[i].is_stroke) { d_sample_color(scene.shape_groups[group_id].stroke_color_type, scene.shape_groups[group_id].stroke_color, pt, Vector4f{d_color_i[0], d_color_i[1], d_color_i[2], d_alpha_i}, scene.d_shape_groups[group_id].stroke_color, d_translation); } else { d_sample_color(scene.shape_groups[group_id].fill_color_type, scene.shape_groups[group_id].fill_color, pt, Vector4f{d_color_i[0], d_color_i[1], d_color_i[2], d_alpha_i}, scene.d_shape_groups[group_id].fill_color, d_translation); } d_curr_color = d_prev_color; d_curr_alpha = d_prev_alpha; } if (d_background_color != nullptr) { d_background_color->x += d_curr_color.x; d_background_color->y += d_curr_color.y; d_background_color->z += d_curr_color.z; d_background_color->w += d_curr_alpha; } } return Vector4f{final_color[0], final_color[1], final_color[2], final_alpha}; } DEVICE float sample_distance(const SceneData &scene, const Vector2f &screen_pt, float weight, const float *d_dist = nullptr, float *d_translation = nullptr) { // screen_pt is in screen space ([0, 1), [0, 1)), // need to transform to canvas space auto pt = screen_pt; pt.x *= scene.canvas_width; pt.y *= scene.canvas_height; // for each shape auto min_group_id = -1; auto min_distance = 0.f; auto min_shape_id = -1; auto closest_pt = Vector2f{0, 0}; auto min_path_info = ClosestPointPathInfo{-1, -1, 0}; for (int group_id = scene.num_shape_groups - 1; group_id >= 0; group_id--) { auto s = -1; auto p = Vector2f{0, 0}; ClosestPointPathInfo local_path_info; auto d = infinity<float>(); if (compute_distance(scene, group_id, pt, infinity<float>(), &s, &p, &local_path_info, &d)) { if (min_group_id == -1 || d < min_distance) { min_distance = d; min_group_id = group_id; min_shape_id = s; closest_pt = p; min_path_info = local_path_info; } } } if (min_group_id == -1) { return min_distance; } min_distance *= weight; auto inside = false; const ShapeGroup &shape_group = scene.shape_groups[min_group_id]; if (shape_group.fill_color != nullptr) { inside = is_inside(scene, min_group_id, pt, nullptr); if (inside) { min_distance = -min_distance; } } assert((min_group_id >= 0 && min_shape_id >= 0) || scene.num_shape_groups == 0); if (d_dist != nullptr) { auto d_abs_dist = inside ? -(*d_dist) : (*d_dist); const ShapeGroup &shape_group = scene.shape_groups[min_group_id]; const Shape &shape = scene.shapes[min_shape_id]; ShapeGroup &d_shape_group = scene.d_shape_groups[min_group_id]; Shape &d_shape = scene.d_shapes[min_shape_id]; d_compute_distance(shape_group.canvas_to_shape, shape_group.shape_to_canvas, shape, pt, closest_pt, min_path_info, d_abs_dist, d_shape_group.shape_to_canvas, d_shape, d_translation); } return min_distance; } // Gather d_color from d_image inside the filter kernel, normalize by // weight_image. DEVICE Vector4f gather_d_color(const Filter &filter, const float *d_color_image, const float *weight_image, int width, int height, const Vector2f &pt) { auto x = int(pt.x); auto y = int(pt.y); auto radius = filter.radius; assert(radius > 0); auto ri = (int)ceil(radius); auto d_color = Vector4f{0, 0, 0, 0}; for (int dy = -ri; dy <= ri; dy++) { for (int dx = -ri; dx <= ri; dx++) { auto xx = x + dx; auto yy = y + dy; if (xx >= 0 && xx < width && yy >= 0 && yy < height) { auto xc = xx + 0.5f; auto yc = yy + 0.5f; auto filter_weight = compute_filter_weight(filter, xc - pt.x, yc - pt.y); // pixel = \sum weight * color / \sum weight auto weight_sum = weight_image[yy * width + xx]; if (weight_sum > 0) { d_color += (filter_weight / weight_sum) * Vector4f{ d_color_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 0], d_color_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 1], d_color_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 2], d_color_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 3], }; } } } } return d_color; } DEVICE float smoothstep(float d) { auto t = clamp((d + 1.f) / 2.f, 0.f, 1.f); return t * t * (3 - 2 * t); } DEVICE float d_smoothstep(float d, float d_ret) { if (d < -1.f || d > 1.f) { return 0.f; } auto t = (d + 1.f) / 2.f; // ret = t * t * (3 - 2 * t) // = 3 * t * t - 2 * t * t * t auto d_t = d_ret * (6 * t - 6 * t * t); return d_t / 2.f; } DEVICE Vector4f sample_color_prefiltered(const SceneData &scene, const Vector4f *background_color, const Vector2f &screen_pt, const Vector4f *d_color = nullptr, Vector4f *d_background_color = nullptr, float *d_translation = nullptr) { // screen_pt is in screen space ([0, 1), [0, 1)), // need to transform to canvas space auto pt = screen_pt; pt.x *= scene.canvas_width; pt.y *= scene.canvas_height; constexpr auto max_hit_shapes = 64; constexpr auto max_bvh_stack_size = 64; PrefilterFragment fragments[max_hit_shapes]; int bvh_stack[max_bvh_stack_size]; auto stack_size = 0; auto num_fragments = 0; bvh_stack[stack_size++] = 2 * scene.num_shape_groups - 2; while (stack_size > 0) { const BVHNode &node = scene.bvh_nodes[bvh_stack[--stack_size]]; if (node.child1 < 0) { // leaf auto group_id = node.child0; const ShapeGroup &shape_group = scene.shape_groups[group_id]; if (shape_group.stroke_color != nullptr) { auto min_shape_id = -1; auto closest_pt = Vector2f{0, 0}; auto local_path_info = ClosestPointPathInfo{-1, -1, 0}; auto d = infinity<float>(); compute_distance(scene, group_id, pt, infinity<float>(), &min_shape_id, &closest_pt, &local_path_info, &d); assert(min_shape_id != -1); const auto &shape = scene.shapes[min_shape_id]; auto w = smoothstep(fabs(d) + shape.stroke_width) - smoothstep(fabs(d) - shape.stroke_width); if (w > 0) { auto color_alpha = sample_color(shape_group.stroke_color_type, shape_group.stroke_color, pt); color_alpha[3] *= w; PrefilterFragment f; f.color = Vector3f{color_alpha[0], color_alpha[1], color_alpha[2]}; f.alpha = color_alpha[3]; f.group_id = group_id; f.shape_id = min_shape_id; f.distance = d; f.closest_pt = closest_pt; f.is_stroke = true; f.path_info = local_path_info; f.within_distance = true; assert(num_fragments < max_hit_shapes); fragments[num_fragments++] = f; } } if (shape_group.fill_color != nullptr) { auto min_shape_id = -1; auto closest_pt = Vector2f{0, 0}; auto local_path_info = ClosestPointPathInfo{-1, -1, 0}; auto d = infinity<float>(); auto found = compute_distance(scene, group_id, pt, 1.f, &min_shape_id, &closest_pt, &local_path_info, &d); auto inside = is_inside(scene, group_id, pt, nullptr); if (found || inside) { if (!inside) { d = -d; } auto w = smoothstep(d); if (w > 0) { auto color_alpha = sample_color(shape_group.fill_color_type, shape_group.fill_color, pt); color_alpha[3] *= w; PrefilterFragment f; f.color = Vector3f{color_alpha[0], color_alpha[1], color_alpha[2]}; f.alpha = color_alpha[3]; f.group_id = group_id; f.shape_id = min_shape_id; f.distance = d; f.closest_pt = closest_pt; f.is_stroke = false; f.path_info = local_path_info; f.within_distance = found; assert(num_fragments < max_hit_shapes); fragments[num_fragments++] = f; } } } } else { assert(node.child0 >= 0 && node.child1 >= 0); const AABB &b0 = scene.bvh_nodes[node.child0].box; if (inside(b0, pt, scene.bvh_nodes[node.child0].max_radius)) { bvh_stack[stack_size++] = node.child0; } const AABB &b1 = scene.bvh_nodes[node.child1].box; if (inside(b1, pt, scene.bvh_nodes[node.child1].max_radius)) { bvh_stack[stack_size++] = node.child1; } assert(stack_size <= max_bvh_stack_size); } } if (num_fragments <= 0) { if (background_color != nullptr) { if (d_background_color != nullptr) { *d_background_color = *d_color; } return *background_color; } return Vector4f{0, 0, 0, 0}; } // Sort the fragments from back to front (i.e. increasing order of group id) // https://github.com/frigaut/yorick-imutil/blob/master/insort.c#L37 for (int i = 1; i < num_fragments; i++) { auto j = i; auto temp = fragments[j]; while (j > 0 && fragments[j - 1].group_id > temp.group_id) { fragments[j] = fragments[j - 1]; j--; } fragments[j] = temp; } // Blend the color Vector3f accum_color[max_hit_shapes]; float accum_alpha[max_hit_shapes]; auto first_alpha = 0.f; auto first_color = Vector3f{0, 0, 0}; if (background_color != nullptr) { first_alpha = background_color->w; first_color = Vector3f{background_color->x, background_color->y, background_color->z}; } for (int i = 0; i < num_fragments; i++) { const PrefilterFragment &fragment = fragments[i]; auto new_color = fragment.color; auto new_alpha = fragment.alpha; auto prev_alpha = i > 0 ? accum_alpha[i - 1] : first_alpha; auto prev_color = i > 0 ? accum_color[i - 1] : first_color; // prev_color is alpha premultiplied, don't need to multiply with // prev_alpha accum_color[i] = prev_color * (1 - new_alpha) + new_alpha * new_color; accum_alpha[i] = prev_alpha * (1 - new_alpha) + new_alpha; } auto final_color = accum_color[num_fragments - 1]; auto final_alpha = accum_alpha[num_fragments - 1]; if (final_alpha > 1e-6f) { final_color /= final_alpha; } assert(isfinite(final_color)); assert(isfinite(final_alpha)); if (d_color != nullptr) { // Backward pass auto d_final_color = Vector3f{(*d_color)[0], (*d_color)[1], (*d_color)[2]}; auto d_final_alpha = (*d_color)[3]; auto d_curr_color = d_final_color; auto d_curr_alpha = d_final_alpha; if (final_alpha > 1e-6f) { // final_color = curr_color / final_alpha d_curr_color = d_final_color / final_alpha; d_curr_alpha -= sum(d_final_color * final_color) / final_alpha; } assert(isfinite(*d_color)); assert(isfinite(d_curr_color)); assert(isfinite(d_curr_alpha)); for (int i = num_fragments - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // color[n] = prev_color * (1 - new_alpha) + new_alpha * new_color; // alpha[n] = prev_alpha * (1 - new_alpha) + new_alpha; auto prev_alpha = i > 0 ? accum_alpha[i - 1] : first_alpha; auto prev_color = i > 0 ? accum_color[i - 1] : first_color; auto d_prev_alpha = d_curr_alpha * (1.f - fragments[i].alpha); auto d_alpha_i = d_curr_alpha * (1.f - prev_alpha); d_alpha_i += sum(d_curr_color * (fragments[i].color - prev_color)); auto d_prev_color = d_curr_color * (1 - fragments[i].alpha); auto d_color_i = d_curr_color * fragments[i].alpha; auto group_id = fragments[i].group_id; if (fragments[i].is_stroke) { const auto &shape = scene.shapes[fragments[i].shape_id]; auto d = fragments[i].distance; auto abs_d_plus_width = fabs(d) + shape.stroke_width; auto abs_d_minus_width = fabs(d) - shape.stroke_width; auto w = smoothstep(abs_d_plus_width) - smoothstep(abs_d_minus_width); if (w != 0) { auto d_w = w > 0 ? (fragments[i].alpha / w) * d_alpha_i : 0.f; d_alpha_i *= w; // Backprop to color d_sample_color(scene.shape_groups[group_id].stroke_color_type, scene.shape_groups[group_id].stroke_color, pt, Vector4f{d_color_i[0], d_color_i[1], d_color_i[2], d_alpha_i}, scene.d_shape_groups[group_id].stroke_color, d_translation); auto d_abs_d_plus_width = d_smoothstep(abs_d_plus_width, d_w); auto d_abs_d_minus_width = -d_smoothstep(abs_d_minus_width, d_w); auto d_d = d_abs_d_plus_width + d_abs_d_minus_width; if (d < 0) { d_d = -d_d; } auto d_stroke_width = d_abs_d_plus_width - d_abs_d_minus_width; const auto &shape_group = scene.shape_groups[group_id]; ShapeGroup &d_shape_group = scene.d_shape_groups[group_id]; Shape &d_shape = scene.d_shapes[fragments[i].shape_id]; if (fabs(d_d) > 1e-10f) { d_compute_distance(shape_group.canvas_to_shape, shape_group.shape_to_canvas, shape, pt, fragments[i].closest_pt, fragments[i].path_info, d_d, d_shape_group.shape_to_canvas, d_shape, d_translation); } atomic_add(&d_shape.stroke_width, d_stroke_width); } } else { const auto &shape = scene.shapes[fragments[i].shape_id]; auto d = fragments[i].distance; auto w = smoothstep(d); if (w != 0) { // color_alpha[3] = color_alpha[3] * w; auto d_w = w > 0 ? (fragments[i].alpha / w) * d_alpha_i : 0.f; d_alpha_i *= w; d_sample_color(scene.shape_groups[group_id].fill_color_type, scene.shape_groups[group_id].fill_color, pt, Vector4f{d_color_i[0], d_color_i[1], d_color_i[2], d_alpha_i}, scene.d_shape_groups[group_id].fill_color, d_translation); // w = smoothstep(d) auto d_d = d_smoothstep(d, d_w); if (d < 0) { d_d = -d_d; } const auto &shape_group = scene.shape_groups[group_id]; ShapeGroup &d_shape_group = scene.d_shape_groups[group_id]; Shape &d_shape = scene.d_shapes[fragments[i].shape_id]; if (fabs(d_d) > 1e-10f && fragments[i].within_distance) { d_compute_distance(shape_group.canvas_to_shape, shape_group.shape_to_canvas, shape, pt, fragments[i].closest_pt, fragments[i].path_info, d_d, d_shape_group.shape_to_canvas, d_shape, d_translation); } } } d_curr_color = d_prev_color; d_curr_alpha = d_prev_alpha; } if (d_background_color != nullptr) { d_background_color->x += d_curr_color.x; d_background_color->y += d_curr_color.y; d_background_color->z += d_curr_color.z; d_background_color->w += d_curr_alpha; } } return Vector4f{final_color[0], final_color[1], final_color[2], final_alpha}; } struct weight_kernel { DEVICE void operator()(int idx) { auto rng_state = init_pcg32(idx, seed); // height * width * num_samples_y * num_samples_x auto sx = idx % num_samples_x; auto sy = (idx / num_samples_x) % num_samples_y; auto x = (idx / (num_samples_x * num_samples_y)) % width; auto y = (idx / (num_samples_x * num_samples_y * width)); assert(y < height); auto rx = next_pcg32_float(&rng_state); auto ry = next_pcg32_float(&rng_state); if (use_prefiltering) { rx = ry = 0.5f; } auto pt = Vector2f{x + ((float)sx + rx) / num_samples_x, y + ((float)sy + ry) / num_samples_y}; auto radius = scene.filter->radius; assert(radius >= 0); auto ri = (int)ceil(radius); for (int dy = -ri; dy <= ri; dy++) { for (int dx = -ri; dx <= ri; dx++) { auto xx = x + dx; auto yy = y + dy; if (xx >= 0 && xx < width && yy >= 0 && yy < height) { auto xc = xx + 0.5f; auto yc = yy + 0.5f; auto filter_weight = compute_filter_weight(*scene.filter, xc - pt.x, yc - pt.y); atomic_add(weight_image[yy * width + xx], filter_weight); } } } } SceneData scene; float *weight_image; int width; int height; int num_samples_x; int num_samples_y; uint64_t seed; bool use_prefiltering; }; // We use a "mega kernel" for rendering struct render_kernel { DEVICE void operator()(int idx) { // height * width * num_samples_y * num_samples_x auto pt = Vector2f{0, 0}; auto x = 0; auto y = 0; if (eval_positions == nullptr) { auto rng_state = init_pcg32(idx, seed); auto sx = idx % num_samples_x; auto sy = (idx / num_samples_x) % num_samples_y; x = (idx / (num_samples_x * num_samples_y)) % width; y = (idx / (num_samples_x * num_samples_y * width)); assert(x < width && y < height); auto rx = next_pcg32_float(&rng_state); auto ry = next_pcg32_float(&rng_state); if (use_prefiltering) { rx = ry = 0.5f; } pt = Vector2f{x + ((float)sx + rx) / num_samples_x, y + ((float)sy + ry) / num_samples_y}; } else { pt = Vector2f{eval_positions[2 * idx], eval_positions[2 * idx + 1]}; x = int(pt.x); y = int(pt.y); } // normalize pt to [0, 1] auto npt = pt; npt.x /= width; npt.y /= height; auto num_samples = num_samples_x * num_samples_y; if (render_image != nullptr || d_render_image != nullptr) { Vector4f d_color = Vector4f{0, 0, 0, 0}; if (d_render_image != nullptr) { // Gather d_color from d_render_image inside the filter kernel // normalize using weight_image d_color = gather_d_color(*scene.filter, d_render_image, weight_image, width, height, pt); } auto color = Vector4f{0, 0, 0, 0}; if (use_prefiltering) { color = sample_color_prefiltered(scene, background_image != nullptr ? (const Vector4f*)&background_image[4 * ((y * width) + x)] : nullptr, npt, d_render_image != nullptr ? &d_color : nullptr, d_background_image != nullptr ? (Vector4f*)&d_background_image[4 * ((y * width) + x)] : nullptr, d_translation != nullptr ? &d_translation[2 * (y * width + x)] : nullptr); } else { color = sample_color(scene, background_image != nullptr ? (const Vector4f*)&background_image[4 * ((y * width) + x)] : nullptr, npt, d_render_image != nullptr ? &d_color : nullptr, nullptr, d_background_image != nullptr ? (Vector4f*)&d_background_image[4 * ((y * width) + x)] : nullptr, d_translation != nullptr ? &d_translation[2 * (y * width + x)] : nullptr); } assert(isfinite(color)); // Splat color onto render_image auto radius = scene.filter->radius; assert(radius >= 0); auto ri = (int)ceil(radius); for (int dy = -ri; dy <= ri; dy++) { for (int dx = -ri; dx <= ri; dx++) { auto xx = x + dx; auto yy = y + dy; if (xx >= 0 && xx < width && yy >= 0 && yy < height && weight_image[yy * width + xx] > 0) { auto weight_sum = weight_image[yy * width + xx]; auto xc = xx + 0.5f; auto yc = yy + 0.5f; auto filter_weight = compute_filter_weight(*scene.filter, xc - pt.x, yc - pt.y); auto weighted_color = filter_weight * color / weight_sum; if (render_image != nullptr) { atomic_add(render_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 0], weighted_color[0]); atomic_add(render_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 1], weighted_color[1]); atomic_add(render_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 2], weighted_color[2]); atomic_add(render_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 3], weighted_color[3]); } if (d_render_image != nullptr) { // Backprop to filter_weight // pixel = \sum weight * color / \sum weight auto d_pixel = Vector4f{ d_render_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 0], d_render_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 1], d_render_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 2], d_render_image[4 * (yy * width + xx) + 3], }; auto d_weight = (dot(d_pixel, color) * weight_sum - filter_weight * dot(d_pixel, color) * (weight_sum - filter_weight)) / square(weight_sum); d_compute_filter_weight(*scene.filter, xc - pt.x, yc - pt.y, d_weight, scene.d_filter); } } } } } if (sdf_image != nullptr || d_sdf_image != nullptr) { float d_dist = 0.f; if (d_sdf_image != nullptr) { if (eval_positions == nullptr) { d_dist = d_sdf_image[y * width + x]; } else { d_dist = d_sdf_image[idx]; } } auto weight = eval_positions == nullptr ? 1.f / num_samples : 1.f; auto dist = sample_distance(scene, npt, weight, d_sdf_image != nullptr ? &d_dist : nullptr, d_translation != nullptr ? &d_translation[2 * (y * width + x)] : nullptr); if (sdf_image != nullptr) { if (eval_positions == nullptr) { atomic_add(sdf_image[y * width + x], dist); } else { atomic_add(sdf_image[idx], dist); } } } } SceneData scene; float *background_image; float *render_image; float *weight_image; float *sdf_image; float *d_background_image; float *d_render_image; float *d_sdf_image; float *d_translation; int width; int height; int num_samples_x; int num_samples_y; uint64_t seed; bool use_prefiltering; float *eval_positions; }; struct BoundarySample { Vector2f pt; Vector2f local_pt; Vector2f normal; int shape_group_id; int shape_id; float t; BoundaryData data; float pdf; }; struct sample_boundary_kernel { DEVICE void operator()(int idx) { boundary_samples[idx].pt = Vector2f{0, 0}; boundary_samples[idx].shape_id = -1; boundary_ids[idx] = idx; morton_codes[idx] = 0; auto rng_state = init_pcg32(idx, seed); auto u = next_pcg32_float(&rng_state); // Sample a shape auto sample_id = sample(scene.sample_shapes_cdf, scene.num_total_shapes, u); assert(sample_id >= 0 && sample_id < scene.num_total_shapes); auto shape_id = scene.sample_shape_id[sample_id]; assert(shape_id >= 0 && shape_id < scene.num_shapes); auto shape_group_id = scene.sample_group_id[sample_id]; assert(shape_group_id >= 0 && shape_group_id < scene.num_shape_groups); auto shape_pmf = scene.sample_shapes_pmf[shape_id]; if (shape_pmf <= 0) { return; } // Sample a point on the boundary of the shape auto boundary_pdf = 0.f; auto normal = Vector2f{0, 0}; auto t = next_pcg32_float(&rng_state); BoundaryData boundary_data; const ShapeGroup &shape_group = scene.shape_groups[shape_group_id]; auto local_boundary_pt = sample_boundary( scene, shape_group_id, shape_id, t, normal, boundary_pdf, boundary_data); if (boundary_pdf <= 0) { return; } // local_boundary_pt & normal are in shape's local space, // transform them to canvas space auto boundary_pt = xform_pt(shape_group.shape_to_canvas, local_boundary_pt); normal = xform_normal(shape_group.canvas_to_shape, normal); // Normalize boundary_pt to [0, 1) boundary_pt.x /= scene.canvas_width; boundary_pt.y /= scene.canvas_height; boundary_samples[idx].pt = boundary_pt; boundary_samples[idx].local_pt = local_boundary_pt; boundary_samples[idx].normal = normal; boundary_samples[idx].shape_group_id = shape_group_id; boundary_samples[idx].shape_id = shape_id; boundary_samples[idx].t = t; boundary_samples[idx].data = boundary_data; boundary_samples[idx].pdf = shape_pmf * boundary_pdf; TVector2<uint32_t> p_i{boundary_pt.x * 1023, boundary_pt.y * 1023}; morton_codes[idx] = (expand_bits(p_i.x) << 1u) | (expand_bits(p_i.y) << 0u); } SceneData scene; uint64_t seed; BoundarySample *boundary_samples; int *boundary_ids; uint32_t *morton_codes; }; struct render_edge_kernel { DEVICE void operator()(int idx) { auto bid = boundary_ids[idx]; if (boundary_samples[bid].shape_id == -1) { return; } auto boundary_pt = boundary_samples[bid].pt; auto local_boundary_pt = boundary_samples[bid].local_pt; auto normal = boundary_samples[bid].normal; auto shape_group_id = boundary_samples[bid].shape_group_id; auto shape_id = boundary_samples[bid].shape_id; auto t = boundary_samples[bid].t; auto boundary_data = boundary_samples[bid].data; auto pdf = boundary_samples[bid].pdf; const ShapeGroup &shape_group = scene.shape_groups[shape_group_id]; auto bx = int(boundary_pt.x * width); auto by = int(boundary_pt.y * height); if (bx < 0 || bx >= width || by < 0 || by >= height) { return; } // Sample the two sides of the boundary auto inside_query = EdgeQuery{shape_group_id, shape_id, false}; auto outside_query = EdgeQuery{shape_group_id, shape_id, false}; auto color_inside = sample_color(scene, background_image != nullptr ? (const Vector4f *)&background_image[4 * ((by * width) + bx)] : nullptr, boundary_pt - 1e-4f * normal, nullptr, &inside_query); auto color_outside = sample_color(scene, background_image != nullptr ? (const Vector4f *)&background_image[4 * ((by * width) + bx)] : nullptr, boundary_pt + 1e-4f * normal, nullptr, &outside_query); if (!inside_query.hit && !outside_query.hit) { // occluded return; } if (!inside_query.hit) { normal = -normal; swap_(inside_query, outside_query); swap_(color_inside, color_outside); } // Boundary point in screen space auto sboundary_pt = boundary_pt; sboundary_pt.x *= width; sboundary_pt.y *= height; auto d_color = gather_d_color(*scene.filter, d_render_image, weight_image, width, height, sboundary_pt); // Normalization factor d_color /= float(scene.canvas_width * scene.canvas_height); assert(isfinite(d_color)); assert(isfinite(pdf) && pdf > 0); auto contrib = dot(color_inside - color_outside, d_color) / pdf; ShapeGroup &d_shape_group = scene.d_shape_groups[shape_group_id]; accumulate_boundary_gradient(scene.shapes[shape_id], contrib, t, normal, boundary_data, scene.d_shapes[shape_id], shape_group.shape_to_canvas, local_boundary_pt, d_shape_group.shape_to_canvas); // Don't need to backprop to filter weights: // \int f'(x) g(x) dx doesn't contain discontinuities // if f is continuous, even if g is discontinuous if (d_translation != nullptr) { // According to Reynold transport theorem, // the Jacobian of the boundary integral is dot(velocity, normal) // The velocity of the object translating x is (1, 0) // The velocity of the object translating y is (0, 1) atomic_add(&d_translation[2 * (by * width + bx) + 0], normal.x * contrib); atomic_add(&d_translation[2 * (by * width + bx) + 1], normal.y * contrib); } } SceneData scene; const float *background_image; const BoundarySample *boundary_samples; const int *boundary_ids; float *weight_image; float *d_render_image; float *d_translation; int width; int height; int num_samples_x; int num_samples_y; }; void render(std::shared_ptr<Scene> scene, ptr<float> background_image, ptr<float> render_image, ptr<float> render_sdf, int width, int height, int num_samples_x, int num_samples_y, uint64_t seed, ptr<float> d_background_image, ptr<float> d_render_image, ptr<float> d_render_sdf, ptr<float> d_translation, bool use_prefiltering, ptr<float> eval_positions, int num_eval_positions) { #ifdef __NVCC__ int old_device_id = -1; if (scene->use_gpu) { checkCuda(cudaGetDevice(&old_device_id)); if (scene->gpu_index != -1) { checkCuda(cudaSetDevice(scene->gpu_index)); } } #endif parallel_init(); float *weight_image = nullptr; // Allocate and zero the weight image if (scene->use_gpu) { #ifdef __CUDACC__ if (eval_positions.get() == nullptr) { checkCuda(cudaMallocManaged(&weight_image, width * height * sizeof(float))); cudaMemset(weight_image, 0, width * height * sizeof(float)); } #else assert(false); #endif } else { if (eval_positions.get() == nullptr) { weight_image = (float*)malloc(width * height * sizeof(float)); memset(weight_image, 0, width * height * sizeof(float)); } } if (render_image.get() != nullptr || d_render_image.get() != nullptr || render_sdf.get() != nullptr || d_render_sdf.get() != nullptr) { if (weight_image != nullptr) { parallel_for(weight_kernel{ get_scene_data(*scene.get()), weight_image, width, height, num_samples_x, num_samples_y, seed }, width * height * num_samples_x * num_samples_y, scene->use_gpu); } auto num_samples = eval_positions.get() == nullptr ? width * height * num_samples_x * num_samples_y : num_eval_positions; parallel_for(render_kernel{ get_scene_data(*scene.get()), background_image.get(), render_image.get(), weight_image, render_sdf.get(), d_background_image.get(), d_render_image.get(), d_render_sdf.get(), d_translation.get(), width, height, num_samples_x, num_samples_y, seed, use_prefiltering, eval_positions.get() }, num_samples, scene->use_gpu); } // Boundary sampling if (!use_prefiltering && d_render_image.get() != nullptr) { auto num_samples = width * height * num_samples_x * num_samples_y; BoundarySample *boundary_samples = nullptr; int *boundary_ids = nullptr; // for sorting uint32_t *morton_codes = nullptr; // for sorting // Allocate boundary samples if (scene->use_gpu) { #ifdef __CUDACC__ checkCuda(cudaMallocManaged(&boundary_samples, num_samples * sizeof(BoundarySample))); checkCuda(cudaMallocManaged(&boundary_ids, num_samples * sizeof(int))); checkCuda(cudaMallocManaged(&morton_codes, num_samples * sizeof(uint32_t))); #else assert(false); #endif } else { boundary_samples = (BoundarySample*)malloc( num_samples * sizeof(BoundarySample)); boundary_ids = (int*)malloc( num_samples * sizeof(int)); morton_codes = (uint32_t*)malloc( num_samples * sizeof(uint32_t)); } // Edge sampling // We sort the boundary samples for better thread coherency parallel_for(sample_boundary_kernel{ get_scene_data(*scene.get()), seed, boundary_samples, boundary_ids, morton_codes }, num_samples, scene->use_gpu); if (scene->use_gpu) { thrust::sort_by_key(thrust::device, morton_codes, morton_codes + num_samples, boundary_ids); } else { // Don't need to sort for CPU, we are not using SIMD hardware anyway. // thrust::sort_by_key(thrust::host, morton_codes, morton_codes + num_samples, boundary_ids); } parallel_for(render_edge_kernel{ get_scene_data(*scene.get()), background_image.get(), boundary_samples, boundary_ids, weight_image, d_render_image.get(), d_translation.get(), width, height, num_samples_x, num_samples_y }, num_samples, scene->use_gpu); if (scene->use_gpu) { #ifdef __CUDACC__ checkCuda(cudaFree(boundary_samples)); checkCuda(cudaFree(boundary_ids)); checkCuda(cudaFree(morton_codes)); #else assert(false); #endif } else { free(boundary_samples); free(boundary_ids); free(morton_codes); } } // Clean up weight image if (scene->use_gpu) { #ifdef __CUDACC__ checkCuda(cudaFree(weight_image)); #else assert(false); #endif } else { free(weight_image); } if (scene->use_gpu) { cuda_synchronize(); } parallel_cleanup(); #ifdef __NVCC__ if (old_device_id != -1) { checkCuda(cudaSetDevice(old_device_id)); } #endif } PYBIND11_MODULE(diffvg, m) { m.doc() = "Differential Vector Graphics"; py::class_<ptr<void>>(m, "void_ptr") .def(py::init<std::size_t>()) .def("as_size_t", &ptr<void>::as_size_t); py::class_<ptr<float>>(m, "float_ptr") .def(py::init<std::size_t>()); py::class_<ptr<int>>(m, "int_ptr") .def(py::init<std::size_t>()); py::class_<Vector2f>(m, "Vector2f") .def(py::init<float, float>()) .def_readwrite("x", &Vector2f::x) .def_readwrite("y", &Vector2f::y); py::class_<Vector3f>(m, "Vector3f") .def(py::init<float, float, float>()) .def_readwrite("x", &Vector3f::x) .def_readwrite("y", &Vector3f::y) .def_readwrite("z", &Vector3f::z); py::class_<Vector4f>(m, "Vector4f") .def(py::init<float, float, float, float>()) .def_readwrite("x", &Vector4f::x) .def_readwrite("y", &Vector4f::y) .def_readwrite("z", &Vector4f::z) .def_readwrite("w", &Vector4f::w); py::enum_<ShapeType>(m, "ShapeType") .value("circle", ShapeType::Circle) .value("ellipse", ShapeType::Ellipse) .value("path", ShapeType::Path) .value("rect", ShapeType::Rect); py::class_<Circle>(m, "Circle") .def(py::init<float, Vector2f>()) .def("get_ptr", &Circle::get_ptr) .def_readonly("radius", &Circle::radius) .def_readonly("center", &Circle::center); py::class_<Ellipse>(m, "Ellipse") .def(py::init<Vector2f, Vector2f>()) .def("get_ptr", &Ellipse::get_ptr) .def_readonly("radius", &Ellipse::radius) .def_readonly("center", &Ellipse::center); py::class_<Path>(m, "Path") .def(py::init<ptr<int>, ptr<float>, ptr<float>, int, int, bool, bool>()) .def("get_ptr", &Path::get_ptr) .def("has_thickness", &Path::has_thickness) .def("copy_to", &Path::copy_to) .def_readonly("num_points", &Path::num_points); py::class_<Rect>(m, "Rect") .def(py::init<Vector2f, Vector2f>()) .def("get_ptr", &Rect::get_ptr) .def_readonly("p_min", &Rect::p_min) .def_readonly("p_max", &Rect::p_max); py::enum_<ColorType>(m, "ColorType") .value("constant", ColorType::Constant) .value("linear_gradient", ColorType::LinearGradient) .value("radial_gradient", ColorType::RadialGradient); py::class_<Constant>(m, "Constant") .def(py::init<Vector4f>()) .def("get_ptr", &Constant::get_ptr) .def_readonly("color", &Constant::color); py::class_<LinearGradient>(m, "LinearGradient") .def(py::init<Vector2f, Vector2f, int, ptr<float>, ptr<float>>()) .def("get_ptr", &LinearGradient::get_ptr) .def("copy_to", &LinearGradient::copy_to) .def_readonly("begin", &LinearGradient::begin) .def_readonly("end", &LinearGradient::end) .def_readonly("num_stops", &LinearGradient::num_stops); py::class_<RadialGradient>(m, "RadialGradient") .def(py::init<Vector2f, Vector2f, int, ptr<float>, ptr<float>>()) .def("get_ptr", &RadialGradient::get_ptr) .def("copy_to", &RadialGradient::copy_to) .def_readonly("center", &RadialGradient::center) .def_readonly("radius", &RadialGradient::radius) .def_readonly("num_stops", &RadialGradient::num_stops); py::class_<Shape>(m, "Shape") .def(py::init<ShapeType, ptr<void>, float>()) .def("as_circle", &Shape::as_circle) .def("as_ellipse", &Shape::as_ellipse) .def("as_path", &Shape::as_path) .def("as_rect", &Shape::as_rect) .def_readonly("type", &Shape::type) .def_readonly("stroke_width", &Shape::stroke_width); py::class_<ShapeGroup>(m, "ShapeGroup") .def(py::init<ptr<int>, int, ColorType, ptr<void>, ColorType, ptr<void>, bool, ptr<float>>()) .def("fill_color_as_constant", &ShapeGroup::fill_color_as_constant) .def("fill_color_as_linear_gradient", &ShapeGroup::fill_color_as_linear_gradient) .def("fill_color_as_radial_gradient", &ShapeGroup::fill_color_as_radial_gradient) .def("stroke_color_as_constant", &ShapeGroup::stroke_color_as_constant) .def("stroke_color_as_linear_gradient", &ShapeGroup::stroke_color_as_linear_gradient) .def("stroke_color_as_radial_gradient", &ShapeGroup::fill_color_as_radial_gradient) .def("has_fill_color", &ShapeGroup::has_fill_color) .def("has_stroke_color", &ShapeGroup::has_stroke_color) .def("copy_to", &ShapeGroup::copy_to) .def_readonly("fill_color_type", &ShapeGroup::fill_color_type) .def_readonly("stroke_color_type", &ShapeGroup::stroke_color_type); py::enum_<FilterType>(m, "FilterType") .value("box", FilterType::Box) .value("tent", FilterType::Tent) .value("parabolic", FilterType::RadialParabolic) .value("hann", FilterType::Hann); py::class_<Filter>(m, "Filter") .def(py::init<FilterType, float>()); py::class_<Scene, std::shared_ptr<Scene>>(m, "Scene") .def(py::init<int, int, const std::vector<const Shape*> &, const std::vector<const ShapeGroup*> &, const Filter &, bool, int>()) .def("get_d_shape", &Scene::get_d_shape) .def("get_d_shape_group", &Scene::get_d_shape_group) .def("get_d_filter_radius", &Scene::get_d_filter_radius) .def_readonly("num_shapes", &Scene::num_shapes) .def_readonly("num_shape_groups", &Scene::num_shape_groups); m.def("render", &render, ""); }