import import os import os.path as osp from torch import nn import kornia.augmentation as K import pydiffvg import save_svg import cv2 from ttf import font_string_to_svgs, normalize_letter_size import torch import numpy as np def edict_2_dict(x): if isinstance(x, dict): xnew = {} for k in x: xnew[k] = edict_2_dict(x[k]) return xnew elif isinstance(x, list): xnew = [] for i in range(len(x)): xnew.append( edict_2_dict(x[i])) return xnew else: return x def check_and_create_dir(path): pathdir = osp.split(path)[0] if osp.isdir(pathdir): pass else: os.makedirs(pathdir) def update(d, u): """""" for k, v in u.items(): if isinstance(v, d[k] = update(d.get(k, {}), v) else: d[k] = v return d def preprocess(font, word, letter, level_of_cc=1): if level_of_cc == 0: target_cp = None else: target_cp = {"A": 120, "B": 120, "C": 100, "D": 100, "E": 120, "F": 120, "G": 120, "H": 120, "I": 35, "J": 80, "K": 100, "L": 80, "M": 100, "N": 100, "O": 100, "P": 120, "Q": 120, "R": 130, "S": 110, "T": 90, "U": 100, "V": 100, "W": 100, "X": 130, "Y": 120, "Z": 120, "a": 120, "b": 120, "c": 100, "d": 100, "e": 120, "f": 120, "g": 120, "h": 120, "i": 35, "j": 80, "k": 100, "l": 80, "m": 100, "n": 100, "o": 100, "p": 120, "q": 120, "r": 130, "s": 110, "t": 90, "u": 100, "v": 100, "w": 100, "x": 130, "y": 120, "z": 120 } target_cp = {k: v * level_of_cc for k, v in target_cp.items()} print(f"======= {font} =======") font_path = f"code/data/fonts/{font}.ttf" init_path = f"code/data/init" subdivision_thresh = None font_string_to_svgs(init_path, font_path, word, target_control=target_cp, subdivision_thresh=subdivision_thresh) normalize_letter_size(init_path, font_path, word) # optimaize two adjacent letters if len(letter) > 1: subdivision_thresh = None font_string_to_svgs(init_path, font_path, letter, target_control=target_cp, subdivision_thresh=subdivision_thresh) normalize_letter_size(init_path, font_path, letter) print("Done preprocess") def get_data_augs(cut_size): augmentations = [] augmentations.append(K.RandomPerspective(distortion_scale=0.5, p=0.7)) augmentations.append(K.RandomCrop(size=(cut_size, cut_size), pad_if_needed=True, padding_mode='reflect', p=1.0)) return nn.Sequential(*augmentations) '''pytorch adaptation of''' def learning_rate_decay(step, lr_init, lr_final, max_steps, lr_delay_steps=0, lr_delay_mult=1): """Continuous learning rate decay function. The returned rate is lr_init when step=0 and lr_final when step=max_steps, and is log-linearly interpolated elsewhere (equivalent to exponential decay). If lr_delay_steps>0 then the learning rate will be scaled by some smooth function of lr_delay_mult, such that the initial learning rate is lr_init*lr_delay_mult at the beginning of optimization but will be eased back to the normal learning rate when steps>lr_delay_steps. Args: step: int, the current optimization step. lr_init: float, the initial learning rate. lr_final: float, the final learning rate. max_steps: int, the number of steps during optimization. lr_delay_steps: int, the number of steps to delay the full learning rate. lr_delay_mult: float, the multiplier on the rate when delaying it. Returns: lr: the learning for current step 'step'. """ if lr_delay_steps > 0: # A kind of reverse cosine decay. delay_rate = lr_delay_mult + (1 - lr_delay_mult) * np.sin( 0.5 * np.pi * np.clip(step / lr_delay_steps, 0, 1)) else: delay_rate = 1. t = np.clip(step / max_steps, 0, 1) log_lerp = np.exp(np.log(lr_init) * (1 - t) + np.log(lr_final) * t) return delay_rate * log_lerp def save_image(img, filename, gamma=1): check_and_create_dir(filename) imshow = img.detach().cpu() pydiffvg.imwrite(imshow, filename, gamma=gamma) def get_letter_ids(letter, word, shape_groups): for group, l in zip(shape_groups, word): if l == letter: return group.shape_ids def combine_word(word, letter, font, experiment_dir): word_svg_scaled = f"./code/data/init/{font}_{word}_scaled.svg" canvas_width_word, canvas_height_word, shapes_word, shape_groups_word = pydiffvg.svg_to_scene(word_svg_scaled) letter_ids = [] for l in letter: letter_ids += get_letter_ids(l, word, shape_groups_word) w_min, w_max = min([torch.min(shapes_word[ids].points[:, 0]) for ids in letter_ids]), max( [torch.max(shapes_word[ids].points[:, 0]) for ids in letter_ids]) h_min, h_max = min([torch.min(shapes_word[ids].points[:, 1]) for ids in letter_ids]), max( [torch.max(shapes_word[ids].points[:, 1]) for ids in letter_ids]) c_w = (-w_min + w_max) / 2 c_h = (-h_min + h_max) / 2 svg_result = os.path.join(experiment_dir, "output-svg", "output.svg") canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups = pydiffvg.svg_to_scene(svg_result) out_w_min, out_w_max = min([torch.min(p.points[:, 0]) for p in shapes]), max( [torch.max(p.points[:, 0]) for p in shapes]) out_h_min, out_h_max = min([torch.min(p.points[:, 1]) for p in shapes]), max( [torch.max(p.points[:, 1]) for p in shapes]) out_c_w = (-out_w_min + out_w_max) / 2 out_c_h = (-out_h_min + out_h_max) / 2 scale_canvas_w = (w_max - w_min) / (out_w_max - out_w_min) scale_canvas_h = (h_max - h_min) / (out_h_max - out_h_min) if scale_canvas_h > scale_canvas_w: wsize = int((out_w_max - out_w_min) * scale_canvas_h) scale_canvas_w = wsize / (out_w_max - out_w_min) shift_w = -out_c_w * scale_canvas_w + c_w else: hsize = int((out_h_max - out_h_min) * scale_canvas_w) scale_canvas_h = hsize / (out_h_max - out_h_min) shift_h = -out_c_h * scale_canvas_h + c_h for num, p in enumerate(shapes): p.points[:, 0] = p.points[:, 0] * scale_canvas_w p.points[:, 1] = p.points[:, 1] * scale_canvas_h if scale_canvas_h > scale_canvas_w: p.points[:, 0] = p.points[:, 0] - out_w_min * scale_canvas_w + w_min + shift_w p.points[:, 1] = p.points[:, 1] - out_h_min * scale_canvas_h + h_min else: p.points[:, 0] = p.points[:, 0] - out_w_min * scale_canvas_w + w_min p.points[:, 1] = p.points[:, 1] - out_h_min * scale_canvas_h + h_min + shift_h for j, s in enumerate(letter_ids): shapes_word[s] = shapes[j] # save_svg.save_svg( # f"{experiment_dir}/{font}_{word}_{letter}.svg", canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes_word, # shape_groups_word) save_svg.save_svg( f"/content/Word-As-Image/output_svgs/{word}.svg", canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes_word, shape_groups_word) render = pydiffvg.RenderFunction.apply scene_args = pydiffvg.RenderFunction.serialize_scene(canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes_word, shape_groups_word) img = render(canvas_width, canvas_height, 2, 2, 0, None, *scene_args) img = img[:, :, 3:4] * img[:, :, :3] + \ torch.ones(img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3, device="cuda:0") * (1 - img[:, :, 3:4]) img = img[:, :, :3] save_image(img, f"{experiment_dir}/{font}_{word}_{letter}.png") def create_video(num_iter, experiment_dir, video_frame_freq): img_array = [] for ii in range(0, num_iter): if ii % video_frame_freq == 0 or ii == num_iter - 1: filename = os.path.join( experiment_dir, "video-png", f"iter{ii:04d}.png") img = cv2.imread(filename) img_array.append(img) video_name = os.path.join( experiment_dir, "video.mp4") check_and_create_dir(video_name) out = cv2.VideoWriter(video_name, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), 30.0, (600, 600)) for iii in range(len(img_array)): out.write(img_array[iii]) out.release()