import math | |
import torch | |
class GeometryLoss: | |
def __init__(self, pathObj, xyalign=True, parallel=True, smooth_node=True): | |
self.pathObj=pathObj | | | |
self.get_segments(pathObj) | |
if xyalign: | |
self.make_hor_ver_constraints(pathObj) | |
self.xyalign=xyalign | |
self.parallel=parallel | |
self.smooth_node=smooth_node | |
if parallel: | |
self.make_parallel_constraints(pathObj) | |
if smooth_node: | |
self.make_smoothness_constraints(pathObj) | |
def make_smoothness_constraints(self,pathObj): | |
self.smooth_nodes=[] | |
for idx, node in enumerate(self.iterate_nodes()): | |
sm, t0, t1=self.node_smoothness(node,pathObj) | |
if abs(sm)<1e-2: | |
self.smooth_nodes.append((node,((t0.norm()/self.segment_approx_length(node[0],pathObj)).item(),(t1.norm()/self.segment_approx_length(node[1],pathObj)).item()))) | |
#print("Node {} is smooth (smoothness {})".format(idx,sm)) | |
else: | |
#print("Node {} is not smooth (smoothness {})".format(idx, sm)) | |
pass | |
def node_smoothness(self,node,pathObj): | |
t0=self.tangent_out(node[0],pathObj) | |
t1=self.tangent_in(node[1],pathObj) | |
t1rot=torch.stack((-t1[1],t1[0])) | |*t1.norm()) | |
return smoothness, t0, t1 | |
def segment_approx_length(self,segment,pathObj): | |
if segment[0]==0: | |
#line | |
idxs=self.segList[segment[0]][segment[1]] | |
#should have a pair of indices now | |
length=(pathObj.points[idxs[1],:]-pathObj.points[idxs[0],:]).norm() | |
return length | |
elif segment[0]==1: | |
#quadric | |
idxs = self.segList[segment[0]][segment[1]] | |
# should have a pair of indices now | |
length = (pathObj.points[idxs[1],:] - pathObj.points[idxs[0],:]).norm()+(pathObj.points[idxs[2],:] - pathObj.points[idxs[1],:]).norm() | |
return length | |
elif segment[0]==2: | |
#cubic | |
idxs = self.segList[segment[0]][segment[1]] | |
# should have a pair of indices now | |
length = (pathObj.points[idxs[1],:] - pathObj.points[idxs[0],:]).norm()+(pathObj.points[idxs[2],:] - pathObj.points[idxs[1],:]).norm()+(pathObj.points[idxs[3],:] - pathObj.points[idxs[2],:]).norm() | |
return length | |
def tangent_in(self, segment,pathObj): | |
if segment[0]==0: | |
#line | |
idxs=self.segList[segment[0]][segment[1]] | |
#should have a pair of indices now | |
tangent=(pathObj.points[idxs[1],:]-pathObj.points[idxs[0],:])/2 | |
return tangent | |
elif segment[0]==1: | |
#quadric | |
idxs = self.segList[segment[0]][segment[1]] | |
# should have a pair of indices now | |
tangent = (pathObj.points[idxs[1],:] - pathObj.points[idxs[0],:]) | |
return tangent | |
elif segment[0]==2: | |
#cubic | |
idxs = self.segList[segment[0]][segment[1]] | |
# should have a pair of indices now | |
tangent = (pathObj.points[idxs[1],:] - pathObj.points[idxs[0],:]) | |
return tangent | |
assert(False) | |
def tangent_out(self, segment, pathObj): | |
if segment[0] == 0: | |
# line | |
idxs = self.segList[segment[0]][segment[1]] | |
# should have a pair of indices now | |
tangent = (pathObj.points[idxs[0],:] - pathObj.points[idxs[1],:]) / 2 | |
return tangent | |
elif segment[0] == 1: | |
# quadric | |
idxs = self.segList[segment[0]][segment[1]] | |
# should have a pair of indices now | |
tangent = (pathObj.points[idxs[1],:] - pathObj.points[idxs[2],:]) | |
return tangent | |
elif segment[0] == 2: | |
# cubic | |
idxs = self.segList[segment[0]][segment[1]] | |
# should have a pair of indices now | |
tangent = (pathObj.points[idxs[2],:] - pathObj.points[idxs[3],:]) | |
return tangent | |
assert (False) | |
def get_segments(self, pathObj): | |
self.segments=[] | |
self.lines = [] | |
self.quadrics=[] | |
self.cubics=[] | |
self.segList =(self.lines,self.quadrics,self.cubics) | |
idx=0 | |
total_points=pathObj.points.shape[0] | |
for ncp in pathObj.num_control_points.numpy(): | |
if ncp==0: | |
self.segments.append((0,len(self.lines))) | |
self.lines.append((idx, (idx + 1) % total_points)) | |
idx+=1 | |
elif ncp==1: | |
self.segments.append((1, len(self.quadrics))) | |
self.quadrics.append((idx, (idx + 1), (idx+2) % total_points)) | |
idx+=ncp+1 | |
elif ncp==2: | |
self.segments.append((2, len(self.cubics))) | |
self.cubics.append((idx, (idx + 1), (idx+2), (idx + 3) % total_points)) | |
idx += ncp + 1 | |
def iterate_nodes(self): | |
for prev, next in zip([self.segments[-1]]+self.segments[:-1],self.segments): | |
yield (prev, next) | |
def make_hor_ver_constraints(self, pathObj): | |
self.horizontals=[] | |
self.verticals=[] | |
for idx, line in enumerate(self.lines): | |
startPt=pathObj.points[line[0],:] | |
endPt=pathObj.points[line[1],:] | |
dif=endPt-startPt | |
if abs(dif[0])<1e-6: | |
#is horizontal | |
self.horizontals.append(idx) | |
if abs(dif[1])<1e-6: | |
#is vertical | |
self.verticals.append(idx) | |
def make_parallel_constraints(self,pathObj): | |
slopes=[] | |
for lidx, line in enumerate(self.lines): | |
startPt = pathObj.points[line[0], :] | |
endPt = pathObj.points[line[1], :] | |
dif = endPt - startPt | |
slope=math.atan2(dif[1],dif[0]) | |
if slope<0: | |
slope+=math.pi | |
minidx=-1 | |
for idx, s in enumerate(slopes): | |
if abs(s[0]-slope)<1e-3: | |
minidx=idx | |
break | |
if minidx>=0: | |
slopes[minidx][1].append(lidx) | |
else: | |
slopes.append((slope,[lidx])) | |
self.parallel_groups=[sgroup[1] for sgroup in slopes if len(sgroup[1])>1 and (not self.xyalign or (sgroup[0]>1e-3 and abs(sgroup[0]-(math.pi/2))>1e-3))] | |
def make_line_diff(self,pathObj,lidx): | |
line = self.lines[lidx] | |
startPt = pathObj.points[line[0], :] | |
endPt = pathObj.points[line[1], :] | |
dif = endPt - startPt | |
return dif | |
def calc_hor_ver_loss(self,loss,pathObj): | |
for lidx in self.horizontals: | |
dif = self.make_line_diff(pathObj,lidx) | |
loss+=dif[0].pow(2) | |
for lidx in self.verticals: | |
dif = self.make_line_diff(pathObj,lidx) | |
loss += dif[1].pow(2) | |
def calc_parallel_loss(self,loss,pathObj): | |
for group in self.parallel_groups: | |
diffs=[self.make_line_diff(pathObj,lidx) for lidx in group] | |
difmat=torch.stack(diffs,1) | |
lengths=difmat.pow(2).sum(dim=0).sqrt() | |
difmat=difmat/lengths | |,torch.zeros(1,difmat.shape[1]))) | |
rotmat=difmat[:,list(range(1,difmat.shape[1]))+[0]] | |
cross=difmat.cross(rotmat) | |
ploss=cross.pow(2).sum()*lengths.sum()*10 | |
loss+=ploss | |
def calc_smoothness_loss(self,loss,pathObj): | |
for node, tlengths in self.smooth_nodes: | |
sl,t0,t1=self.node_smoothness(node,pathObj) | |
#add smoothness loss | |
loss+=sl.pow(2)*t0.norm().sqrt()*t1.norm().sqrt() | |
tl=((t0.norm()/self.segment_approx_length(node[0],pathObj))-tlengths[0]).pow(2)+((t1.norm()/self.segment_approx_length(node[1],pathObj))-tlengths[1]).pow(2) | |
loss+=tl*10 | |
def compute(self, pathObj): | |
if != self.pathId: | |
raise ValueError("Path ID {} does not match construction-time ID {}".format(,self.pathId)) | |
loss=torch.tensor(0.) | |
if self.xyalign: | |
self.calc_hor_ver_loss(loss,pathObj) | |
if self.parallel: | |
self.calc_parallel_loss(loss, pathObj) | |
if self.smooth_node: | |
self.calc_smoothness_loss(loss,pathObj) | |
#print(loss.item()) | |
return loss | |