Outline_Embedding_2 / utils /clean_data.py
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import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
import shapely
import shapely.wkt
from shapely.geometry import LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, Point, MultiPoint
from shapely.prepared import prep
def list_duplicates(seq):
tally = defaultdict(list)
for i,item in enumerate(seq):
return ((key,locs) for key,locs in tally.items() if len(locs)>1)
# clean wall and wkt
# wall = ((IOOI))
# wkt = 'POLYGON ((x0 y0, x1 y1, x2 y2, x3 y3, x0 y0))'
def read_wall_wkt(wall, wkt):
# wall to list
wall_l = wall.split("), (")[0]
wall_l = wall_l.split("((")[1]
wall_l = wall_l.split("))")[0]
wall_c = [*wall_l]
#clean wkt
wkt_l = wkt.split("((")[1]
wkt_l = wkt_l.split("))")[0]
wkt_l = wkt_l.split("), (")
if len(wkt_l) == 1:
wkt_c = wkt
wkt_c = "POLYGON ((" + wkt_l[0] + "))"
wkt_c = wkt_c.split("((")[1]
wkt_c = wkt_c.split("))")[0]
wkt_c = wkt_c.split(", ")
# remove duplicate point
num_p = len(wkt_c) - 1
remove_index = []
for dup in sorted(list_duplicates(wkt_c)):
dup_index = dup[1]
if 0 in dup_index and num_p in dup_index and len(dup_index) == 2:
elif 0 in dup_index and num_p in dup_index and len(dup_index) > 2:
dup_index_num = len(dup_index)-1
for j in range(1, dup_index_num):
ri = dup_index[j]
dup_index_num = len(dup_index)-1
for j in range(dup_index_num):
ri = dup_index[j]
re_num = len(remove_index)
rest_num = len(wkt_c) - re_num - 1
wall_num = len(wall_c)
wall_f = []
wkt_f = []
for p in range(len(wkt_c)):
if p not in remove_index:
wkt_u = wkt_c[p]
if p < (len(wkt_c)-1):
wall_u = wall_c[p]
if wall_num == rest_num:
wall_ff = wall_c
wall_ff = wall_f
wkt_f = ", ".join(wkt_f)
wkt_f = "POLYGON ((" + wkt_f + "))"
return wall_ff, wkt_f
def clean_geometry(wall, wkt):
# load geometry
geo = shapely.wkt.loads(wkt)
# move to (0,0)
geo_centroid = geo.centroid
translation_vector = (-geo_centroid.x, -geo_centroid.y)
moved_coords = [(x + translation_vector[0], y + translation_vector[1]) for x, y in geo.exterior.coords]
moved_geo = shapely.wkt.loads('POLYGON ((' + ', '.join([f'{x} {y}' for x, y in moved_coords]) + '))')
# if counterclockwise
if moved_geo.exterior.is_ccw:
geo_ccw = moved_geo
wall_ccw = wall
geo_ccw = shapely.geometry.polygon.orient(moved_geo, 1)
walltypes = len(list(set(wall)))
if walltypes == 1:
wall_ccw = wall
wall_ccw = wall[::-1]
# ccw_geo
coor_ccw = geo_ccw.exterior.coords
coor_ccw = list(coor_ccw)
coor_ccw = coor_ccw[:-1]
coor_ccw_num = len(coor_ccw)
coor_ccw_xpy_lst = []
for i in range(coor_ccw_num):
coor_ccw_x = coor_ccw[i][0]
coor_ccw_y = coor_ccw[i][1]
coor_ccw_xpy = coor_ccw_x + coor_ccw_y
coor_ccw_xpy_min_index = np.array(coor_ccw_xpy_lst).argmin()
coor_ccw_sort_index = []
for i in range(len(coor_ccw_xpy_lst)):
index_max = len(coor_ccw_xpy_lst) - 1 - coor_ccw_xpy_min_index
if i <= index_max:
sort_index = coor_ccw_xpy_min_index + i
sort_index = i - len(coor_ccw_xpy_lst) + coor_ccw_xpy_min_index
coor_sort_lst = []
wall_sort_lst = []
for i in range(len(coor_ccw_sort_index)):
sort_index = coor_ccw_sort_index[i]
sort_coor = coor_ccw[sort_index]
sort_wall = wall_ccw[sort_index]
geo_s = Polygon(coor_sort_lst)
wall_s = wall_sort_lst
return wall_s, geo_s
def segments(polyline):
return list(map(LineString, zip(polyline.coords[:-1], polyline.coords[1:])))
def points4cv(x, y, xmin_abs, ymin_abs, scale):
points = []
for j in range(len(x)):
xp =x[j]
yp =y[j]
xp = (xp + xmin_abs +1) * scale
yp = (yp + ymin_abs +1) * scale
p = [int(xp), int(yp)]
p_4_cv = np.array(points)
return p_4_cv
def gridpoints(apa_geo, size):
latmin, lonmin, latmax, lonmax = apa_geo.bounds
prep_moved_apa_geo = prep(apa_geo)
# construct a rectangular mesh
gp = []
for lat in np.arange(latmin, latmax, size):
for lon in np.arange(lonmin, lonmax, size):
gp.append(Point((round(lat,5), round(lon,5))))
gps = prep_moved_apa_geo.contains(gp)
gpf = [i for indx,i in enumerate(gp) if gps[indx] == True]
grid_points = MultiPoint(gpf)
return grid_points
def exterior_wall(apa_line, apa_wall):
apa_wall_O = [i for indx,i in enumerate(segments(apa_line)) if apa_wall[indx] == "O"]
apa_wall_O = MultiLineString(apa_wall_O)
return apa_wall_O
def geo_coor(apa_geo):
apa_coor = apa_geo.exterior.coords
apa_coor = list(apa_coor)
return apa_coor