import streamlit as st
from app import generate_response

# Title and Description
st.title("UI/UX Design Assistant Chatbot")
    Welcome to the **UI/UX Design Assistant**! 🎨

    This AI chatbot helps you:
    - Create actionable design suggestions
    - Generate visual templates
    - Provide Figma-ready designs

    Fill in the details below to get started!

# User Inputs
task = st.text_input("Describe your design task (e.g., 'landing page design')", key="task_input")
style = st.selectbox(
    "Select a design style:",
    ["modern minimalist", "vintage", "playful", "corporate", "futuristic"],
requirements = st.text_area("Enter specific functional requirements (optional):", key="requirements_input")

# Generate Button
if st.button("Generate Design", key="generate_button"):
    # Check if required fields are filled
    if not task.strip():
        st.error("⚠️ Please provide a design task before generating.")
        with st.spinner("Generating your design... 🚀"):
                # Generate response
                response = generate_response(task.strip(), style, requirements.strip())

                # Display Textual Suggestions
                st.subheader("💡 Textual Suggestions:")
                if response.get("text"):
                    st.warning("⚠️ No textual suggestions generated. Please refine your input and try again.")

                # Display Visual Template
                st.subheader("🖼️ Visual Template:")
                if response.get("visual_template") and "Error" not in response["visual_template"]:
                    st.image(response["visual_template"], caption="Generated Visual Template")
                    st.warning("⚠️ No visual template available or an error occurred.")

                # Display Figma Template Link
                st.subheader("📁 Figma Template:")
                if response.get("figma_template") and "Error" not in response["figma_template"]:
                    st.write(f"[View Template in Figma]({response['figma_template']})")
                    st.warning("⚠️ No Figma template available or an error occurred.")

            except Exception as e:
                st.error(f"❌ An error occurred while generating the design: {e}")

# Footer
st.markdown("💡 **Tip**: Ensure your inputs are clear and concise for the best results.")