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Maybe stupid question but are we required to have health insurance ?;;;;;x
Ok so basically our European insurances are enough?;;;;;x
Don't we need a residence permit as well?;;;;;x
Hi guys when it is the open day?;;;;;x
" Are there any other ""orientation events"" before the 28th other than the online one on 20th?";;;;x;
When does the registration for courses begin?;;;;;x
Course registration is the 5th right?;;;;;x
So then registration is september 5th?;;;;;x
As far as i know there are only english courses?;;;;x;
Isn’t course registration on September 22nd?;;;;;x
Do you know the last doay of the fall semester?;;;;;x
Does anyone know when spring semester starts?;;;;x;
We are in holiday on the 13th of January right ?;;;;;x
Does someone know if we can take courses from other departments?;;;;x;
Is there monthly ticket for all public transport?;;;;;x
Hey guys, do you know if there are sport clubs within the school or do we have to go outside?;;;;;x
Does anybody know where we can find exact term dates for this year?;;;;x;
how can we register for sports courses at boğaciçi?;;;;x;
Is there any possibility to drop a course and select another one ?;;;;;x
When does course selection start again?;;;;;x
Where do I find Turkish language courses in the course planner?;;;;x;
What are the office hours for the international office?;;;;x;
Where is the international relations office in south campus?;;;;;x
Where can I find the turkish language courses in the schedule?;;;;x;
Is there wi-fi on campus?;;;;x;
Where is the international relations office?;;;;;x
Is the campus open on week-ends?;;;;x;
What does quota for a course mean?;;;;;x
we send for approval once we have an answer for all consent requests right?;;;;x;
Can we change courses during the add/drop period?;;;;;x
What are class quoatas exactly?;;;;;x
Can a master student also visit an undergraduate course?;;;;x;
Can bachelor students take a masters course?;;;;x;
What is the code of course ...?;;;;x;
What is Evin Aslan's e-mail adress?;;;;;x
where do i see the sports courses?;;;;;x
How do you find the codes for the sport courses?;;;;;x
When do classes start?;;;;;x
How do we register for the clubs in Bogazici?;;;;x;
What is the e-mail of professor ...?;;;;x;
When is the deadline to send the schedule for approval??;;;;x;
Are there clubs?;;;;x;
when are orientation days?;;;;;x
Does someone know where the fitness gym is located?;;;;;x
How much does the fitness gym cost per month?;;;;x;
When is the add/drop period of the courses?;;;;;x
What are the opening hours of the international office?;;;;x;
Is the international office at south campus?;;;;x;
When is the bogazici gym open and is it free?;;;;x;
Who teaches course EC48T financial modelling and its application using R?;;;;;x
What is the room of CHE333?;;;;;x
Do I need a student card to enter the campus?;;;;;x
In which room is PA211.03?;;;;;x
Is there a Judo course?;;;;x;
how can i find out where my courses take place?;;;;x;
Where can I see where my class takes place?;;;;x;
Do you where is Natuk burkas building in the south campus ?;;;;x;
What does NH 303 stand for and where is it?;;;;;x
Is there also a shuttle from north to south campus?;;;;x;
Where is güney kort?;;;;x;
Where is EF 204?;;;;;x
Can I print at uni?;;;;x;
Which building has M as abbreviation?;;;;;x
Which building is M 2170 in?;;;;;x
Where is PE 103.06 taking place?;;;;;x
Can you tell me where the room for AD401 is?;;;;;x
Where is the John Freely Hall?;;;;;x
Which room is PE137.01 in?;;;;;x
Where can I find the HD building?;;;;x;
What does HD stand for?;;;;x;
Where is course AD49B?;;;;;x
Where is the General Health Services Office (SGK)?;;;;;x
Where on earth is John Freely Hall?;;;;;x
Does anyone know where ib 312 is?;;;;;x
How can I get eduroam wifi at the uni?;;;;x;
Where do you take the shuttle busses?;;;;x;
Where would be room TB415?;;;;x;
Does anyone know which campus/building IB 312 is at?;;;;;x
When's the add drop period?;;;;;x
Where is the basketball court in Ucaksavar campus?;;;;x;
Where is NH305?;;;;;x
Where is the fine art course (as ceramics) held?;;;;;x
Where is course KRD101 taking place?;;;;;x
Is there somewhere I can print papers on campus?;;;;x;
I have class at ib312. Which campus is it at?;;;;;x
Where is Revir Alti?;;;;x;
In which room does PSY take place?;;;;x;
Where is Hülya Atölye?;;;;x;
In which room is TKF111.1?;;;;;x
Someone knows where operations research II is?;;;;x;
Where will the public Finance course be?;;;;;x
Does someone know where the course comparative state and bureaucracy is taking place?;;;;;x
In which room does SOC 101 take place?;;;;;x
Does anyone know where the course logic 1 take place ?;;;;x;
Which room is IE 588 in?;;;;;x
john freely hall (south campus) anyone know which building that is?;;;;x;
anybody knows where the NB Building is?;;;;;x
Where does TKF111.02 take place?;;;;;x
Where is the university copy shop?;;;;x;
Which room is CMPE343 in?;;;;;x
What is the room of EL405.02?;;;;;x
And does someone take POLS373.01 later and knows where that is?;;;;;x
Turkish course NBZ are in the south campus right ?;;;;x;
Where is AD579?;;;;;x
Does someone know at what hour opens the library in North Campus ?;;;;;x
Where will sculpting class take place tomorrow?;;;;;x
Is the health care center in south campus?;;;;;x
Where is the EMBA building?;;;;x;
Do you know where is the IB 102 room ?;;;;;x
Is the EMBA building next to the IB Building?;;;;x;
Is there a study space or a library on south campus?;;;;;x
Where exactly is JF John Freely Hall?;;;;;x
Where does the course ED211 take place?;;;;;x
Until when is the boun shop (with the merchandise etc) on south campus open?;;;;x;
Does someone know at what time the add/drop period begins?;;;;;x
When does add & drop period end?;;;;;x
When did the add and drop start ?;;;;;x
Where is the revir alti building?;;;;x;
Where is the guney kort where tennis takes place?;;;;x;
How can I connect to the Wifi?;;;;x;
Does somebody know when add drop phase ends?;;;;;x
How long is the add drop period?;;;;;x
Where is the superdorm?;;;;;x
Does anyone know where exactly the psychology building is?;;;;x;
Does anyone know where NB119 is ?;;;;;x
Is Ayhan Şahenk building in North campus ?;;;;x;
Where can you print documents at south campus?;;;;x;
Where is history of Turkish Republic happening?;;;;x;
Does anyone know where Heykel Atölyesi is? For PA225.03 (sculpture);;;;x;
Where is TB building?;;;;;x
Is TB Building the Anderson hall?;;;;;x
Where is güney kort?;;;;x;
Where is EMBA building?;;;;x;
where does pilates take place?;;;;;x
Where are the lost and found items?;;;;x;
Does someone know where's Hisar Campus'swimming pool?;;;;;x
Where can I print sth on South Campus?;;;;x;
Is there a room where you can pray at south campus?;;;;x;
hey, do you know were we can print on south campus ?;;;;x;
How and where can I print at uni?;;;;x;
does anyone know where i can print some documents on the south campus?;;;;x;
Is it possible to get a digital photocopy with the printers on the campus ?;;;;x;