import rembg import cv2 import numpy as np import glm import torch from tqdm import tqdm import torchvision import torchvision.transforms.v2 as T from models.lrm.utils import render_utils import os # get the background of the image import torch import numpy as np import scipy import cv2 from rembg import remove def load_mipmap(env_path): diffuse_path = os.path.join(env_path, "diffuse.pth") diffuse = torch.load(diffuse_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) specular = [] for i in range(6): specular_path = os.path.join(env_path, f"specular_{i}.pth") specular_tensor = torch.load(specular_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) specular.append(specular_tensor) return [specular, diffuse] def get_background(img_tensor): """ Args: img_tensor: 输入图像张量,形状为 (B, 3, H, W),数值范围为 [0, 1] 或 [0, 255]。 Returns: mask_tensor: 输出掩码张量,形状为 (B, 1, H, W),二值化。 """ B, C, H, W = img_tensor.shape assert C == 3, "Input tensor must have 3 channels (RGB)." # 将 tensor 转换为 numpy 格式 (B, H, W, C),并归一化到 [0, 255] img_numpy = (img_tensor.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) * 255).byte().cpu().numpy() # (B, H, W, C) masks = [] for i in range(B): # 调用 rembg 生成掩码 mask = remove(img_numpy[i], only_mask=True) # 转换为二值掩码 mask_binary = cv2.threshold(mask, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] # 添加到结果列表 (H, W, 1) masks.append(mask_binary[..., None]) # 将所有掩码组合成 numpy 数组,形状为 (B, H, W, 1) masks = np.stack(masks, axis=0) # 转换为 PyTorch 张量,形状为 (B, 1, H, W),值为 {0, 1} mask_tensor = torch.from_numpy(masks).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).float() / 255.0 # breakpoint() return mask_tensor def get_render_cameras_video(batch_size=1, M=120, radius=4.0, elevation=20.0, is_flexicubes=False, fov=50): """ Get the rendering camera parameters. """ train_res = [512, 512] cam_near_far = [0.1, 1000.0] fovy = np.deg2rad(fov) proj_mtx = render_utils.perspective(fovy, train_res[1] / train_res[0], cam_near_far[0], cam_near_far[1]) all_mv = [] all_mvp = [] all_campos = [] if isinstance(elevation, tuple): elevation_0 = np.deg2rad(elevation[0]) elevation_1 = np.deg2rad(elevation[1]) for i in range(M//2): azimuth = 2 * np.pi * i / (M // 2) z = radius * np.cos(azimuth) * np.sin(elevation_0) x = radius * np.sin(azimuth) * np.sin(elevation_0) y = radius * np.cos(elevation_0) eye = glm.vec3(x, y, z) at = glm.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) up = glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) view_matrix = glm.lookAt(eye, at, up) mv = torch.from_numpy(np.array(view_matrix)) mvp = proj_mtx @ (mv) #w2c campos = torch.linalg.inv(mv)[:3, 3] all_mv.append(mv[None, ...].cuda()) all_mvp.append(mvp[None, ...].cuda()) all_campos.append(campos[None, ...].cuda()) for i in range(M//2): azimuth = 2 * np.pi * i / (M // 2) z = radius * np.cos(azimuth) * np.sin(elevation_1) x = radius * np.sin(azimuth) * np.sin(elevation_1) y = radius * np.cos(elevation_1) eye = glm.vec3(x, y, z) at = glm.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) up = glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) view_matrix = glm.lookAt(eye, at, up) mv = torch.from_numpy(np.array(view_matrix)) mvp = proj_mtx @ (mv) #w2c campos = torch.linalg.inv(mv)[:3, 3] all_mv.append(mv[None, ...].cuda()) all_mvp.append(mvp[None, ...].cuda()) all_campos.append(campos[None, ...].cuda()) else: # elevation = 90 - elevation for i in range(M): azimuth = 2 * np.pi * i / M z = radius * np.cos(azimuth) * np.sin(elevation) x = radius * np.sin(azimuth) * np.sin(elevation) y = radius * np.cos(elevation) eye = glm.vec3(x, y, z) at = glm.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) up = glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) view_matrix = glm.lookAt(eye, at, up) mv = torch.from_numpy(np.array(view_matrix)) mvp = proj_mtx @ (mv) #w2c campos = torch.linalg.inv(mv)[:3, 3] all_mv.append(mv[None, ...].cuda()) all_mvp.append(mvp[None, ...].cuda()) all_campos.append(campos[None, ...].cuda()) all_mv = torch.stack(all_mv, dim=0).unsqueeze(0).squeeze(2) all_mvp = torch.stack(all_mvp, dim=0).unsqueeze(0).squeeze(2) all_campos = torch.stack(all_campos, dim=0).unsqueeze(0).squeeze(2) return all_mv, all_mvp, all_campos def get_render_cameras_frames(batch_size=1, radius=4.0, azimuths=0, elevations=20.0, fov=30): """ Get the rendering camera parameters. """ train_res = [512, 512] cam_near_far = [0.1, 1000.0] fovy = np.deg2rad(fov) proj_mtx = render_utils.perspective(fovy, train_res[1] / train_res[0], cam_near_far[0], cam_near_far[1]) all_mv = [] all_mvp = [] all_campos = [] elevations = 90 - elevations if isinstance(elevations, np.ndarray) or isinstance(elevations, torch.Tensor): if isinstance(elevations, torch.Tensor): elevations = elevations.cpu().numpy() if isinstance(azimuths, torch.Tensor): azimuths = azimuths.cpu().numpy() azimuths = np.deg2rad(azimuths) elevations = np.deg2rad(elevations) for azi, ele in zip(azimuths, elevations): z = radius * np.cos(azi) * np.sin(ele) x = radius * np.sin(azi) * np.sin(ele) y = radius * np.cos(ele) eye = glm.vec3(x, y, z) at = glm.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) up = glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) view_matrix = glm.lookAt(eye, at, up) mv = torch.from_numpy(np.array(view_matrix)) mvp = proj_mtx @ (mv) #w2c campos = torch.linalg.inv(mv)[:3, 3] all_mv.append(mv[None, ...].cuda()) all_mvp.append(mvp[None, ...].cuda()) all_campos.append(campos[None, ...].cuda()) else: z = radius * np.cos(azimuths) * np.sin(elevations) x = radius * np.sin(azimuths) * np.sin(elevations) y = radius * np.cos(elevations) eye = glm.vec3(x, y, z) at = glm.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) up = glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) view_matrix = glm.lookAt(eye, at, up) mv = torch.from_numpy(np.array(view_matrix)) mvp = proj_mtx @ (mv) #w2c campos = torch.linalg.inv(mv)[:3, 3] all_mv.append(mv[None, ...].cuda()) all_mvp.append(mvp[None, ...].cuda()) all_campos.append(campos[None, ...].cuda()) # TODO, identity pose identity_azimuths = np.array([0]) identity_elevations = np.array([90]) z = radius * np.cos(identity_azimuths) * np.sin(identity_elevations) x = radius * np.sin(identity_azimuths) * np.sin(identity_elevations) y = radius * np.cos(identity_elevations) eye = glm.vec3(x, y, z) at = glm.vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) up = glm.vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) view_matrix = glm.lookAt(eye, at, up) identity_mv = torch.from_numpy(np.array(view_matrix)) all_mv = torch.stack(all_mv, dim=0).unsqueeze(0).squeeze(2) all_mvp = torch.stack(all_mvp, dim=0).unsqueeze(0).squeeze(2) all_campos = torch.stack(all_campos, dim=0).unsqueeze(0).squeeze(2) return all_mv, all_mvp, all_campos, identity_mv def worldNormal2camNormal(rot_w2c, normal_map_world): H,W,_ = normal_map_world.shape # normal_img = np.matmul(rot_w2c[None, :, :], worldNormal.reshape(-1,3)[:, :, None]).reshape([H, W, 3]) normal_map_world = normal_map_world[...,:3] # faster version normal_map_flat = normal_map_world.view(-1, 3) normal_map_camera_flat = torch.matmul(normal_map_flat.float(), rot_w2c.T.float()) # Reshape the transformed normal map back to its original shape normal_map_camera = normal_map_camera_flat.view(normal_map_world.shape) return normal_map_camera def trans_normal(normal, RT_w2c, RT_w2c_target): # normal_world = camNormal2worldNormal(np.linalg.inv(RT_w2c[:3,:3]), normal) # normal_target_cam = worldNormal2camNormal(RT_w2c_target[:3,:3], normal_world) relative_RT = torch.matmul(RT_w2c_target[:3,:3], torch.linalg.inv(RT_w2c[:3,:3])) normal_target_cam = worldNormal2camNormal(relative_RT[:3,:3], normal) return normal_target_cam def render_frames(model, planes, render_cameras, camera_pos, env, materials, render_size=512, chunk_size=1, is_flexicubes=False, render_mv=None, local_normal=False, identity_mv=None): """ Render frames from triplanes. """ frames = [] albedos = [] pbr_spec_lights = [] pbr_diffuse_lights = [] normals = [] alphas = [] for i in tqdm(range(0, render_cameras.shape[1])): out = model.forward_geometry( planes, render_cameras[:, i:i+chunk_size], camera_pos[:, i:i+chunk_size], [[env]*chunk_size], [[materials]*chunk_size], render_size=render_size, ) frame = out['pbr_img'] albedo = out['albedo'] pbr_spec_light = out['pbr_spec_light'] pbr_diffuse_light = out['pbr_diffuse_light'] normal = out['normal'] alpha = out['mask'] # breakpoint() if local_normal: # TODO global normal to local target_w2c = render_mv[0,i,:3,:3] identity_w2c = identity_mv[:3,:3] # breakpoint() # torchvision.utils.save_image((normal.permute(0,3,1,2)+1)/2, f"debug_output/global_normal.png") normal = trans_normal(normal.squeeze(0), identity_w2c.cuda(), target_w2c.cuda()) normal = normal / torch.norm(normal, dim=-1, keepdim=True) # torchvision.utils.save_image((normal.permute(2,0,1)+1)/2, f"debug_output/local_normal.png") background_normal = torch.tensor([1,1,1], dtype=torch.float32, device=normal.device) normal = normal.unsqueeze(0) normal[...,0] *= -1 # breakpoint() normal = normal * alpha.squeeze(0).permute(0,2,3,1) + background_normal * (1-alpha.squeeze(0).permute(0,2,3,1)) frames.append(frame) albedos.append(albedo) pbr_spec_lights.append(pbr_spec_light) pbr_diffuse_lights.append(pbr_diffuse_light) normals.append(normal) alphas.append(alpha) frames =, dim=1)[0] # we suppose batch size is always 1 alphas =, dim=1)[0] albedos =, dim=1)[0] pbr_spec_lights =, dim=1)[0] pbr_diffuse_lights =, dim=1)[0] normals =, dim=0).permute(0,3,1,2)[:,:3] return frames, albedos, pbr_spec_lights, pbr_diffuse_lights, normals, alphas # from def mask_fix(mask, erode_dilate=0, smooth=0, remove_isolated_pixels=0, blur=0, fill_holes=0): masks = [] for m in mask: # erode and dilate if erode_dilate != 0: if erode_dilate < 0: m = torch.from_numpy(scipy.ndimage.grey_erosion(m.cpu().numpy(), size=(-erode_dilate, -erode_dilate))) else: m = torch.from_numpy(scipy.ndimage.grey_dilation(m.cpu().numpy(), size=(erode_dilate, erode_dilate))) # fill holes if fill_holes > 0: #m = torch.from_numpy(scipy.ndimage.binary_fill_holes(m.cpu().numpy(), structure=np.ones((fill_holes,fill_holes)))).float() m = torch.from_numpy(scipy.ndimage.grey_closing(m.cpu().numpy(), size=(fill_holes, fill_holes))) # remove isolated pixels if remove_isolated_pixels > 0: m = torch.from_numpy(scipy.ndimage.grey_opening(m.cpu().numpy(), size=(remove_isolated_pixels, remove_isolated_pixels))) # smooth the mask if smooth > 0: if smooth % 2 == 0: smooth += 1 m = T.functional.gaussian_blur((m > 0.5).unsqueeze(0), smooth).squeeze(0) # blur the mask if blur > 0: if blur % 2 == 0: blur += 1 m = T.functional.gaussian_blur(m.float().unsqueeze(0), blur).squeeze(0) masks.append(m.float()) masks = torch.stack(masks, dim=0).float() return masks class NormalTransfer: def __init__(self): self.identity_w2c = torch.tensor([ [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.5]]).float() def look_at(self,camera_position, target_position, up_vector=np.array([0, 0, 1])): forward = camera_position - target_position forward = forward / np.linalg.norm(forward) right = np.cross(up_vector, forward) right = right / np.linalg.norm(right) up = np.cross(forward, right) rotation_matrix = np.array([right, up, forward]).T translation_matrix = np.eye(4) translation_matrix[:3, 3] = -camera_position rotation_homogeneous = np.eye(4) rotation_homogeneous[:3, :3] = rotation_matrix w2c = rotation_homogeneous @ translation_matrix return w2c def generate_target_pose(self, azimuths_deg, elevations_deg, radius=4.5): if isinstance(azimuths_deg, torch.Tensor): azimuths_deg = azimuths_deg.cpu().numpy() if isinstance(elevations_deg, torch.Tensor): elevations_deg = elevations_deg.cpu().numpy() azimuths = np.deg2rad(azimuths_deg) elevations = np.deg2rad(elevations_deg) x = radius * np.cos(azimuths) * np.cos(elevations) y = radius * np.sin(azimuths) * np.cos(elevations) z = radius * np.sin(elevations) camera_positions = np.stack([x, y, z], axis=-1) target_position = np.array([0, 0, 0]) # 目标点位置 # 为每个相机位置生成 w2c 矩阵 w2c_matrices = [self.look_at(cam_pos, target_position) for cam_pos in camera_positions] w2c_matrices = np.stack(w2c_matrices, axis=0) return w2c_matrices def convert_to_blender(self, pose): # Swap the y and z axes w2c_opengl = pose w2c_opengl[[1, 2], :] = w2c_opengl[[2, 1], :] # Invert the y axis w2c_opengl[1] *= -1 R = w2c_opengl[:3, :3] t = w2c_opengl[:3, 3] cam_rec = np.asarray([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]], np.float32) R = R.T t = -R @ t R_world2cv = cam_rec @ R t_world2cv = cam_rec @ t RT = np.concatenate([R_world2cv,t_world2cv[:,None]],1) return RT def worldNormal2camNormal(self, rot_w2c, normal_map_world): H,W,_ = normal_map_world.shape # normal_img = np.matmul(rot_w2c[None, :, :], worldNormal.reshape(-1,3)[:, :, None]).reshape([H, W, 3]) normal_map_world = normal_map_world[...,:3] # faster version normal_map_flat = normal_map_world.contiguous().view(-1, 3) normal_map_camera_flat = torch.matmul(normal_map_flat.float(), rot_w2c.T.float()) # Reshape the transformed normal map back to its original shape normal_map_camera = normal_map_camera_flat.view(normal_map_world.shape) return normal_map_camera def trans_normal(self, normal, RT_w2c, RT_w2c_target): """ :param normal: (H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] :param RT_w2c: (4,4), torch tensor, world to camera :param RT_w2c_target: (4,4), torch tensor, world to camera :return: normal_target_cam: (H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] """ relative_RT = torch.matmul(RT_w2c_target[:3,:3], torch.linalg.inv(RT_w2c[:3,:3])) normal_target_cam = self.worldNormal2camNormal(relative_RT[:3,:3], normal) return normal_target_cam def trans_local_2_global(self, normal_local, azimuths_deg, elevations_deg, radius=4.5, for_lotus=True): """ :param normal_local: (B,H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] :param azimuths_deg: (B,), numpy array, range [0,360] :param elevations_deg: (B,), numpy array, range [-90,90] :param radius: float, default 4.5 :return: global_normal: (B,H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] """ # print(f"normal_local.shape:{normal_local.shape}") # print(f"azimuths_deg.shape:{azimuths_deg.shape}") # print(f"elevations_deg.shape:{elevations_deg.shape}") assert normal_local.shape[0] == azimuths_deg.shape[0] == elevations_deg.shape[0] identity_w2c = self.identity_w2c # generate target pose target_w2c = self.generate_target_pose(azimuths_deg, elevations_deg, radius) target_w2c = torch.from_numpy(np.stack([self.convert_to_blender(w2c) for w2c in target_w2c])).float() global_normal = [] # transform normal for i in range(normal_local.shape[0]): normal_local_i = normal_local[i] normal_zero123 = self.trans_normal(normal_local_i, target_w2c[i], identity_w2c) global_normal.append(normal_zero123) global_normal = torch.stack(global_normal, dim=0) if for_lotus: global_normal[...,0] *= -1 global_normal = global_normal / torch.norm(global_normal, dim=-1, keepdim=True) return global_normal def trans_global_2_local(self, normal_local, azimuths_deg, elevations_deg, radius=4.5): """ :param normal_global: (B,H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] :param azimuths_deg: (B,), numpy array, range [0,360] :param elevations_deg: (B,), numpy array, range [-90,90] :param radius: float, default 4.5 :return: local_normal: (B,H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] """ print(f"normal_local.shape:{normal_local.shape}") print(f"azimuths_deg.shape:{azimuths_deg.shape}") print(f"elevations_deg.shape:{elevations_deg.shape}") assert normal_local.shape[0] == azimuths_deg.shape[0] == elevations_deg.shape[0] identity_w2c = self.identity_w2c # generate target pose target_w2c = self.generate_target_pose(azimuths_deg, elevations_deg, radius) target_w2c = torch.from_numpy(np.stack([w2c for w2c in target_w2c])).float() local_normal = [] # transform normal for i in range(normal_local.shape[0]): normal_local_i = normal_local[i] normal = self.trans_normal(normal_local_i, identity_w2c, target_w2c[i]) local_normal.append(normal) local_normal = torch.stack(local_normal, dim=0) # global_normal[...,0] *= -1 local_normal = local_normal / torch.norm(local_normal, dim=-1, keepdim=True) return local_normal