import os |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import nvdiffrast.torch as dr |
from models.lrm.models.geometry.rep_3d import util |
class texture2d_mip(torch.autograd.Function): |
@staticmethod |
def forward(ctx, texture): |
return util.avg_pool_nhwc(texture, (2,2)) |
@staticmethod |
def backward(ctx, dout): |
gy, gx = torch.meshgrid(torch.linspace(0.0 + 0.25 / dout.shape[1], 1.0 - 0.25 / dout.shape[1], dout.shape[1]*2, device="cuda"), |
torch.linspace(0.0 + 0.25 / dout.shape[2], 1.0 - 0.25 / dout.shape[2], dout.shape[2]*2, device="cuda"), |
indexing='ij') |
uv = torch.stack((gx, gy), dim=-1) |
return dr.texture(dout * 0.25, uv[None, ...].contiguous(), filter_mode='linear', boundary_mode='clamp') |
class Texture2D(torch.nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, init, min_max=None): |
super(Texture2D, self).__init__() |
if isinstance(init, np.ndarray): |
init = torch.tensor(init, dtype=torch.float32, device='cuda') |
elif isinstance(init, list) and len(init) == 1: |
init = init[0] |
if isinstance(init, list): |
self.data = list(torch.nn.Parameter(mip.clone().detach(), requires_grad=True) for mip in init) |
elif len(init.shape) == 4: |
self.data = torch.nn.Parameter(init.clone().detach(), requires_grad=True) |
elif len(init.shape) == 3: |
self.data = torch.nn.Parameter(init[None, ...].clone().detach(), requires_grad=True) |
elif len(init.shape) == 2: |
self.data = torch.nn.Parameter(init[None, :, :, None].repeat(1,1,1,3).clone().detach(), requires_grad=True) |
elif len(init.shape) == 1: |
self.data = torch.nn.Parameter(init[None, None, None, :].clone().detach(), requires_grad=True) |
else: |
assert False, "Invalid texture object" |
self.min_max = min_max |
def sample(self, texc, texc_deriv, filter_mode='linear-mipmap-linear'): |
if isinstance(self.data, list): |
out = dr.texture(self.data[0], texc, texc_deriv, mip=self.data[1:], filter_mode=filter_mode) |
else: |
if self.data.shape[1] > 1 and self.data.shape[2] > 1: |
mips = [self.data] |
while mips[-1].shape[1] > 1 and mips[-1].shape[2] > 1: |
mips += [texture2d_mip.apply(mips[-1])] |
out = dr.texture(mips[0], texc, texc_deriv, mip=mips[1:], filter_mode=filter_mode) |
else: |
out = dr.texture(self.data, texc, texc_deriv, filter_mode=filter_mode) |
return out |
def getRes(self): |
return self.getMips()[0].shape[1:3] |
def getChannels(self): |
return self.getMips()[0].shape[3] |
def getMips(self): |
if isinstance(self.data, list): |
return self.data |
else: |
return [self.data] |
def clamp_(self): |
if self.min_max is not None: |
for mip in self.getMips(): |
for i in range(mip.shape[-1]): |
mip[..., i].clamp_(min=self.min_max[0][i], max=self.min_max[1][i]) |
def normalize_(self): |
with torch.no_grad(): |
for mip in self.getMips(): |
mip = util.safe_normalize(mip) |
def create_trainable(init, res=None, auto_mipmaps=True, min_max=None): |
with torch.no_grad(): |
if isinstance(init, Texture2D): |
assert isinstance(init.data, torch.Tensor) |
min_max = init.min_max if min_max is None else min_max |
init = init.data |
elif isinstance(init, np.ndarray): |
init = torch.tensor(init, dtype=torch.float32, device='cuda') |
if len(init.shape) == 1: |
init = init[None, None, None, :] |
elif len(init.shape) == 3: |
init = init[None, ...] |
if res is not None: |
init = util.scale_img_nhwc(init, res) |
if not auto_mipmaps: |
mip_chain = [init.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)] |
while mip_chain[-1].shape[1] > 1 or mip_chain[-1].shape[2] > 1: |
new_size = [max(mip_chain[-1].shape[1] // 2, 1), max(mip_chain[-1].shape[2] // 2, 1)] |
mip_chain += [util.scale_img_nhwc(mip_chain[-1], new_size)] |
return Texture2D(mip_chain, min_max=min_max) |
else: |
return Texture2D(init, min_max=min_max) |
def srgb_to_rgb(texture): |
return Texture2D(list(util.srgb_to_rgb(mip) for mip in texture.getMips())) |
def rgb_to_srgb(texture): |
return Texture2D(list(util.rgb_to_srgb(mip) for mip in texture.getMips())) |
def _load_mip2D(fn, lambda_fn=None, channels=None): |
imgdata = torch.tensor(util.load_image(fn), dtype=torch.float32, device='cuda') |
if channels is not None: |
imgdata = imgdata[..., 0:channels] |
if lambda_fn is not None: |
imgdata = lambda_fn(imgdata) |
return imgdata.detach().clone() |
def load_texture2D(fn, lambda_fn=None, channels=None): |
base, ext = os.path.splitext(fn) |
if os.path.exists(base + "_0" + ext): |
mips = [] |
while os.path.exists(base + ("_%d" % len(mips)) + ext): |
mips += [_load_mip2D(base + ("_%d" % len(mips)) + ext, lambda_fn, channels)] |
return Texture2D(mips) |
else: |
return Texture2D(_load_mip2D(fn, lambda_fn, channels)) |
def _save_mip2D(fn, mip, mipidx, lambda_fn): |
if lambda_fn is not None: |
data = lambda_fn(mip).detach().cpu().numpy() |
else: |
data = mip.detach().cpu().numpy() |
if mipidx is None: |
util.save_image(fn, data) |
else: |
base, ext = os.path.splitext(fn) |
util.save_image(base + ("_%d" % mipidx) + ext, data) |
def save_texture2D(fn, tex, lambda_fn=None): |
if isinstance(tex.data, list): |
for i, mip in enumerate(tex.data): |
_save_mip2D(fn, mip[0,...], i, lambda_fn) |
else: |
_save_mip2D(fn, tex.data[0,...], None, lambda_fn) |