import os |
import numpy as np |
from PIL import Image |
import rembg |
import PIL |
from typing import Any |
import torch |
import cv2 |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import torchvision |
class NormalTransfer: |
def __init__(self): |
self.identity_w2c = torch.tensor([ |
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], |
[ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], |
[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.5]]).float() |
def look_at(self,camera_position, target_position, up_vector=np.array([0, 0, 1])): |
forward = camera_position - target_position |
forward = forward / np.linalg.norm(forward) |
right = np.cross(up_vector, forward) |
right = right / np.linalg.norm(right) |
up = np.cross(forward, right) |
rotation_matrix = np.array([right, up, forward]).T |
translation_matrix = np.eye(4) |
translation_matrix[:3, 3] = -camera_position |
rotation_homogeneous = np.eye(4) |
rotation_homogeneous[:3, :3] = rotation_matrix |
w2c = rotation_homogeneous @ translation_matrix |
return w2c |
def generate_target_pose(self, azimuths_deg, elevations_deg, radius=4.5): |
azimuths = np.deg2rad(azimuths_deg) |
elevations = np.deg2rad(elevations_deg) |
x = radius * np.cos(azimuths) * np.cos(elevations) |
y = radius * np.sin(azimuths) * np.cos(elevations) |
z = radius * np.sin(elevations) |
camera_positions = np.stack([x, y, z], axis=-1) |
target_position = np.array([0, 0, 0]) |
w2c_matrices = [self.look_at(cam_pos, target_position) for cam_pos in camera_positions] |
w2c_matrices = np.stack(w2c_matrices, axis=0) |
return w2c_matrices |
def convert_to_blender(self, pose): |
w2c_opengl = pose |
w2c_opengl[[1, 2], :] = w2c_opengl[[2, 1], :] |
w2c_opengl[1] *= -1 |
R = w2c_opengl[:3, :3] |
t = w2c_opengl[:3, 3] |
cam_rec = np.asarray([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]], np.float32) |
R = R.T |
t = -R @ t |
R_world2cv = cam_rec @ R |
t_world2cv = cam_rec @ t |
RT = np.concatenate([R_world2cv,t_world2cv[:,None]],1) |
return RT |
def worldNormal2camNormal(self, rot_w2c, normal_map_world): |
H,W,_ = normal_map_world.shape |
normal_map_world = normal_map_world[...,:3] |
normal_map_flat = normal_map_world.contiguous().view(-1, 3) |
normal_map_camera_flat = torch.matmul(normal_map_flat.float(), rot_w2c.T.float()) |
normal_map_camera = normal_map_camera_flat.view(normal_map_world.shape) |
return normal_map_camera |
def trans_normal(self, normal, RT_w2c, RT_w2c_target): |
""" |
:param normal: (H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] |
:param RT_w2c: (4,4), torch tensor, world to camera |
:param RT_w2c_target: (4,4), torch tensor, world to camera |
:return: normal_target_cam: (H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] |
""" |
relative_RT = torch.matmul(RT_w2c_target[:3,:3], torch.linalg.inv(RT_w2c[:3,:3])) |
normal_target_cam = self.worldNormal2camNormal(relative_RT[:3,:3], normal) |
return normal_target_cam |
def trans_local_2_global(self, normal_local, azimuths_deg, elevations_deg, radius=4.5, for_lotus=True): |
""" |
:param normal_local: (B,H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] |
:param azimuths_deg: (B,), numpy array, range [0,360] |
:param elevations_deg: (B,), numpy array, range [-90,90] |
:param radius: float, default 4.5 |
:return: global_normal: (B,H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] |
""" |
assert normal_local.shape[0] == azimuths_deg.shape[0] == elevations_deg.shape[0] |
identity_w2c = self.identity_w2c |
target_w2c = self.generate_target_pose(azimuths_deg, elevations_deg, radius) |
target_w2c = torch.from_numpy(np.stack([self.convert_to_blender(w2c) for w2c in target_w2c])).float() |
global_normal = [] |
for i in range(normal_local.shape[0]): |
normal_local_i = normal_local[i] |
normal_zero123 = self.trans_normal(normal_local_i, target_w2c[i], identity_w2c) |
global_normal.append(normal_zero123) |
global_normal = torch.stack(global_normal, dim=0) |
if for_lotus: |
global_normal[...,0] *= -1 |
global_normal = global_normal / torch.norm(global_normal, dim=-1, keepdim=True) |
return global_normal |
def trans_global_2_local(self, normal_local, azimuths_deg, elevations_deg, radius=4.5): |
""" |
:param normal_global: (B,H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] |
:param azimuths_deg: (B,), numpy array, range [0,360] |
:param elevations_deg: (B,), numpy array, range [-90,90] |
:param radius: float, default 4.5 |
:return: local_normal: (B,H,W,3), torch tensor, range [-1,1] |
""" |
print(f"normal_local.shape:{normal_local.shape}") |
print(f"azimuths_deg.shape:{azimuths_deg.shape}") |
print(f"elevations_deg.shape:{elevations_deg.shape}") |
assert normal_local.shape[0] == azimuths_deg.shape[0] == elevations_deg.shape[0] |
identity_w2c = self.identity_w2c |
target_w2c = self.generate_target_pose(azimuths_deg, elevations_deg, radius) |
target_w2c = torch.from_numpy(np.stack([self.convert_to_blender(w2c) for w2c in target_w2c])).float() |
local_normal = [] |
for i in range(normal_local.shape[0]): |
normal_local_i = normal_local[i] |
normal = self.trans_normal(normal_local_i, identity_w2c, target_w2c[i]) |
local_normal.append(normal) |
local_normal = torch.stack(local_normal, dim=0) |
local_normal = local_normal / torch.norm(local_normal, dim=-1, keepdim=True) |
return local_normal |