# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. from collections import OrderedDict from copy import deepcopy from mmcv.transforms import Compose from mmengine.hooks import Hook from mmengine.model import is_model_wrapper from mmcls.models.utils import RandomBatchAugment from mmcls.registry import HOOKS, MODEL_WRAPPERS, MODELS @HOOKS.register_module() class SwitchRecipeHook(Hook): """switch recipe during the training loop, including train pipeline, batch augments and loss currently. Args: schedule (list): Every item of the schedule list should be a dict, and the dict should have ``action_epoch`` and some of ``train_pipeline``, ``train_augments`` and ``loss`` keys: - ``action_epoch`` (int): switch training recipe at which epoch. - ``train_pipeline`` (list, optional): The new data pipeline of the train dataset. If not specified, keep the original settings. - ``batch_augments`` (dict | None, optional): The new batch augmentations of during training. See :mod:`Batch Augmentations ` for more details. If None, disable batch augmentations. If not specified, keep the original settings. - ``loss`` (dict, optional): The new loss module config. If not specified, keep the original settings. Example: To use this hook in config files. .. code:: python custom_hooks = [ dict( type='SwitchRecipeHook', schedule=[ dict( action_epoch=30, train_pipeline=pipeline_after_30e, batch_augments=batch_augments_after_30e, loss=loss_after_30e, ), dict( action_epoch=60, # Disable batch augmentations after 60e # and keep other settings. batch_augments=None, ), ] ) ] """ priority = 'NORMAL' def __init__(self, schedule): recipes = {} for recipe in schedule: assert 'action_epoch' in recipe, \ 'Please set `action_epoch` in every item ' \ 'of the `schedule` in the SwitchRecipeHook.' recipe = deepcopy(recipe) if 'train_pipeline' in recipe: recipe['train_pipeline'] = Compose(recipe['train_pipeline']) if 'batch_augments' in recipe: batch_augments = recipe['batch_augments'] if isinstance(batch_augments, dict): batch_augments = RandomBatchAugment(**batch_augments) recipe['batch_augments'] = batch_augments if 'loss' in recipe: loss = recipe['loss'] if isinstance(loss, dict): loss = MODELS.build(loss) recipe['loss'] = loss action_epoch = recipe.pop('action_epoch') assert action_epoch not in recipes, \ f'The `action_epoch` {action_epoch} is repeated ' \ 'in the SwitchRecipeHook.' recipes[action_epoch] = recipe self.schedule = OrderedDict(sorted(recipes.items())) def before_train(self, runner) -> None: """before run setting. If resume form a checkpoint, do all switch before the current epoch. Args: runner (Runner): The runner of the training, validation or testing process. """ if runner._resume: for action_epoch, recipe in self.schedule.items(): if action_epoch >= runner.epoch + 1: break self._do_switch(runner, recipe, f' (resume recipe of epoch {action_epoch})') def before_train_epoch(self, runner): """do before train epoch.""" recipe = self.schedule.get(runner.epoch + 1, None) if recipe is not None: self._do_switch(runner, recipe, f' at epoch {runner.epoch + 1}') def _do_switch(self, runner, recipe, extra_info=''): """do the switch aug process.""" if 'batch_augments' in recipe: self._switch_batch_augments(runner, recipe['batch_augments']) runner.logger.info(f'Switch batch augments{extra_info}.') if 'train_pipeline' in recipe: self._switch_train_pipeline(runner, recipe['train_pipeline']) runner.logger.info(f'Switch train pipeline{extra_info}.') if 'loss' in recipe: self._switch_loss(runner, recipe['loss']) runner.logger.info(f'Switch loss{extra_info}.') @staticmethod def _switch_batch_augments(runner, batch_augments): """switch the train augments.""" model = runner.model if is_model_wrapper(model): model = model.module model.data_preprocessor.batch_augments = batch_augments @staticmethod def _switch_train_pipeline(runner, train_pipeline): """switch the train loader dataset pipeline.""" def switch_pipeline(dataset, pipeline): if hasattr(dataset, 'pipeline'): # for usual dataset dataset.pipeline = pipeline elif hasattr(dataset, 'datasets'): # for concat dataset wrapper for ds in dataset.datasets: switch_pipeline(ds, pipeline) elif hasattr(dataset, 'dataset'): # for other dataset wrappers switch_pipeline(dataset.dataset, pipeline) else: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot access the `pipeline` of the dataset.') train_loader = runner.train_loop.dataloader switch_pipeline(train_loader.dataset, train_pipeline) # To restart the iterator of dataloader when `persistent_workers=True` train_loader._iterator = None @staticmethod def _switch_loss(runner, loss_module): """switch the loss module.""" model = runner.model if is_model_wrapper(model, MODEL_WRAPPERS): model = model.module if hasattr(model, 'loss_module'): model.loss_module = loss_module elif hasattr(model, 'head') and hasattr(model.head, 'loss_module'): model.head.loss_module = loss_module else: raise RuntimeError('Cannot access the `loss_module` of the model.')