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Runtime error
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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import copy
from typing import List, Tuple
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmcv.ops import nms
from mmengine.structures import InstanceData
from torch import Tensor
from mmdet.registry import MODELS
from mmdet.utils import ConfigType, InstanceList, MultiConfig, OptInstanceList
from .guided_anchor_head import GuidedAnchorHead
class GARPNHead(GuidedAnchorHead):
"""Guided-Anchor-based RPN head."""
def __init__(self,
in_channels: int,
num_classes: int = 1,
init_cfg: MultiConfig = dict(
**kwargs) -> None:
def _init_layers(self) -> None:
"""Initialize layers of the head."""
self.rpn_conv = nn.Conv2d(
self.in_channels, self.feat_channels, 3, padding=1)
super(GARPNHead, self)._init_layers()
def forward_single(self, x: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor]:
"""Forward feature of a single scale level."""
x = self.rpn_conv(x)
x = F.relu(x, inplace=True)
(cls_score, bbox_pred, shape_pred,
loc_pred) = super().forward_single(x)
return cls_score, bbox_pred, shape_pred, loc_pred
def loss_by_feat(
cls_scores: List[Tensor],
bbox_preds: List[Tensor],
shape_preds: List[Tensor],
loc_preds: List[Tensor],
batch_gt_instances: InstanceList,
batch_img_metas: List[dict],
batch_gt_instances_ignore: OptInstanceList = None) -> dict:
"""Calculate the loss based on the features extracted by the detection
cls_scores (list[Tensor]): Box scores for each scale level
has shape (N, num_anchors * num_classes, H, W).
bbox_preds (list[Tensor]): Box energies / deltas for each scale
level with shape (N, num_anchors * 4, H, W).
shape_preds (list[Tensor]): shape predictions for each scale
level with shape (N, 1, H, W).
loc_preds (list[Tensor]): location predictions for each scale
level with shape (N, num_anchors * 2, H, W).
batch_gt_instances (list[:obj:`InstanceData`]): Batch of
gt_instance. It usually includes ``bboxes`` and ``labels``
batch_img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of each image, e.g.,
image size, scaling factor, etc.
batch_gt_instances_ignore (list[:obj:`InstanceData`], optional):
Batch of gt_instances_ignore. It includes ``bboxes`` attribute
data that is ignored during training and testing.
Defaults to None.
dict: A dictionary of loss components.
losses = super().loss_by_feat(
return dict(
def _predict_by_feat_single(self,
cls_scores: List[Tensor],
bbox_preds: List[Tensor],
mlvl_anchors: List[Tensor],
mlvl_masks: List[Tensor],
img_meta: dict,
cfg: ConfigType,
rescale: bool = False) -> InstanceData:
"""Transform a single image's features extracted from the head into
bbox results.
cls_scores (list[Tensor]): Box scores from all scale
levels of a single image, each item has shape
(num_priors * num_classes, H, W).
bbox_preds (list[Tensor]): Box energies / deltas from
all scale levels of a single image, each item has shape
(num_priors * 4, H, W).
mlvl_anchors (list[Tensor]): Each element in the list is
the anchors of a single level in feature pyramid. it has
shape (num_priors, 4).
mlvl_masks (list[Tensor]): Each element in the list is location
masks of a single level.
img_meta (dict): Image meta info.
cfg (:obj:`ConfigDict` or dict): Test / postprocessing
configuration, if None, test_cfg would be used.
rescale (bool): If True, return boxes in original image space.
Defaults to False.
:obj:`InstanceData`: Detection results of each image
after the post process.
Each item usually contains following keys.
- scores (Tensor): Classification scores, has a shape
(num_instance, )
- labels (Tensor): Labels of bboxes, has a shape (num_instances, ).
- bboxes (Tensor): Has a shape (num_instances, 4), the last
dimension 4 arrange as (x1, y1, x2, y2).
cfg = self.test_cfg if cfg is None else cfg
cfg = copy.deepcopy(cfg)
assert cfg.nms.get('type', 'nms') == 'nms', 'GARPNHead only support ' \
'naive nms.'
mlvl_proposals = []
for idx in range(len(cls_scores)):
rpn_cls_score = cls_scores[idx]
rpn_bbox_pred = bbox_preds[idx]
anchors = mlvl_anchors[idx]
mask = mlvl_masks[idx]
assert rpn_cls_score.size()[-2:] == rpn_bbox_pred.size()[-2:]
# if no location is kept, end.
if mask.sum() == 0:
rpn_cls_score = rpn_cls_score.permute(1, 2, 0)
if self.use_sigmoid_cls:
rpn_cls_score = rpn_cls_score.reshape(-1)
scores = rpn_cls_score.sigmoid()
rpn_cls_score = rpn_cls_score.reshape(-1, 2)
# remind that we set FG labels to [0, num_class-1]
# since mmdet v2.0
# BG cat_id: num_class
scores = rpn_cls_score.softmax(dim=1)[:, :-1]
# filter scores, bbox_pred w.r.t. mask.
# anchors are filtered in get_anchors() beforehand.
scores = scores[mask]
rpn_bbox_pred = rpn_bbox_pred.permute(1, 2, 0).reshape(-1,
4)[mask, :]
if scores.dim() == 0:
rpn_bbox_pred = rpn_bbox_pred.unsqueeze(0)
anchors = anchors.unsqueeze(0)
scores = scores.unsqueeze(0)
# filter anchors, bbox_pred, scores w.r.t. scores
if cfg.nms_pre > 0 and scores.shape[0] > cfg.nms_pre:
_, topk_inds = scores.topk(cfg.nms_pre)
rpn_bbox_pred = rpn_bbox_pred[topk_inds, :]
anchors = anchors[topk_inds, :]
scores = scores[topk_inds]
# get proposals w.r.t. anchors and rpn_bbox_pred
proposals = self.bbox_coder.decode(
anchors, rpn_bbox_pred, max_shape=img_meta['img_shape'])
# filter out too small bboxes
if cfg.min_bbox_size >= 0:
w = proposals[:, 2] - proposals[:, 0]
h = proposals[:, 3] - proposals[:, 1]
valid_mask = (w > cfg.min_bbox_size) & (h > cfg.min_bbox_size)
if not valid_mask.all():
proposals = proposals[valid_mask]
scores = scores[valid_mask]
# NMS in current level
proposals, _ = nms(proposals, scores, cfg.nms.iou_threshold)
proposals = proposals[:cfg.nms_post, :]
proposals =, 0)
if cfg.get('nms_across_levels', False):
# NMS across multi levels
proposals, _ = nms(proposals[:, :4], proposals[:, -1],
proposals = proposals[:cfg.max_per_img, :]
scores = proposals[:, 4]
num = min(cfg.max_per_img, proposals.shape[0])
_, topk_inds = scores.topk(num)
proposals = proposals[topk_inds, :]
bboxes = proposals[:, :-1]
scores = proposals[:, -1]
if rescale:
assert img_meta.get('scale_factor') is not None
bboxes /= bboxes.new_tensor(img_meta['scale_factor']).repeat(
(1, 2))
results = InstanceData()
results.bboxes = bboxes
results.scores = scores
results.labels = scores.new_zeros(scores.size(0), dtype=torch.long)
return results