# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. from functools import partial from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import torch from mmengine.structures import InstanceData from mmengine.utils import digit_version from six.moves import map, zip from torch import Tensor from torch.autograd import Function from torch.nn import functional as F from mmdet.structures import SampleList from mmdet.structures.bbox import BaseBoxes, get_box_type, stack_boxes from mmdet.structures.mask import BitmapMasks, PolygonMasks from mmdet.utils import OptInstanceList class SigmoidGeometricMean(Function): """Forward and backward function of geometric mean of two sigmoid functions. This implementation with analytical gradient function substitutes the autograd function of (x.sigmoid() * y.sigmoid()).sqrt(). The original implementation incurs none during gradient backprapagation if both x and y are very small values. """ @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x, y): x_sigmoid = x.sigmoid() y_sigmoid = y.sigmoid() z = (x_sigmoid * y_sigmoid).sqrt() ctx.save_for_backward(x_sigmoid, y_sigmoid, z) return z @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): x_sigmoid, y_sigmoid, z = ctx.saved_tensors grad_x = grad_output * z * (1 - x_sigmoid) / 2 grad_y = grad_output * z * (1 - y_sigmoid) / 2 return grad_x, grad_y sigmoid_geometric_mean = SigmoidGeometricMean.apply def interpolate_as(source, target, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False): """Interpolate the `source` to the shape of the `target`. The `source` must be a Tensor, but the `target` can be a Tensor or a np.ndarray with the shape (..., target_h, target_w). Args: source (Tensor): A 3D/4D Tensor with the shape (N, H, W) or (N, C, H, W). target (Tensor | np.ndarray): The interpolation target with the shape (..., target_h, target_w). mode (str): Algorithm used for interpolation. The options are the same as those in F.interpolate(). Default: ``'bilinear'``. align_corners (bool): The same as the argument in F.interpolate(). Returns: Tensor: The interpolated source Tensor. """ assert len(target.shape) >= 2 def _interpolate_as(source, target, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False): """Interpolate the `source` (4D) to the shape of the `target`.""" target_h, target_w = target.shape[-2:] source_h, source_w = source.shape[-2:] if target_h != source_h or target_w != source_w: source = F.interpolate( source, size=(target_h, target_w), mode=mode, align_corners=align_corners) return source if len(source.shape) == 3: source = source[:, None, :, :] source = _interpolate_as(source, target, mode, align_corners) return source[:, 0, :, :] else: return _interpolate_as(source, target, mode, align_corners) def unpack_gt_instances(batch_data_samples: SampleList) -> tuple: """Unpack ``gt_instances``, ``gt_instances_ignore`` and ``img_metas`` based on ``batch_data_samples`` Args: batch_data_samples (List[:obj:`DetDataSample`]): The Data Samples. It usually includes information such as `gt_instance`, `gt_panoptic_seg` and `gt_sem_seg`. Returns: tuple: - batch_gt_instances (list[:obj:`InstanceData`]): Batch of gt_instance. It usually includes ``bboxes`` and ``labels`` attributes. - batch_gt_instances_ignore (list[:obj:`InstanceData`]): Batch of gt_instances_ignore. It includes ``bboxes`` attribute data that is ignored during training and testing. Defaults to None. - batch_img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of each image, e.g., image size, scaling factor, etc. """ batch_gt_instances = [] batch_gt_instances_ignore = [] batch_img_metas = [] for data_sample in batch_data_samples: batch_img_metas.append(data_sample.metainfo) batch_gt_instances.append(data_sample.gt_instances) if 'ignored_instances' in data_sample: batch_gt_instances_ignore.append(data_sample.ignored_instances) else: batch_gt_instances_ignore.append(None) return batch_gt_instances, batch_gt_instances_ignore, batch_img_metas def empty_instances(batch_img_metas: List[dict], device: torch.device, task_type: str, instance_results: OptInstanceList = None, mask_thr_binary: Union[int, float] = 0, box_type: Union[str, type] = 'hbox', use_box_type: bool = False, num_classes: int = 80, score_per_cls: bool = False) -> List[InstanceData]: """Handle predicted instances when RoI is empty. Note: If ``instance_results`` is not None, it will be modified in place internally, and then return ``instance_results`` Args: batch_img_metas (list[dict]): List of image information. device (torch.device): Device of tensor. task_type (str): Expected returned task type. it currently supports bbox and mask. instance_results (list[:obj:`InstanceData`]): List of instance results. mask_thr_binary (int, float): mask binarization threshold. Defaults to 0. box_type (str or type): The empty box type. Defaults to `hbox`. use_box_type (bool): Whether to warp boxes with the box type. Defaults to False. num_classes (int): num_classes of bbox_head. Defaults to 80. score_per_cls (bool): Whether to generate classwise score for the empty instance. ``score_per_cls`` will be True when the model needs to produce raw results without nms. Defaults to False. Returns: list[:obj:`InstanceData`]: Detection results of each image """ assert task_type in ('bbox', 'mask'), 'Only support bbox and mask,' \ f' but got {task_type}' if instance_results is not None: assert len(instance_results) == len(batch_img_metas) results_list = [] for img_id in range(len(batch_img_metas)): if instance_results is not None: results = instance_results[img_id] assert isinstance(results, InstanceData) else: results = InstanceData() if task_type == 'bbox': _, box_type = get_box_type(box_type) bboxes = torch.zeros(0, box_type.box_dim, device=device) if use_box_type: bboxes = box_type(bboxes, clone=False) results.bboxes = bboxes score_shape = (0, num_classes + 1) if score_per_cls else (0, ) results.scores = torch.zeros(score_shape, device=device) results.labels = torch.zeros((0, ), device=device, dtype=torch.long) else: # TODO: Handle the case where rescale is false img_h, img_w = batch_img_metas[img_id]['ori_shape'][:2] # the type of `im_mask` will be torch.bool or torch.uint8, # where uint8 if for visualization and debugging. im_mask = torch.zeros( 0, img_h, img_w, device=device, dtype=torch.bool if mask_thr_binary >= 0 else torch.uint8) results.masks = im_mask results_list.append(results) return results_list def multi_apply(func, *args, **kwargs): """Apply function to a list of arguments. Note: This function applies the ``func`` to multiple inputs and map the multiple outputs of the ``func`` into different list. Each list contains the same type of outputs corresponding to different inputs. Args: func (Function): A function that will be applied to a list of arguments Returns: tuple(list): A tuple containing multiple list, each list contains \ a kind of returned results by the function """ pfunc = partial(func, **kwargs) if kwargs else func map_results = map(pfunc, *args) return tuple(map(list, zip(*map_results))) def unmap(data, count, inds, fill=0): """Unmap a subset of item (data) back to the original set of items (of size count)""" if data.dim() == 1: ret = data.new_full((count, ), fill) ret[inds.type(torch.bool)] = data else: new_size = (count, ) + data.size()[1:] ret = data.new_full(new_size, fill) ret[inds.type(torch.bool), :] = data return ret def mask2ndarray(mask): """Convert Mask to ndarray.. Args: mask (:obj:`BitmapMasks` or :obj:`PolygonMasks` or torch.Tensor or np.ndarray): The mask to be converted. Returns: np.ndarray: Ndarray mask of shape (n, h, w) that has been converted """ if isinstance(mask, (BitmapMasks, PolygonMasks)): mask = mask.to_ndarray() elif isinstance(mask, torch.Tensor): mask = mask.detach().cpu().numpy() elif not isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f'Unsupported {type(mask)} data type') return mask def flip_tensor(src_tensor, flip_direction): """flip tensor base on flip_direction. Args: src_tensor (Tensor): input feature map, shape (B, C, H, W). flip_direction (str): The flipping direction. Options are 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'diagonal'. Returns: out_tensor (Tensor): Flipped tensor. """ assert src_tensor.ndim == 4 valid_directions = ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'diagonal'] assert flip_direction in valid_directions if flip_direction == 'horizontal': out_tensor = torch.flip(src_tensor, [3]) elif flip_direction == 'vertical': out_tensor = torch.flip(src_tensor, [2]) else: out_tensor = torch.flip(src_tensor, [2, 3]) return out_tensor def select_single_mlvl(mlvl_tensors, batch_id, detach=True): """Extract a multi-scale single image tensor from a multi-scale batch tensor based on batch index. Note: The default value of detach is True, because the proposal gradient needs to be detached during the training of the two-stage model. E.g Cascade Mask R-CNN. Args: mlvl_tensors (list[Tensor]): Batch tensor for all scale levels, each is a 4D-tensor. batch_id (int): Batch index. detach (bool): Whether detach gradient. Default True. Returns: list[Tensor]: Multi-scale single image tensor. """ assert isinstance(mlvl_tensors, (list, tuple)) num_levels = len(mlvl_tensors) if detach: mlvl_tensor_list = [ mlvl_tensors[i][batch_id].detach() for i in range(num_levels) ] else: mlvl_tensor_list = [ mlvl_tensors[i][batch_id] for i in range(num_levels) ] return mlvl_tensor_list def filter_scores_and_topk(scores, score_thr, topk, results=None): """Filter results using score threshold and topk candidates. Args: scores (Tensor): The scores, shape (num_bboxes, K). score_thr (float): The score filter threshold. topk (int): The number of topk candidates. results (dict or list or Tensor, Optional): The results to which the filtering rule is to be applied. The shape of each item is (num_bboxes, N). Returns: tuple: Filtered results - scores (Tensor): The scores after being filtered, \ shape (num_bboxes_filtered, ). - labels (Tensor): The class labels, shape \ (num_bboxes_filtered, ). - anchor_idxs (Tensor): The anchor indexes, shape \ (num_bboxes_filtered, ). - filtered_results (dict or list or Tensor, Optional): \ The filtered results. The shape of each item is \ (num_bboxes_filtered, N). """ valid_mask = scores > score_thr scores = scores[valid_mask] valid_idxs = torch.nonzero(valid_mask) num_topk = min(topk, valid_idxs.size(0)) # torch.sort is actually faster than .topk (at least on GPUs) scores, idxs = scores.sort(descending=True) scores = scores[:num_topk] topk_idxs = valid_idxs[idxs[:num_topk]] keep_idxs, labels = topk_idxs.unbind(dim=1) filtered_results = None if results is not None: if isinstance(results, dict): filtered_results = {k: v[keep_idxs] for k, v in results.items()} elif isinstance(results, list): filtered_results = [result[keep_idxs] for result in results] elif isinstance(results, torch.Tensor): filtered_results = results[keep_idxs] else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Only supports dict or list or Tensor, ' f'but get {type(results)}.') return scores, labels, keep_idxs, filtered_results def center_of_mass(mask, esp=1e-6): """Calculate the centroid coordinates of the mask. Args: mask (Tensor): The mask to be calculated, shape (h, w). esp (float): Avoid dividing by zero. Default: 1e-6. Returns: tuple[Tensor]: the coordinates of the center point of the mask. - center_h (Tensor): the center point of the height. - center_w (Tensor): the center point of the width. """ h, w = mask.shape grid_h = torch.arange(h, device=mask.device)[:, None] grid_w = torch.arange(w, device=mask.device) normalizer = mask.sum().float().clamp(min=esp) center_h = (mask * grid_h).sum() / normalizer center_w = (mask * grid_w).sum() / normalizer return center_h, center_w def generate_coordinate(featmap_sizes, device='cuda'): """Generate the coordinate. Args: featmap_sizes (tuple): The feature to be calculated, of shape (N, C, W, H). device (str): The device where the feature will be put on. Returns: coord_feat (Tensor): The coordinate feature, of shape (N, 2, W, H). """ x_range = torch.linspace(-1, 1, featmap_sizes[-1], device=device) y_range = torch.linspace(-1, 1, featmap_sizes[-2], device=device) y, x = torch.meshgrid(y_range, x_range) y = y.expand([featmap_sizes[0], 1, -1, -1]) x = x.expand([featmap_sizes[0], 1, -1, -1]) coord_feat = torch.cat([x, y], 1) return coord_feat def levels_to_images(mlvl_tensor: List[torch.Tensor]) -> List[torch.Tensor]: """Concat multi-level feature maps by image. [feature_level0, feature_level1...] -> [feature_image0, feature_image1...] Convert the shape of each element in mlvl_tensor from (N, C, H, W) to (N, H*W , C), then split the element to N elements with shape (H*W, C), and concat elements in same image of all level along first dimension. Args: mlvl_tensor (list[Tensor]): list of Tensor which collect from corresponding level. Each element is of shape (N, C, H, W) Returns: list[Tensor]: A list that contains N tensors and each tensor is of shape (num_elements, C) """ batch_size = mlvl_tensor[0].size(0) batch_list = [[] for _ in range(batch_size)] channels = mlvl_tensor[0].size(1) for t in mlvl_tensor: t = t.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) t = t.view(batch_size, -1, channels).contiguous() for img in range(batch_size): batch_list[img].append(t[img]) return [torch.cat(item, 0) for item in batch_list] def images_to_levels(target, num_levels): """Convert targets by image to targets by feature level. [target_img0, target_img1] -> [target_level0, target_level1, ...] """ target = stack_boxes(target, 0) level_targets = [] start = 0 for n in num_levels: end = start + n # level_targets.append(target[:, start:end].squeeze(0)) level_targets.append(target[:, start:end]) start = end return level_targets def samplelist_boxtype2tensor(batch_data_samples: SampleList) -> SampleList: for data_samples in batch_data_samples: if 'gt_instances' in data_samples: bboxes = data_samples.gt_instances.get('bboxes', None) if isinstance(bboxes, BaseBoxes): data_samples.gt_instances.bboxes = bboxes.tensor if 'pred_instances' in data_samples: bboxes = data_samples.pred_instances.get('bboxes', None) if isinstance(bboxes, BaseBoxes): data_samples.pred_instances.bboxes = bboxes.tensor if 'ignored_instances' in data_samples: bboxes = data_samples.ignored_instances.get('bboxes', None) if isinstance(bboxes, BaseBoxes): data_samples.ignored_instances.bboxes = bboxes.tensor _torch_version_div_indexing = ( 'parrots' not in torch.__version__ and digit_version(torch.__version__) >= digit_version('1.8')) def floordiv(dividend, divisor, rounding_mode='trunc'): if _torch_version_div_indexing: return torch.div(dividend, divisor, rounding_mode=rounding_mode) else: return dividend // divisor def _filter_gt_instances_by_score(batch_data_samples: SampleList, score_thr: float) -> SampleList: """Filter ground truth (GT) instances by score. Args: batch_data_samples (SampleList): The Data Samples. It usually includes information such as `gt_instance`, `gt_panoptic_seg` and `gt_sem_seg`. score_thr (float): The score filter threshold. Returns: SampleList: The Data Samples filtered by score. """ for data_samples in batch_data_samples: assert 'scores' in data_samples.gt_instances, \ 'there does not exit scores in instances' if data_samples.gt_instances.bboxes.shape[0] > 0: data_samples.gt_instances = data_samples.gt_instances[ data_samples.gt_instances.scores > score_thr] return batch_data_samples def _filter_gt_instances_by_size(batch_data_samples: SampleList, wh_thr: tuple) -> SampleList: """Filter ground truth (GT) instances by size. Args: batch_data_samples (SampleList): The Data Samples. It usually includes information such as `gt_instance`, `gt_panoptic_seg` and `gt_sem_seg`. wh_thr (tuple): Minimum width and height of bbox. Returns: SampleList: The Data Samples filtered by score. """ for data_samples in batch_data_samples: bboxes = data_samples.gt_instances.bboxes if bboxes.shape[0] > 0: w = bboxes[:, 2] - bboxes[:, 0] h = bboxes[:, 3] - bboxes[:, 1] data_samples.gt_instances = data_samples.gt_instances[ (w > wh_thr[0]) & (h > wh_thr[1])] return batch_data_samples def filter_gt_instances(batch_data_samples: SampleList, score_thr: float = None, wh_thr: tuple = None): """Filter ground truth (GT) instances by score and/or size. Args: batch_data_samples (SampleList): The Data Samples. It usually includes information such as `gt_instance`, `gt_panoptic_seg` and `gt_sem_seg`. score_thr (float): The score filter threshold. wh_thr (tuple): Minimum width and height of bbox. Returns: SampleList: The Data Samples filtered by score and/or size. """ if score_thr is not None: batch_data_samples = _filter_gt_instances_by_score( batch_data_samples, score_thr) if wh_thr is not None: batch_data_samples = _filter_gt_instances_by_size( batch_data_samples, wh_thr) return batch_data_samples def rename_loss_dict(prefix: str, losses: dict) -> dict: """Rename the key names in loss dict by adding a prefix. Args: prefix (str): The prefix for loss components. losses (dict): A dictionary of loss components. Returns: dict: A dictionary of loss components with prefix. """ return {prefix + k: v for k, v in losses.items()} def reweight_loss_dict(losses: dict, weight: float) -> dict: """Reweight losses in the dict by weight. Args: losses (dict): A dictionary of loss components. weight (float): Weight for loss components. Returns: dict: A dictionary of weighted loss components. """ for name, loss in losses.items(): if 'loss' in name: if isinstance(loss, Sequence): losses[name] = [item * weight for item in loss] else: losses[name] = loss * weight return losses def relative_coordinate_maps( locations: Tensor, centers: Tensor, strides: Tensor, size_of_interest: int, feat_sizes: Tuple[int], ) -> Tensor: """Generate the relative coordinate maps with feat_stride. Args: locations (Tensor): The prior location of mask feature map. It has shape (num_priors, 2). centers (Tensor): The prior points of a object in all feature pyramid. It has shape (num_pos, 2) strides (Tensor): The prior strides of a object in all feature pyramid. It has shape (num_pos, 1) size_of_interest (int): The size of the region used in rel coord. feat_sizes (Tuple[int]): The feature size H and W, which has 2 dims. Returns: rel_coord_feat (Tensor): The coordinate feature of shape (num_pos, 2, H, W). """ H, W = feat_sizes rel_coordinates = centers.reshape(-1, 1, 2) - locations.reshape(1, -1, 2) rel_coordinates = rel_coordinates.permute(0, 2, 1).float() rel_coordinates = rel_coordinates / ( strides[:, None, None] * size_of_interest) return rel_coordinates.reshape(-1, 2, H, W) def aligned_bilinear(tensor: Tensor, factor: int) -> Tensor: """aligned bilinear, used in original implement in CondInst: https://github.com/aim-uofa/AdelaiDet/blob/\ c0b2092ce72442b0f40972f7c6dda8bb52c46d16/adet/utils/comm.py#L23 """ assert tensor.dim() == 4 assert factor >= 1 assert int(factor) == factor if factor == 1: return tensor h, w = tensor.size()[2:] tensor = F.pad(tensor, pad=(0, 1, 0, 1), mode='replicate') oh = factor * h + 1 ow = factor * w + 1 tensor = F.interpolate( tensor, size=(oh, ow), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) tensor = F.pad( tensor, pad=(factor // 2, 0, factor // 2, 0), mode='replicate') return tensor[:, :, :oh - 1, :ow - 1] def unfold_wo_center(x, kernel_size: int, dilation: int) -> Tensor: """unfold_wo_center, used in original implement in BoxInst: https://github.com/aim-uofa/AdelaiDet/blob/\ 4a3a1f7372c35b48ebf5f6adc59f135a0fa28d60/\ adet/modeling/condinst/condinst.py#L53 """ assert x.dim() == 4 assert kernel_size % 2 == 1 # using SAME padding padding = (kernel_size + (dilation - 1) * (kernel_size - 1)) // 2 unfolded_x = F.unfold( x, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, dilation=dilation) unfolded_x = unfolded_x.reshape( x.size(0), x.size(1), -1, x.size(2), x.size(3)) # remove the center pixels size = kernel_size**2 unfolded_x = torch.cat( (unfolded_x[:, :, :size // 2], unfolded_x[:, :, size // 2 + 1:]), dim=2) return unfolded_x def padding_to(input_tensor: Tensor, max_len: int = 300) -> Tensor: """Pad the first dimension of `input_tensor` to `max_len`. Args: input_tensor (Tensor): The tensor to be padded, max_len (int): Padding target size in the first dimension. Default: 300 https://github.com/jshilong/DDQ/blob/ddq_detr/projects/models/utils.py#L19 Returns: Tensor: The tensor padded with the first dimension size `max_len`. """ if max_len is None: return input_tensor num_padding = max_len - len(input_tensor) if input_tensor.dim() > 1: padding = input_tensor.new_zeros( num_padding, *input_tensor.size()[1:], dtype=input_tensor.dtype) else: padding = input_tensor.new_zeros(num_padding, dtype=input_tensor.dtype) output_tensor = torch.cat([input_tensor, padding], dim=0) return output_tensor def align_tensor(inputs: List[Tensor], max_len: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor: """Pad each input to `max_len`, then stack them. If `max_len` is None, then it is the max size of the first dimension of each input. https://github.com/jshilong/DDQ/blob/ddq_detr/projects/models/\ utils.py#L12 Args: inputs (list[Tensor]): The tensors to be padded, Each input should have the same shape except the first dimension. max_len (int): Padding target size in the first dimension. Default: None Returns: Tensor: Stacked inputs after padding in the first dimension. """ if max_len is None: max_len = max([len(item) for item in inputs]) return torch.stack([padding_to(item, max_len) for item in inputs])