Runtime error
Runtime error
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved. | |
import copy | |
import itertools | |
import time | |
from collections import defaultdict | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch.multiprocessing as mp | |
from mmengine.logging import MMLogger | |
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
class COCOevalMP(COCOeval): | |
def _prepare(self): | |
''' | |
Prepare ._gts and ._dts for evaluation based on params | |
:return: None | |
''' | |
def _toMask(anns, coco): | |
# modify ann['segmentation'] by reference | |
for ann in anns: | |
rle = coco.annToRLE(ann) | |
ann['segmentation'] = rle | |
p = self.params | |
if p.useCats: | |
gts = [] | |
dts = [] | |
img_ids = set(p.imgIds) | |
cat_ids = set(p.catIds) | |
for gt in self.cocoGt.dataset['annotations']: | |
if (gt['category_id'] in cat_ids) and (gt['image_id'] | |
in img_ids): | |
gts.append(gt) | |
for dt in self.cocoDt.dataset['annotations']: | |
if (dt['category_id'] in cat_ids) and (dt['image_id'] | |
in img_ids): | |
dts.append(dt) | |
# gts=self.cocoGt.loadAnns(self.cocoGt.getAnnIds(imgIds=p.imgIds, catIds=p.catIds)) # noqa | |
# dts=self.cocoDt.loadAnns(self.cocoDt.getAnnIds(imgIds=p.imgIds, catIds=p.catIds)) # noqa | |
# gts=self.cocoGt.dataset['annotations'] | |
# dts=self.cocoDt.dataset['annotations'] | |
else: | |
gts = self.cocoGt.loadAnns(self.cocoGt.getAnnIds(imgIds=p.imgIds)) | |
dts = self.cocoDt.loadAnns(self.cocoDt.getAnnIds(imgIds=p.imgIds)) | |
# convert ground truth to mask if iouType == 'segm' | |
if p.iouType == 'segm': | |
_toMask(gts, self.cocoGt) | |
_toMask(dts, self.cocoDt) | |
# set ignore flag | |
for gt in gts: | |
gt['ignore'] = gt['ignore'] if 'ignore' in gt else 0 | |
gt['ignore'] = 'iscrowd' in gt and gt['iscrowd'] | |
if p.iouType == 'keypoints': | |
gt['ignore'] = (gt['num_keypoints'] == 0) or gt['ignore'] | |
self._gts = defaultdict(list) # gt for evaluation | |
self._dts = defaultdict(list) # dt for evaluation | |
for gt in gts: | |
self._gts[gt['image_id'], gt['category_id']].append(gt) | |
for dt in dts: | |
self._dts[dt['image_id'], dt['category_id']].append(dt) | |
self.evalImgs = defaultdict( | |
list) # per-image per-category evaluation results | |
self.eval = {} # accumulated evaluation results | |
def evaluate(self): | |
"""Run per image evaluation on given images and store results (a list | |
of dict) in self.evalImgs. | |
:return: None | |
""" | |
tic = time.time() | |
print('Running per image evaluation...') | |
p = self.params | |
# add backward compatibility if useSegm is specified in params | |
if p.useSegm is not None: | |
p.iouType = 'segm' if p.useSegm == 1 else 'bbox' | |
print('useSegm (deprecated) is not None. Running {} evaluation'. | |
format(p.iouType)) | |
print('Evaluate annotation type *{}*'.format(p.iouType)) | |
p.imgIds = list(np.unique(p.imgIds)) | |
if p.useCats: | |
p.catIds = list(np.unique(p.catIds)) | |
p.maxDets = sorted(p.maxDets) | |
self.params = p | |
# loop through images, area range, max detection number | |
catIds = p.catIds if p.useCats else [-1] | |
nproc = 8 | |
split_size = len(catIds) // nproc | |
mp_params = [] | |
for i in range(nproc): | |
begin = i * split_size | |
end = (i + 1) * split_size | |
if i == nproc - 1: | |
end = len(catIds) | |
mp_params.append((catIds[begin:end], )) | |
MMLogger.get_current_instance().info( | |
'start multi processing evaluation ...') | |
with mp.Pool(nproc) as pool: | |
self.evalImgs = pool.starmap(self._evaluateImg, mp_params) | |
self.evalImgs = list(itertools.chain(*self.evalImgs)) | |
self._paramsEval = copy.deepcopy(self.params) | |
toc = time.time() | |
print('DONE (t={:0.2f}s).'.format(toc - tic)) | |
def _evaluateImg(self, catids_chunk): | |
self._prepare() | |
p = self.params | |
maxDet = max(p.maxDets) | |
all_params = [] | |
for catId in catids_chunk: | |
for areaRng in p.areaRng: | |
for imgId in p.imgIds: | |
all_params.append((catId, areaRng, imgId)) | |
evalImgs = [ | |
self.evaluateImg(imgId, catId, areaRng, maxDet) | |
for catId, areaRng, imgId in tqdm(all_params) | |
] | |
return evalImgs | |
def evaluateImg(self, imgId, catId, aRng, maxDet): | |
p = self.params | |
if p.useCats: | |
gt = self._gts[imgId, catId] | |
dt = self._dts[imgId, catId] | |
else: | |
gt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._gts[imgId, cId]] | |
dt = [_ for cId in p.catIds for _ in self._dts[imgId, cId]] | |
if len(gt) == 0 and len(dt) == 0: | |
return None | |
for g in gt: | |
if g['ignore'] or (g['area'] < aRng[0] or g['area'] > aRng[1]): | |
g['_ignore'] = 1 | |
else: | |
g['_ignore'] = 0 | |
# sort dt highest score first, sort gt ignore last | |
gtind = np.argsort([g['_ignore'] for g in gt], kind='mergesort') | |
gt = [gt[i] for i in gtind] | |
dtind = np.argsort([-d['score'] for d in dt], kind='mergesort') | |
dt = [dt[i] for i in dtind[0:maxDet]] | |
iscrowd = [int(o['iscrowd']) for o in gt] | |
# load computed ious | |
# ious = self.ious[imgId, catId][:, gtind] if len(self.ious[imgId, catId]) > 0 else self.ious[imgId, catId] # noqa | |
ious = self.computeIoU(imgId, catId) | |
ious = ious[:, gtind] if len(ious) > 0 else ious | |
T = len(p.iouThrs) | |
G = len(gt) | |
D = len(dt) | |
gtm = np.zeros((T, G)) | |
dtm = np.zeros((T, D)) | |
gtIg = np.array([g['_ignore'] for g in gt]) | |
dtIg = np.zeros((T, D)) | |
if not len(ious) == 0: | |
for tind, t in enumerate(p.iouThrs): | |
for dind, d in enumerate(dt): | |
# information about best match so far (m=-1 -> unmatched) | |
iou = min([t, 1 - 1e-10]) | |
m = -1 | |
for gind, g in enumerate(gt): | |
# if this gt already matched, and not a crowd, continue | |
if gtm[tind, gind] > 0 and not iscrowd[gind]: | |
continue | |
# if dt matched to reg gt, and on ignore gt, stop | |
if m > -1 and gtIg[m] == 0 and gtIg[gind] == 1: | |
break | |
# continue to next gt unless better match made | |
if ious[dind, gind] < iou: | |
continue | |
# if match successful and best so far, | |
# store appropriately | |
iou = ious[dind, gind] | |
m = gind | |
# if match made store id of match for both dt and gt | |
if m == -1: | |
continue | |
dtIg[tind, dind] = gtIg[m] | |
dtm[tind, dind] = gt[m]['id'] | |
gtm[tind, m] = d['id'] | |
# set unmatched detections outside of area range to ignore | |
a = np.array([d['area'] < aRng[0] or d['area'] > aRng[1] | |
for d in dt]).reshape((1, len(dt))) | |
dtIg = np.logical_or(dtIg, np.logical_and(dtm == 0, np.repeat(a, T, | |
0))) | |
# store results for given image and category | |
return { | |
'image_id': imgId, | |
'category_id': catId, | |
'aRng': aRng, | |
'maxDet': maxDet, | |
'dtIds': [d['id'] for d in dt], | |
'gtIds': [g['id'] for g in gt], | |
'dtMatches': dtm, | |
'gtMatches': gtm, | |
'dtScores': [d['score'] for d in dt], | |
'gtIgnore': gtIg, | |
'dtIgnore': dtIg, | |
} | |
def summarize(self): | |
"""Compute and display summary metrics for evaluation results. | |
Note this function can *only* be applied on the default parameter | |
setting | |
""" | |
def _summarize(ap=1, iouThr=None, areaRng='all', maxDets=100): | |
p = self.params | |
iStr = ' {:<18} {} @[ IoU={:<9} | area={:>6s} | maxDets={:>3d} ] = {:0.3f}' # noqa | |
titleStr = 'Average Precision' if ap == 1 else 'Average Recall' | |
typeStr = '(AP)' if ap == 1 else '(AR)' | |
iouStr = '{:0.2f}:{:0.2f}'.format(p.iouThrs[0], p.iouThrs[-1]) \ | |
if iouThr is None else '{:0.2f}'.format(iouThr) | |
aind = [ | |
i for i, aRng in enumerate(p.areaRngLbl) if aRng == areaRng | |
] | |
mind = [i for i, mDet in enumerate(p.maxDets) if mDet == maxDets] | |
if ap == 1: | |
# dimension of precision: [TxRxKxAxM] | |
s = self.eval['precision'] | |
# IoU | |
if iouThr is not None: | |
t = np.where(iouThr == p.iouThrs)[0] | |
s = s[t] | |
s = s[:, :, :, aind, mind] | |
else: | |
# dimension of recall: [TxKxAxM] | |
s = self.eval['recall'] | |
if iouThr is not None: | |
t = np.where(iouThr == p.iouThrs)[0] | |
s = s[t] | |
s = s[:, :, aind, mind] | |
if len(s[s > -1]) == 0: | |
mean_s = -1 | |
else: | |
mean_s = np.mean(s[s > -1]) | |
print( | |
iStr.format(titleStr, typeStr, iouStr, areaRng, maxDets, | |
mean_s)) | |
return mean_s | |
def _summarizeDets(): | |
stats = [] | |
stats.append(_summarize(1, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[-1])) | |
stats.append( | |
_summarize(1, iouThr=.5, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[-1])) | |
stats.append( | |
_summarize(1, iouThr=.75, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[-1])) | |
for area_rng in ('small', 'medium', 'large'): | |
stats.append( | |
_summarize( | |
1, areaRng=area_rng, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[-1])) | |
for max_det in self.params.maxDets: | |
stats.append(_summarize(0, maxDets=max_det)) | |
for area_rng in ('small', 'medium', 'large'): | |
stats.append( | |
_summarize( | |
0, areaRng=area_rng, maxDets=self.params.maxDets[-1])) | |
stats = np.array(stats) | |
return stats | |
def _summarizeKps(): | |
stats = np.zeros((10, )) | |
stats[0] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20) | |
stats[1] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, iouThr=.5) | |
stats[2] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, iouThr=.75) | |
stats[3] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, areaRng='medium') | |
stats[4] = _summarize(1, maxDets=20, areaRng='large') | |
stats[5] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20) | |
stats[6] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, iouThr=.5) | |
stats[7] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, iouThr=.75) | |
stats[8] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, areaRng='medium') | |
stats[9] = _summarize(0, maxDets=20, areaRng='large') | |
return stats | |
if not self.eval: | |
raise Exception('Please run accumulate() first') | |
iouType = self.params.iouType | |
if iouType == 'segm' or iouType == 'bbox': | |
summarize = _summarizeDets | |
elif iouType == 'keypoints': | |
summarize = _summarizeKps | |
self.stats = summarize() | |