Runtime error
Runtime error
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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import List, Sequence, Tuple
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from mmengine.model import BaseModule, ModuleDict
from mmpretrain.registry import MODELS
from mmpretrain.structures import MultiTaskDataSample
def loss_convertor(loss_func, task_name):
def wrapped(inputs, data_samples, **kwargs):
mask = torch.empty(len(data_samples), dtype=torch.bool)
task_data_samples = []
for i, data_sample in enumerate(data_samples):
assert isinstance(data_sample, MultiTaskDataSample)
sample_mask = task_name in data_sample
mask[i] = sample_mask
if sample_mask:
if len(task_data_samples) == 0:
# This makes it possible to perform loss.backward when a
# task does not have gt_labels within a batch.
loss = (inputs[0] * 0).sum()
return {'loss': loss, 'mask_size': torch.tensor(0.)}
# Mask the inputs of the task
def mask_inputs(inputs, mask):
if isinstance(inputs, Sequence):
return type(inputs)(
[mask_inputs(input, mask) for input in inputs])
elif isinstance(inputs, torch.Tensor):
return inputs[mask]
masked_inputs = mask_inputs(inputs, mask)
loss_output = loss_func(masked_inputs, task_data_samples, **kwargs)
loss_output['mask_size'] = mask.sum().to(torch.float)
return loss_output
return wrapped
class MultiTaskHead(BaseModule):
"""Multi task head.
task_heads (dict): Sub heads to use, the key will be use to rename the
loss components.
common_cfg (dict): The common settings for all heads. Defaults to an
empty dict.
init_cfg (dict, optional): The extra initialization settings.
Defaults to None.
def __init__(self, task_heads, init_cfg=None, **kwargs):
super(MultiTaskHead, self).__init__(init_cfg=init_cfg)
assert isinstance(task_heads, dict), 'The `task_heads` argument' \
"should be a dict, which's keys are task names and values are" \
'configs of head for the task.'
self.task_heads = ModuleDict()
for task_name, sub_head in task_heads.items():
if not isinstance(sub_head, nn.Module):
sub_head =, default_args=kwargs)
sub_head.loss = loss_convertor(sub_head.loss, task_name)
self.task_heads[task_name] = sub_head
def forward(self, feats):
"""The forward process."""
return {
task_name: head(feats)
for task_name, head in self.task_heads.items()
def loss(self, feats: Tuple[torch.Tensor],
data_samples: List[MultiTaskDataSample], **kwargs) -> dict:
"""Calculate losses from the classification score.
feats (tuple[Tensor]): The features extracted from the backbone.
data_samples (List[MultiTaskDataSample]): The annotation data of
every samples.
**kwargs: Other keyword arguments to forward the loss module.
dict[str, Tensor]: a dictionary of loss components, each task loss
key will be prefixed by the task_name like "task1_loss"
losses = dict()
for task_name, head in self.task_heads.items():
head_loss = head.loss(feats, data_samples, **kwargs)
for k, v in head_loss.items():
losses[f'{task_name}_{k}'] = v
return losses
def predict(
feats: Tuple[torch.Tensor],
data_samples: List[MultiTaskDataSample] = None
) -> List[MultiTaskDataSample]:
"""Inference without augmentation.
feats (tuple[Tensor]): The features extracted from the backbone.
data_samples (List[MultiTaskDataSample], optional): The annotation
data of every samples. If not None, set ``pred_label`` of
the input data samples. Defaults to None.
List[MultiTaskDataSample]: A list of data samples which contains
the predicted results.
predictions_dict = dict()
for task_name, head in self.task_heads.items():
task_samples = None
if data_samples is not None:
task_samples = [
data_sample.get(task_name, None) if data_sample else None
for data_sample in data_samples
task_samples = head.predict(feats, task_samples)
batch_size = len(task_samples)
predictions_dict[task_name] = task_samples
if data_samples is None:
data_samples = [MultiTaskDataSample() for _ in range(batch_size)]
data_samples = [
MultiTaskDataSample() if data_sample is None else data_sample
for data_sample in data_samples
for task_name, task_samples in predictions_dict.items():
for data_sample, task_sample in zip(data_samples, task_samples):
task_name in data_sample.tasks,
if task_name in data_sample.tasks:
data_sample.set_field(task_sample, task_name)
return data_samples