Runtime error
Runtime error
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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import List
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from mmengine import MessageHub
from mmengine.structures import InstanceData
from torch import Tensor
from mmdet.registry import MODELS
from mmdet.utils import InstanceList
from ..utils.misc import unfold_wo_center
from .condinst_head import CondInstBboxHead, CondInstMaskHead
class BoxInstBboxHead(CondInstBboxHead):
"""BoxInst box head used in"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class BoxInstMaskHead(CondInstMaskHead):
"""BoxInst mask head used in
This head outputs the mask for BoxInst.
pairwise_size (dict): The size of neighborhood for each pixel.
Defaults to 3.
pairwise_dilation (int): The dilation of neighborhood for each pixel.
Defaults to 2.
warmup_iters (int): Warmup iterations for pair-wise loss.
Defaults to 10000.
def __init__(self,
pairwise_size: int = 3,
pairwise_dilation: int = 2,
warmup_iters: int = 10000,
**kwargs) -> None:
self.pairwise_size = pairwise_size
self.pairwise_dilation = pairwise_dilation
self.warmup_iters = warmup_iters
super().__init__(*arg, **kwargs)
def get_pairwise_affinity(self, mask_logits: Tensor) -> Tensor:
"""Compute the pairwise affinity for each pixel."""
log_fg_prob = F.logsigmoid(mask_logits).unsqueeze(1)
log_bg_prob = F.logsigmoid(-mask_logits).unsqueeze(1)
log_fg_prob_unfold = unfold_wo_center(
log_bg_prob_unfold = unfold_wo_center(
# the probability of making the same prediction:
# p_i * p_j + (1 - p_i) * (1 - p_j)
# we compute the the probability in log space
# to avoid numerical instability
log_same_fg_prob = log_fg_prob[:, :, None] + log_fg_prob_unfold
log_same_bg_prob = log_bg_prob[:, :, None] + log_bg_prob_unfold
# TODO: Figure out the difference between it and directly sum
max_ = torch.max(log_same_fg_prob, log_same_bg_prob)
log_same_prob = torch.log(
torch.exp(log_same_fg_prob - max_) +
torch.exp(log_same_bg_prob - max_)) + max_
return -log_same_prob[:, 0]
def loss_by_feat(self, mask_preds: List[Tensor],
batch_gt_instances: InstanceList,
batch_img_metas: List[dict], positive_infos: InstanceList,
**kwargs) -> dict:
"""Calculate the loss based on the features extracted by the mask head.
mask_preds (list[Tensor]): List of predicted masks, each has
shape (num_classes, H, W).
batch_gt_instances (list[:obj:`InstanceData`]): Batch of
gt_instance. It usually includes ``bboxes``, ``masks``,
and ``labels`` attributes.
batch_img_metas (list[dict]): Meta information of multiple images.
positive_infos (List[:obj:``InstanceData``]): Information of
positive samples of each image that are assigned in detection
dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components.
assert positive_infos is not None, \
'positive_infos should not be None in `BoxInstMaskHead`'
losses = dict()
loss_mask_project = 0.
loss_mask_pairwise = 0.
num_imgs = len(mask_preds)
total_pos = 0.
avg_fatcor = 0.
for idx in range(num_imgs):
(mask_pred, pos_mask_targets, pos_pairwise_masks, num_pos) = \
mask_preds[idx], batch_gt_instances[idx],
# mask loss
total_pos += num_pos
if num_pos == 0 or pos_mask_targets is None:
loss_project = mask_pred.new_zeros(1).mean()
loss_pairwise = mask_pred.new_zeros(1).mean()
avg_fatcor += 0.
# compute the project term
loss_project_x = self.loss_mask(
mask_pred.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0],
pos_mask_targets.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0],
loss_project_y = self.loss_mask(
mask_pred.max(dim=2, keepdim=True)[0],
pos_mask_targets.max(dim=2, keepdim=True)[0],
loss_project = loss_project_x + loss_project_y
# compute the pairwise term
pairwise_affinity = self.get_pairwise_affinity(mask_pred)
avg_fatcor += pos_pairwise_masks.sum().clamp(min=1.0)
loss_pairwise = (pairwise_affinity * pos_pairwise_masks).sum()
loss_mask_project += loss_project
loss_mask_pairwise += loss_pairwise
if total_pos == 0:
total_pos += 1 # avoid nan
if avg_fatcor == 0:
avg_fatcor += 1 # avoid nan
loss_mask_project = loss_mask_project / total_pos
loss_mask_pairwise = loss_mask_pairwise / avg_fatcor
message_hub = MessageHub.get_current_instance()
iter = message_hub.get_info('iter')
warmup_factor = min(iter / float(self.warmup_iters), 1.0)
loss_mask_pairwise *= warmup_factor
return losses
def _get_targets_single(self, mask_preds: Tensor,
gt_instances: InstanceData,
positive_info: InstanceData):
"""Compute targets for predictions of single image.
mask_preds (Tensor): Predicted prototypes with shape
(num_classes, H, W).
gt_instances (:obj:`InstanceData`): Ground truth of instance
annotations. It should includes ``bboxes``, ``labels``,
and ``masks`` attributes.
positive_info (:obj:`InstanceData`): Information of positive
samples that are assigned in detection head. It usually
contains following keys.
- pos_assigned_gt_inds (Tensor): Assigner GT indexes of
positive proposals, has shape (num_pos, )
- pos_inds (Tensor): Positive index of image, has
shape (num_pos, ).
- param_pred (Tensor): Positive param preditions
with shape (num_pos, num_params).
tuple: Usually returns a tuple containing learning targets.
- mask_preds (Tensor): Positive predicted mask with shape
(num_pos, mask_h, mask_w).
- pos_mask_targets (Tensor): Positive mask targets with shape
(num_pos, mask_h, mask_w).
- pos_pairwise_masks (Tensor): Positive pairwise masks with
shape: (num_pos, num_neighborhood, mask_h, mask_w).
- num_pos (int): Positive numbers.
gt_bboxes = gt_instances.bboxes
device = gt_bboxes.device
# Note that gt_masks are generated by full box
# from BoxInstDataPreprocessor
gt_masks = gt_instances.masks.to_tensor(
dtype=torch.bool, device=device).float()
# Note that pairwise_masks are generated by image color similarity
# from BoxInstDataPreprocessor
pairwise_masks = gt_instances.pairwise_masks
pairwise_masks =
# process with mask targets
pos_assigned_gt_inds = positive_info.get('pos_assigned_gt_inds')
scores = positive_info.get('scores')
centernesses = positive_info.get('centernesses')
num_pos = pos_assigned_gt_inds.size(0)
if gt_masks.size(0) == 0 or num_pos == 0:
return mask_preds, None, None, 0
# Since we're producing (near) full image masks,
# it'd take too much vram to backprop on every single mask.
# Thus we select only a subset.
if (self.max_masks_to_train != -1) and \
(num_pos > self.max_masks_to_train):
perm = torch.randperm(num_pos)
select = perm[:self.max_masks_to_train]
mask_preds = mask_preds[select]
pos_assigned_gt_inds = pos_assigned_gt_inds[select]
num_pos = self.max_masks_to_train
elif self.topk_masks_per_img != -1:
unique_gt_inds = pos_assigned_gt_inds.unique()
num_inst_per_gt = max(
int(self.topk_masks_per_img / len(unique_gt_inds)), 1)
keep_mask_preds = []
keep_pos_assigned_gt_inds = []
for gt_ind in unique_gt_inds:
per_inst_pos_inds = (pos_assigned_gt_inds == gt_ind)
mask_preds_per_inst = mask_preds[per_inst_pos_inds]
gt_inds_per_inst = pos_assigned_gt_inds[per_inst_pos_inds]
if sum(per_inst_pos_inds) > num_inst_per_gt:
per_inst_scores = scores[per_inst_pos_inds].sigmoid().max(
per_inst_centerness = centernesses[
per_inst_pos_inds].sigmoid().reshape(-1, )
select = (per_inst_scores * per_inst_centerness).topk(
k=num_inst_per_gt, dim=0)[1]
mask_preds_per_inst = mask_preds_per_inst[select]
gt_inds_per_inst = gt_inds_per_inst[select]
mask_preds =
pos_assigned_gt_inds =
num_pos = pos_assigned_gt_inds.size(0)
# Follow the origin implement
start = int(self.mask_out_stride // 2)
gt_masks = gt_masks[:, start::self.mask_out_stride,
gt_masks =
pos_mask_targets = gt_masks[pos_assigned_gt_inds]
pos_pairwise_masks = pairwise_masks[pos_assigned_gt_inds]
pos_pairwise_masks = pos_pairwise_masks * pos_mask_targets.unsqueeze(1)
return (mask_preds, pos_mask_targets, pos_pairwise_masks, num_pos)