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# Copyright (c) Github URL
# Copied from
__author__ = 'ychfan'
# Interface for accessing the YouTubeVIS dataset.
# The following API functions are defined:
# YTVIS - YTVIS api class that loads YouTubeVIS annotation file
# and prepare data structures.
# decodeMask - Decode binary mask M encoded via run-length encoding.
# encodeMask - Encode binary mask M using run-length encoding.
# getAnnIds - Get ann ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
# getCatIds - Get cat ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
# getImgIds - Get img ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
# loadAnns - Load anns with the specified ids.
# loadCats - Load cats with the specified ids.
# loadImgs - Load imgs with the specified ids.
# annToMask - Convert segmentation in an annotation to binary mask.
# loadRes - Load algorithm results and create API for accessing them.
# Microsoft COCO Toolbox. version 2.0
# Data, paper, and tutorials available at:
# Code written by Piotr Dollar and Tsung-Yi Lin, 2014.
# Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see bsd.txt]
import copy
import itertools
import json
import sys
import time
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from pycocotools import mask as maskUtils
PYTHON_VERSION = sys.version_info[0]
def _isArrayLike(obj):
return hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and hasattr(obj, '__len__')
class YTVIS:
def __init__(self, annotation_file=None):
"""Constructor of Microsoft COCO helper class for reading and
visualizing annotations.
:param annotation_file (str | dict): location of annotation file or
dict results.
:param image_folder (str): location to the folder that hosts images.
# load dataset
self.dataset, self.anns, self.cats, self.vids = dict(), dict(), dict(
), dict()
self.vidToAnns, self.catToVids = defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list)
if annotation_file is not None:
print('loading annotations into memory...')
tic = time.time()
if type(annotation_file) == str:
dataset = json.load(open(annotation_file, 'r'))
dataset = annotation_file
assert type(
) == dict, 'annotation file format {} not supported'.format(
print('Done (t={:0.2f}s)'.format(time.time() - tic))
self.dataset = dataset
def createIndex(self):
# create index
print('creating index...')
anns, cats, vids = {}, {}, {}
vidToAnns, catToVids = defaultdict(list), defaultdict(list)
if 'annotations' in self.dataset:
for ann in self.dataset['annotations']:
anns[ann['id']] = ann
if 'videos' in self.dataset:
for vid in self.dataset['videos']:
vids[vid['id']] = vid
if 'categories' in self.dataset:
for cat in self.dataset['categories']:
cats[cat['id']] = cat
if 'annotations' in self.dataset and 'categories' in self.dataset:
for ann in self.dataset['annotations']:
print('index created!')
# create class members
self.anns = anns
self.vidToAnns = vidToAnns
self.catToVids = catToVids
self.vids = vids
self.cats = cats
def getAnnIds(self, vidIds=[], catIds=[], areaRng=[], iscrowd=None):
"""Get ann ids that satisfy given filter conditions. default skips that
:param vidIds (int array) : get anns for given vids
catIds (int array) : get anns for given cats
areaRng (float array) : get anns for given area range
iscrowd (boolean) : get anns for given crowd label
:return: ids (int array) : integer array of ann ids
vidIds = vidIds if _isArrayLike(vidIds) else [vidIds]
catIds = catIds if _isArrayLike(catIds) else [catIds]
if len(vidIds) == len(catIds) == len(areaRng) == 0:
anns = self.dataset['annotations']
if not len(vidIds) == 0:
lists = [
self.vidToAnns[vidId] for vidId in vidIds
if vidId in self.vidToAnns
anns = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(lists))
anns = self.dataset['annotations']
anns = anns if len(catIds) == 0 else [
ann for ann in anns if ann['category_id'] in catIds
anns = anns if len(areaRng) == 0 else [
ann for ann in anns if ann['avg_area'] > areaRng[0]
and ann['avg_area'] < areaRng[1]
if iscrowd is not None:
ids = [ann['id'] for ann in anns if ann['iscrowd'] == iscrowd]
ids = [ann['id'] for ann in anns]
return ids
def getCatIds(self, catNms=[], supNms=[], catIds=[]):
"""filtering parameters. default skips that filter.
:param catNms (str array) : get cats for given cat names
:param supNms (str array) : get cats for given supercategory names
:param catIds (int array) : get cats for given cat ids
:return: ids (int array) : integer array of cat ids
catNms = catNms if _isArrayLike(catNms) else [catNms]
supNms = supNms if _isArrayLike(supNms) else [supNms]
catIds = catIds if _isArrayLike(catIds) else [catIds]
if len(catNms) == len(supNms) == len(catIds) == 0:
cats = self.dataset['categories']
cats = self.dataset['categories']
cats = cats if len(catNms) == 0 else [
cat for cat in cats if cat['name'] in catNms
cats = cats if len(supNms) == 0 else [
cat for cat in cats if cat['supercategory'] in supNms
cats = cats if len(catIds) == 0 else [
cat for cat in cats if cat['id'] in catIds
ids = [cat['id'] for cat in cats]
return ids
def getVidIds(self, vidIds=[], catIds=[]):
"""Get vid ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
:param vidIds (int array) : get vids for given ids
:param catIds (int array) : get vids with all given cats
:return: ids (int array) : integer array of vid ids
vidIds = vidIds if _isArrayLike(vidIds) else [vidIds]
catIds = catIds if _isArrayLike(catIds) else [catIds]
if len(vidIds) == len(catIds) == 0:
ids = self.vids.keys()
ids = set(vidIds)
for i, catId in enumerate(catIds):
if i == 0 and len(ids) == 0:
ids = set(self.catToVids[catId])
ids &= set(self.catToVids[catId])
return list(ids)
def loadAnns(self, ids=[]):
"""Load anns with the specified ids.
:param ids (int array) : integer ids specifying anns
:return: anns (object array) : loaded ann objects
if _isArrayLike(ids):
return [self.anns[id] for id in ids]
elif type(ids) == int:
return [self.anns[ids]]
def loadCats(self, ids=[]):
"""Load cats with the specified ids.
:param ids (int array) : integer ids specifying cats
:return: cats (object array) : loaded cat objects
if _isArrayLike(ids):
return [self.cats[id] for id in ids]
elif type(ids) == int:
return [self.cats[ids]]
def loadVids(self, ids=[]):
"""Load anns with the specified ids.
:param ids (int array) : integer ids specifying vid
:return: vids (object array) : loaded vid objects
if _isArrayLike(ids):
return [self.vids[id] for id in ids]
elif type(ids) == int:
return [self.vids[ids]]
def loadRes(self, resFile):
"""Load result file and return a result api object.
:param resFile (str) : file name of result file
:return: res (obj) : result api object
res = YTVIS()
res.dataset['videos'] = [img for img in self.dataset['videos']]
print('Loading and preparing results...')
tic = time.time()
if type(resFile) == str or (PYTHON_VERSION == 2
and type(resFile) == str):
anns = json.load(open(resFile))
elif type(resFile) == np.ndarray:
anns = self.loadNumpyAnnotations(resFile)
anns = resFile
assert type(anns) == list, 'results in not an array of objects'
annsVidIds = [ann['video_id'] for ann in anns]
assert set(annsVidIds) == (set(annsVidIds) & set(self.getVidIds())), \
'Results do not correspond to current coco set'
if 'segmentations' in anns[0]:
res.dataset['categories'] = copy.deepcopy(
for id, ann in enumerate(anns):
ann['areas'] = []
if 'bboxes' not in ann:
ann['bboxes'] = []
for seg in ann['segmentations']:
# now only support compressed RLE format
# as segmentation results
if seg:
if len(ann['bboxes']) < len(ann['areas']):
if len(ann['bboxes']) < len(ann['areas']):
ann['id'] = id + 1
l_ori = [a for a in ann['areas'] if a]
if len(l_ori) == 0:
ann['avg_area'] = 0
ann['avg_area'] = np.array(l_ori).mean()
ann['iscrowd'] = 0
print('DONE (t={:0.2f}s)'.format(time.time() - tic))
res.dataset['annotations'] = anns
return res
def annToRLE(self, ann, frameId):
"""Convert annotation which can be polygons, uncompressed RLE to RLE.
:return: binary mask (numpy 2D array)
t = self.vids[ann['video_id']]
h, w = t['height'], t['width']
segm = ann['segmentations'][frameId]
if type(segm) == list:
# polygon -- a single object might consist of multiple parts
# we merge all parts into one mask rle code
rles = maskUtils.frPyObjects(segm, h, w)
rle = maskUtils.merge(rles)
elif type(segm['counts']) == list:
# uncompressed RLE
rle = maskUtils.frPyObjects(segm, h, w)
# rle
rle = segm
return rle
def annToMask(self, ann, frameId):
"""Convert annotation which can be polygons, uncompressed RLE, or RLE
to binary mask.
:return: binary mask (numpy 2D array)
rle = self.annToRLE(ann, frameId)
m = maskUtils.decode(rle)
return m