import functools import os import random import math from PIL import Image import numpy as np import torch from einops import rearrange from import Dataset from torchvision import transforms from datasets import register from utils import to_pixel_samples, to_coordinates import torchvision.transforms.functional as TF import random from typing import Sequence class MyRotateTransform: def __init__(self, angles: Sequence[int], p=0.5): self.angles = angles self.p = p def __call__(self, x): if torch.rand(1) < self.p: return x angle = random.choice(self.angles) return TF.rotate(x, angle) @register('inr_fixed_scale_sr_warp') class INRFixedScaleSRWarp(Dataset): def __init__(self, dataset, scale_ratio, patch_size=48, augment=False, sample_q=None, val_mode=False, test_mode=False, encode_scale_ratio=False, return_cell=False, # for liff ): super(INRFixedScaleSRWarp, self).__init__() self.dataset = dataset self.scale_ratio = scale_ratio self.patch_size = patch_size self.hr_size = int(patch_size * scale_ratio) self.augment = augment self.sample_q = sample_q self.test_mode = test_mode self.val_mode = val_mode self.encode_scale_ratio = encode_scale_ratio self.return_cell = return_cell def __len__(self): return len(self.dataset) def __getitem__(self, idx): # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() img_hr, file_name = self.dataset[idx] class_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(file_name)) file_name = os.path.basename(file_name).split('.')[0] # img_hr: 3xHxW h, w = img_hr.shape[-2:] # if h < 256 or w < 256: # img_hr = transforms.Resize(256, Image.BICUBIC)(img_hr) if self.test_mode or self.val_mode: img_hr = transforms.CenterCrop(self.hr_size)(img_hr) else: img_hr = transforms.RandomCrop(self.hr_size)(img_hr) if self.augment: img_hr = transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5)(img_hr) img_hr = transforms.RandomVerticalFlip(p=0.5)(img_hr) img_hr = MyRotateTransform([90, 180, 270], p=0.5)(img_hr) img_lr = transforms.Resize(self.patch_size, Image.BICUBIC)(img_hr) hr_coord = to_coordinates(size=img_hr.shape[-2:], return_map=False) hr_rgb = rearrange(img_hr, 'C H W -> (H W) C') if self.sample_q is not None and not self.test_mode: sample_lst = np.random.choice( len(hr_coord), self.sample_q, replace=False) hr_coord = hr_coord[sample_lst] hr_rgb = hr_rgb[sample_lst] return_dict = { 'inp': img_lr, 'coord': hr_coord, 'gt': hr_rgb, 'class_name': class_name, 'filename': file_name } if self.encode_scale_ratio: scale_ratio = torch.ones_like(hr_coord) * self.patch_size / self.hr_size return_dict['scale_ratio'] = scale_ratio if self.return_cell: cell = torch.ones_like(hr_coord) cell[:, 0] *= 2 / img_hr.shape[-2] cell[:, 1] *= 2 / img_hr.shape[-1] return_dict['cell'] = cell return return_dict @register('inr_range_scale_sr_warp') class INRRangeScaleSRWarp(Dataset): def __init__(self, dataset, max_scale_ratio, patch_size=48, augment=False, sample_q=None, val_mode=False, test_mode=False, encode_scale_ratio=False, return_cell=False, # for liff ): super(INRRangeScaleSRWarp, self).__init__() self.dataset = dataset self.max_scale_ratio = max_scale_ratio self.patch_size = patch_size assert max_scale_ratio <= 8 self.augment = augment self.sample_q = sample_q self.test_mode = test_mode self.val_mode = val_mode self.encode_scale_ratio = encode_scale_ratio self.return_cell = return_cell def __len__(self): return len(self.dataset) def __getitem__(self, idx): img_hr, file_name = self.dataset[idx] class_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(file_name)) h, w = img_hr.shape[-2:] # if h < 256 or w < 256: # img_hr = transforms.Resize(256, Image.BICUBIC)(img_hr) hr_size = self.patch_size + self.patch_size * torch.rand([]) * (self.max_scale_ratio - 1) hr_size = int(hr_size) if self.test_mode or self.val_mode: hr_size = int(self.patch_size * self.max_scale_ratio) img_hr = transforms.CenterCrop(hr_size)(img_hr) else: img_hr = transforms.RandomCrop(hr_size)(img_hr) if self.augment: img_hr = transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5)(img_hr) img_hr = transforms.RandomVerticalFlip(p=0.5)(img_hr) img_hr = MyRotateTransform([90, 180, 270], p=0.5)(img_hr) img_lr = transforms.Resize(self.patch_size, Image.BICUBIC)(img_hr) hr_coord = to_coordinates(size=img_hr.shape[-2:], return_map=False) hr_rgb = rearrange(img_hr, 'C H W -> (H W) C') if self.sample_q is not None and not self.test_mode: sample_lst = np.random.choice( len(hr_coord), self.sample_q, replace=False) hr_coord = hr_coord[sample_lst] hr_rgb = hr_rgb[sample_lst] return_dict = { 'inp': img_lr, 'coord': hr_coord, 'gt': hr_rgb, 'class_name': class_name } if self.encode_scale_ratio: scale_ratio = torch.ones_like(hr_coord) * self.patch_size / hr_size return_dict['scale_ratio'] = scale_ratio if self.return_cell: cell = torch.ones_like(hr_coord) cell[:, 0] *= 2 / img_hr.shape[-2] cell[:, 1] *= 2 / img_hr.shape[-1] return_dict['cell'] = cell return return_dict