from fix_int8 import fix_pytorch_int8 |
fix_pytorch_int8() |
import torch |
import gradio as gr |
from threading import Thread |
from model import model, tokenizer |
from session import db, logger, log_sys_info |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, GenerationConfig, AutoModel |
max_length = 224 |
default_start = ["你是Kuma,请和我聊天,每句话以两个竖杠分隔。", "好的,你想聊什么?"] |
gr_title = """<h1 align="center">KumaGLM</h1> |
<h3 align='center'>这是一个 AI Kuma,你可以与他聊天,或者直接在文本框按下Enter</h3> |
<p align='center'>采样范围 2020/06/13 - 2023/04/15</p> |
<p align='center'>GitHub Repo: <a class="github-button" href="https://github.com/KumaTea/ChatGLM" aria-label="Star KumaTea/ChatGLM on GitHub">KumaTea/ChatGLM</a></p> |
<script async defer src="https://buttons.github.io/buttons.js"></script> |
""" |
gr_footer = """<p align='center'> |
本项目基于 |
<a href='https://github.com/ljsabc/Fujisaki' target='_blank'>ljsabc/Fujisaki</a> |
,模型采用 |
<a href='https://huggingface.co/THUDM/chatglm-6b' target='_blank'>THUDM/chatglm-6b</a> |
。 |
</p> |
<p align='center'> |
<em>每天起床第一句!</em> |
</p>""" |
def evaluate(context, temperature, top_p): |
generation_config = GenerationConfig( |
temperature=temperature, |
top_p=top_p, |
num_beams=1, |
do_sample=True, |
) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
if not context.endswith('||'): |
context += '||' |
ids = tokenizer([context], return_tensors="pt") |
inputs = ids.to("cpu") |
out = model.generate( |
**inputs, |
max_length=max_length, |
generation_config=generation_config |
) |
out = out.tolist()[0] |
decoder_output = tokenizer.decode(out) |
out_text = decoder_output |
logger.info('[API] Results: ' + out_text.replace('\n', '<br>')) |
return out_text |
def evaluate_wrapper(context, temperature, top_p): |
db.lock() |
index = db.index |
db.set(index, prompt=context) |
result = evaluate(context, temperature, top_p) |
db.set(index, result=result) |
db.unlock() |
return result |
def api_wrapper(context='', temperature=0.5, top_p=0.8, query=0): |
query = int(query) |
assert context or query |
return_json = { |
'status': '', |
'code': 0, |
'message': '', |
'index': 0, |
'result': '' |
} |
if context: |
if db.islocked(): |
logger.info(f'[API] Request: {context}, Status: busy') |
return_json['status'] = 'busy' |
return_json['code'] = 503 |
return_json['message'] = '[context] Server is busy, please try again later.' |
return return_json |
else: |
for index in db.prompts: |
if db.prompts[index] == context: |
return_json['status'] = 'done' |
return_json['code'] = 200 |
return_json['message'] = '[context] Request cached.' |
return_json['index'] = index |
return_json['result'] = db.results[index] |
return return_json |
index = db.index |
t = Thread(target=evaluate_wrapper, args=(context, temperature, top_p)) |
t.start() |
logger.info(f'[API] Request: {context}, Status: processing, Index: {index}') |
return_json['status'] = 'processing' |
return_json['code'] = 202 |
return_json['message'] = '[context] Request accepted, please check back later.' |
return_json['index'] = index |
return return_json |
else: |
if query in db.prompts and query in db.results: |
logger.info(f'[API] Query: {query}, Status: hit') |
return_json['status'] = 'done' |
return_json['code'] = 200 |
return_json['message'] = '[query] Request processed.' |
return_json['index'] = query |
return_json['result'] = db.results[query] |
return return_json |
else: |
if db.islocked(): |
logger.info(f'[API] Query: {query}, Status: processing') |
return_json['status'] = 'processing' |
return_json['code'] = 202 |
return_json['message'] = '[query] Request in processing, please check back later.' |
return_json['index'] = query |
return return_json |
else: |
logger.info(f'[API] Query: {query}, Status: error') |
return_json['status'] = 'error' |
return_json['code'] = 404 |
return_json['message'] = '[query] Index not found.' |
return_json['index'] = query |
return return_json |
def evaluate_stream(msg, history, temperature, top_p): |
generation_config = GenerationConfig( |
temperature=temperature, |
top_p=top_p, |
num_beams=1, |
do_sample=True, |
) |
if not msg: |
msg = '……' |
history.append([msg, ""]) |
context = '||'.join(default_start) + '||' |
if len(history) > 4: |
history.pop(0) |
for j in range(len(history)): |
history[j][0] = history[j][0].replace("<br>", "") |
for h in history[:-1]: |
context += h[0] + "||" + h[1] + "||" |
context += history[-1][0] + "||" |
context = context.replace(r'<br>', '') |
while len(tokenizer.encode(context)) > max_length: |
context = context[15:] |
h = [] |
logger.info('[UI] Request: ' + context) |
for response, h in model.stream_chat(tokenizer, context, h, max_length=max_length, top_p=top_p, temperature=temperature): |
history[-1][1] = response |
yield history, "" |
logger.info('[UI] Results: ' + response.replace('\n', '<br>')) |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: |
gr.HTML(gr_title) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(scale=2): |
temp = gr.components.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1.1, value=0.5, label="Temperature", |
info="温度参数,越高的温度生成的内容越丰富,但是有可能出现语法问题。小的温度也能帮助生成更相关的回答。") |
top_p = gr.components.Slider(minimum=0.5, maximum=1.0, value=0.8, label="Top-p", |
info="top-p参数,只输出前p>top-p的文字,越大生成的内容越丰富,但也可能出现语法问题。数字越小似乎上下文的衔接性越好。") |
with gr.Column(scale=3): |
chatbot = gr.Chatbot(label="聊天框", info="") |
msg = gr.Textbox(label="输入框", placeholder="最近过得怎么样?", |
info="输入你的内容,按 [Enter] 发送。什么都不填经常会出错。") |
clear = gr.Button("清除聊天") |
api_handler = gr.Button("API", visible=False) |
api_index = gr.Number(visible=False) |
api_result = gr.JSON(visible=False) |
info_handler = gr.Button("Info", visible=False) |
info_text = gr.Textbox('System info logged. Check it in the log viewer.', visible=False) |
msg.submit(evaluate_stream, [msg, chatbot, temp, top_p], [chatbot, msg]) |
clear.click(lambda: None, None, chatbot, queue=False) |
api_handler.click(api_wrapper, [msg, temp, top_p, api_index], api_result, api_name='chat') |
info_handler.click(log_sys_info, None, info_text, api_name='info') |
gr.HTML(gr_footer) |
demo.queue() |
demo.launch(debug=False) |