resume-roaster / tools /
Kuberwastaken's picture
Made it look better :)
from import Tool
class ResumeScraperTool(Tool):
name = "resume_scraper"
description = (
"Parses a resume (in plain text) to extract key sections such as Summary, "
"Experience, Education, and Skills. This tool expects the resume text to include "
"section headers like 'Summary:', 'Experience:', 'Education:', and 'Skills:'."
inputs = {
"resume_text": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The plain text of the resume"
output_type = "object"
def forward(self, resume_text: str) -> dict:
# Basic extraction using simple markers; in a real-world case, you might want to use NLP.
sections = {
"summary": "Summary not found",
"experience": "Experience not found",
"education": "Education not found",
"skills": "Skills not found"
lower_text = resume_text.lower()
if "summary:" in lower_text:
start = lower_text.index("summary:")
# Assume the section ends at the next double newline or end of text
end = lower_text.find("\n\n", start)
sections["summary"] = resume_text[start + len("summary:"): end].strip() if end != -1 else resume_text[start + len("summary:"):].strip()
if "experience:" in lower_text:
start = lower_text.index("experience:")
end = lower_text.find("\n\n", start)
sections["experience"] = resume_text[start + len("experience:"): end].strip() if end != -1 else resume_text[start + len("experience:"):].strip()
if "education:" in lower_text:
start = lower_text.index("education:")
end = lower_text.find("\n\n", start)
sections["education"] = resume_text[start + len("education:"): end].strip() if end != -1 else resume_text[start + len("education:"):].strip()
if "skills:" in lower_text:
start = lower_text.index("skills:")
end = lower_text.find("\n\n", start)
sections["skills"] = resume_text[start + len("skills:"): end].strip() if end != -1 else resume_text[start + len("skills:"):].strip()
return sections