import streamlit as st import http.client import json import google.generativeai as genai import requests # Configure the Generative AI API genai.configure(api_key="AIzaSyDiGhxeTJVQoK8jyRge6aaZGg7CrLq0zGk") # Function to generate summary using Generative AI def get_gemini_response(prompt): model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro') response = model.generate_content(prompt) if hasattr(response.candidates[0], "content"): return response.candidates[0].content else: return "Failed to generate summary." # Streamlit App st.title("YouTube Video Summarizer") # Input for YouTube video URL video_url = st.text_input("Enter YouTube Video URL:") if st.button("Generate Summary"): if "" in video_url or "" in video_url: # Extract video ID video_id = video_url.split("v=")[-1].split("&")[0] if "v=" in video_url else video_url.split("/")[-1] # Fetch transcript with st.spinner("Fetching transcript..."): api_url = "" try: response =, json={"video_id": video_id}) if response.status_code == 200: transcript_data = response.json().get("transcript") transcript = " ".join([item["text"] for item in transcript_data]) # Generate summary using Gemini with st.spinner("Generating summary..."): summary = get_gemini_response(f"Summarize the following text: {transcript}") st.subheader("Video Summary") st.write(summary) else: st.error(f"Error: {response.json().get('detail', 'Unknown error')}") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error: {str(e)}") else: st.error("Invalid YouTube URL.")