import os.path as osp import argparse import numpy as np import torch import trimesh from SMPLX import smplx from SMPLX.smplx.joint_names import Body from SMPLX.read_from_npy import npy2info, info2dict from import tqdm, trange from pathlib import Path import os os.environ['PYOPENGL_PLATFORM'] = "egl" def write_obj( model_folder, motion_file, output_folder, model_type="smplh", gender="neutral", num_betas=10, num_expression_coeffs=10, use_face_contour=False, device="cpu" ): output_folder = Path(output_folder) assert output_folder.exists() # open motion file motion = np.load(motion_file, allow_pickle=True) try: poses = motion["poses"] gender = str(motion.get("gender", "neutral")) trans = motion.get("trans", None) betas = motion.get("betas", np.zeros([poses.shape[0], 10])) except: poses, trans, gender, betas = npy2info(motion, 10) # don't know where this is documented but it's from this part of amass # # gdr2num = {'male':-1, 'neutral':0, 'female':1} # gdr2num_rev = {v:k for k,v in gdr2num.items()} model = smplx.create(model_folder, model_type=model_type, gender=gender, use_face_contour=use_face_contour, num_betas=num_betas, num_expression_coeffs=num_expression_coeffs, ext="npz", use_pca=False, batch_size=poses.shape[0]) model = model.eval().to(device) inputs = info2dict(poses, trans, betas, model_type, device=device) output = model(**inputs) vertices = output.vertices.detach().cpu().numpy() for pose_idx in range(vertices.shape[0]): curr_vert = vertices[pose_idx] vertex_colors = np.ones([curr_vert.shape[0], 4]) * [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8] # process=False to avoid creating a new mesh tri_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh( curr_vert, model.faces, vertex_colors=vertex_colors, process=False ) ''' humanact12 smpl 转 smplx 仅和 amass 格式对齐时使用 ''' if "humanact" in motion_file: transf = trimesh.transformations.rotation_matrix(np.radians(90), (1, 0, 0)) tri_mesh.apply_transform(transf) ################### output_path = output_folder / "{0:04d}.obj".format(pose_idx) tri_mesh.export(str(output_path)) del model del motion if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="SMPL-X Demo") parser.add_argument( "--model-folder", required=True, type=str, help="The path to the model folder" ) parser.add_argument( "--motion-file", required=True, type=str, help="The path to the motion file to process", ) parser.add_argument( "--output-folder", required=True, type=str, help="The path to the output folder" ) parser.add_argument( "--model-type", default="smplh", type=str, choices=["smpl", "smplh", "smplx", "mano", "flame"], help="The type of model to load", ) parser.add_argument( "--num-expression-coeffs", default=10, type=int, dest="num_expression_coeffs", help="Number of expression coefficients.", ) parser.add_argument( "--ext", type=str, default="npz", help="Which extension to use for loading" ) parser.add_argument( "--sample-expression", default=True, dest="sample_expression", type=lambda arg: arg.lower() in ["true", "1"], help="Sample a random expression", ) parser.add_argument( "--use-face-contour", default=False, type=lambda arg: arg.lower() in ["true", "1"], help="Compute the contour of the face", ) args = parser.parse_args() def resolve(path): return osp.expanduser(osp.expandvars(path)) model_folder = resolve(args.model_folder) motion_file = resolve(args.motion_file) output_folder = resolve(args.output_folder) model_type = args.model_type ext = args.ext num_expression_coeffs = args.num_expression_coeffs sample_expression = args.sample_expression write_obj( model_folder, motion_file, output_folder, model_type, ext=ext, sample_expression=sample_expression, use_face_contour=args.use_face_contour, )