SemanticBoost / motion /
history blame
12.2 kB
from copy import deepcopy
import torch
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def pad_sample_with_zeros(sample, max_len=250):
# pad inp, change lenghts, and pad is transition
seq_len, n_feats = sample.shape
len_to_pad = max_len - seq_len
sample_padding = np.zeros((len_to_pad, n_feats))
sample = np.concatenate((sample, sample_padding))
return sample
def split2subs(motions, step_sizes, batch_size, blend_len, max_motion_length):
#### motions [1, 263, 1, Nlength] -> [263, Nlength] -> [NLength, 263]
new_motions = []
new_lengths = []
new_motions.append(pad_sample_with_zeros(motions[..., :step_sizes[0] - blend_len].squeeze().permute(1, 0).cpu().numpy(), max_motion_length))
new_lengths.append(step_sizes[0] - blend_len)
for i in range(1, batch_size-1):
curr = pad_sample_with_zeros(motions[..., step_sizes[i-1]-blend_len:step_sizes[i]-blend_len].squeeze().permute(1, 0).cpu().numpy(), max_motion_length)
new_lengths.append(step_sizes[i] - step_sizes[i-1])
new_motions.append(pad_sample_with_zeros(motions[..., step_sizes[-1]-blend_len:].squeeze().permute(1, 0).cpu().numpy(), max_motion_length))
new_motions = np.stack(new_motions, axis=0)
new_motions = torch.from_numpy(new_motions)
new_lengths = np.stack(new_lengths, axis=0)
new_lengths = torch.from_numpy(new_lengths).long()
return new_motions, new_lengths
def unfold_sample_arb_len(sample, handshake_size, step_sizes, final_n_frames, model_kwargs):
old_sample = deepcopy(sample)
new_shape = list(old_sample.shape)
new_shape[0] = 1
new_shape[-1] = final_n_frames
sample = torch.zeros(new_shape, dtype=sample.dtype, device=sample.device)
sample[0, :, :, :model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][0]] = old_sample[0, :, :, :model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][0]]
for sample_i, len_i in enumerate(step_sizes):
if sample_i == 0:
start = step_sizes[sample_i-1]
sample[0, :, :, start:len_i] = old_sample[sample_i, :, :, handshake_size:model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][sample_i]]
return sample
def double_take_arb_len(diffusion, model, model_kwargs, n_frames, blend_len=10, handshake_size=20, device="cpu", progress=True):
sample_fn = diffusion.p_sample_loop
blend_len = blend_len
handshake_size = handshake_size
batch_size = len(model_kwargs['y']['text'])
# Unfolding - orig
sample = sample_fn(
(batch_size, model.njoints, model.nfeats, n_frames),
skip_timesteps=0, # 0 is the default value - i.e. don't skip any step
model_kwargs['y']['scale'] = torch.ones(batch_size-1, device=device) * 0
sample = sample["output"] #### [5, 263, 1 196]
1. 替换 sample
2. model_kwargs['y']['lengths']
new_sample_seq_len = (sample.shape[-1] - 2 * handshake_size) * 2 + handshake_size
bs, feats, joints, seq_len = sample.shape
new_sample = torch.zeros((bs-1, feats, joints, new_sample_seq_len), dtype=sample.dtype, device=sample.device)
generated_motion = []
right_constraint = []
left_constraint = []
for ii in range(bs): ##### 按左中右拆分 Motion
generated_motion.append(deepcopy(sample[ii, :, :, handshake_size: model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][ii]-handshake_size])) # w/o start and end
left_constraint.append(deepcopy(sample[ii, :, :, :handshake_size])) # left side
right_constraint.append(deepcopy(sample[ii, :, :, model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][ii] - handshake_size: model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][ii]]))
buffer = [] #### 存放剩下的动作部分的长度,也就是 generated_motion 的长度
for ii in range(bs):
buffer.append(int(model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][ii]) - 2*handshake_size)
for ii in range(bs - 1): # run over bs, 把 N句话 合并成 N-1 句话,新 motion 的组成 [gm[i-1], right[i-1], gm[i]], 长度是 2 * gm_length + hand_size
new_sample[ii, :, :, :buffer[ii]] = generated_motion[ii]
new_sample[ii, :, :, buffer[ii]: buffer[ii]+handshake_size] = right_constraint[ii] # add transition
new_sample[ii, :, :, buffer[ii]+handshake_size : buffer[ii]+handshake_size+buffer[ii+1]] = generated_motion[ii + 1]
# "in between"
model_kwargs['y']['inpainted_motion'] = new_sample
model_kwargs['y']['inpainting_mask'] = torch.ones_like(new_sample, dtype=torch.float,
for ii in range(bs - 1): # run over bs
if blend_len >= 2:
1. 在左边 gm[i-1] 靠后 blend_len 的区域,渐变地保留原本的内容
2. 在右边 gm[i] 靠前的 blend_len 的区域,渐变保留原本的内容
3. 似乎是 right 的部分完全保留,也就是用前一个动作的结束座位后一个动作的开头
model_kwargs['y']['inpainting_mask'][ii, :, :, buffer[ii] - blend_len: buffer[ii]] = \
torch.arange(0.85, 0.0, -0.85 / int(blend_len))
model_kwargs['y']['inpainting_mask'][ii, :, :, buffer[ii] + handshake_size: buffer[ii] + handshake_size + blend_len] = \
torch.arange(0.0, 0.85, 0.85 / int(blend_len))
model_kwargs['y']['uncond'] = 1.0 ### 混合多段语意后,cond 没什么意义,而且需要生成的内容很少
model_kwargs['y']['text'] = model_kwargs['y']['text'][:bs-1]
sample_fn = diffusion.p_sample_loop # double take sample function
n_frames = new_sample_seq_len
orig_lens = deepcopy(model_kwargs['y']['lengths'])
for ii in range (len(model_kwargs['y']['lengths'])-1):
model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][ii] = model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][ii] + model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][ii+1] - 3*handshake_size
model_kwargs['y']['lengths'] = model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][:-1]
double_take_sample = sample_fn(
(batch_size-1, model.njoints, model.nfeats, n_frames),
skip_timesteps=0, # 0 is the default value - i.e. don't skip any step
init_image=new_sample, #TODO!! check if plausible or not!
double_take_sample = double_take_sample["output"]
model_kwargs['y']['lengths'] = orig_lens
# rebuild_orig:
rebuild_sample = torch.zeros_like(sample)
sample -> left + motion + right
double_take_sample -> motion1 + blend + hand + blend + motion2, 其中长度表示 : motion1 + blend = motion2 + blend = motion
transitions, right_side, left_side = [], [], []
for ii in range(bs - 1): # run over bs
transitions.append(double_take_sample[ii, :, :, buffer[ii]: buffer[ii]+handshake_size])
right_side.append(double_take_sample[ii, :, :, buffer[ii] + handshake_size: buffer[ii] + handshake_size + blend_len]) # M1 blending..
left_side.append(double_take_sample[ii, :, :, buffer[ii] - blend_len:buffer[ii]]) # M0 blending...
translation 储存的是 hand
right_side 存右边的 blend
left_side 村左边的 blend
rebuild_sample[0, :, :, :handshake_size] = left_constraint[0] # Fill missing
rebuild_sample[-1, :, :, buffer[-1]+handshake_size: buffer[-1]+2*handshake_size] = right_constraint[-1] # Fill missing
展开 double take 的结果, 还原会原本的状态,即 left + motion + right
for ii in range(bs - 1):
rebuild_sample[ii + 1, :, :, :handshake_size] = transitions[ii]
rebuild_sample[ii, :, :, handshake_size: buffer[ii]+handshake_size] = generated_motion[ii]
rebuild_sample[ii, :, :, buffer[ii]+handshake_size: buffer[ii]+2*handshake_size] = transitions[ii] #### motion1 的 right = motion2 的 left
rebuild_sample[ii, :, :, handshake_size + buffer[ii]-blend_len: handshake_size + buffer[ii]] = left_side[ii]
# if ii > 0:
rebuild_sample[-1, :, :, handshake_size: buffer[-1] + handshake_size] = generated_motion[-1]
for ii in range(bs - 1):
rebuild_sample[ii+1, :, :, handshake_size:handshake_size + blend_len] = right_side[ii]
double_take_sample = deepcopy(rebuild_sample)
return double_take_sample
def double_take(prompt=None, path=None, num_repetitions=1, model=None, diffusion=None, handshake_size=20, blend_len=10, default_length=196, guidance_param=2.5, device="cpu", progress=True):
assert model is not None
assert diffusion is not None
if prompt is not None:
texts = prompt.split("|")
num_samples = len(texts)
length = []
captions = []
for i in range(len(texts)):
nframes = texts[i].split(",")[0]
nframes = int(nframes)
curr_text = texts[i].split(",")[1::]
curr_text = ",".join(curr_text)
nframes = default_length
curr_text = texts[i]
model_kwargs = {'y': {
'mask': torch.ones((len(texts), 1, 1, default_length)), # 196 is humanml max frames number
'lengths': torch.tensor(length),
'text': captions,
'tokens': [''],
'scale': torch.ones(len(texts))*guidance_param
elif path.split(".")[-1] == "csv":
df = pd.read_csv(path)
num_samples = len(list(df['text']))
model_kwargs = {'y': {
'mask': torch.ones((len(list(df['text'])), 1, 1, default_length)), #196 is humanml max frames number
'lengths': torch.tensor(list(df['length'])),
'text': list(df['text']),
'tokens': [''],
'scale': torch.ones(len(list(df['text'])))*guidance_param
elif path.split(".")[-1] == "txt":
with open(path, 'r') as fr:
texts = fr.readlines()
texts = [s.replace('\n', '') for s in texts]
num_samples = len(texts)
model_kwargs = {'y': {
'mask': torch.ones((len(texts), 1, 1, default_length)), # 196 is humanml max frames number
'lengths': torch.tensor([default_length]*len(texts)),
'text': texts,
'tokens': [''],
'scale': torch.ones(len(texts))*guidance_param
all_motions = []
for rep_i in range(num_repetitions):
if guidance_param != 1:
model_kwargs['y']['scale'] = torch.ones(num_samples, device=device) * guidance_param
model_kwargs['y'] = {key: if torch.is_tensor(val) else val for key, val in model_kwargs['y'].items()}
max_arb_len = model_kwargs['y']['lengths'].max()
min_arb_len = 2 * handshake_size + 2*blend_len + 10
for ii, len_s in enumerate(model_kwargs['y']['lengths']):
if len_s > max_arb_len:
model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][ii] = max_arb_len
if len_s < min_arb_len:
model_kwargs['y']['lengths'][ii] = min_arb_len
sample = double_take_arb_len(diffusion, model, model_kwargs, max_arb_len, blend_len, handshake_size, device, progress=progress)
step_sizes = np.zeros(len(model_kwargs['y']['lengths']), dtype=int)
for ii, len_i in enumerate(model_kwargs['y']['lengths']):
if ii == 0:
step_sizes[ii] = len_i
step_sizes[ii] = step_sizes[ii-1] + len_i - handshake_size
final_n_frames = step_sizes[-1]
sample = unfold_sample_arb_len(sample, handshake_size, step_sizes, final_n_frames, model_kwargs)
all_motions =, dim=0)
return all_motions, step_sizes