AutoGPT / tests /unit /
Kevin676's picture
Duplicate from aliabid94/AutoGPT
# Generated by CodiumAI
# Dependencies:
# pip install pytest-mock
import pytest
from autogpt.commands.web_requests import scrape_links
Code Analysis
The objective of the 'scrape_links' function is to scrape hyperlinks from a
given URL and return them in a formatted way.
- url: a string representing the URL to be scraped.
1. Send a GET request to the given URL using the requests library and the user agent header from the config file.
2. Check if the response contains an HTTP error. If it does, return "error".
3. Parse the HTML content of the response using the BeautifulSoup library.
4. Remove any script and style tags from the parsed HTML.
5. Extract all hyperlinks from the parsed HTML using the 'extract_hyperlinks' function.
6. Format the extracted hyperlinks using the 'format_hyperlinks' function.
7. Return the formatted hyperlinks.
- A list of formatted hyperlinks.
Additional aspects:
- The function uses the 'requests' and 'BeautifulSoup' libraries to send HTTP
requests and parse HTML content, respectively.
- The 'extract_hyperlinks' function is called to extract hyperlinks from the parsed HTML.
- The 'format_hyperlinks' function is called to format the extracted hyperlinks.
- The function checks for HTTP errors and returns "error" if any are found.
class TestScrapeLinks:
# Tests that the function returns a list of formatted hyperlinks when
# provided with a valid url that returns a webpage with hyperlinks.
def test_valid_url_with_hyperlinks(self):
url = ""
result = scrape_links(url)
assert len(result) > 0
assert isinstance(result, list)
assert isinstance(result[0], str)
# Tests that the function returns correctly formatted hyperlinks when given a valid url.
def test_valid_url(self, mocker):
# Mock the requests.get() function to return a response with sample HTML containing hyperlinks
mock_response = mocker.Mock()
mock_response.status_code = 200
mock_response.text = (
"<html><body><a href=''>Google</a></body></html>"
mocker.patch("requests.Session.get", return_value=mock_response)
# Call the function with a valid URL
result = scrape_links("")
# Assert that the function returns correctly formatted hyperlinks
assert result == ["Google ("]
# Tests that the function returns "error" when given an invalid url.
def test_invalid_url(self, mocker):
# Mock the requests.get() function to return an HTTP error response
mock_response = mocker.Mock()
mock_response.status_code = 404
mocker.patch("requests.Session.get", return_value=mock_response)
# Call the function with an invalid URL
result = scrape_links("")
# Assert that the function returns "error"
assert "Error:" in result
# Tests that the function returns an empty list when the html contains no hyperlinks.
def test_no_hyperlinks(self, mocker):
# Mock the requests.get() function to return a response with sample HTML containing no hyperlinks
mock_response = mocker.Mock()
mock_response.status_code = 200
mock_response.text = "<html><body><p>No hyperlinks here</p></body></html>"
mocker.patch("requests.Session.get", return_value=mock_response)
# Call the function with a URL containing no hyperlinks
result = scrape_links("")
# Assert that the function returns an empty list
assert result == []
# Tests that scrape_links() correctly extracts and formats hyperlinks from
# a sample HTML containing a few hyperlinks.
def test_scrape_links_with_few_hyperlinks(self, mocker):
# Mock the requests.get() function to return a response with a sample HTML containing hyperlinks
mock_response = mocker.Mock()
mock_response.status_code = 200
mock_response.text = """
<div id="google-link"><a href="">Google</a></div>
<div id="github"><a href="">GitHub</a></div>
<div id="CodiumAI"><a href="">CodiumAI</a></div>
mocker.patch("requests.Session.get", return_value=mock_response)
# Call the function being tested
result = scrape_links("")
# Assert that the function returns a list of formatted hyperlinks
assert isinstance(result, list)
assert len(result) == 3
assert result[0] == "Google ("
assert result[1] == "GitHub ("
assert result[2] == "CodiumAI ("