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Program Name,Organization Name,Sex,City,LGBTQ,Domestic Violence,Zip Code,Urgency,Duration,Summary,Services,Eligibility,Open Hours,Program About,Organization About,Application Type,Application Details,Address,Phone,Webpage
2 |
Youth Housing and Shelter Resources,Dolores Street Community Services,All,San Francisco,No,No,94110,Moderate,Long-Term,"This is a coordinated entry location for homeless youth ages 18-24 to receive housing assessments and support, and shelter referrals.","- Problem solving services
3 |
- Housing assessment and prioritization","- Living in a housing unit while experiencing domestic violence, sexual, or physical abuse
4 |
- Living in an unsheltered location (street, car, etc.)
5 |
- Living in an emergency shelter in San Francisco
6 |
- Living in a housing unit while being asked to leave (within the next 14 days) with nowhere else to go
7 |
- Living in many different locations, not consistently staying in one place (couchsurfing, etc.)","Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri: 9AM to 5PM
8 |
Wed: 9AM to 3:30PM","In partnership with SF HSH, Dolores Community Services is a designated Coordinated Entry (CE) Access Point for homeless youth (aged 18 to 24 years old) to find permanent supportive housing and rapid re-housing in San Francisco. ","Dolores Street Community Services helps low-income and immigrant communities for a fairer society. They provide housing, shelter, and support. They also fight for women's and immigrant rights and have a community engagement program.",Coordinated Entry,Drop-in,2645 Mission Street,415-857-7762,
9 |
Youth Housing and Shelter Resources,Larkin Street Youth Services,All,San Francisco,No,No,94102,Moderate,Long-Term,"This is a coordinated entry location for youth under 27 to receive shelter referrals, alongside educational/employment support and health/wellness/hygiene services.","- Shelter
10 |
- Case Management
11 |
- Educational Support/Referrals
12 |
- Employment Support/Referrals
13 |
- Wellness Services
14 |
- Health Services
15 |
- Hygiene Services
16 |
- Community Activities
17 |
- Population served: Youth under 27",- Youth under the age of 27,Mon-Fri: 9AM-5PM,Youth Coordinated Entry is provided for youth under the age of 27 via Access Points and via a mobile team that can attend to individual needs where they are located. A CONNECTION to an available youth shelter.,"Larkin Street Youth Services provides shelter, meals, medical services, and intensive case management to youth aged 12 to 25 years.",Coordinated Entry,"10AM-3PM Drop-in
18 |
9AM-2PM and 3PM-5PM by appointment (call)",134 Golden Gate Avenue,415-673-0911 x456,
19 |
Youth Housing and Shelter Resources,LYRIC Center for LGBTQ Youth ,All,San Francisco,Yes,No,94103,Moderate,Long-Term,"This is a coordinated entry location for homeless LGBTQ youth ages 18-24 to receive housing assessments and support, and shelter referrals.","- Problem solving services
20 |
- Housing assessment and prioritization","- Living in a housing unit while experiencing domestic violence, sexual, or physical abuse
21 |
- Living in an unsheltered location (street, car, etc.)
22 |
- Living in an emergency shelter in San Francisco
23 |
- Living in a housing unit while being asked to leave (within the next 14 days) with nowhere else to go
24 |
- Living in many different locations, not consistently staying in one place (couchsurfing, etc.)
25 |
- Identity as LGBTQ+","Monday-Friday
26 |
27 |
","In partnership with SF HSH, LYRIC is a designated Coordinated Entry (CE) Access Point for homeless LGBTQ youth (aged 18 to 24 years old) to find permanent supportive housing and rapid re-housing in San Francisco.","LYRIC’s mission is to build community and inspire positive social change through education enhancement, career trainings, health promotion, and leadership development with LGBTQ youth, their families, and allies of all races, classes, genders, and abilities.",Coordinated Entry,"Mon-Thurs Drop-in
28 |
Friday by appointment (call)",566 Castro Street,(415) 889-0342,
29 |
Youth Housing Resources,San Francisco LGBT Community Center,All,San Francisco,Yes,No,94102,Moderate,Long-Term,"This is a coordinated entry location for homeless LGBTQ youth ages 18-27 to receive housing assessments and support, and shelter referrals.","- Problem-Solving support: help with housing location, flexible financial support, and relocation/travel assistance
30 |
- Housing assessments and case management
31 |
- Referral to other community services
32 |
- Connection to available shelter","- LGBTQ youth between 18-27
33 |
- Experiencing homelessness/will lose housing the next 14 days","Mon-Thurs
34 |
10AM - 6PM",The SF LGBT Center is a Coordinated Entry Access Point for LGBTQ youth (aged 18 to 27 years old) who are experiencing homelessness or will lose their housing within 14 days.,"Since 2002, the San Francisco LGBT Community Center (SF LGBT Center) is a non-profit organization in San Francisco that serves members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. SF LGBT Center has programs that provide LGBTQ individuals access to opportunities and resources for them to heal and thrive.",Coordinated Entry,"Drop in: Tues/Wed 12PM-5PM
35 |
Appointment for phone/video services: call/email",1800 Market Street,(415) 865-5612,
36 |
Youth Housing and Shelter Resources - Bayview,3rd Street Youth Center & Clinic,All,San Francisco,No,No,94124,Moderate,Long-Term,"This is a coordinated entry location for homeless youth ages 18-27 to receive shelter referrals, alongside employment/healthcare/legal services and internet/computer access.","- Community Engagement
37 |
- Employment Services
38 |
- Healthcare & Mental Health
39 |
- Legal and Social services
40 |
- Internet/Computer Access
41 |
- Peer Resource Navigation",- Youth aged 18-27 experiencing/at risk of homelessness,"Mon-Fri
42 |
9:30AM-5PM",3rd Street Youth Center is a Coordinated Entry Access Point for youth (aged 18 to 27 years) who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness,"The 3rd Street Youth Center and Clinic is a community based agency providing youth in Bayview Hunters Point with medical and behavioral health services that encourage them to make decisions that support their health, safety and development.",Coordinated Entry,"- Schedule an appointment by calling. If no one is able to take your call, leave a voicemail with your name, contact information, and preferred language","5688 3rd Street and 800 Innes Avenue, Suite 12",(415) 713-5952,
43 |
Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter,La Casa de las Madres,Female,San Francisco,No,Yes,94103,High,Transitional,This is an 8-week emergency shelter for women and children experiencing domestic violence with access to counseling and support groups.,"- Onsite 24-hour staff to ensure safety and support
44 |
- Individual counseling
45 |
- Support groups
46 |
- Practical living skills development
47 |
- Resource Advocacy
48 |
- Support service referrals",- Women and children experiencing domestic violence,24 hours a day,"La Casa De Las Madres has a safe, confidentially-located emergency shelter for women and children experiencing domestic violence to stay for up to 8 weeks. ","Since 1976, La Casa de las Madres has been responding to calls for help from domestic violence victims, of all ages, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Through their 24-hour toll-free crisis & support hotlines, text line and drop-in center, La Casa gives survivors the tools they need to transform their lives. They seek to prevent future violence by educating the community and by redefining public perceptions about domestic violence.",Drop-In/Contact,Call or Text,1269 Howard Street,"877-503-1850 (for adults)
49 |
877-923-0700 (for teens)
50 |
415-200-3575 (text)",
51 |
Shelter Program,Asian Women's Shelter,All,San Francisco,No,Yes,94110,High,Transitional,This is a shelter for surviviors of domestic violence with emergency services like food and clothing and support services like transportation and counseling.,"- Safe, confidential shelter with bed capacity of 15-18 people, including children
52 |
- Emergency services (food, clothing and ongoing health services)
53 |
- Multilingual support and culturally competent services
54 |
- Intensive case management
55 |
- Individual and group support
56 |
- Coordination of support services (legal advocacy and assistance, transportation, counseling, training/employment, and mentoring)
57 |
- Follow-up services, including resources to establish permanent or transitional housing",- All survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking,"Monday-Friday
58 |
9AM to 5PM",AWS serves all women survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking and their families,"San Francisco's Asian Women's Shelter helps survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking. Services offer long-term solutions to ending homelessness, poverty and domestic violence with a holistic, survivor-centered approach that strives to be both linguistically and culturally competent. Services are provided in 41 languages.",Drop-In/Contact,Call/Email,"3543 18th Street, #19",415-751-7110,
59 |
Young Adult Temporary Hotel Voucher Program,St. Vincent de Paul Society,All,San Francisco,No,No,94103,High,Temporary,"This program provides youth ages 18-27 with a hotel voucher for 14 days, alongisde links to longer-term housing solutions.","- Emergency shelter
60 |
- Case management.
61 |
- Linkage to housing problem solving and assessment
62 |
- Employment services
63 |
- Benefit assistance
64 |
- Help obtaining critical documents (birth certificates, State ID, Social Security Card)
65 |
- Other individualized supports based on identified needs",- Young people ages 18-27 who are experiencing an emergency or do not have access to a traditional shelter,"Mon-Fri
66 |
9AM-5:30PM","St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Young Adult Temporary Hotel Voucher Program (also called Urgent Accommodation Voucher program, or UAV) assists young people ages 18-27 who are experiencing an emergency or do not have access to a traditional shelter by providing them with a hotel voucher for up to 14 days.","The St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco was established in 1860 on a simple principle: assist those who need help the most. Whether it be through financial support, emotional or spiritual guidance, or by providing basic necessities such as food and shelter, we strive to offer our clients with a sense of hope during their darkest hours.",Drop-In/Contact,- Call for eligibility,1175 Howard Street,"(415) 350-4913 – Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
67 |
(415) 939-3084 – After hours",
68 |
Adult Shelter Reservations,San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing,All,San Francisco,No,No,94102,High,Temporary,This program allows homeless adults to sign up for an overnight shelter bed.,- Overnight shelter bed ,- Self-sufficient adults without minor children,"Mon-Fri
69 |
8AM-5PM",Sign up for the adult shelter reservation waitlist for a bed at three of HSH’s sites,"The Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (HSH) launched on July 1, 2016. The department combines key homeless-serving programs and contracts from the Department of Public Health (DPH), the Human Services Agency (HSA), the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD), and the Department of Children Youth and Their Families (DCYF). This consolidated department has a singular focus on preventing and ending homelessness for people in San Francisco.",Drop-In/Contact,"- Use this form: (asks for name, birthdate, email, phone, and shelter preferences) OR call",440 Turk Street,(628) 652-8000,
70 |
Emergency Shelter,Salvation Army,All,San Francisco,No,No,94103,Immidiate,Overnight,"This is an emergency shelter for individuals to receive a nutrious meal, a warm bed, and a clean shower.","- Nutrious meal
71 |
- Warm bed
72 |
- Clean shower","- Families and individuals looking to escape extreme weather or just wanting a safe, quiet place to spend the night","Mon-Fri
73 |
9AM-5PM","For families and individuals looking to escape extreme weather or just wanting a safe, quiet place to spend the night, emergency shelters provide a nutritious meal, a warm bed and a clean shower to those in need.","The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.",Drop-In/Contact,Drop-In,1275 Harrison Street,(415) 503-3003,
74 |
"Rosalie's House, Riley Center",St. Vincent de Paul Society,All,San Francisco,No,Yes,94103,High,Transitional,"This is a 12-week emergency shelter for individuals experiencing domestic violence, including counseling, housing support, and education/employment support.","- Safety Planning
75 |
- One-on-One Counseling
76 |
- Support Groups
77 |
- Case Management
78 |
- Parenting Groups
79 |
- Legal Assistance
80 |
- Employment/Education Referrals
81 |
- Housing Search Assistance",- Clean and sober individuals,"Mon-Fri
82 |
9AM-5PM","Our 23 bed emergency shelter offers those fleeing from violence or other forms of domestic abuse a safe, temporary haven for up to 12 weeks. In addition to providing food and shelter, Rosalie House provides residents with other means of support.","The St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco was established in 1860 on a simple principle: assist those who need help the most. Whether it be through financial support, emotional or spiritual guidance, or by providing basic necessities such as food and shelter, we strive to offer our clients with a sense of hope during their darkest hours.",Drop-In/Contact,Call,1175 Howard Street,(415) 255-0165,
83 |
"Brennan House, Riley Center",St. Vincent de Paul Society,Female,San Francisco,No,Yes,94103,High,Long-Term,"This a 12-month transitional housing program for women experiencing domestic violence, with ongoing support for emotional/financial independence.","- Secure, positive living environment for up to 12 months
84 |
- Ongoing support and focus on becoming emotionally and financially independent",- Clean and sober individuals,"Mon-Fri
85 |
9AM-5PM","Our 31 bed transitional housing program provides women and their children a secure, positive living environment for up to 12 months. At Brennan House, women have the opportunity to continue the healing process with ongoing support and focus on making concrete steps towards obtaining emotional and financial self-sufficiency.","The St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco was established in 1860 on a simple principle: assist those who need help the most. Whether it be through financial support, emotional or spiritual guidance, or by providing basic necessities such as food and shelter, we strive to offer our clients with a sense of hope during their darkest hours.",Drop-In/Contact,Call,1175 Howard Street,(415) 255-0165,
86 |
Resource Center,Mission Neighborhood Health Center,All,San Francisco,No,No,94110,Immidiate,Temporary,"This is a drop-in location for a safe space during the day (bathroom, shower, laundry), and access to shelter reservations.","- Safe space during the day and access to bathrooms, showers, and laundry services
87 |
- Peer counseling
88 |
- Case management
89 |
- Shelter reservations
90 |
- Lockers
91 |
- Community building activities",- Homeless residents in the 16th street corridor and surrounding Mission neighborhood,"Mon-Fri: 7AM-12PM, 2-5PM
92 |
Sat: 7-11AM","Founded in 2002 as a community response to the neighborhood’s growing homeless population, the Mission Neighborhood Resource Center (MNRC) advocates for housing and resources to enhance the physical, social, emotional and economic health of homeless residents in the 16th street corridor and surrounding Mission neighborhood. MNRC employs a service model based on harm-reduction principles and practices that focus on community building, basic human needs, and integrated health services for a diverse population as they move toward greater stability and well being. MNRC offers services that are bilingual, free of charge and available on a drop-in basis.","Mission Neighborhood Health Center honors our Latino roots with a tradition of providing compassionate, patient-centered care. We advocate for health equity and deliver innovative, high quality services responsive to the neighborhoods and diverse communities we serve.",Drop-In/Contact,Drop-In,165 Capp Street,(415) 869-7977,
93 |
Walk-In Center,GLIDE,All,San Francisco,No,No,94102,Immidiate,Temporary,"This is a drop-in location for access to basic needs like hygiene and clothing, alongside help with shelter reservations and rental assitance.","- Shelter reservations
94 |
- Rental assistance
95 |
- Case management
96 |
- Access to hygiene items, clothing, and other household items as available
97 |
- Notary public services
98 |
- COVID testing and vaccinations",- All individuals and family members,"Mon-Fri
99 |
830AM-530PM","The GLIDE Walk-In Center is a place where basic needs are met immediately. We provide assistance in obtaining immediate needs like shelter, hygiene and emotional support in an atmosphere of respect and compassion for all those who come through our doors.","GLIDE is a nationally recognized center for social justice, dedicated to fighting systemic injustices, creating pathways out of poverty and crisis, and transforming lives.",Drop-In/Contact,Drop-In,330 Ellis St.,(415) 400-2641,
100 |
My First Place,First Place for Youth,All,San Francisco,No,No,94107,Moderate,Transitional,This is an educational/employment housing program for youth ages 18-24 to build self-sufficiency skills.,"- Fully subsidized housing during duration of program
101 |
- Completion of a High School Diploma or GED certificate
102 |
- Enrollment in post-secondary education or vocational training program
103 |
- Completion of industry-recognized certificates
104 |
- Seeking and securing sustainable living-wage employment
105 |
- Education planning, course selection and tutoring
106 |
- Financial aid and scholarship applications
107 |
- Leveraging existing on-campus resources
108 |
- Job search and job retention strategies
109 |
- Resume and cover letter writing
110 |
- Workplace readiness skill-building
111 |
- Career counseling",Former foster youth and homeless youth ages 18 to 24,"Mon-Fri
112 |
9AM-5PM","My First Place is a nationally recognized education and employment program providing housing and case management for foster youth between ages 18 and 24. Supporting foster youth entering adulthood with jobs that earn a living wage, this program fosters a sense of permanency and stability while building skills to be self-sufficient long-term.",First Place for Youth helps foster youth build the skills they need to make a successful transition to self-sufficiency and responsible adulthood.,Drop-in/Contact,Fill out form:,218 Clara Street,415-230-3980,
113 |
Housing Resource Center Oakland,Bay Area Community Services (BACS),All,Oakland,No,No,94611,Moderate,Long-Term,"This is a coordinated entry site for housing assessments, problem-solving, and shelter referrals.","- Housing problem solving
114 |
- Housing assessments
115 |
- Linkage to resources","- Sleeping outdoors,
116 |
- Staying in your car,
117 |
- Living somewhere not meant
118 |
for people to live,
119 |
- Leaving an institution
120 |
(where you were for less than 90 days
121 |
and you were homeless before),
122 |
- Fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault or
123 |
human trafficking ","Mon-Thur
124 |
9AM-12PM (drop-in)
125 |
126 |
call anytime","Housing Resource Centers (HRC) coordinate County and local resources to connect high-needs people with housing. HRCs are a point of entry for the Coordinated Entry System in Alameda County. All visitors can access housing problem solving, assessments, and linkage to resources.","BACS envisions strong neighborhoods where everyone is healthy and has an abundance of resources, meaningful relationships, and a place they call home.",Coordinated Entry,Drop-in/call,629 Oakland Ave,510-658-9480,
127 |
Housing Navigation,Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS),All,Oakland,No,No,94612,Moderate,Long-Term,"This is a coordinated entry site for housing assessments, problem-solving, and shelter referrals.","- Needs assessments
128 |
- Housing education
129 |
- Access to listings
130 |
- Advocacy with landlords
131 |
- Help filling out housing applications
132 |
- Connection to subsidies as available
133 |
- Case management","- Sleeping outdoors,
134 |
- Staying in your car,
135 |
- Living somewhere not meant
136 |
for people to live,
137 |
- Leaving an institution
138 |
(where you were for less than 90 days
139 |
and you were homeless before),
140 |
- Fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault or
141 |
human trafficking ","Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri
142 |
10AM-2PM (drop-in)
143 |
144 |
call Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM","A highly skilled and trained team of Housing Navigators provides needs assessments, housing education, access to listings, advocacy with landlords, help filling out housing applications, connection to subsidies as available, and case management to facilitate a successful transition to housing along with critical time intervention to ensure stabilization. The team understands the intertwined issues facing individuals and families in deep poverty and connects them to wrap-around services and community assets as appropriate.","BOSS was created in 1971 to help individuals with severe and persistent mental illness who had become displaced because of public hospital closures. Programs and services expanded over the past five decades to include services for unhoused, disabled, and low-income individuals, families, and neighborhoods in Alameda County.",Coordinated Entry,Drop-in/call,2280 San Pablo Avenue,510-649-1930,
145 |
Coordinated Entry System (CES),East Oakland Community Project (EOCP),All,Oakland,No,No,94621,Moderate,Long-Term,"This is a coordinated entry site for housing assessments, problem-solving, and shelter referrals.","- Help through housing search and application
146 |
- Financial assistance for move-in
147 |
- Support ability to sustainably stay a tenant","- Sleeping outdoors,
148 |
- Staying in your car,
149 |
- Living somewhere not meant
150 |
for people to live,
151 |
- Leaving an institution
152 |
(where you were for less than 90 days
153 |
and you were homeless before),
154 |
- Fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault or
155 |
human trafficking ","Thur, Fri
156 |
10AM-3PM (drop-in)
157 |
158 |
call anytime","Serving MediCal-eligible individuals through housing search and application processes, financial assistance for move-in, and supporting their ability to sustainably stay a tenant — in partnership with Alameda County’s CES","EOCP empowers individuals and families who are homeless in Alameda County to regain a life of self-reliance. We provide dignified emergency and transitional housing and compassionate, comprehensive support services that prepare homeless people to successfully transition to well-being and sustainable permanent housing.",Coordinated Entry,Drop-in/call,7515 International Blvd,510-463-4601,
159 |
North County Housing Resource Center,Bay Area Community Services (BACS),All,Berkeley,No,No,94705,Moderate,Long-Term,"This is a coordinated entry site for housing assessments, problem-solving, and shelter referrals.","- Housing problem solving
160 |
- Housing assessments
161 |
- Linkage to resources","- Sleeping outdoors,
162 |
- Staying in your car,
163 |
- Living somewhere not meant
164 |
for people to live,
165 |
- Leaving an institution
166 |
(where you were for less than 90 days
167 |
and you were homeless before),
168 |
- Fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault or
169 |
human trafficking ","Mon, Wed, Fri
170 |
9AM-12PM (drop-in)
171 |
172 |
call anytime","Housing Resource Centers (HRC) coordinate County and local resources to connect high-needs people with housing. HRCs are a point of entry for the Coordinated Entry System in Alameda County. All visitors can access housing problem solving, assessments, and linkage to resources.","BACS envisions strong neighborhoods where everyone is healthy and has an abundance of resources, meaningful relationships, and a place they call home.
173 |
",Coordinated Entry,Drop-in/call,2809 Telegraph Ave,510-495-0131,
174 |
Drop-in Services,Women's Daytime Drop-in Center (WDDC),Female,Berkeley,No,No,94702,Moderate,Long-Term,"This is a drop-in center for women to receive hot meals, groceries, and hygiene products, alongside shelter referrals.","- Hot meals
175 |
- Groceries
176 |
- Hygiene products
177 |
- Housing resource services ","- Sleeping outdoors,
178 |
- Staying in your car,
179 |
- Living somewhere not meant
180 |
for people to live,
181 |
- Leaving an institution
182 |
(where you were for less than 90 days
183 |
and you were homeless before),
184 |
- Fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault or
185 |
human trafficking ","Mon, Wed, Fri
186 |
9AM-2PM (drop-in)
187 |
188 |
call Mon-Fri 9AM-1PM","
189 |
Our drop-in services are available Monday through Friday 9am - 1pm. During this time, we offer hot meals, groceries, and hygiene products to women and children in need through our service window. WDDC offers housing resource services to unhoused participants over the phone by calling (510) 548-2884. We are also the North Country Housing Resource Center (serving Berkeley, Albany and Emeryville families). ","Homelessness takes on many forms. Often, it's the result of domestic violence, chronic illness, loss of employment and/or the inability to make ends meet. Not surprisingly, women and their children are one of the most vulnerable demographics. Women's Daytime Drop-in Center supports these needs with special resources so families can stay safe while in transition.",Coordinated Entry,Drop-in/call,2218 Acton St,510-548-2884,
190 |
Drop-in Center,Covenant House,All,Oakland,No,No,94607,Moderate,Long-Term,"This is a drop-in center for young adults to rest during the day (shower, food, laundry, internet) and receive shetler referrals.","- Place to rest during the day
191 |
- Shower
192 |
- Nutritious meal
193 |
- Laundry
194 |
- Internet access
195 |
- Access to day-programming such as case management
196 |
- Referrals to additional services","- Sleeping outdoors,
197 |
- Staying in your car,
198 |
- Living somewhere not meant
199 |
for people to live,
200 |
- Leaving an institution
201 |
(where you were for less than 90 days
202 |
and you were homeless before),
203 |
- Fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault or
204 |
human trafficking ","Tues, Thur
205 |
1PM-3PM (drop-in)
206 |
207 |
call anytime","There are not enough beds in the community to house all young people who experience homelessness; and sometimes, youth are not ready to engage in residential services. For those youth, we offer day outreach/wellness care, places where youth can drop in to rest during the day, shower, get a meal, do laundry, have internet access, and access to day-programming such as case management and referrals to additional services.","Covenant House California addresses homelessness when it begins – in young adulthood, when HOPE and possibility are still strong. We EMPOWER youth to harness their strengths, that they may leave homelessness behind for good.",Coordinated Entry,Drop-in/call,200 Harrison Street,510-379-1010,
208 |
Overnight Shelter,St Vincent de Paul of Alameda County,All,Oakland,No,No,94612,Immidiate,Overnight,This is an overnight shelter that runs 365 days a year.,"- Emergency overnight shelter for up to 45 homeless persons
209 |
- 365 days a year",- Homeless persons in Oakland and Emeryville,"Drop-in at 6PM anyday
210 |
211 |
Call 9AM-3PM Tue-Sat","The St. Vincent de Paul Shelter, in collaboration with the City of Oakland, provides emergency overnight shelter for up to 45 homeless Oakland and Emeryville persons 365 days a year. The shelter is open 7 days a week from 6pm to 8am. Walk-in spots are available on a first-come-first-served basis. ","St. Vincent de Paul of Alameda is the largest Emergency shelter in the county, open 365 days a year. Our staff and volunteers in our free dining room and community center are dedicated to providing warm meals and supplementary programs for our unhoused/housing insecure, food insecure, and impoverished neighbors in Oakland. ",Drop-in,Drop-in,2272 San Pablo Avenue,510-638-7600,
212 |
Oakland Men's Overnight Shelter,CityTeam Oakland,Male,Oakland,No,No,94607,Immidiate,Overnight,"This is an overnight shelter for unhoused men, including meals, clothing, hygiene kits, and showers.","- Temporary shelter
213 |
- Meals
214 |
- Clothing
215 |
- Hygiene kits
216 |
- Access to showers",- Unhoused men in need of shelter,Drop-in 4PM anyday,"Cityteam Oakland’s shelter provides a safe place for homeless men to sleep. We serve the community in Oakland by providing temporary, emergency care while sharing God’s love with the homeless. We offer hope to our clients so that they can completely transform their lives.","CityTeam Oakland is commited to providing immediate help and support to men, women, and children struggling with food insecurity, homelessness, domestic violence, and other life-disabling circumstances and behaviors. We are here to serve, 365 days a year.",Drop-in,Drop-in,722 Washington St,510-452-3758,
217 |
Emergency Shelter,Salvation Army,All,Oakland,No,No,94601,Immidiate,Overnight,"This is an emergency overnight shelter with access to a nutritious meal, a warm bed, and a clean shower.","- Nutrious meal
218 |
- Warm bed
219 |
- Clean shower","- Families and individuals looking to escape extreme weather or just wanting a safe, quiet place to spend the night",Open 24 hours,"For families and individuals looking to escape extreme weather or just wanting a safe, quiet place to spend the night, emergency shelters provide a nutritious meal, a warm bed and a clean shower to those in need.","The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.",Drop-In/Contact,Drop-In,2794 Garden St,(510) 437-9437,
220 |
Emergency Shelter,A Safe Place,All,Oakland,No,Yes,94623,High,Temporary,"This is an emergency shelter for adult survivors of domestic violence with access to basic needs (meals, clothing, toiletries), mental health, and legal support. ","- Case management
221 |
- Support groups
222 |
- Mental health services
223 |
- Legal/court & social service adovacy
224 |
- CalWORKs services
225 |
- Basic necessities (meals, clothing, toiletries)
226 |
- Referrals for assistance with emergency medical needs",- Adult survivors of domestic violence and their children,Open 24 hours,"Emergency shelter for adult survivors of domestic violence and their children is available via a residential shelter and motel program. The support services include case management, support groups, mental health services, legal/court & social service advocacy, and CalWORKs services. Basic necessities that are provided include meals, clothing, toiletries, and referrals for assistance with emergency medical needs.","Our mission at A Safe Place is to decrease domestic violence by providing victims, survivors, and their children with a safe shelter and resources to break the cycle of violence through outreach and education to at-risk populations and diverse communities.",Drop-in/Contact,Call --> shelter intake,N/A,510-536-7233,
227 |
My First Place,First Place for Youth,All,Oakland,No,No,94612,Moderate,Transitional,This is an educational/employment housing program for youth ages 18-24 to build self-sufficiency skills.,"- Fully subsidized housing during duration of program
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- Completion of a High School Diploma or GED certificate
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- Enrollment in post-secondary education or vocational training program
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- Completion of industry-recognized certificates
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- Seeking and securing sustainable living-wage employment
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- Education planning, course selection and tutoring
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- Financial aid and scholarship applications
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- Leveraging existing on-campus resources
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- Job search and job retention strategies
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- Resume and cover letter writing
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- Workplace readiness skill-building
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- Career counseling",Former foster youth and homeless youth ages 18 to 24,"Mon-Fri
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9AM-5PM","My First Place is a nationally recognized education and employment program providing housing and case management for foster youth between ages 18 and 24. Supporting foster youth entering adulthood with jobs that earn a living wage, this program fosters a sense of permanency and stability while building skills to be self-sufficient long-term.",First Place for Youth helps foster youth build the skills they need to make a successful transition to self-sufficiency and responsible adulthood.,Drop-in/Contact,Fill out form:,426 17th Street,510-272-0979,
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Berkeley Community Resource Center ,Dorothy Day House,All,Berkeley,No,No,94704,Immidiate,Transitional,"This is a drop-in center for basic needs during the day (meals, showers, laundry, clothing, lockers, mail service, internet) and shelter referrals, including their own shelter program. ","- Meals, showers, laundry, clothing
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- Lockers, mail services, internet access
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- Daytime respite, housing support
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- DMV and ID assistance
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- Workforce training
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- Medical and addiction referrals to partner social service agencies",People in Berkeley experiencing homelessness,"Mon-Sun
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815-1130AM, 1-4PM","Our daytime drop-in center is located at our main shelter in the heart of downtown Berkeley. We are open 7 days a week, 365 days a year to anyone in need. We offer meals, showers, laundry, free clothing, lockers, mail services, internet access, daytime respite, housing support, DMV and ID assistance, and workforce training as well as medical and addiction referrals to partner social service agencies. Come visit us!","We provide shelter, services and resources to our unhoused Berkeley neighbors to facilitate ending homelessness in our community.",Drop-in/Contact,Drop-in to take assessment for entry directly into main shelter.,1931 Center Street,"(510) 705-1325 (daytime)
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(510) 705-1516 (after hours)",
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Emergency Shelter,Insight Housing,All,Berkeley,No,No,94705,High,Temporary,"This is an emergency shelter to receive a warm bed, meals, shower/laundry, computers/phones, health services, and housing support.","- Clean, warm beds
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- Meals
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- Shower & laundry facilities
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- Access to computers & telephones
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- Access to housing case managers
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- Links to primary mental, dental & medical health
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- Linkages to community & mainstream services ",Adults experiencing homelessness,"Mon-Fri
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9AM-5PM","Since 1970, Insight Housing has envisioned a world where everyone has access to affordable housing and healthy food to eat. Every day, we advocate for and partner with individuals and families experiencing housing and food insecurity, because when everyone in our community has a place to call home and enough food to eat, we all benefit. ","Our emergency shelter programs offer a safe place to stay with warm meals, for adults experiencing homelessness. It allows residents the safety and support they need to build income and skills while they seek permanent housing. ",Drop-in/Contact,Call for next steps,2855 Telegraph Ave,(510) 649-4965,