ShelterSearch /
KeshavRa's picture
e073e6a verified
history blame
15.9 kB
import streamlit as st
import json
import pandas as pd
import requests
import os
import math
from openai import OpenAI
import folium
from streamlit_folium import folium_static
from import Client
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import time
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
timezone = ZoneInfo('America/Los_Angeles')
def get_time_score(current_datetime, shelter):
current_day = current_datetime.strftime("%A")
if current_day not in shelter['Days']:
return 1
weekday = current_datetime.weekday()
current_hour = current_datetime.strftime("%H")
current_minute = current_datetime.strftime("%M")
current_time = time(int(current_hour), int(current_minute))
hour_start = shelter['Hour Start'].split(',')
minute_start = shelter['Minute Start'].split(',')
shelter_start = time(int(hour_start[weekday]), int(minute_start[weekday]))
hour_end = shelter['Hour End'].split(',')
minute_end = shelter['Minute End'].split(',')
shelter_end = time(int(hour_end[weekday]), int(minute_end[weekday]))
if shelter_start < shelter_end:
if shelter_start <= current_time <= shelter_end: return 0
else: return 1
if current_time >= shelter_start or current_time <= shelter_end: return 0
else: return 1
def geocode_address(address, api_key):
# URL encode the address
encoded_address = requests.utils.quote(address)
# Send a request to the Google Maps Geocoding API
geocode_url = f"{encoded_address}&key={api_key}"
response = requests.get(geocode_url)
data = response.json()
lat = data['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']
lon = data['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']
return round(lat, 6), round(lon, 6)
# Reference:
def create_map():
# Create the map with Google Maps
map_obj = folium.Map(tiles=None)
name="Google Maps",
subdomains=["mt0", "mt1", "mt2", "mt3"]).add_to(map_obj)
return map_obj
def call_gpt(user_needs, shelter_services, api_key):
client = OpenAI(api_key = api_key)
completion =
{"role": "system", "content": "Given two variables 'user needs' (the ideal qualities/services of a shelter) and 'shelter services' (the services offered by a shelter), return an integer 0-10 that scores how well the 'shelter services' match the 'user needs' where 0 is the best fit and 10 is the worst fit. IMPORTANT: NO MATTER WHAT, ONLY RETURN THE INTEGER (NO EXTRA WORDS, PUNCTUATION, ETC.)"},
{"role": "user", "content": f"user_needs: {user_needs}, shelter_services: {shelter_services}"}
score = completion.choices[0].message.content.strip()
return int(score)
def get_urgency_score(user, shelter):
if user == "Today":
if shelter == "Immidiate": return 0
if shelter == "High": return 0.75
if shelter == "Moderate": return 1
elif user == "In the next few days":
if shelter == "Immidiate": return 0.25
if shelter == "High": return 0
if shelter == "Moderate": return 0.75
elif user == "In a week or more":
if shelter == "Immidiate": return 0.75
if shelter == "High": return 0.25
if shelter == "Moderate": return 0
def get_duration_score(user, shelter):
if user == "Overnight":
if shelter == "Overnight": return 0
if shelter == "Temporary": return 0.5
if shelter == "Transitional": return 0.75
if shelter == "Long-Term": return 1
elif user == "A month or less":
if shelter == "Overnight": return 0.5
if shelter == "Temporary": return 0
if shelter == "Transitional": return 0.25
if shelter == "Long-Term": return 0.75
elif user == "A couple of months":
if shelter == "Overnight": return 0.75
if shelter == "Temporary": return 0.25
if shelter == "Transitional": return 0
if shelter == "Long-Term": return 0.5
elif user == "A year or more":
if shelter == "Overnight": return 1
if shelter == "Temporary": return 0.75
if shelter == "Transitional": return 0.5
if shelter == "Long-Term": return 0
def get_coordinates(zipcode: str, api_key: str) -> list:
Get the coordinates (latitude and longitude) of an address using the OpenWeather Geocoding API.
zipcode (str): The zipcode to geocode.
api_key (str): Your OpenWeather API key.
list: A list containing the latitude and longitude of the address.
base_url = ""
params = {
'zip': str(zipcode) + ",US",
'appid': api_key
response = requests.get(base_url, params=params)
data = response.json()
return [data.get('lat'), data.get('lon')]
def haversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
R = 6371 # Earth radius in kilometers. Use 3956 for miles.
dlat = math.radians(lat2 - lat1)
dlon = math.radians(lon2 - lon1)
a = math.sin(dlat / 2) ** 2 + math.cos(math.radians(lat1)) * math.cos(math.radians(lat2)) * math.sin(dlon / 2) ** 2
c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
distance = R * c
return distance
# Initialize session state
if 'form_submitted' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.form_submitted = False
if 'shelter_index' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.shelter_index = 0
if 'shelters_filtered' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.shelters_filtered = False
# Page config
if not st.session_state.form_submitted:
st.write("Hello there! Fill out this quick form to receive recommendation for where you can go to receive help.")
st.markdown("Please give us feedback at this [link](")
# should be updated manually annually - use zipcodebase API
zipcodes = {
'San Francisco': ['94101', '94102', '94103', '94104', '94105', '94107', '94108', '94109', '94110', '94111', '94112', '94114', '94115', '94116', '94117', '94118', '94119', '94120', '94121', '94122', '94123', '94124', '94125', '94126', '94127', '94128', '94129', '94130', '94131', '94132', '94133', '94134', '94140', '94141', '94142', '94146', '94147', '94157', '94159', '94164', '94165', '94166', '94167', '94168', '94169', '94170', '94172', '94188'],
'Oakland': ['94601', '94602', '94603', '94604', '94605', '94606', '94607', '94608', '94609', '94610', '94611', '94612', '94613', '94614', '94615', '94617', '94618', '94619', '94620', '94621', '94623', '94624', '94661', '94662'],
'Berkeley': ['94701', '94702', '94703', '94704', '94705', '94706', '94707', '94708', '94709', '94710', '94712']
city = st.selectbox("City", ['San Francisco', 'Oakland', 'Berkeley'])
zipcode = st.selectbox("Zipcode", ['Unsure'] + zipcodes[city])
sex ="Sex", ["Male", "Female", "Other"])
lgbtq ="Do you identify as LGBTQ+ (some shelters serve this community specifically)", ["No", "Yes"])
domestic_violence ="Have you experienced domestic violence (some shelters serve these individuals specifically", ["No", "Yes"])
urgency ="How quickly do you need help?", ("Today", "In the next few days", "In a week or more"))
duration ="How long do you need a place to stay?", ("Overnight", "A month or less", "A couple of months", "A year or more"))
needs = st.text_area("Optional - Needs (tell us what you need and how we can help)")
phone_number = st.text_input('Optional - Enter your phone number (to text shelter info to you)', '+1')
consent = st.checkbox('I consent to receiving a one-time message')
if st.button("Submit"):
data = {
"City": city,
"Zip Code": zipcode,
"Sex": sex,
"LGBTQ": lgbtq,
"Domestic Violence": domestic_violence,
"Urgency": urgency,
"Duration": duration,
"Needs": needs,
"Phone Number": phone_number,
"Consent": consent
with open('data.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f)
st.session_state.form_submitted = True
if not st.session_state.shelters_filtered:
with open('data.json', 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
shelters = pd.read_csv("database.csv")
# filter city
shelters = shelters[(shelters['City'] == data['City'])]
# filter sex
shelters = shelters[(shelters['Sex'] == data['Sex']) | (shelters['Sex'] == 'All')]
# filter lgbtq
if data['LGBTQ'] == 'No':
shelters = shelters[(shelters['LGBTQ'] == "No")]
# filter domestic violence
if data['Domestic Violence'] == "No":
shelters = shelters[(shelters['Domestic Violence'] == "No")]
# keep track of which scores are calculated
scores = []
# calculate distances between zipcodes
if data['Zip Code'] != "Unsure":
geocoding_api_key = os.environ['OpenWeather_API_KEY']
shelters_coordinates = shelters.apply(lambda row: get_coordinates(row['Zip Code'], geocoding_api_key), axis=1).tolist()
user_coordinates = get_coordinates(data['Zip Code'], geocoding_api_key)
distances = []
for coordinates in shelters_coordinates:
distances.append(haversine(coordinates[0], coordinates[1], user_coordinates[0], user_coordinates[1]))
max = max(distances) if (max(distances) != 0) else 1
shelters['zipcode_score'] = [d / max for d in distances]
# get urgency scores
urgency_scores = shelters.apply(lambda row: get_urgency_score(data['Urgency'], row['Urgency']), axis=1).tolist()
shelters['urgency_score'] = urgency_scores
# get duration scores
duration_scores = shelters.apply(lambda row: get_duration_score(data['Duration'], row['Duration']), axis=1).tolist()
shelters['duration_score'] = duration_scores
# get services scores
if data['Needs'] != "":
OpenAI_API_KEY = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
services_scores = shelters.apply(lambda row: call_gpt(data['Needs'], row['Services'], OpenAI_API_KEY), axis=1).tolist()
services_scores = [s / 10 for s in services_scores]
shelters['services_score'] = services_scores
# get time-based scores
time_scores = shelters.apply(lambda row: get_time_score(, row), axis=1).tolist()
if data['Urgency'] == "Today":
for i in range(len(scores)):
shelters[f'time_score_{i}'] = time_scores
elif data['Urgency'] == "In the next few days":
shelters['time_score'] = time_scores
elif data['Urgency'] == "In a week or more":
# calcualte cumulative score
shelters['total_score'] = shelters[scores].sum(axis=1)
shelters['total_score'] = shelters['total_score'] / len(scores)
shelters = shelters.sort_values(by='total_score', ascending=True)
shelters = shelters.head(3)
# convert pandas df into list of dicts
shelters = shelters.to_dict(orient='records')
# text messaging
if len(data['Phone Number']) == 12 and data['Consent']:
account_sid = os.environ["SID"]
auth_token = os.environ["auth_token"]
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
message_body = ''
for i in range(len(shelters)):
phone = str(shelters[i]['Phone'])
message_body += f"{shelters[i]['Organization Name']}: {shelters[i]['Program Name']}\n"
message_body += f"🕒 Open Hours: {shelters[i]['Open Hours']}\n"
message_body += f"📍 Address: {shelters[i]['Address']}\n"
message_body += f"📞 Phone Number: ({phone[1:4]}) {phone[4:7]}-{phone[7:]}\n\n"
message = client.messages.create(
body = message_body,
from_= "+15107212356",
to = data['Phone Number']
st.session_state.shelters_filtered = True
st.session_state.shelters = shelters
# Display the current shelter information
shelter = st.session_state.shelters[st.session_state.shelter_index]
st.header(f"{shelter['Organization Name']}: {shelter['Program Name']}")
st.subheader("Shelter Summary")
st.subheader("How to Receive Help")
st.write(shelter['Application Details'])
st.markdown(f"- **🕒\tOpen Hours**: {shelter['Open Hours']}")
st.markdown(f"- **📍\tAddress**: {shelter['Address']}")
phone_number = str(shelter['Phone'])
formatted_phone_number = f"({phone_number[1:4]}) {phone_number[4:7]}-{phone_number[7:]}"
phone_link = f"<a href='tel:{phone_number}'>{formatted_phone_number}</a>"
st.markdown(f"- **📞\tPhone Number**: {phone_link}", unsafe_allow_html=True)
with st.expander("More Information"):
tabs = st.tabs(["Full List of Services", "More About the Program", "More About the Organization", "Webpage Link"])
with tabs[0]:
with tabs[1]:
st.write(shelter['Program About'])
with tabs[2]:
st.write(shelter['Organization About'])
with tabs[3]:
# Create map for address
map = create_map()
key = os.environ['GoogleAPI']
address = f"{shelter['Address']}, {shelter['City']}, CA"
lat, long = geocode_address(address, key)
# Fit the map bounds to include all markers
south_west = [lat - 0.02, long - 0.02]
north_east = [lat + 0.02, long + 0.02]
map_bounds = [south_west, north_east]
folium.Marker([lat, long], popup=shelter['Address']).add_to(map)
st.markdown(f" ## [Get Directions]({lat},{long})")
# Create two columns
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1,1,1])
# Add buttons to each column
with col1:
if st.button("Previous"):
if st.session_state.shelter_index > 0:
st.session_state.shelter_index -= 1
with col2:
if st.button("Next"):
if st.session_state.shelter_index < 2:
st.session_state.shelter_index += 1
with col3:
if st.button("Reset"):
st.session_state.shelter_index = 0
st.session_state.form_submitted = False
st.session_state.shelters_filtered = False