import os import getpass from uuid import uuid4 import faiss import numpy as np import requests import io import warnings import torch import pickle import speech_recognition from git import Repo from glob import glob from rich import print as rp from typing import Union, List, Generator, Any, Mapping, Optional,Dict from requests.sessions import RequestsCookieJar from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv from langchain import hub from langchain_core.documents import Document from langchain.chains.combine_documents import create_stuff_documents_chain from langchain.chains import create_retrieval_chain from langchain_community.document_loaders import DirectoryLoader from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter, Language from langchain_huggingface import HuggingFaceEmbeddings from langchain_community.vectorstores import Chroma, FAISS from langchain.vectorstores.base import VectorStore from langchain.retrievers import MultiQueryRetriever from langchain.retrievers.self_query.base import SelfQueryRetriever from langchain.llms import BaseLLM from langchain.retrievers import ContextualCompressionRetriever from langchain.retrievers.document_compressors import LLMChainExtractor from langchain.retrievers.document_compressors import DocumentCompressorPipeline from langchain_community.document_transformers import EmbeddingsRedundantFilter from langchain_text_splitters import CharacterTextSplitter from langchain.retrievers.document_compressors import EmbeddingsFilter # Data manipulation and analysis import numpy as np import pandas as pd # Plotting and visualization import plotly.graph_objects as go import as px from plotly.subplots import make_subplots import as pio # Machine learning and dimensionality reduction from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler # Optional: for 3D projections from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde # Uncomment the following line if you need Plotly's built-in datasets # import as data from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient from hugchat import hugchat from hugchat.login import Login from hugchat.message import Message from hugchat.types.assistant import Assistant from hugchat.types.model import Model from hugchat.types.message import MessageNode, Conversation from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from TTS.api import TTS import time from playsound import playsound from system_prompts import __all__ as prompts from profiler import VoiceProfileManager, VoiceProfile # Example usage manager = VoiceProfileManager("my_custom_profiles.json") manager.load_profiles() # Generate a random profile new_profile = manager.generate_random_profile() rp(f"Generated new profile: {}") # List profiles manager.list_profiles() # Save profiles manager.save_profiles() load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") os.environ["USER_AGENT"] = os.getenv("USER_AGENT") class ChatBotWrapper: def __init__(self, chat_bot): self.chat_bot = chat_bot def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.chat_bot(*args, **kwargs) class UberToolkit: def __init__(self, email, password, cookie_path_dir='./cookies/', default_llm=1): self.prompts = prompts # rp(self.prompts) = os.getenv("EMAIL") self.password = os.getenv("PASSWD") self.default_llm = default_llm self.cookie_path_dir = cookie_path_dir self.system_prompt = self.prompts['default_rag_prompt'] # default_rag_prompt # rp(self.system_prompt) self.cookies = self.login() = hugchat.ChatBot(cookies=self.cookies.get_dict(), default_llm=self.default_llm) self.bot_wrapper = ChatBotWrapper( # Wrap the ChatBot object self.repo_url = '' self.conv_id = None self.latest_splitter=None self.setup_folders() self.setup_embeddings() self.setup_vector_store() self.setup_retrievers() self.vector_store = None self.compressed_retriever = self.create_high_retrieval_chain() self.retriever = self.create_low_retrieval_chain() self.setup_tts() self.setup_speech_recognition() def login(self): rp("Attempting to log in...") sign = Login(, self.password) try: cookies = sign.login(cookie_dir_path=self.cookie_path_dir, save_cookies=True) rp("Login successful!") return cookies except Exception as e: rp(f"Login failed: {e}") rp("Attempting manual login with requests...") self.manual_login() raise def manual_login(self): login_url = "" session = requests.Session() response = session.get(login_url) rp("Response Cookies:", response.cookies) rp("Response Content:", response.content.decode()) csrf_token = response.cookies.get('csrf_token') if not csrf_token: rp("CSRF token not found in cookies.") return login_data = { 'email':, 'password': self.password, 'csrf_token': csrf_token } response =, data=login_data) if response.ok: rp("Manual login successful!") else: rp("Manual login failed!") def setup_embeddings(self): self.embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings( model_name="all-MiniLM-L6-v2", model_kwargs={'device': 'cpu'}, encode_kwargs={'normalize_embeddings': True} ) def setup_retrievers(self, k=5, similarity_threshold=0.76): self.retriever = self.vector_store.as_retriever(k=k) splitter = self.latest_splitter if self.latest_splitter else CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=300, chunk_overlap=0, separator=". ") redundant_filter = EmbeddingsRedundantFilter(embeddings=self.embeddings) relevant_filter = EmbeddingsFilter(embeddings=self.embeddings, similarity_threshold=similarity_threshold) pipeline_compressor = DocumentCompressorPipeline( transformers=[splitter, redundant_filter, relevant_filter] ) self.compression_retriever = ContextualCompressionRetriever(base_compressor=pipeline_compressor, base_retriever=self.retriever) def create_high_retrieval_chain(self): rag_prompt = hub.pull("langchain-ai/retrieval-qa-chat") rp(rag_prompt) combine_docs_chain = create_stuff_documents_chain(self.bot_wrapper, rag_prompt) return create_retrieval_chain(self.compression_retriever, combine_docs_chain) #self.low_retrieval_chain = create_retrieval_chain(self.retriever, combine_docs_chain) def create_low_retrieval_chain(self): rag_prompt = hub.pull("langchain-ai/retrieval-qa-chat") combine_docs_chain = create_stuff_documents_chain(self.bot_wrapper, rag_prompt) #return create_retrieval_chain(self.compression_retriever, combine_docs_chain) return create_retrieval_chain(self.retriever, combine_docs_chain) def setup_tts(self, model_name="tts_models/en/ljspeech/fast_pitch"): self.tts = TTS(model_name=model_name,progress_bar=False, vocoder_path='vocoder_models/en/ljspeech/univnet') def setup_speech_recognition(self): self.recognizer = speech_recognition.Recognizer() def setup_folders(self): self.dirs=["test_input","vectorstore","test"] for d in self.dirs: os.makedirs(d, exist_ok=True) def __call__(self, text): if self.conv_id: else: self.conv_id =, modelIndex=self.default_llm, switch_to=True) return self.send_message(text) def send_message(self, message, web=False): message_result =, web_search=web) return message_result.wait_until_done() def stream_response(self, message, web=False, stream=False): responses = [] for resp in, stream=stream, web_search=web): responses.append(resp['token']) return ' '.join(responses) def web_search(self, text): result = self.send_message(text, web=True) return result def retrieve_context(self, query: str): context=[] return context try: lowres = self.retriever.invoke({'input': query}) vector_context = "\n".join(lowres) if lowres else "No Context Available!" except Exception as e: vector_context = f"Error retrieving context: {str(e)}" context.append(vector_context) try: highres=self.compression_retriever.invoke({'input':query}) vector_context = "\n".join(highres) if highres else "No Context Available!" except Exception as e: vector_context = f"Error retrieving context: {str(e)}" context.append(vector_context) context = "\n".join([doc.page_content for doc in context]) rp(f"CONTEXT:{context}") return context def delete_all_conversations(self): def delete_conversation(self, conversation_object: Conversation = None): def get_available_llm_models(self) -> list: return def get_remote_conversations(self, replace_conversation_list=True): return def get_conversation_info(self, conversation: Union[Conversation, str] = None) -> Conversation: return def get_assistant_list_by_page(self, page: int) -> List[Assistant]: return def search_assistant(self, assistant_name: str = None, assistant_id: str = None) -> Assistant: return, assistant_id) def switch_model(self, index): self.conv_id = None self.default_llm = index def switch_conversation(self, id): self.conv_id = id def switch_role(self, system_prompt_id): self.system_prompt = system_prompt_id def chat(self, text: str, web_search: bool = False, _stream_yield_all: bool = False, retry_count: int = 5, conversation: Conversation = None, *args, **kwargs) -> Message: return, web_search, _stream_yield_all, retry_count, conversation, *args, **kwargs) def get_all_documents(self) -> List[Document]: """ Retrieve all documents from the vectorstore. """ if not self.vector_store: self.setup_vector_store() all_docs_query = "* *" # This is a common wildcard query, but may need adjustment based on your specific setup # Use the base retriever to get all documents # Set a high limit to ensure we get all documents all_docs = self.retriever.get_relevant_documents(all_docs_query, k=10000) # Adjust the k value if needed return all_docs def generate_3d_scatterplot(self, num_points=1000): """ Generate a 3D scatter plot of the vector store content. :param num_points: Maximum number of points to plot (default: 1000) :return: None (displays the plot) """ import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # Get all documents using the get_all_documents method all_docs = self.get_all_documents() if not all_docs: raise ValueError("No documents found in the vector store.") # Extract vectors from documents vectors = [] for doc in all_docs: # Assuming each document has a vector attribute or method to get its vector # You might need to adjust this based on your Document structure if hasattr(doc, 'embedding') and doc.embedding is not None: vectors.append(doc.embedding) else: # If the document doesn't have an embedding, we'll need to create one vectors.append(self.embeddings.embed_query(doc.page_content)) vectors = np.array(vectors) # If we have more vectors than requested points, sample randomly if len(vectors) > num_points: indices = np.random.choice(len(vectors), num_points, replace=False) vectors = vectors[indices] # Perform PCA to reduce to 3 dimensions pca = PCA(n_components=3) vectors_3d = pca.fit_transform(vectors) # Create the 3D scatter plot fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Scatter3d( x=vectors_3d[:, 0], y=vectors_3d[:, 1], z=vectors_3d[:, 2], mode='markers', marker=dict( size=5, color=vectors_3d[:, 2], # Color by z-dimension colorscale='Viridis', opacity=0.8 ) )]) # Update layout fig.update_layout( title='3D Scatter Plot of Vector Store Content', scene=dict( xaxis_title='PCA Component 1', yaxis_title='PCA Component 2', zaxis_title='PCA Component 3' ), width=900, height=700, ) # Show the plot print(f"Generated 3D scatter plot with {len(vectors)} points.") def listen_for_speech(self): with speech_recognition.Microphone() as source: rp("Listening...") audio = self.recognizer.listen(source) try: text = self.recognizer.recognize_google(audio) rp(f"You said: {text}") return text except speech_recognition.UnknownValueError: rp("Sorry, I couldn't understand that.") return None except speech_recognition.RequestError as e: rp(f"Could not request results from Google Speech Recognition service; {e}") return None def optimized_tts(self, text: str, output_file: str = "output.wav", speaking_rate: float = 5) -> str: start_time = time.time() rp(f"Starting TTS at {start_time}") try: self.tts.tts_to_file( text=text, file_path=output_file, speaker=self.tts.speakers[0] if self.tts.speakers else None, language=self.tts.languages[0] if self.tts.languages else None, speed=speaking_rate, split_sentences=True ) end_time = time.time() rp(f"TTS generation took {end_time - start_time:.2f} seconds") except RuntimeError as e: if "Kernel size can't be greater than actual input" in str(e): rp(f"Text too short for TTS: {text}") else: raise # Re-raise if it's a different RuntimeError return output_file @staticmethod def play_mp3(file_path): playsound(file_path) def continuous_voice_chat(self): self.input_method = None while True: rp("Speak your query (or say 'exit' to quit):") self.input_method = self.listen_for_speech() self.voice_chat_exit = False query = self.input_method if query is None: continue """ if 'switch prompt ' in query.lower(): q = query.lower() new_prompt = q.split("switch prompt ").pop().replace(" ", "_") #rp(new_prompt) if new_prompt in self.prompts.keys(): self.system_prompt = self.prompts[new_prompt] rp(f"new system prompt:{self.system_prompt}") #self.switch_role(new_prompt_id) self.optimized_tts(f"Switched Role to {new_prompt}!") self.play_mp3('output.wav') continue """ if query.lower() == "voice": rp("Speak your query (or say 'exit' to quit):") self.input_method = self.listen_for_speech() continue if query.lower() == "type": self.input_method = input("Type your question(or type 'exit' to quit): \n") continue if query.lower() == 'exit': rp("Goodbye!") self.optimized_tts("Ok, exiting!") self.play_mp3('output.wav') self.voice_chat_exit = True break result = self.web_search(query) web_context = "\n".join(result) if result else "No Context Available from the websearch!" #vector_context = self.retrieve_context(query) #self.system_prompt = self.system_prompt.replace("<>", vector_context if vector_context else "No Context Available in the vectorstore!") self.system_prompt = self.system_prompt.replace("<>", web_context) response = if "/Store:" in response: url = response.split("/Store:").pop().split(" ")[0] rp(f"Fetching and storing data from link: {url}") try: self.add_document_from_url(url) except Exception as e: rp(f"Error while fetching data from {url}! {e}") continue if "/Delete:" in response: document = response.split("/Delete:").pop().split(" ")[0] rp(f"Deleting {document} from vectorstore!") try: self.delete_document(document) except Exception as e: rp(f"Error while deleting {document} from vectorstore! {e}") rp(f"Chatbot: {response}") self.play_mp3(self.optimized_tts(str(response))) def initialize_vector_store( self, initial_docs: Union[List[Union[str, Document]], str], embedding_model_name: str = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2", persist_directory: str = "faiss_index", index_name: str = "document_store" ) -> FAISS: """ Initialize a FAISS vector store. If a persistent store exists, load and update it. Otherwise, create a new one from the initial documents. Args: initial_docs (Union[List[Union[str, Document]], str]): Initial documents to add if creating a new store. embedding_model_name (str): Name of the HuggingFace embedding model to use. persist_directory (str): Directory to save/load the persistent vector store. index_name (str): Name of the index file. Returns: FAISS: The initialized or loaded FAISS vector store. """ allow_dangerous_deserialization=True index_file_path = os.path.join(persist_directory, f"{index_name}.faiss") # Convert initial_docs to a list of Document objects if isinstance(initial_docs, str): initial_docs = [Document(page_content=initial_docs)] elif isinstance(initial_docs, list): initial_docs = [ doc if isinstance(doc, Document) else Document(page_content=doc) for doc in initial_docs ] if os.path.exists(index_file_path): print(f"Loading existing vector store from {index_file_path}") vector_store = FAISS.load_local( persist_directory, self.embeddings, index_name, allow_dangerous_deserialization=allow_dangerous_deserialization ) # Update with new documents if any if initial_docs: print(f"Updating vector store with {len(initial_docs)} new documents") vector_store.add_documents(initial_docs) vector_store.save_local(persist_directory, index_name) else: print(f"Creating new vector store with {len(initial_docs)} documents") vector_store = FAISS.from_documents(initial_docs, self.embeddings) # Ensure the directory exists os.makedirs(persist_directory, exist_ok=True) vector_store.save_local(persist_directory, index_name) return vector_store def setup_vector_store(self): from langchain.docstore import InMemoryDocstore embedding_size = 384 # Size for all-MiniLM-L6-v2 embeddings index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embedding_size) docstore = InMemoryDocstore({}) self.vector_store = FAISS( self.embeddings, index, docstore, {} ) """ def setup_vector_store(self): self.vector_store = self.initialize_vector_store(['this your Birth, Rise and Shine a mighty bot']) """ def add_documents_folder(self, folder_path): paths=[] for root, _, files in os.walk(folder_path): for file in files: paths.append(os.path.join(root, file)) self.add_documents(paths) def fetch_document(self, file_path): with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: content = return Document(page_content=content) #self.vector_store.add_documents([document]) def add_documents(self, documents: List[str]): docs_to_add=[] if not self.vector_store: self.setup_vector_store() for document in documents: docs_to_add.append(self.fetch_document(document)) self.vector_store.add_documents(docs_to_add) # Print the added documents for verification for i in range(len(docs_to_add)): doc_id = self.vector_store.index_to_docstore_id[i] rp(f"Added document {i}: {self.vector_store.docstore._dict[doc_id]}") def add_document_from_url(self, url): if not self.vector_store: self.setup_vector_store() response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: content = response.text document = Document(page_content=content) self.vector_store.add_documents([document]) else: rp(f"Failed to fetch URL content: {response.status_code}") def delete_document(self, document): if document in self.vector_store: self.vector_store.delete_document(document) rp(f"Deleted document: {document}") else: rp(f"Document not found: {document}") def _add_to_vector_store(self, name, content): document = Document(page_content=content) self.vector_store.add_documents([document]) rp(f"Added document to vector store: {name}") # Example of updating the vectorizer (you might need to adjust based on your actual implementation) self.vectorizer.fit_transform(self.compressed_retriever.invoke("*")) def clone_github_repo(self, repo_url, local_path='./repo'): if os.path.exists(local_path): rp("Repository already cloned.") return local_path Repo.clone_from(repo_url, local_path) return local_path def load_documents(self, repo_url, file_types=['*.py', '*.md', '*.txt', '*.html']): local_repo_path = self.clone_github_repo(repo_url) loader = DirectoryLoader(path=local_repo_path, glob=f"**/{{{','.join(file_types)}}}", show_progress=True, recursive=True) loaded=loader.load() rp(f"Nr. files loaded: {len(loaded)}") return loaded def recursive_glob(self,root_dir, patterns): import fnmatch """Recursively search for files matching the patterns in root_dir. Args: root_dir (str): The root directory to start the search from. patterns (list): List of file patterns to search for, e.g., ['*.py', '*.md']. Returns: list: List of paths to the files matching the patterns. """ matched_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir): for pattern in patterns: for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern): matched_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) return matched_files def load_documents_from_github(self, repo_url, file_types=['*.py', '*.md', '*.txt', '*.html']): local_repo_path = self.clone_github_repo(repo_url) document_paths = self.recursive_glob(local_repo_path, file_types) rp(f"Found {len(document_paths)} documents") self.add_documents(document_paths) """ loader = DirectoryLoader(path=local_repo_path, glob=f"**/{{{','.join(file_types)}}}", show_progress=True, recursive=True) loaded=loader.load(document_paths) rp(f"Nr. files loaded: {len(loaded)}") return loaded """ def split_documents(self, documents: list,chunk_s=512,chunk_o=0): split_docs = [] for doc in documents: ext = os.path.splitext(getattr(doc, 'source', '') or getattr(doc, 'filename', ''))[1].lower() if ext == '.py': splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.from_language(language=Language.PYTHON, chunk_size=chunk_s, chunk_overlap=chunk_o) elif ext in ['.md', '.markdown']: splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.from_language(language=Language.MARKDOWN, chunk_size=chunk_s, chunk_overlap=chunk_o) elif ext in ['.html', '.htm']: splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter.from_language(language=Language.HTML, chunk_size=chunk_s, chunk_overlap=chunk_o) else: splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=chunk_s, chunk_overlap=chunk_o, add_start_index=True) split_docs.extend(splitter.split_documents([doc])) return split_docs,splitter def save_vectorstore_local(self, folder_path: str="vectorstore", index_name: str = "faiss_index"): """ Save the FAISS vectorstore locally with all necessary components. Args: folder_path (str): Folder path to save index, docstore, and index_to_docstore_id to. index_name (str): Name for the saved index file (default is "faiss_index"). """ # Get all documents from the vectorstore documents = self.compressed_retriever.invoke("*")<--error # Create a new docstore and index_to_docstore_id mapping docstore: Dict[str, Document] = {} index_to_docstore_id: Dict[int, str] = {} for i, doc in enumerate(documents): # Generate a unique ID for each document doc_id = str(uuid4()) docstore[doc_id] = doc index_to_docstore_id[i] = doc_id # Save the FAISS index self.vector_store.save_local(folder_path, index_name) # Save the docstore import pickle with open(os.path.join(folder_path, f"{index_name}_docstore.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(docstore, f) # Save the index_to_docstore_id mapping with open(os.path.join(folder_path, f"{index_name}_index_to_docstore_id.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(index_to_docstore_id, f) rp(f"Vectorstore saved successfully to {folder_path}") return folder_path @classmethod def load_vectorstore_local(cls, folder_path: str, index_name: str = "faiss_index", embeddings=None): """ Load a previously saved FAISS vectorstore. Args: folder_path (str): Folder path where the index, docstore, and index_to_docstore_id are saved. index_name (str): Name of the saved index file (default is "faiss_index"). embeddings: The embeddings object to use (must be the same type used when saving). Returns: FAISS: Loaded FAISS vectorstore """ # Ensure you trust the source of the pickle file before setting this to True allow_dangerous_deserialization = True # Load the docstore with open(os.path.join(folder_path, f"{index_name}_docstore.pkl"), "rb") as f: docstore = pickle.load(f) # Load the index_to_docstore_id mapping with open(os.path.join(folder_path, f"{index_name}_index_to_docstore_id.pkl"), "rb") as f: index_to_docstore_id = pickle.load(f) # Load the FAISS index vectorstore = FAISS.load_local( folder_path, embeddings, index_name, allow_dangerous_deserialization=allow_dangerous_deserialization ) # Reconstruct the FAISS object with the loaded components vectorstore.docstore = docstore vectorstore.index_to_docstore_id = index_to_docstore_id return vectorstore def create_vectorstore_from_github(self): documents = self.load_documents_from_github(self.repo_url) split_docs,splitter = self.split_documents(documents,512,0) self.latest_splitter=splitter self.vector_store = FAISS.from_documents(split_docs, self.embeddings) self.vector_store.save_local() rp(f"Vectorstore created with {len(split_docs)} documents.") def update_vectorstore(self, new_documents): split_docs,splitter = self.split_documents(new_documents) self.latest_splitter=splitter self.vector_store.add_documents(split_docs) rp(f"Vectorstore updated with {len(split_docs)} new documents.") def retrieve_with_chain(self, query, mode='high'): if mode == 'high': return self.compressed_retriever.invoke({"input": query}) else: return self.retriever.invoke({"input": query}) def generate_code(self, prompt): self.system_prompt=self.prompts["code_generator_prompt"] return self.send_message(prompt) def debug_script(self, script): self.system_prompt = self.prompts["script_debugger_prompt"] return self.send_message(f"Debug the following script:\n\n{script}") def test_software(self, software_description): self.system_prompt = self.prompts["software_tester_prompt"] return self.send_message(f"Create a test plan for the following software:\n\n{software_description}") def parse_todo(self, todo_list): self.system_prompt = self.prompts["todo_parser_prompt"] return self.send_message(f"Parse and organize the following TODO list:\n\n{todo_list}") def tell_story(self, prompt): self.system_prompt = self.prompts["story_teller_prompt"] return self.stream_response(f"Tell a story based on this prompt:\n\n{prompt}") def act_as_copilot(self, task): self.system_prompt = self.prompts["copilot_prompt"] return self.send_message(f"Assist me as a copilot for the following task:\n\n{task}") def control_iterations(self, task, max_iterations=5): self.system_prompt = self.prompts["iteration_controller_prompt"] iteration = 0 result = "" while iteration < max_iterations: response = self.send_message(f"Iteration {iteration + 1} for task:\n\n{task}\n\nCurrent result:\n{result}") result += f"\nIteration {iteration + 1}:\n{response}" if "TASK_COMPLETE" in response: break iteration += 1 return result def voice_command_mode(self): rp("Entering voice command mode. Speak your commands.") while True: command = self.listen_for_speech() if command is None: continue if command.lower() == "exit voice mode": rp("Exiting voice command mode.") break response = self.process_voice_command(command) rp(f"Assistant: {response}") self.optimized_tts(response) self.play_mp3('output.wav') def process_voice_command(self, command): if "generate code" in command.lower(): return self.generate_code(command) elif "debug script" in command.lower(): return self.debug_script(command) elif "test software" in command.lower(): return self.test_software(command) elif "parse todo" in command.lower(): return self.parse_todo(command) elif "tell story" in command.lower(): return self.tell_story(command) elif "act as copilot" in command.lower(): return self.act_as_copilot(command) else: return self.send_message(command) def interactive_mode(self): rp("Entering interactive mode. Type 'exit' to quit, 'voice' for voice input, or 'command' for specific functions.") while True: user_input = input("You: ") if user_input.lower() == 'exit': rp("Exiting interactive mode.") break elif user_input.lower() == 'voice': self.voice_command_mode() elif user_input.lower() == 'command': self.command_mode() else: response = self.send_message(user_input) rp(f"Assistant: {response}") def command_mode(self): rp("Entering command mode. Available commands: generate_code, debug_script, test_software, parse_todo, tell_story, copilot, iterate") while True: command = input("Enter command (or 'exit' to return to interactive mode): ") if command.lower() == 'exit': rp("Exiting command mode.") break self.execute_command(command) def execute_command(self, command): if command == "add_to_vectorstore": prompt = input("Enter list of files, folders, urls or repos with knowledge to add:") response = self.generate_code(prompt) if command == "generate_code": file_name = input("Enter script filename:") prompt = input("Enter code generation prompt:") response = self.generate_code(prompt) elif command == "debug_script": script = input("Enter script to debug:") response = self.debug_script(script) elif command == "test_script": description = input("Enter path to script:") response = self.test_software(description) elif command == "parse_todo": todo_list = input("Enter TODO list:") response = self.parse_todo(todo_list) elif command == "tell_story": prompt = input("Enter story prompt:") response = self.tell_story(prompt) elif command == "copilot": task = input("Enter task for copilot:") response = self.act_as_copilot(task) elif command == "iterate": task = input("Enter task for iteration:") max_iterations = int(input("Enter maximum number of iterations: ")) response = self.control_iterations(task, max_iterations) else: response = "Unknown command. Please try again." rp(f"Assistant: {response}") def run(self): rp("Welcome to the Advanced AI Toolkit!") rp("Choose a mode to start:") rp("1. Interactive Chat") rp("2. Voice Chat") rp("3. Command Mode") choice = input("Enter your choice (1/2/3): ") if choice == '1': self.interactive_mode() elif choice == '2': self.continuous_voice_chat() elif choice == '3': self.command_mode() else: rp("Invalid choice. Exiting.") if __name__ == "__main__": email = os.getenv("EMAIL") password = os.getenv("PASSWD") toolkit = UberToolkit(email, password)