### 主題句應該清晰、具體、明確,讓讀者一眼就能明白段落的內容及方向。
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@@ -967,11 +967,30 @@ with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft(, secondary
967 |
with gr.Row():
968 |
with gr.Column():
969 |
gr.Markdown("## 主題句(Topic Sentence)通常位於段落的開頭,幫助讀者迅速理解段落的內容。是段落中最重要的句子,介紹主題並含括段落的所有要點/關鍵字。")
970 |
gr.Markdown("## 例如:\"Learning a second language improves communication skills and helps you understand other cultures better.\" \"The Benefits of Learning a second language\"是主題, \"improving communication skills\" 和 \"understanding other cultures\" 則是兩個要點/關鍵字。")
971 |
gr.Markdown("## 書寫段落時,必須確保每個句子都支持和闡述主題句,避免引入無關或偏離主題的討論,否則就會影響段落的架構及內容的一致性及連貫性。")
972 |
with gr.Column():
973 |
with gr.Accordion("📝
974 |
975 |
with gr.Row():
976 |
with gr.Column():
977 |
with gr.Row():
967 |
with gr.Row():
968 |
with gr.Column():
969 |
gr.Markdown("## 主題句(Topic Sentence)通常位於段落的開頭,幫助讀者迅速理解段落的內容。是段落中最重要的句子,介紹主題並含括段落的所有要點/關鍵字。")
970 |
gr.Markdown("## 書寫段落時,必須確保每個句子都支持和闡述主題句,避免引入無關或偏離主題的討論,否則就會影響段落的架構及內容的一致性及連貫性。")
971 |
with gr.Column():
972 |
with gr.Accordion("📝 參考指引:主題句樣例", open=False):
973 |
974 |
### 主題句應該清晰、具體、明確,讓讀者一眼就能明白段落的內容及方向。
975 |
976 |
- ✅ 合適的主題句:
977 |
- Learning a second language improves communication skills and helps you understand other cultures better.
978 |
- `Benefits of learning a second language` 是主題, `improving communication skills和 understanding other cultures` 則是兩個要點/關鍵字。
979 |
980 |
- ❌ 不合適的主題句:
981 |
- 樣例1:Reading is important.
982 |
- 解釋: 主題句過於籠統,應具體說明讀書重要性或影響。
983 |
- 改寫: Reading helps improve our thinking, making it a very important habit.
984 |
- 樣例2:Today is a sunny day.
985 |
- 解釋: 主題句缺乏主要論點,無法指引段落內容。
986 |
- 改寫: The sunny weather today is perfect for outdoor activities.
987 |
- 樣例3:I watched a movie yesterday.
988 |
- 解釋: 主題句不夠具體也缺乏深度,應介紹電影內容或觀後感。
989 |
- 改寫: Yesterday, I watched an interesting movie that made me think about human relationships.
990 |
- 樣例4:There are many restaurants in this city.
991 |
- 解釋: 主題句過於籠統,應具體說明餐廳的特色或影響。
992 |
- 改寫: This city has many different restaurants, each offering unique food to attract different customers.
993 |
994 |
with gr.Row():
995 |
with gr.Column():
996 |
with gr.Row():