# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the Chameleon License found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import base64 import io import json import math import queue import threading from dataclasses import dataclass, field from enum import Enum from multiprocessing import managers, queues, synchronize from typing import Literal, Union import PIL import torch import torch.distributed as dist import torch.multiprocessing as mp from PIL.Image import Image from tokenizers import Tokenizer from transformers import ( LogitsProcessor, RepetitionPenaltyLogitsProcessor, TemperatureLogitsWarper, TopPLogitsWarper, enable_full_determinism, ) from chameleon.inference import loader from chameleon.inference.alignment import AlignPromptRight from chameleon.inference.generation import ChameleonGenerator from chameleon.inference.image_tokenizer import ImageTokenizer from chameleon.inference.logits_processor import ( AllowOnlyTokensLogitsProcessor, DisallowTokensAtOrAfterIndexLogitsProcessor, InBatchInstructCFGLogitsProcessor, ) from chameleon.inference.model_adapter import ChameleonModelAdapter from chameleon.inference.stopping_criteria import ( MaxLengthCriteria, StopOnEOSAfterBatchIndex, ) from chameleon.inference.token_selector import ( ArgmaxTokenSelector, MultinomialTokenSelector, ReplicatedInputTokenSelector, ) from chameleon.inference.transformer import Transformer from chameleon.inference.utils import DynamicGenerator, advance, random_unused_port from chameleon.inference.vocab import VocabInfo, VocabTranslation @dataclass class Options: @dataclass class Text: repetition_penalty: float = 1.2 temp: float = 0.7 top_p: float = 0.9 greedy: bool = False @dataclass class Image: @dataclass class CFG: guidance_scale_text: float = 3.0 guidance_scale_image: float = 1.2 cfg: CFG = field(default_factory=CFG) temp: float = 0.7 top_p: float = 0.9 greedy: bool = False max_seq_len: int = 4096 max_gen_len: int = 4096 seed: int | None = None txt: Text | bool = True img: Image | bool = False extra_eos_tokens: list[int | str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [""]) def __post_init__(self): if self.txt == True: self.txt = Options.Text() if self.img == True: self.img = Options.Image() class TokenManager: def __init__( self, tokenizer_path: str, vqgan_cfg_path: str, vqgan_ckpt_path: str, device: str | None = None, ): self.tokenizer = Tokenizer.from_file(tokenizer_path) self.vocab = VocabInfo(json.load(open(tokenizer_path))["model"]["vocab"]) self.translation = VocabTranslation(self.vocab, device=device) self.image_tokenizer = ImageTokenizer( cfg_path=vqgan_cfg_path, ckpt_path=vqgan_ckpt_path, device=device ) def pil_from_bpe_tokens(self, bpe_tokens: torch.Tensor) -> PIL.Image: image_tensor = self.translation.convert_bpe2img(bpe_tokens) if image_tensor.shape[0] < 1024: padding = ( torch.ones( [1024 - image_tensor.shape[0]], dtype=int, device=image_tensor.device, ) * image_tensor[0] ) image_tensor = torch.cat((image_tensor, padding)).unsqueeze(0) return self.image_tokenizer.pil_from_img_toks(image_tensor) def png_from_bpe_tokens(self, bpe_tokens: torch.Tensor) -> bytes: pil = self.pil_from_bpe_tokens(bpe_tokens) img_io = io.BytesIO() pil.save(img_io, format="PNG") return img_io.getvalue() def tokenize_text(self, text: str) -> list[int]: return self.tokenizer.encode(text).ids def tokenize_image(self, img: Image) -> list[int]: return ( [self.vocab.begin_image] + self.translation.convert_img2bp2( self.image_tokenizer.img_tokens_from_pil(img) ).tolist() + [self.vocab.end_image] ) def tokenize_b64img(self, b64img: str) -> list[int]: image_data = base64.b64decode(b64img) image_file = io.BytesIO(image_data) return self.tokenize_image(PIL.Image.open(image_file)) def tokens_from_ui(self, inputs: list[dict]) -> list[int]: tokens = [self.vocab.bos_id] for input_ in inputs: if input_["type"] == "text": tokens += self.tokenize_text(input_["value"]) elif input_["type"] == "image": if type(input_["value"]) == str: if input_["value"].startswith("data:"): # Value Format: 'data:image/[^;]+;base64,[A-Za-z0-9+/]+={0,2}' tokens += self.tokenize_b64img(input_["value"].split(",", 1)[1]) elif input_["value"].startswith("file:"): tokens += self.tokenize_image( PIL.Image.open(input_["value"].split(":", 1)[1]) ) else: raise ValueError("Unknown image format.") elif type(input_["value"]) == Image: tokens += self.tokenize_image(input_["value"]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown image type.") elif input_["type"] == "sentinel": tokens += [ { "": self.vocab.begin_image, "": self.vocab.eot_id, }[input_["value"]] ] elif input_["type"] == "ids": tokens += input_["value"] else: raise ValueError("Unknown input type.") return tokens def decode_text(self, ids: torch.LongTensor | list[list[int]]) -> list[str]: if isinstance(ids, torch.Tensor): ids = ids.tolist() for row, values in enumerate(ids): try: ids[row] = values[: values.index(self.vocab.eos_id)] except ValueError: pass return self.tokenizer.decode_batch(ids) def decode_image(self, ids: torch.LongTensor) -> list[PIL.Image]: return [self.pil_from_bpe_tokens(sample) for sample in ids] @dataclass class DecodePiece: token: ChameleonGenerator.Token next_decoder: type["Decoder"] | None class Decoder: def __init__( self, model: Transformer, vocab: VocabInfo, options: Options, input_ids: list[int], ): ... def __next__(self) -> DecodePiece: ... class TextDecoder(Decoder): def __init__( self, model: Transformer, vocab: VocabInfo, options: Options, input_ids: list[list[int]], ): self.vocab = vocab self.options = options assert vocab.eos_id is not None prompt_lens = [len(inp) for inp in input_ids] max_prompt_len = max(prompt_lens) max_seq_len = min(options.max_seq_len, max_prompt_len + options.max_gen_len) self.eos_ids = [vocab.eos_id] for extra_eos_token in options.extra_eos_tokens: if isinstance(extra_eos_token, str): extra_eos_token = vocab.name2val[extra_eos_token] assert isinstance(extra_eos_token, int) self.eos_ids.append(extra_eos_token) stopping_criteria = [ MaxLengthCriteria(max_seq_len), ] + [StopOnEOSAfterBatchIndex(eos_id, [max_prompt_len] * len(prompt_lens)) for eos_id in self.eos_ids] self.gen = ChameleonGenerator( model=ChameleonModelAdapter(model, max_seq_len=max_seq_len), input_ids=input_ids, stopping_criteria=stopping_criteria, logits_processors=self._logits_processors(), alignment=AlignPromptRight(vocab.pad_id), token_selector=( ArgmaxTokenSelector() if options.txt.greedy else MultinomialTokenSelector() ), ) advance(self.gen, max_prompt_len) def _allowed_tokens(self) -> list[int]: allowed_tokens = [self.vocab.eos_id] if self.options.txt: allowed_tokens += self.vocab.text_tokens if self.options.img: allowed_tokens += [self.vocab.begin_image] return allowed_tokens def _logits_processors(self) -> list[LogitsProcessor]: logits_processors = [ AllowOnlyTokensLogitsProcessor(self._allowed_tokens()), ] if isinstance(self.options.img, Options.Image): logits_processors += [ DisallowTokensAtOrAfterIndexLogitsProcessor( [self.vocab.begin_image], self.options.max_seq_len - 1026, ), ] if isinstance(self.options.txt, Options.Text): logits_processors += [ RepetitionPenaltyLogitsProcessor(self.options.txt.repetition_penalty), TemperatureLogitsWarper(self.options.txt.temp), TopPLogitsWarper(self.options.txt.top_p), ] return logits_processors def __next__(self) -> DecodePiece: tok = next(self.gen) next_decoder = None if ( self.vocab.begin_image not in self.eos_ids and (tok.id == self.vocab.begin_image).all() ): next_decoder = ImageDecoder return DecodePiece(tok, next_decoder) class ImageDecoder(Decoder): def __init__( self, model: Transformer, vocab: VocabInfo, options: Options, input_ids: list[list[int]], ): assert isinstance(options.img, Options.Image) self.vocab = vocab self.options = options self.batch_size = len(input_ids) logits_processors = [ InBatchInstructCFGLogitsProcessor( options.img.cfg.guidance_scale_text, options.img.cfg.guidance_scale_image, ), AllowOnlyTokensLogitsProcessor(vocab.image_tokens), TemperatureLogitsWarper(options.img.temp), TopPLogitsWarper(options.img.top_p), ] for inp in input_ids: if inp[-1] != self.vocab.begin_image: inp.append(self.vocab.begin_image) max_prompt_len = max(len(inp) for inp in input_ids) self.gen = ChameleonGenerator( model=ChameleonModelAdapter(model, max_seq_len=max_prompt_len + 1024), input_ids=self._split_inputs_for_cfg(input_ids), logits_processors=logits_processors, alignment=AlignPromptRight(vocab.pad_id), token_selector=ReplicatedInputTokenSelector( ( ArgmaxTokenSelector() if options.img.greedy else MultinomialTokenSelector() ), n=3, ), ) advance(self.gen, max_prompt_len) self.gen_count = 0 def _split_inputs_for_cfg(self, input_ids: list[list[int]]) -> list[list[int]]: image_conditioned_allowed = set(self.vocab.image_tokens) | { self.vocab.bos_id, self.vocab.begin_image, self.vocab.end_image, } full_conditioned = input_ids image_conditioned = [ [id for id in sample if id in image_conditioned_allowed] for sample in input_ids ] unconditioned = [ [ self.vocab.bos_id, self.vocab.begin_image, ] ] * self.batch_size return full_conditioned + image_conditioned + unconditioned def __next__(self) -> DecodePiece: if self.gen_count == 1024: id = torch.tensor([self.vocab.end_image] * self.batch_size) logits = torch.full( (self.batch_size, len(self.vocab.all_tokens)), -math.inf ) logits[:, self.vocab.end_image] = 0 return DecodePiece( ChameleonGenerator.Token(id=id, logits=logits), TextDecoder, ) tok = next(self.gen) tok.id = tok.id.chunk(3)[0] self.gen_count += 1 return DecodePiece(tok, None) class Generator(Decoder): def __init__( self, model: Transformer, vocab: VocabInfo, options: Options, input_ids: list[list[int]], ): if options.seed is not None: enable_full_determinism(options.seed, warn_only=True) self.model = model self.vocab = vocab self.input_ids = input_ids[:] self.generated_token_ids: list[torch.LongTensor] = [] self.options = options if not self.options.txt: self.dyngen = DynamicGenerator( ImageDecoder(model, vocab, options, input_ids) ) else: self.dyngen = DynamicGenerator( TextDecoder(model, vocab, options, input_ids) ) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self) -> ChameleonGenerator.Token: piece = next(self.dyngen) self.generated_token_ids.append(piece.token.id) if piece.next_decoder is not None: if not self.options.txt: raise StopIteration self.input_ids = [ old_list + generated for old_list, generated in zip( self.input_ids, torch.stack(self.generated_token_ids).T.tolist() ) ] self.generated_token_ids = [] self.dyngen.gen = piece.next_decoder( self.model, self.vocab, self.options, self.input_ids, ) return piece.token class DistributedMode(Enum): AUTO = 0 THREAD = 1 PROCESS = 2 @dataclass class _DistributedContext: req_q: Union[queue.Queue, queues.Queue] res_q: Union[queue.Queue, queues.Queue] active_key: Union[dict[int, Literal[True]], managers.DictProxy] active_key_lock: Union[threading.Lock, synchronize.Lock] ready_barrier: Union[threading.Barrier, synchronize.Barrier] worker_launcher: Union[type[threading.Thread], type[mp.Process]] @staticmethod def make_for_threading(world_size: int): return _DistributedContext( req_q=queue.Queue(), res_q=queue.Queue(), active_key={}, active_key_lock=threading.Lock(), ready_barrier=threading.Barrier(world_size + 1), worker_launcher=threading.Thread, ) @staticmethod def make_for_multiprocessing(world_size: int): local_mp = mp.get_context("spawn") return _DistributedContext( req_q=local_mp.Queue(), res_q=local_mp.Queue(), active_key=local_mp.Manager().dict(), active_key_lock=local_mp.Lock(), ready_barrier=local_mp.Barrier(world_size + 1), worker_launcher=local_mp.Process, ) @staticmethod def make(mode: DistributedMode, world_size: int): if mode == DistributedMode.AUTO: mode = DistributedMode.PROCESS if mode == DistributedMode.THREAD: return _DistributedContext.make_for_threading(world_size) elif mode == DistributedMode.PROCESS: return _DistributedContext.make_for_multiprocessing(world_size) else: raise ValueError("Unknown DistributedMode") def _worker_impl( init_method: str, model: Transformer | str, world_size: int, rank: int, vocab: VocabInfo, dctx: _DistributedContext, ): dist.init_process_group( "nccl", init_method=init_method, world_size=world_size, rank=rank, ) torch.set_default_device(f"cuda:{rank}") torch.cuda.set_device(rank) if isinstance(model, str): model = loader.load_model(model, rank=rank) dctx.ready_barrier.wait() is_coord = rank == 0 while True: req = [Options(), [], 0, False] if is_coord: req = dctx.req_q.get() dist.broadcast_object_list(req, src=0) options, input_ids, key, shutdown = req if shutdown: break for token in Generator( model=model, vocab=vocab, options=options, input_ids=input_ids, ): if is_coord: dctx.res_q.put((key, token)) to_continue = [True] if is_coord: with dctx.active_key_lock: to_continue = [key in dctx.active_key] dist.broadcast_object_list(to_continue, src=0) if not to_continue[0]: break if is_coord: dctx.res_q.put((key, None)) class ChameleonInferenceModel: def __init__( self, model: Transformer | str, tokenizer_path: str, vqgan_cfg_path: str, vqgan_ckpt_path: str, *, options: Options | None = None, distributed_mode: DistributedMode = DistributedMode.AUTO, ): self.options = options or Options() self.next_key = 0 self.token_manager = TokenManager( tokenizer_path=tokenizer_path, vqgan_cfg_path=vqgan_cfg_path, vqgan_ckpt_path=vqgan_ckpt_path, device="cuda", ) self.vocab = self.token_manager.vocab world_size = 1 if isinstance(model, str): world_size = loader.detect_shard_count(model) self.dctx = _DistributedContext.make(distributed_mode, world_size) init_method = f"tcp://{random_unused_port()}" self.workers = [ self.dctx.worker_launcher( target=_worker_impl, args=(init_method, model, world_size, i, self.vocab, self.dctx), daemon=True, ) for i in range(world_size) ] for w in self.workers: w.start() self.dctx.ready_barrier.wait() def __del__(self): try: with self.dctx.active_key_lock: self.dctx.active_key.clear() self.dctx.req_q.put([None, None, None, True]) for w in self.workers: w.join() except FileNotFoundError: pass def stream( self, *, input_ids: list[int] | None = None, prompt_text: str | None = None, prompt_ui: list[dict] | None = None, batch_input_ids: list[list[int]] | None = None, batch_prompt_text: list[str] | None = None, batch_prompt_ui: list[list[dict]] | None = None, options: Options | None = None, ): # NOTE: Not thread-safe! Only one instance of generate may be run at a time. if ( sum( x is not None for x in [ input_ids, prompt_text, prompt_ui, batch_input_ids, batch_prompt_text, batch_prompt_ui, ] ) != 1 ): raise ValueError( "Must specify exactly one of: input_ids, prompt_text, prompt_ui, batch_input_ids, batch_prompt_text, batch_prompt_ui" ) options = options or self.options if prompt_text is not None: batch_prompt_text = [prompt_text] if prompt_ui is not None: batch_prompt_ui = [prompt_ui] if input_ids is not None: batch_input_ids = [input_ids] if batch_prompt_text is not None: batch_prompt_ui = [ [{"type": "text", "value": prompt_text}] for prompt_text in batch_prompt_text ] if batch_prompt_ui is not None: batch_input_ids = [ self.token_manager.tokens_from_ui(prompt_ui) for prompt_ui in batch_prompt_ui ] assert batch_input_ids if not options.txt and not options.img: raise ValueError("Must specify at least one modality.") if options.txt and options.img and len(batch_input_ids) > 1: raise ValueError( "Batch generation only supported for one modality at a time." ) req_key = self.next_key self.next_key += 1 with self.dctx.active_key_lock: self.dctx.active_key[req_key] = True self.dctx.req_q.put([options, batch_input_ids, req_key, False]) try: while key_token := self.dctx.res_q.get(): key, token = key_token if key != req_key: # Residual from prior calls to generation. Skip. continue if token is None: break yield token finally: with self.dctx.active_key_lock: del self.dctx.active_key[req_key] def step(self, *args, **kwargs) -> ChameleonGenerator.Token: return next(self.stream(*args, **kwargs)) def generate(self, *args, **kwargs) -> torch.LongTensor: tokens = [t.id for t in self.stream(*args, **kwargs)] if not tokens: return torch.LongTensor() return torch.stack(tokens).T def decode_text(self, ids: torch.LongTensor | list[list[int]]) -> list[str]: return self.token_manager.decode_text(ids) def decode_image(self, ids: torch.LongTensor) -> list[PIL.Image]: return self.token_manager.decode_image(ids)