ZookChatBot / steamship /base /environments.py
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import os
from enum import Enum
from steamship.base.configuration import Configuration
from steamship.base.error import SteamshipError
class RuntimeEnvironments(str, Enum):
REPLIT = "replit"
LOCALHOST = "localhost"
def _interactively_get_key(env: RuntimeEnvironments):
"""Get your free API key here: https://steamship.com/account/api
You'll get immediate access to our SDK for AI models, including OpenAI, GPT, Cohere, and more.
api_key = input("Paste your API key to run: ")
while len(api_key.strip()) == 0:
api_key = input("API Key: ")
os.environ["STEAMSHIP_API_KEY"] = api_key
if env == RuntimeEnvironments.REPLIT:
This key is set temporarily. In the future, you can:
- Set the STEAMSHIP_API_KEY Replit Secret
- Close and re-open any Replit shells to make sure secrets are refreshed.
elif env == RuntimeEnvironments.LOCALHOST:
This key is set temporarily. In the future, you can:
- Set the STEAMSHIP_API_KEY environment variable
- Run `ship login` to create a ~/.steamship.json credential file
def _report_error_and_exit(env: RuntimeEnvironments):
if env == RuntimeEnvironments.REPLIT:
"""To run this Replit, you will need a Steamship API Key.
1) If you're viewing someone else's Replit, clone it
2) Visit https://steamship.com/account/api to get a key
3) Add your key as a Replit secret named STEAMSHIP_API_KEY
4) Close and re-open any shells to make sure your new secret is available
Then try running again!"""
elif env == RuntimeEnvironments.LOCALHOST:
"""To run this script, you will need a Steamship API Key.
1) Visit https://steamship.com/account/api to get a key
2) Set your key as the environment variable STEAMSHIP_API_KEY
Then try running again!
If you have pip-installed `steamship`, you can also try setting your key by simply running `ship login`.
def check_environment(env: RuntimeEnvironments, interactively_set_key: bool = True):
# This will try loading from STEAMSHIP_API_KEY and also ~/.steamship.json
config = Configuration()
# If an API key is set, we're good to go!
if config.api_key:
except SteamshipError:
# The Configuration object will throw an error if there is no API Key found.
# Since that error is expected from the context of this function, we pass on it to handle it in a more
# user-interactive way.
# If we're hot-loading config, do it here!
if interactively_set_key:
# If we're still here, we're not interactively setting the key. Display an error message and exit.