ai-deadlines-copy / .github /scripts /
nielsr's picture
nielsr HF staff
Add rankings as separate field
import yaml
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Any
def fetch_conference_files() -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Fetch all conference YAML files from ccfddl repository."""
# First get the directory listing from GitHub API
api_url = ""
response = requests.get(api_url)
files = response.json()
conferences = []
for file in files:
if file['name'].endswith('.yml'):
yaml_content = requests.get(file['download_url']).text
conf_data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_content)
# The data is a list with a single item
if isinstance(conf_data, list) and len(conf_data) > 0:
return conferences
def parse_date_range(date_str: str, year: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
"""Parse various date formats and return start and end dates."""
# Remove the year if it appears at the end of the string
date_str = date_str.replace(f", {year}", "")
# Handle various date formats
# Split into start and end dates
if ' - ' in date_str:
start, end = date_str.split(' - ')
elif '-' in date_str:
start, end = date_str.split('-')
# For single date format like "May 19, 2025"
start = end = date_str
# Clean up month abbreviations
month_map = {
'Sept': 'September', # Handle Sept before Sep
'Jan': 'January',
'Feb': 'February',
'Mar': 'March',
'Apr': 'April',
'Jun': 'June',
'Jul': 'July',
'Aug': 'August',
'Sep': 'September',
'Oct': 'October',
'Nov': 'November',
'Dec': 'December'
# Create a set of all month names (full and abbreviated)
all_months = set(month_map.keys()) | set(month_map.values())
# Handle cases like "April 29-May 4"
has_month = any(month in end for month in all_months)
if not has_month:
# End is just a day number, use start's month
start_parts = start.split()
if len(start_parts) >= 1:
end = f"{start_parts[0]} {end.strip()}"
# Replace month abbreviations
for abbr, full in month_map.items():
start = start.replace(abbr, full)
end = end.replace(abbr, full)
# Clean up any extra spaces
start = ' '.join(start.split())
end = ' '.join(end.split())
# Parse start date
start_date = datetime.strptime(f"{start}, {year}", "%B %d, %Y")
# Parse end date
end_date = datetime.strptime(f"{end}, {year}", "%B %d, %Y")
return start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), end_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"Could not parse date: {date_str} ({e})")
def transform_conference_data(conferences: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Transform ccfddl format to our format."""
transformed = []
current_year =
for conf in conferences:
# Get the most recent or upcoming conference instance
recent_conf = None
if 'confs' in conf:
for instance in conf['confs']:
if instance['year'] >= current_year:
recent_conf = instance
if not recent_conf:
# Transform to our format
transformed_conf = {
'title': conf.get('title', ''),
'year': recent_conf['year'],
'id': recent_conf['id'],
'full_name': conf.get('description', ''),
'link': recent_conf.get('link', ''),
'deadline': recent_conf.get('timeline', [{}])[0].get('deadline', ''),
'timezone': recent_conf.get('timezone', ''),
'place': recent_conf.get('place', ''),
'date': recent_conf.get('date', ''),
'tags': [], # We'll need to maintain a mapping for tags
# Add optional fields
timeline = recent_conf.get('timeline', [{}])[0]
if 'abstract_deadline' in timeline:
transformed_conf['abstract_deadline'] = timeline['abstract_deadline']
# Parse date range for start/end
if transformed_conf['date']:
start_date, end_date = parse_date_range(
transformed_conf['start'] = start_date
transformed_conf['end'] = end_date
except Exception as e:
print(f"Warning: Could not parse date for {transformed_conf['title']}: {e}")
# Add rankings as separate field
if 'rank' in conf:
rankings = []
for rank_type, rank_value in conf['rank'].items():
rankings.append(f"{rank_type.upper()}: {rank_value}")
if rankings:
transformed_conf['rankings'] = ', '.join(rankings)
return transformed
def main():
# Fetch current conferences.yml
current_file = 'src/data/conferences.yml'
with open(current_file, 'r') as f:
current_conferences = yaml.safe_load(f)
# Fetch and transform new data
new_conferences = fetch_conference_files()
if not new_conferences:
print("Warning: No conferences fetched from ccfddl")
transformed_conferences = transform_conference_data(new_conferences)
if not transformed_conferences:
print("Warning: No conferences transformed")
# Create a dictionary of current conferences by ID
current_conf_dict = {conf['id']: conf for conf in current_conferences}
# Update or add new conferences while preserving existing ones
for new_conf in transformed_conferences:
if new_conf['id'] in current_conf_dict:
# Update existing conference while preserving fields
curr_conf = current_conf_dict[new_conf['id']]
# Preserve existing fields
preserved_fields = [
'tags', 'venue', 'hindex', 'submission_deadline',
'timezone_submission', 'rebuttal_period_start',
'rebuttal_period_end', 'final_decision_date',
'review_release_date', 'commitment_deadline',
'start', 'end', 'note' # Added note to preserved fields
for field in preserved_fields:
if field in curr_conf:
new_conf[field] = curr_conf[field]
# If start/end not in current conference but we parsed them, keep the parsed ones
if 'start' not in curr_conf and 'start' in new_conf:
new_conf['start'] = new_conf['start']
if 'end' not in curr_conf and 'end' in new_conf:
new_conf['end'] = new_conf['end']
# Preserve existing rankings if available
if 'rankings' in curr_conf:
new_conf['rankings'] = curr_conf['rankings']
# Update the conference in the dictionary
current_conf_dict[new_conf['id']] = new_conf
# Add new conference to the dictionary
current_conf_dict[new_conf['id']] = new_conf
# Convert back to list and sort by deadline
all_conferences = list(current_conf_dict.values())
all_conferences.sort(key=lambda x: x.get('deadline', '9999'))
# Write back to file with newlines between conferences
with open(current_file, 'w') as f:
for i, conf in enumerate(all_conferences):
if i > 0:
f.write('\n\n') # Add two newlines between conferences
yaml_str = yaml.dump(
f.write(yaml_str.rstrip()) # Remove trailing whitespace
# Add final newline
print(f"Successfully updated {len(all_conferences)} conferences")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__":